From 29979f89fe8b81e53f5332b33de35bae64717aec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Alexandre Boeglin <>
Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 20:11:34 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] These are test against the Applied rules used to generate
 Transaction Lines from Invoices. The logic is in, but maybe it should be
 spread in many little methods...

git-svn-id: 20353a03-c40f-0410-a6d1-a30d3c3de9de
 product/ERP5/tests/ | 519 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 519 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 product/ERP5/tests/

diff --git a/product/ERP5/tests/ b/product/ERP5/tests/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000000..fe70deb3784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/product/ERP5/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 Nexedi SARL and Contributors. All Rights Reserved.
+#          Sebastien Robin <>
+# WARNING: This program as such is intended to be used by professional
+# programmers who take the whole responsability of assessing all potential
+# consequences resulting from its eventual inadequacies and bugs
+# End users who are looking for a ready-to-use solution with commercial
+# garantees and support are strongly adviced to contract a Free Software
+# Service Company
+# This program is Free Software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+# Skeleton ZopeTestCase
+#from random import randint
+import os, sys
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    execfile(os.path.join(sys.path[0], ''))
+# Needed in order to have a log file inside the current folder
+import os
+os.environ['EVENT_LOG_FILE'] = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'zLOG.log')
+os.environ['EVENT_LOG_SEVERITY'] = '-300'
+from Testing import ZopeTestCase
+from Products.ERP5Type.tests.ERP5TypeTestCase import ERP5TypeTestCase
+from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
+#from DateTime import DateTime
+#from Acquisition import aq_base, aq_inner
+from zLOG import LOG
+#from Products.ERP5Type.DateUtils import addToDate
+#import time
+#from Products.ERP5Type import product_path
+#from DateTime import DateTime
+class TestAccountingRules(ERP5TypeTestCase):
+  """
+  This should test these functions :
+  - in :
+    - expand
+    - collectSimulationMovements
+  - in :
+    - test
+    - expand
+    - newCellContent
+    - updateMatrix
+    - getCellByPredicate
+  """
+  # Different variables used for this test
+  run_all_test = 1
+  #source_company_id = 'Nexedi'
+  #destination_company_id = 'Coramy'
+  #component_id = 'brick'
+  #sales_order_id = '1'
+  #quantity = 10
+  #base_price = 0.7832
+  def getTitle(self):
+    return "Accouting Rules"
+  def getBusinessTemplateList(self):
+    """
+      Return the list of business templates.
+    """
+    return ('erp5_accounting',)
+  def getRuleTool(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'portal_rules', None)
+  def getAccountModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'account', None)
+  def getAccountingModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'accounting', None)
+  def getOrganisationModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'organisation', None)
+  def getProductModule(self):
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'product', None)
+  def getCurrencyModule(self) :
+    return getattr(self.getPortal(), 'currency', None)
+  def login(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    uf = self.getPortal().acl_users
+    uf._doAddUser('alex', '', ['Manager'], [])
+    user = uf.getUserById('alex').__of__(uf)
+    newSecurityManager(None, user)
+  def afterSetUp(self, quiet=1, run=1):
+    self.login()
+    # Must add some accounts, accounting transactions, products, etc.
