draft BatchDecomposition/Reassembly towards signaling. BatchDecomposition working in Topology21

parent 5c035718
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ BatchDecomposition is a Core Object that takes a batch and decomposes to sub-bat
from SimPy.Simulation import Process, Resource
from SimPy.Simulation import waituntil, now, hold
from SimPy.Simulation import waituntil, now, hold, waitevent
from Globals import G
from CoreObject import CoreObject
......@@ -76,18 +76,69 @@ class BatchDecomposition(CoreObject):
# =======================================================================
def run(self):
while 1:
yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the Queue can accept an entity
#and one predecessor requests it
while 1:
yield waitevent, self, [self.isRequested, self.interruptionStart]
if self.interruptionStart.signalparam==now():
yield waitevent, self, self.interruptionEnd
assert self==self.interruptionEnd.signalparam, 'the victim of the failure is not the object that received the interruptionEnd event'
if self.signalGiver():
assert requestingObject==self.giver, 'the giver is not the requestingObject'
# self.operatorWaitTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# self.loadOperatorWaitTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# self.loadTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# self.setupTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the Queue can accept an entity
# #and one predecessor requests it
# print '$'*40
# set the currentEntity as the Entity just received and initialize the timer timeLastEntityEntered
self.currentEntity=self.getActiveObjectQueue()[0] # entity is the current entity processed in Machine
self.nameLastEntityEntered=self.currentEntity.name # this holds the name of the last entity that got into Machine
self.timeLastEntityEntered=now() #this holds the last time that an entity got into Machine
# self.tinM=self.totalProcessingTimeInCurrentEntity # timer to hold the processing time left
yield hold,self,self.totalProcessingTimeInCurrentEntity
# print self.currentEntity.name, 'of type', self.currentEntity.type
for i in range(self.numberOfSubBatches):
# print ' ', i
if not self.getActiveObjectQueue():
if i==0:
if not signaling:
while 1:
yield waitevent, self, self.canDispose
if self.signalReceiver():
yield waitevent, self, self.canDispose
if not signaling:
while 1:
yield waitevent, self, self.canDispose
if self.signalReceiver():
# if not self.signalReceiver():
# while 1:
# event=yield waitevent, self, [self.canDispose, self.interruptionStart]
# if self.interruptionStart.signalparam==now():
# yield waitevent, self, self.interruptionEnd
# assert self==self.interruptionEnd.signalparam
# if self.signalReceiver():
# break
# =======================================================================
# method that decomposes the activeEntity into subBatches
# =======================================================================
......@@ -107,6 +158,7 @@ class BatchDecomposition(CoreObject):
#for example:
#if the total is 99 and we have 4 sub-batches it should be [25,25,25,24]
#if the total is 94 and we have 4 sub-batches it should be [24,24,24,22]
# print now(), '*'*10
for i in range(self.numberOfSubBatches):
if i==self.numberOfSubBatches-1:
......@@ -119,6 +171,10 @@ class BatchDecomposition(CoreObject):
+str(i), numberOfUnits=numberOfSubBatchUnits,
parentBatch=activeEntity) #create the sub-batch
self.outputTrace(subBatch.name,'was created from '+ activeEntity.name)
# print now(), subBatch.name,'was created from '+ activeEntity.name
activeObjectQueue.append(subBatch) #append the sub-batch to the active object Queue
......@@ -129,6 +185,7 @@ class BatchDecomposition(CoreObject):
if activeEntity in G.pendingEntities:
# print now(),'*'*10
......@@ -138,13 +195,13 @@ class BatchDecomposition(CoreObject):
def canAccept(self,callerObject=None):
# giverObject=self.getGiverObject()
if(len(activeObject.previous)==1 or callerObject==None):
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)==0
# return True ONLY if the length of the activeOjbectQue is smaller than
# the object capacity, and the callerObject is not None but the giverObject
return len(activeObjectQueue)==0 and (thecaller is giverObject)
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)==0 and (thecaller in activeObject.previous)
# =======================================================================
# haveToDispose logic
......@@ -153,27 +210,34 @@ class BatchDecomposition(CoreObject):
# get active and the receiver object
# receiverObject=activeObject.getReceiverObject()
#if we have only one successor just check if object waits to dispose and also is up
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
if(len(activeObject.next)==1 or callerObject==None):
return len(activeObjectQueue)>0 and activeObjectQueue[0].type!="Batch"
# #===================================================================
# print now(), self.id,
# print ' ', len(activeObjectQueue)
# if activeObjectQueue:
# print ' ', activeObjectQueue[0].type
# #===================================================================
return len(activeObjectQueue)>0 and activeObjectQueue[0].type!="Batch" and activeObject.Up
#give the entity to the successor that is waiting for the most time.
