plugins clean up

parent 3ebfecc1
......@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ class InsertQueues(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
# # mould case - add exit at the a mould route
elif any(station.startswith("INJM") for station in stationIdsList) and tempIndex == len(tempRoute)-1:
successor_list = []
for successor in self.getNotMachineNodeSuccessorList(stationIdsList):
if successor_list:
......@@ -8,60 +8,19 @@ import copy
from dream.plugins import plugin
MACHINE_TYPE_SET = set(["Dream.MachineJobShop", "Dream.MouldAssembly"])
class SplitRoute(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
""" Input preparation
reads the data from external data base and splits the routes if the parts described are design and mould
def getNotMachineNodePredecessorList(self, stationIDs_list):
Give the list of all predecessors that are not of type machine
For example, for stations with ids that starts with "CAM", it may return "QCAM"
predecessor_list = []
for edge in["graph"]["edge"].values():
if edge["destination"] in stationIDs_list:
predecessor_step = edge["source"]
if predecessor_step in predecessor_list:
if not["graph"]["node"][predecessor_step]["_class"] in MACHINE_TYPE_SET:
predecessor_list = [predecessor_step] + predecessor_list
predecessor_list = [x for x in getNotMachineNodePredecessorList([predecessor_step]) \
if x not in predecessor_list] + predecessor_list
return predecessor_list
def getNotMachineNodeSuccessorList(self, stationIDs_list):
Give the list of all successors that are not of type machine
For example, for stations of technology "CAM", it may return "Decomposition"
for stations of technology "INJM-MAN" or "INJM" it may return "Exit"
successor_list = []
for edge in["graph"]["edge"].values():
if edge["source"] in stationIDs_list:
successor_step = edge["destination"]
if successor_step in successor_list:
if not["graph"]["node"][successor_step]["_class"] in MACHINE_TYPE_SET:
successor_list = [successor_step] + successor_list
successor_list = [x for x in getNotMachineNodeSuccessorList([successor_step]) \
if x not in successor_list] + successor_list
return successor_list
def preprocess(self, data):
""" splits the routes of mould parts (design + mould)
""" = copy(data)
orders =["input"]["BOM"]["orders"]
stations =["input"]["BOM"]["stations"]
for order in orders:
orderComponents = order.get("componentsList", [])
for index, component in enumerate(orderComponents):
......@@ -84,7 +43,7 @@ class SplitRoute(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
"quantity": component.get("quantity", 1),
"route": design_step_list}
return data
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -12,6 +12,24 @@ class UpdateStationList(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
""" Input preparation
reads the data from external data base and substitutes the technology information with stationIDs lists
def getStationTechnologies():
'''returns the technologies that can be processed on the stations'''
return {"CAD": ["ENG", "CAD"],
"CAM": ["CAM"],
"MILL": ["MILL"],
"TURN": ["TURN"],
"EDM": ["EDM"],
"WORK": ["QUAL", "ASSM", "MAN"],
"INJM": ["INJM"]}
def getStationInitials(self,technology):
'''get the stations that correspond to that technology'''
for initials, corresponding_tech_list in self.getStationTechnologies().iteritems():
for tech in corresponding_tech_list:
if tech == technology:
return initials
return None
def preprocess(self, data):
""" substitutes the technology information with stationIDs lists
......@@ -25,11 +43,13 @@ class UpdateStationList(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
for component in orderComponents:
route = component.get("route", [])
for index, step in enumerate(route):
technology = step.pop("technology", None)
technology = step.get("technology", None)
technology = technology.split("-")[0]
step["technology"] = technology
technologyStations = []
for station in stations:
if station.startswith(technology):
assert self.getStationInitials(technology), 'there is no corresponding station initial for that technology'
if station.startswith(self.getStationInitials(technology)):
found = False # check that the id of the station provided by the db BOM exist in the nodes of the graph
for node in nodes:
if node["id"] == station:
......@@ -82,7 +82,11 @@ class UpdateWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
if not exitTime:
wip["componentID"]["remainingProcessingTime"] = {"Fixed": {"mean": remainingProcessingTime}}
# if the entity is not recognized within the current WIP then check if it should be created
# first the flag designComplete and the completedComponents list must be updated
for component in orderComponents:
componentID = component["componentID"]
route = component["route"]
if not componentID in self.getWIPIds():
insertWIPitem = False
# # if the design is complete
if designComplete:
......@@ -104,10 +108,6 @@ class UpdateWIP(plugin.InputPreparationPlugin):
wip["componentID"]["station"] = route[0]["stationIdsList"][0]
wip["componentID"]["sequence"] = route[0]["sequence"]
wip["componentID"]["task_id"] = route[0]["task_id"]
# remove the idle entities
for entityID in wipToBeRemoved:
assert wip.pop(entityID, None), "while trying to remove WIP that has concluded it's route, nothing is removed"
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