Commit a57ddd23 authored by Georgios Dagkakis's avatar Georgios Dagkakis

change in DemandPlanning so that it uses the same globals as the other scripts

parent 14a4753f
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
Created on 17 Apr 2014
@author: George
@author: Anna, George
test script to convert the static excels to JSON. It does not communicate with GUI yet
......@@ -28,50 +28,44 @@ test script to convert the static excels to JSON. It does not communicate with G
import xlwt
import xlrd
import json
Created on 5 Sep 2013
@author: Anna
class G:
TargetPPOS = 0
TargetPPOSqty = 0
TargetPPOSweek = 0
ReplicationNo = 0
replication = 0
PPOSlist = {}
Capacity = []
route = {}
maxEarliness = 0 # max number of weeks for earliness
maxLateness = 0 # max number of weeks for lateness
planningHorizon =0 # for future demand purposes
demandFile = None
currentCapacity = None
reCapacity = []
PPOSprofile = [] # initial disaggregation for PPOS
FutureProfile = [] # initial disaggregation for future demand
AllocationFuture = []
FutureLateness = []
FutureEarliness = []
AllocationPPOS = []
PPOSLateness = []
PPOSEarliness = []
minPackingSize = 0
Buffer = []
ExcessPPOSBuffer = []
ExcessPPOSminBuffer = []
ExcessFutureBuffer = []
ExcessFutureMinBuffer = []
from dream.simulation. Globals import G
def createGlobals():
G.TargetPPOS = 0
G.TargetPPOSqty = 0
G.TargetPPOSweek = 0
G.ReplicationNo = 0
G.replication = 0
G.PPOSlist = {}
G.Capacity = []
G.route = {}
G.maxEarliness = 0 # max number of weeks for earliness
G.maxLateness = 0 # max number of weeks for lateness
G.planningHorizon =0 # for future demand purposes
G.demandFile = None
G.currentCapacity = None
G.reCapacity = []
G.PPOSprofile = [] # initial disaggregation for PPOS
G.FutureProfile = [] # initial disaggregation for future demand
G.AllocationFuture = []
G.FutureLateness = []
G.FutureEarliness = []
G.AllocationPPOS = []
G.PPOSLateness = []
G.PPOSEarliness = []
G.minPackingSize = 0
G.Buffer = []
G.ExcessPPOSBuffer = []
G.ExcessPPOSminBuffer = []
G.ExcessFutureBuffer = []
G.ExcessFutureMinBuffer = []
# filterItem = 0
# filterWeek = 0
# import simulation input data
......@@ -121,6 +115,8 @@ def readGeneralInput():
def main():
# set up global variables
# read from inputs spreadsheet
# open json file
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