#plant does not do this in every occasion!
for object in activeObject.next:
if(object.canAccept()): # if the object can accept
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityLeft # compare the time that it has been waiting
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):# with the others'
self.receiver=object # and update the successorIndex to the index of this object
#return true only to the predecessor from which the queue will take
return len(self.Res.activeQ)==self.numberOfSubBatches and \
(thecaller is receiverObject) and activeObjectQueue[0].type!="Batch"
# #give the entity to the successor that is waiting for the most time.
# #plant does not do this in every occasion!
# maxTimeWaiting=0
# for object in activeObject.next:
# if(object.canAccept()): # if the object can accept
# timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityLeft # compare the time that it has been waiting
# if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):# with the others'
# maxTimeWaiting=timeWaiting
# self.receiver=object # and update the successorIndex to the index of this object
# #return true only to the predecessor from which the queue will take
# receiverObject=activeObject.getReceiverObject()
return len(activeObjectQueue)==self.numberOfSubBatches and \
(thecaller in activeObject.next) and activeObjectQueue[0].type!="Batch" and activeObject.Up
# =======================================================================
# canAcceptAndIsRequested logc
......@@ -184,24 +248,25 @@ class BatchDecomposition(CoreObject):
#if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place available and the predecessor has an entity to dispose
return self.canAccept() and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
isRequested=False # dummy boolean variable to check if any predecessor has something to hand in
maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy timer to check which predecessor has been waiting the most
#loop through the predecessors to see which have to dispose and which is the one blocked for longer
for object in activeObject.previous:
if(object.haveToDispose(activeObject)): # if they have something to dispose off
isRequested=True # then the Queue is requested to handle the entity
if(object.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity>0):# if the predecessor has failed wile waiting
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastFailureEnded # then update according the timeWaiting to be compared with the ones
else: # of the other machines
#if more than one predecessor have to dispose take the part from the one that is blocked longer
return self.canAccept(self) and isRequested # return true when the Queue is not fully occupied and a predecessor is requesting it
# #if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place available and the predecessor has an entity to dispose
# if(len(activeObject.previous)==1):
# return self.canAccept() and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
# isRequested=False # dummy boolean variable to check if any predecessor has something to hand in
# maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy timer to check which predecessor has been waiting the most
# #loop through the predecessors to see which have to dispose and which is the one blocked for longer
# for object in activeObject.previous:
# if(object.haveToDispose(activeObject)): # if they have something to dispose off
# isRequested=True # then the Queue is requested to handle the entity
# if(object.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity>0):# if the predecessor has failed wile waiting
# timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastFailureEnded # then update according the timeWaiting to be compared with the ones
# else: # of the other machines
# timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityEnded
# #if more than one predecessor have to dispose take the part from the one that is blocked longer
# if(timeWaiting>=maxTimeWaiting):
# activeObject.giver=object
# maxTimeWaiting=timeWaiting
# return self.canAccept(self) and isRequested # return true when the Queue is not fully occupied and a predecessor is requesting it
return activeObject.Up and len(activeObjectQueue)==0 and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ BatchReassembly is a Core Object that takes a number of subBatches and reassembl
from SimPy.Simulation import Process, Resource
from SimPy.Simulation import activate, waituntil, now, hold
from SimPy.Simulation import activate, waituntil, now, hold, waitevent
from Globals import G
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
# for routing purposes
self.next=[] #list with the next objects in the flow
self.previous=[] #list with the previous objects in the flow
