From 24045dd640b90869ef59be2ddfc47de939414fc1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Julien Muchembled <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2010 16:04:06 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] runUnitTest: add --dump_sql option and fix --live_instance

This splits --live_instance option so that it is possible to only disable
load/save SQL dumps: --live_instance automatically set --dump_sql=0

Also fix saving static files when --live_instance is used.

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5Type/tests/ |  8 ++++----
 product/ERP5Type/tests/ | 28 +++++++++++++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/tests/ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/
index 214e8126a21..e993265ecf9 100644
--- a/product/ERP5Type/tests/
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/
@@ -32,10 +32,9 @@ data_fs_path = os.environ.get('erp5_tests_data_fs_path',
                               os.path.join(instance_home, 'Data.fs'))
 load = int(os.environ.get('erp5_load_data_fs', 0))
 save = int(os.environ.get('erp5_save_data_fs', 0))
-live_instance_path = os.environ.get('live_instance_path', None)
+save_mysql = int(os.environ.get('erp5_dump_sql') or not zeo_client) or None
-save_mysql = None
-if not zeo_client and live_instance_path is None:
+if save_mysql:
   def save_mysql(verbosity=1):
     # The output of mysqldump needs to merge many lines at a time
     # for performance reasons (merging lines is at most 10 times
@@ -61,9 +60,10 @@ if load:
       _print("Could not find MySQL dump, will recreate catalog ... ")
       os.environ['erp5_tests_recreate_catalog'] = '1'
   _print("Restoring static files ... ")
+  live_instance_path = os.environ.get('live_instance_path')
   for dir in static_dir_list:
     full_path = os.path.join(instance_home, dir)
-    if live_instance_path is not None:
+    if live_instance_path:
       backup_path = os.path.join(live_instance_path, dir)
       backup_path = full_path + '.bak'
diff --git a/product/ERP5Type/tests/ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/
index ee62f80f2b9..476bf2a6fa8 100755
--- a/product/ERP5Type/tests/
+++ b/product/ERP5Type/tests/
@@ -28,16 +28,15 @@ Options:
                              --data_fs_path to run tests on an existing
   --data_fs_path=STRING      Use the given path for the Data.fs
-  --live_instance=[STRING]
-                             Use Data.fs, Document, PropertySheet, Constraint
-                             from a live instance. This is very usefull in order
+  --live_instance=[STRING]   Use Data.fs, Document, PropertySheet, Constraint
+                             from a live instance. This is very useful in order
                              to try quickly a test without having to rebuild
-                             testing data. This could be totally unsafe for you
+                             testing data. This could be totally unsafe for your
                              instance, this depends if the test destroy existing
                              data or not.
                              STRING could be used to define the path of real
-                             instance
-                             It enable --save --load --data_fs_path
+                             instance. It automatically enables:
+                               --save --load --dump_sql=0 --data_fs_path=...
   --bt5_path                 Search for Business Templates in the given list of
                              paths (or any HTTP url supported by template tool),
                              delimited with commas. In particular, BT can be
@@ -45,7 +44,7 @@ Options:
                              using a url like:
                              Default is INSTANCE_HOME/bt5 and its subfolders.
-  --recreate_catalog=0 or 1  recreate the content of the sql catalog. Default
+  --recreate_catalog={0|1}   Recreate the content of the SQL catalog. Default
                              is to recreate, unless using --data_fs_path
   --save                     Run unit tests in persistent mode (if unset,
                              existing Data.fs, dump.sql and *.bak static
@@ -53,6 +52,9 @@ Options:
                              if business templates are updated
                              or if --load is unset.
   --load                     Reuse existing instance (created with --save).
+  --dump_sql=[0|1]           Force enabling/disabling SQL dumps.
+                             By default, databases are loaded/saved except
+                             when running ZEO clients.
                              ZSQL Connection string for erp5_sql_connection, by
                              default, it will use "test test"
@@ -561,13 +563,18 @@ def runUnitTestList(test_list, verbosity=1, debug=0):
       # be done manually.
       if verbosity:
         _print('Dumping static files...\n')
+      live_instance_path = os.environ.get('live_instance_path')
       for static_dir in static_dir_list:
           shutil.rmtree(static_dir + '.bak')
         except OSError, e:
           if e.errno != errno.ENOENT:
-        shutil.copytree(static_dir, static_dir + '.bak', symlinks=True)
+        if live_instance_path:
+          backup_path = os.path.join(live_instance_path, static_dir)
+        else:
+          backup_path = static_dir + '.bak'
+        shutil.copytree(static_dir, backup_path, symlinks=True)
     elif zeo_client_pid_list is not None:
       _print('WARNING: No static files saved. You will have to do it manually.')
@@ -593,6 +600,7 @@ def main():
+        "dump_sql=",
@@ -656,6 +664,8 @@ def main():
       os.environ["erp5_save_data_fs"] = "1"
     elif opt == "--load":
       os.environ["erp5_load_data_fs"] = "1"
+    elif opt == "--dump_sql":
+      os.environ["erp5_dump_sql"] = arg
     elif opt == "--erp5_catalog_storage":
       os.environ["erp5_catalog_storage"] = arg
     elif opt == "--run_only":
@@ -672,9 +682,11 @@ def main():
       os.environ["conversion_server_port"] = arg
     elif opt == "--live_instance":
       live_instance_path = arg or real_instance_home
+      # following line is only for static files
       os.environ["live_instance_path"] = live_instance_path
       os.environ["erp5_load_data_fs"] = "1"
       os.environ["erp5_save_data_fs"] = "1"
+      os.environ["erp5_dump_sql"] = "0"
       os.environ["erp5_tests_data_fs_path"] = os.path.join(
                                       live_instance_path, 'var', 'Data.fs')
     elif opt == "--use_dummy_mail_host":