Commit 23f80307 authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Jérome Perrin

new methods and attributes added to Order to get the order components and the...

new methods and attributes added to Order to get the order components and the assembly components. minor clean-up

parent 48f0ec8b
......@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ class Mould(Job): # inherits from the Job class
# if the order is not None, and the order.manager is given
if self.order.manager:
# variable to be used by OperatorRouter
# TODO: isCritical argument is deprecated
# self.isCritical=isCritical # this should be self.order.isCritical. Added now for testing
# used by printRoute
if self.order:
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......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ from Job import Job
class Order(Job):
assemblyValidTypes=set(['Mold Base', 'Mold Insert', 'Slider', 'Misc', 'Z-standards', 'K-Standards'])
assemblyInvalidTypes=set(['Mold','Injection Molding Part'])
def __init__(self, id=None,
......@@ -48,14 +50,18 @@ class Order(Job):
Job. __init__(self, id=id, name=name, route=route, priority=priority, dueDate=dueDate, orderDate=orderDate,
# self.isCritical=isCritical # flag to inform weather the order is critical -> preemption
isCritical=isCritical, extraPropertyDict=extraPropertyDict)
self.componentsList=componentsList # list of components that the order will be broken into
self.components=[] # list of all the child components of the order
self.assemblyComponents=[] # list of the required components to build the mould
self.assemblyRequested=False # flag used to check whether a mould is created out of other orderComponents
self.basicComponentsList = [] # list that holds the Basic Components of the order
self.secondaryComponentsList = [] # list that holds the Secondary Components of the order
self.auxiliaryComponentsList = [] # list of the auxiliary components of the order
self.manager=manager # the manager responsible to handle the order
self.basicsEnded=basicsEnded # flag that informs that the basic components of the order are finished
self.manager=manager # the manager responsible to handle the order
# flag that informs weather the components needed for the assembly are present in the Assembly Buffer
self.componentsReadyForAssembly = componentsReadyForAssembly
......@@ -65,3 +71,51 @@ class Order(Job):
def createRoute(self, route):
return route
# find all the child components of the order
# mould cannot be included as if it is not yet created then it can be found in the G.EntityList
# returns only the components that are present in the system
def findComponents(self):
for componentDict in self.componentsList:
from Globals import findObjectById, G
componentClass=componentDict.get('_class','not found')
# if there is mould defined in the componentsList and the mould is not yet created, then assembly is requested
if componentClass=='Dream.Mould':
if not componentId in G.EntityList:
# XXX if the component is not yet created then there is no entity to find.
if component:
if not component in self.components:
# return the all the child components of the order
def getComponents(self):
if not self.components:
assert len(self.components)>=len(self.componentsList),'the created child components of an order cannot be less than the length of the componentsList'
return self.components
# find all the child components of the order that are required for the building of the mould
def findAssemblyComponents(self):
for child in self.getComponents():
if child.componentType in assemblyValidTypes:
if not child in self.assemblyComponents:
# get the components that are required for the construction of the mould
def getAssemblyComponents(self):
if not self.assemblyComponents:
return self.assemblyComponents
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......@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ class OrderComponent(Job): # inherits from the
Job.__init__(self, id, name, route=route, priority=priority, dueDate=dueDate,
orderDate=orderDate, extraPropertyDict=extraPropertyDict, isCritical=isCritical,
self.auxiliaryList=[] # Holds the auxiliary components that the component needs for a certain processing
self.order=order # parent order of the order component
# TODO: in case the order is not given as argument (when the component is given as WIP) have to give a manager as argument
# or create the initiate the parent order not as WIP
......@@ -58,13 +60,13 @@ class OrderComponent(Job): # inherits from the
# if the order is not None, and the order.manager is given
if self.order.manager:
# TODO: isCritical argument is deprecated
# self.isCritical=isCritical # this should be self.order.isCritical. Added now for testing
self.componentType = componentType # the type of the component which can be Basic/Secondary/Auxiliary
# if the componentType of the component is Auxiliary then there need a requesting Component be defined
# the requestingComponent is the component that needs the auxiliary component during its processing
# the auxiliary component should then be added to the requestingComponent's auxiliaryList
self.requestingComponent = requestingComponent # the id of the requesting component
self.readyForAssembly = readyForAssembly # flag informing weather the component was received
# by the MouldAssembleBuffer
# used by printRoute
......@@ -53,10 +53,12 @@ class OrderDesign(Job): # inherits from the Job
# if the order is not None, and the order.manager is given
if self.order.manager:
# if the componentType of the component is Auxiliary then there need a requesting Component be defined
# the requestingComponent is the component that needs the auxiliary component during its processing
# the auxiliary component should then be added to the requestingComponent's auxiliaryList
self.requestingComponent = requestingComponent # the id of the requesting component
# used by printRoute
if self.order:
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