self.nextIds=[] #list with the ids of the next objects in the flow
self.previousIds=[] #list with the ids of the previous objects in the flow
# self.nextIds=[] #list with the ids of the next objects in the flow
# self.previousIds=[] #list with the ids of the previous objects in the flow
# =======================================================================
# initialize the internal resource of the object
......@@ -83,21 +83,49 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
while 1:
yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the Queue can accept an entity
#and one predecessor requests it
while 1:
yield waitevent, self, [self.isRequested, self.interruptionStart]
if self.interruptionStart.signalparam==now():
yield waitevent, self, self.interruptionEnd
assert self==self.interruptionEnd.signalparam, 'the victim of the failure is not the object that received the interruptionEnd event'
if self.signalGiver():
assert requestingObject==self.giver, 'the giver is not the requestingObject'
# self.operatorWaitTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# self.loadOperatorWaitTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# self.loadTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# self.setupTimeCurrentEntity = 0
# yield waituntil, self, self.canAcceptAndIsRequested #wait until the Queue can accept an entity
# #and one predecessor requests it
# self.outputTrace("got into "+self.objName)
# set the currentEntity as the Entity just received and initialize the timer timeLastEntityEntered
self.currentEntity=self.getActiveObjectQueue()[0] # entity is the current entity processed in object
# self.currentEntity=self.getActiveObjectQueue()[0] # entity is the current entity processed in object
self.nameLastEntityEntered=self.currentEntity.name # this holds the name of the last entity that got into Machine
self.timeLastEntityEntered=now() #this holds the last time that an entity got into Machine
# self.tinM=self.totalProcessingTimeInCurrentEntity # timer to hold the processing time left
if len(self.getActiveObjectQueue())==self.numberOfSubBatches and self.currentEntity.type!='Batch':
yield hold,self,self.calculateProcessingTime()
if not self.signalReceiver():
while 1:
event=yield waitevent, self, [self.canDispose, self.interruptiontStart]
if self.interruptionStart.signalparam==now():
yield waitevent, self, self.interruptionEnd
assert self==self.interruptionEnd.signalparam
if self.signalReceiver():
# =======================================================================
# reassemble method that assembles the subBatches back together to a Batch
# =======================================================================
......@@ -143,27 +171,29 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
def canAccept(self,callerObject=None):
giverObjectQueue = self.getGiverObjectQueue()
# giverObject=self.getGiverObject()
# giverObjectQueue = self.getGiverObjectQueue()
if len(activeObject.previous)!=1:
assert callerObject!=None, 'the callerObject cannot be None for canAccept of BatchReassembly'
if(len(activeObject.previous)==1 or callerObject==None):
if len(activeObjectQueue)==0:
return activeObject.Up
elif len(giverObjectQueue)==0:
elif len(activeObject.previous[0].getActiveObjectQueue())==0:
return False
return activeObject.Up\
and activeObjectQueue[0].type!='Batch'\
and len(activeObjectQueue)<self.numberOfSubBatches\
and giverObjectQueue[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
and activeObject.previous[0].getActiveObjectQueue()[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
# return True ONLY if the length of the activeOjbectQueue is smaller than
# the object capacity, and the callerObject is not None but the giverObject
return len(activeObjectQueue)<self.numberOfSubBatches\
and (thecaller is giverObject)\
and (thecaller in activeObject.previous)\
and activeObjectQueue[0].type != 'Batch'\
and giverObjectQueue[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
and thecaller.getActiveObjectQueue()[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
# =======================================================================
# returns True if it holds an entity of type Batch
......@@ -172,7 +202,7 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
# get active and the receiver object
# receiverObject=activeObject.getReceiverObject()
#if we have only one successor just check if object waits to dispose and also is up
# this is done to achieve better (cpu) processing time
if(len(activeObject.next)==1 or callerObject==None):
......@@ -180,20 +210,20 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
and activeObjectQueue[0].type=="Batch" # the control of the length of the queue is not needed
#give the entity to the receiver that is waiting for the most time.
