Commit 3b194d7d authored by Ioannis Papagiannopoulos's avatar Ioannis Papagiannopoulos Committed by Sebastien Robin

in-line comments + cleanup in

parent 236e141f
......@@ -34,22 +34,30 @@ from CoreObject import CoreObject
from RandomNumberGenerator import RandomNumberGenerator
import scipy.stats as stat
#the Machine object
# ===========================================================================
# the Machine object
# ===========================================================================
class Machine(CoreObject):
#initialize the id the capacity, of the resource and the distribution
def __init__(self, id, name, capacity=1, distribution='Fixed', mean=1, stdev=0, min=0, max=10, failureDistribution='No', MTTF=0, MTTR=0, availability=0, repairman='None'):
def __init__(self, id, name, capacity=1, distribution='Fixed', mean=1, stdev=0, min=0, max=10,\
failureDistribution='No', MTTF=0, MTTR=0, availability=0, repairman='None'):
self.predecessorIndex=0 #holds the index of the predecessor from which the Machine will take an entity next
self.successorIndex=0 #holds the index of the successor where the Machine will dispose an entity next
# used for the routing of the entities
self.predecessorIndex=0 #holds the index of the predecessor from which the Machine will take an entity next
self.successorIndex=0 #holds the index of the successor where the Machine will dispose an entity next
# hold the id, name, and type of the Machine instance
self.distType=distribution #the distribution that the procTime follows
self.failureDistType=failureDistribution #the distribution that the failure follows
self.type="Machine" #String that shows the type of object
# holds the capacity of the machine
# define the distribution types of the processing and failure times respectively
self.distType=distribution #the distribution that the procTime follows
self.failureDistType=failureDistribution #the distribution that the failure follows
# sets the repairman resource of the Machine
# Sets the attributes of the processing (and failure) time(s)
self.rng=RandomNumberGenerator(self, self.distType)
......@@ -58,243 +66,282 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
self.availability=availability[] #list with the next objects in the flow
self.previous=[] #list with the previous objects in the flow
self.nextIds=[] #list with the ids of the next objects in the flow
self.previousIds=[] #list with the ids of the previous objects in the flow
self.type="Machine" #String that shows the type of object
#lists to hold statistics of multiple runs
# lists that hold the previous and next objects in the flow[] #list with the next objects in the flow
self.previous=[] #list with the previous objects in the flow
self.nextIds=[] #list with the ids of the next objects in the flow
self.previousIds=[] #list with the ids of the previous objects in the flow
# lists to hold statistics of multiple runs
# =======================================================================
# initialize the Machine object
# =======================================================================
def initialize(self):
self.Up=True #Boolean that shows if the machine is in failure ("Down") or not ("up")
self.totalBlockageTime=0 #holds the total blockage time
self.totalFailureTime=0 #holds the total failure time
self.totalWaitingTime=0 #holds the total waiting time
self.totalWorkingTime=0 #holds the total working time
self.completedJobs=0 #holds the number of completed jobs
self.timeLastEntityEnded=0 #holds the last time that an entity ended processing in the object
self.nameLastEntityEnded="" #holds the name of the last entity that ended processing in the object
self.timeLastEntityEntered=0 #holds the last time that an entity entered in the object
self.nameLastEntityEntered="" #holds the name of the last entity that entered in the object
self.timeLastFailure=0 #holds the time that the last failure of the object started
self.timeLastFailureEnded=0 #holds the time that the last failure of the object Ended
self.downTimeProcessingCurrentEntity=0 #holds the time that the machine was down while processing the current entity
self.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity=0 #holds the time that the object was down while trying
#to release the current entity
self.downTimeInCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total time that the object was down while holding current entity
self.timeLastEntityLeft=0 #holds the last time that an entity left the object
self.processingTimeOfCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total processing time that the current entity required
self.waitToDispose=False #shows if the object waits to dispose an entity
# using the Process __init__ and not the CoreObject __init__
#if the failure distribution for the object is fixed, activate the failure
if(self.failureDistType=="Fixed" or self.failureDistType=="Availability"):
MFailure=Failure(self, self.failureDistType, self.MTTF, self.MTTR, self.availability,, self.repairman)
self.predecessorIndex=0 #holds the index of the predecessor from which the Machine will take an entity next
self.successorIndex=0 #holds the index of the successor where the Machine will dispose an entity next
# initialize the Queue (type Resource) of the Machine
#the main process of the machine
# =======================================================================
# the main process of the machine
# =======================================================================
def run(self):
#execute all through simulation time
while 1:
yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the machine can accept an entity
#and one predecessor requests it
self.getEntity() #get the entity from the predecessor