#plant does not do this in every occasion!
for object in activeObject.next:
if(object.canAccept()): # if the object can accept
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityLeft # compare the time that it has been waiting
if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):# with the others'
self.receiver=object # and update the successorIndex to the index of this object
#return true only to the predecessor from which the queue will take
return len(self.getActiveObjectueue)==1\
and (thecaller is receiverObject)\
# #give the entity to the receiver that is waiting for the most time.
# #plant does not do this in every occasion!
# maxTimeWaiting=0
# for object in activeObject.next:
# if(object.canAccept()): # if the object can accept
# timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityLeft # compare the time that it has been waiting
# if(timeWaiting>maxTimeWaiting or maxTimeWaiting==0):# with the others'
# maxTimeWaiting=timeWaiting
# self.receiver=object # and update the successorIndex to the index of this object
# #return true only to the predecessor from which the queue will take
# receiverObject=activeObject.getReceiverObject()
return len(activeObjectQueue)==1\
and (thecaller in activeObject.next)\
and activeObjectQueue[0].type!="Batch" # the control of the length of the queue is not needed
# =======================================================================
......@@ -207,35 +237,39 @@ class BatchReassembly(CoreObject):
#if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place available and the predecessor has an entity to dispose
if len(activeObjectQueue)==0:
return activeObject.Up and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
# #if we have only one predecessor just check if there is a place available and the predecessor has an entity to dispose
# if(len(activeObject.previous)==1):
# if len(activeObjectQueue)==0:
# return activeObject.Up and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)
# else:
# return activeObject.Up and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)\
# and activeObjectQueue[0].type!='Batch'\
# and len(activeObjectQueue)<self.numberOfSubBatches\
# and giverObjectQueue[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
# isRequested=False # dummy boolean variable to check if any predecessor has something to hand in
# maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy timer to check which predecessor has been waiting the most
# #loop through the predecessors to see which have to dispose and which is the one blocked for longer # loop through all the predecessors
# for object in activeObject.previous:
# if(object.haveToDispose(activeObject)): # if they have something to dispose off
# isRequested=True # then the Queue is requested to handle the entity
# if(object.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity>0):# if the predecessor has failed wile waiting
# timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastFailureEnded # then update according the timeWaiting to be compared with the ones
# else: # of the other machines
# timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastEntityEnded
# #if more than one predecessor have to dispose take the part from the one that is blocked longer
# if(timeWaiting>=maxTimeWaiting):
# activeObject.giver=object
# maxTimeWaiting=timeWaiting
# return isRequested\
# and activeObject.Up\
# and len(activeObjectQueue)<self.numberOfSubBatches\
# and (len(activeObjectQueue)==0 or activeObjectQueue[0].type!='Batch')\
# and activeObject.getGiverObjectQueue()[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
# return true when the Queue is not fully occupied and a predecessor is requesting it
return activeObject.Up and giverObject.haveToDispose(activeObject)\
and activeObjectQueue[0].type!='Batch'\
and len(activeObjectQueue)<self.numberOfSubBatches\
and giverObjectQueue[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
isRequested=False # dummy boolean variable to check if any predecessor has something to hand in
maxTimeWaiting=0 # dummy timer to check which predecessor has been waiting the most
#loop through the predecessors to see which have to dispose and which is the one blocked for longer # loop through all the predecessors
for object in activeObject.previous:
if(object.haveToDispose(activeObject)): # if they have something to dispose off
isRequested=True # then the Queue is requested to handle the entity
if(object.downTimeInTryingToReleaseCurrentEntity>0):# if the predecessor has failed wile waiting
timeWaiting=now()-object.timeLastFailureEnded # then update according the timeWaiting to be compared with the ones
else: # of the other machines
#if more than one predecessor have to dispose take the part from the one that is blocked longer
return isRequested\
and activeObject.Up\
and len(activeObjectQueue<self.numberOfSubBatches)\
and len(activeObjectQueue)<activeObject.numberOfSubBatches\
and (len(activeObjectQueue)==0 or activeObjectQueue[0].type!='Batch')\
and activeObject.getGiverObjectQueue()[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
# return true when the Queue is not fully occupied and a predecessor is requesting it
and giverObjectQueue[0].batchId==activeObjectQueue[0].batchId
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