# wait until the machine can accept an entity and one predecessor requests it
# canAcceptAndIsRequested is invoked to check when the machine requested to receive an entity
yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested
# get the entity from the predecessor
# output to whenever an entity enters the Machine (self.objName)
self.outputTrace("got into "+self.objName)
self.currentEntity=self.getActiveObjectQueue()[0] #entity is the current entity processed in Machine
self.timeLastEntityEntered=now() #this holds the last time that an entity got into Machine #this holds the name of the last entity that got into Machine
tinMStart=self.calculateProcessingTime() #get the processing time
# set the currentEntity as the Entity just received and initialize the timer timeLastEntityEntered
self.currentEntity=self.getActiveObjectQueue()[0] # entity is the current entity processed in Machine # this holds the name of the last entity that got into Machine
self.timeLastEntityEntered=now() #this holds the last time that an entity got into Machine
# variables dedicated to hold the processing times, the time when the Entity entered,
# and the processing time left
timeEntered=now() # timeEntered dummy Timer that holds the time the last Entity Entered
tinMStart=self.calculateProcessingTime() # get the processing time, tinMStarts holds the processing time of the machine
tinM=tinMStart # timer to hold the processing time left
self.processingTimeOfCurrentEntity=tinMStart # processing time of the machine
# variables used to flag any interruptions and the end of the processing
#this loop is repeated until the processing time is expired with no failure
while processingEndedFlag:
yield hold,self,tinM #getting processed
if self.interrupted(): #if a failure occurs while processing the machine is interrupted.
# timers to follow up the failure time of the machine while on current Entity
failureTime=0 # dummy variable keeping track of the failure time
# (why not avoid using it?)
self.downTimeInCurrentEntity=0 #holds the total time that the
#object was down while holding current entity
# this loop is repeated until the processing time is expired with no failure
# check when the processingEndedFlag switched to false
while processingEndedFlag:
# tBefore : dummy variable to keep track of the time that the processing starts after
# every interruption
# wait for the processing time left tinM, if no interruption occurs then change the
# processingEndedFlag and exit loop,
# else (if interrupted()) set interruption flag to true (only if tinM==0),
# and recalculate the processing time left tinM,
# passivate while waiting for repair.
yield hold,self,tinM # getting processed for remaining processing time tinM
if self.interrupted(): # if a failure occurs while processing the machine is interrupted.
# output to trace that the Machine (self.objName) got interrupted
self.outputTrace("Interrupted at "+self.objName)
tinM=tinM-(now()-tBefore) #the processing time left
if(tinM==0): #sometimes the failure may happen exactly at the time that the processing would finish
#this may produce ina ccordance to the simul8 because in both SimPy and Simul8
#it seems to be random which happens 1st
#this should not appear often to stochastic models though where times are random
# recalculate the processing time left tinM
if(tinM==0): # sometimes the failure may happen exactly at the time that the processing would finish
# this may produce disagreement with the simul8 because in both SimPy and Simul8
# it seems to be random which happens 1st
# this should not appear often to stochastic models though where times are random
yield passivate,self #if there is a failure in the machine it is passivated
# passivate the Machine for as long as there is no repair
# start counting the down time at breatTime dummy variable
breakTime=now() # dummy variable that the interruption happened
yield passivate,self # if there is a failure in the machine it is passivated
# use the timers to count the time that Machine is down and related
self.downTimeProcessingCurrentEntity+=now()-breakTime # count the time that Machine is down while processing this Entity
self.downTimeInCurrentEntity+=now()-breakTime # count the time that Machine is down while on currentEntity
self.timeLastFailureEnded=now() # set the timeLastFailureEnded
failureTime+=now()-breakTime # dummy variable keeping track of the failure time
# output to trace that the Machine self.objName was passivated for the current failure time
self.outputTrace("passivated in "+self.objName+" for "+str(now()-breakTime))
# if no interruption occurred the processing in M1 is ended
processingEndedFlag=False #if no interruption occurred the processing in M1 is ended
self.outputTrace("ended processing in "+self.objName)
# output to trace that the processing in the Machine self.objName ended
self.outputTrace("ended processing in "+self.objName)
# set the variable that flags an Entity is ready to be disposed
self.totalWorkingTime+=tinMStart #the total processing time for this entity is what the distribution initially gave
self.timeLastEntityEnded=now() #this holds the last time that an entity ended processing in Machine #this holds the name of the last entity that ended processing in Machine
self.completedJobs+=1 #Machine completed one more Job
reqTime=now() #entity has ended processing in Machine and requests for the next object
# update the total working time
self.totalWorkingTime+=tinMStart # the total processing time for this entity
# is what the distribution initially gave
# update the variables keeping track of Entity related attributes of the machine
self.timeLastEntityEnded=now() # this holds the time that the last entity ended processing in Machine # this holds the name of the last entity that ended processing in Machine
self.completedJobs+=1 # Machine completed one more Job
# re-initialize the downTimeProcessingCurrentEntity.
# a new machine is about to enter
# dummy variable requests the successor object now
reqTime=now() # entity has ended processing in Machine and requests for the next object
# initialize the timer downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity, we have to count how much time
# the Entity will wait for the next successor to be able to accept (canAccept)
while 1:
yield waituntil, self, self.ifCanDisposeOrHaveFailure #wait until the next Object #is available or machine has failure
if self.Up: #if Next object available break
# wait until the next Object is available or machine has failure
yield waituntil, self, self.ifCanDisposeOrHaveFailure
# if Next object available break
if self.Up:
else: #if M1 had failure, we want to wait until it is fixed and also count the failure time.
yield waituntil, self, self.checkIfMachineIsUp
# if M1 had failure, we want to wait until it is fixed and also count the failure time.
failTime=now() # dummy variable holding the time failure happened
# passivate until machine is up
yield waituntil, self, self.checkIfMachineIsUp
failureTime+=now()-failTime # count the failure while on current entity time with failureTime variable
# calculate the time the Machine was down while trying to dispose the current Entity,
# and the total down time while on current Entity
self.downTimeInCurrentEntity+=now()-failTime # already updated from failures during processing
# update the timeLastFailureEnded
totalTime=now()-timeEntered # dummy variable holding the total time the Entity spent in the Machine
blockageTime=totalTime-(tinMStart+failureTime) # count the time the Machine was blocked subtracting the failureTime
# and the processing time from the totalTime spent in the Machine
# ??? is the next equivalent to:
# self.totalBlockageTime+=blockageTime
self.totalBlockageTime+=totalTime-(tinMStart+failureTime) #the time of blockage is derived from
#the whole time in the machine
#minus the processing time and the failure time
#checks if the machine is Up
#minus the processing time and the failure time
# =======================================================================
# checks if the machine is Up
# =======================================================================
def checkIfMachineIsUp(self):
return self.Up
#calculates the processing time
# =======================================================================
# calculates the processing time
# =======================================================================
def calculateProcessingTime(self):
return self.rng.generateNumber() #this is if we have a default processing time for all the entities
return self.rng.generateNumber() # this is if we have a default processing time for all the entities
#checks if the Machine can accept an entity
#it checks also who called it and returns TRUE only to the predecessor that will give the entity.
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Machine can accept an entity
# it checks also who called it and returns TRUE only to the predecessor
# that will give the entity.
# =======================================================================
def canAccept(self, callerObject=None):
# get active and giver objects
#if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place and the machine is up
# if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place and the machine is up
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
if(len(activeObject.previous)==1 or callerObject==None):
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)==0
#if the machine is busy return False immediately
if len(activeObjectQueue)==activeObject.capacity:
return False
# # if the machine is busy return False immediately
# if len(activeObjectQueue)==activeObject.capacity:
# return False
return len(activeObjectQueue)<self.capacity and (thecaller is giverObject)
# return True ONLY if the length of the activeOjbectQue is smaller than
# the object capacity, and the callerObject is not None but the giverObject
return len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and (thecaller is giverObject)
#checks if the Machine can accept an entity and there is an entity in some predecessor waiting for it
#also updates the predecessorIndex to the one that is to be taken
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Machine can accept an entity and there is an entity in
# some predecessor waiting for it
# also updates the predecessorIndex to the one that is to be taken
# =======================================================================
def canAcceptAndIsRequested(self):
# get active and giver objects
#if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place, the machine is up and the predecessor has an entity to dispose
# if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place,
# the machine is up and the predecessor has an entity to dispose
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity\
and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
# dummy variables that help prioritize the objects requesting to give objects to the Machine (activeObject)
isRequested=False # is requested is dummyVariable checking if it is requested to accept an item
maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy variable counting the time a predecessor is blocked
#loop through the predecessors to see which have to dispose and which is the one blocked for longer
# loop through the predecessors to see which have to dispose and which is the one blocked for longer
i=0 # index used to set the predecessorIndex to the giver waiting the most
for object in activeObject.previous:
isRequested=True # if the predecessor objects have entities to dispose of
if(object.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity>0):# and the predecessor has been down while trying to give away the Entity
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastFailureEnded # the timeWaiting dummy variable counts the time end of the last failure of the giver object
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityEnded # in any other case, it holds the time since the end of the Entity processing
#if more than one predecessor have to dispose take the part from the one that is blocked longer
activeObject.predecessorIndex=i # the object to deliver the Entity to the activeObject is set to the ith member of the previous list
return len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and isRequested and activeObject.Up
i+=1 # in the next loops, check the other predecessors in the previous list
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.capacity and isRequested
#checks if the machine down or it can dispose the object
# =======================================================================
# checks if the machine down or it can dispose the object
# =======================================================================
def ifCanDisposeOrHaveFailure(self):
return self.Up==False or[0].canAccept(self) or len(self.Res.activeQ)==0 #the last part is added so that it is not removed and stack
#gotta think of it again
# the last part is added so that it is not removed and stack gotta think of it again ??????????
return self.Up==False or[0].canAccept(self) or len(self.Res.activeQ)==0
#removes an entity from the Machine
# =======================================================================
# removes an entity from the Machine
# =======================================================================
def removeEntity(self):
# get active and its queue
activeObject.outputTrace("releases "+activeObject.objName)
activeObjectQueue.pop(0) #remove the Entity from the activeQ
activeObject.timeLastEntityLeft=now() # set the time that the last Entity was removed from this object
activeObject.outputTrace("releases "+activeObject.objName) # output to trace that the Entity was released from the currentObject
activeObject.waitToDispose=False # update the waitToDispose flag
activeObjectQueue.pop(0) # remove the Entity from the activeQ
activeObject.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity=0 # re-initialize the timer downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity
#checks if the Machine can dispose an entity to the following object
def haveToDispose(self, callerObject=None):
# =======================================================================
# checks if the Machine can dispose an entity to the following object
# =======================================================================
def haveToDispose(self, callerObject=None):
# get active and the receiver object
#if we have only one successor just check if machine waits to dispose and also is up
if(len( or callerObject==None):
#if we have only one successor just check if machine waits to dispose and also is up
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
if(len( or callerObject==None):
return len(activeObjectQueue)>0 and activeObject.waitToDispose and activeObject.Up
#if the Machine is empty it returns false right away
return False
# # if the Machine is empty it returns false right away
# if(len(activeObjectQueue)==0):
# return False
#give the entity to the successor that is waiting for the most time.
#(plant simulation does not do this in every occasion!)
# give the entity to the successor that is waiting for the most time.
# (plant simulation does not do this in every occasion!)
maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy variable counting the time a successor is waiting
i=0 # index used to set the successorIndex to the giver waiting the most
for object in
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):
if(object.canAccept(activeObject)): # if a successor can accept an object
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityLeft # the time it has been waiting is updated and stored in dummy variable timeWaiting
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):# if the timeWaiting is the maximum among the ones of the successors
return len(activeObjectQueue)>0 and activeObject.waitToDispose and activeObject.Up and (thecaller is receiverObject)
activeObject.successorIndex=i # set the successorIndex equal to the index of the longest waiting successor
i+=1 # in the next loops, check the other successors in the previous list
return len(activeObjectQueue)>0 and activeObject.waitToDispose\
and activeObject.Up and (thecaller is receiverObject)
#actions to be taken after the simulation ends
# =======================================================================
# actions to be taken after the simulation ends
# =======================================================================
def postProcessing(self, MaxSimtime=None):
if MaxSimtime==None:
from Globals import G
......@@ -352,7 +399,10 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
#outputs message to the trace.xls. Format is (Simulation Time | Entity Name | message)
# =======================================================================
# outputs message to the trace.xls.
# Format is (Simulation Time | Entity Name | message)
# =======================================================================
def outputTrace(self, message):
from Globals import G
if(G.trace=="Yes"): #output only if the user has selected to
......@@ -368,7 +418,9 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
G.traceSheet=G.traceFile.add_sheet('sheet '+str(G.sheetIndex), cell_overwrite_ok=True)
#outputs the the "output.xls"
# =======================================================================
# outputs the the "output.xls"
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsXL(self, MaxSimtime=None):
from Globals import G
if MaxSimtime==None:
......@@ -437,8 +489,10 @@ class Machine(CoreObject):
#outputs results to JSON File
# =======================================================================
# outputs results to JSON File
# =======================================================================
def outputResultsJSON(self):
from Globals import G
if(G.numberOfReplications==1): #if we had just one replication output the results to excel
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