+    account_module = self.getAccountModule()
+    self.accounting_module = self.getAccountingModule()
+    self.currency_module = self.getCurrencyModule()
+    organisation_module = self.getOrganisationModule()
+    product_module = self.getProductModule()
+    self.catalog_tool = self.getCatalogTool()
+    self.category_tool = self.getCategoryTool()
+    self.simulation_tool = self.getSimulationTool()
+    # Create some currencies
+    euro = self.currency_module.newContent(id='EUR', title='Euro', portal_type='Currency')
+    # Create some accounts
+    account_module.newContent(id='prestation_service', title='prestation_service', portal_type='Account')
+    account_module.newContent(id='creance_client', title='creance_client', portal_type='Account')
+    account_module.newContent(id='tva_collectee_196', title='tva_collectee_196', portal_type='Account')
+    account_module.newContent(id='account1', title='Account1', portal_type='Account')
+    account_module.newContent(id='account2', title='Account2', portal_type='Account')
+    account_module.newContent(id='account3', title='Account3', portal_type='Account')
+    account_module.newContent(id='account4', title='Account4', portal_type='Account')
+    # Create some organisations
+    organisation1 = organisation_module.newContent(id='nexedi', title='Nexedi', portal_type='Organisation')
+    organisation1.newContent(id='default_address', portal_type='Address', region='europe/west/france')
+    organisation2 = organisation_module.newContent(id='client1', title='Client1', portal_type='Organisation')
+    organisation2.newContent(id='default_address', portal_type='Address', region='europe/west/france')
+    # Create some products
+    self.product1 = product_module.newContent(id='product1', title='Product1', product_line='storever/notebook', base_price=3.0)
+    self.product2 = product_module.newContent(id='product2', title='Product2', product_line='storever/barebone', base_price=5.0)
+    # Create some predicates in the Invoice Transaction Rule
+    self.invoice_transaction_rule = getattr(self.getRuleTool(), 'default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+    self.invoice_transaction_rule.deleteContent(self.invoice_transaction_rule.contentIds()) # delete anything inside the rule first
+    self.predicate_product1 = self.invoice_transaction_rule.newContent(id='product_1', title='product_1', portal_type='Predicate Group', string_index='product', int_index='1', membership_criterion_base_category_list=['product_line',], membership_criterion_category_list=['product_line/storever/notebook'])
+    self.predicate_product2 = self.invoice_transaction_rule.newContent(id='product_2', title='product_2', portal_type='Predicate Group', string_index='product', int_index='2', membership_criterion_base_category_list=['product_line',], membership_criterion_category_list=['product_line/storever/barebone'])
+    self.predicate_region1 = self.invoice_transaction_rule.newContent(id='region_1', title='region_1', portal_type='Predicate Group', string_index='region', int_index='1', membership_criterion_base_category_list=['region',], membership_criterion_category_list=['region/europe/west/france'])
+    self.predicate_region2 = self.invoice_transaction_rule.newContent(id='region_2', title='region_2', portal_type='Predicate Group', string_index='region', int_index='2', membership_criterion_base_category_list=['region',], membership_criterion_category_list=['region/africa'])
+    # Create some invoices (now that there is nothing harmful inside the rule)
+    self.invoice = self.accounting_module.newContent(id='invoice1', portal_type='Sale Invoice Transaction', destination='organisation/client1', destination_section='organisation/client1', resource='currency/EUR')
+    invoice_line = self.invoice.newContent(id='1', portal_type='Invoice Line', resource='product/product1', quantity=7.0, price=11.0)
+  def updateInvoiceTransactionRuleMatrix(self) :
+    base_id = 'vat_per_region'
+    kwd = {'base_id': base_id}
+    # update the matrix, generates the accounting rule cells
+    self.invoice_transaction_rule.recursiveImmediateReindexObject()
+    self.invoice_transaction_rule.updateMatrix()
+    # check the accounting rule cells inside the matrix
+    cell_list = self.invoice_transaction_rule.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Accounting Rule Cell'})
+    self.assertEqual(len(cell_list), 4)
+    self.product1_region1_cell = getattr(self.invoice_transaction_rule, 'vat_per_region_0_0', None)
+    self.product1_region2_cell = getattr(self.invoice_transaction_rule, 'vat_per_region_0_1', None)
+    self.product2_region1_cell = getattr(self.invoice_transaction_rule, 'vat_per_region_1_0', None)
+    self.product2_region2_cell = getattr(self.invoice_transaction_rule, 'vat_per_region_1_1', None)
+    self.failUnless(self.product1_region1_cell != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.product1_region2_cell != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.product2_region1_cell != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.product2_region2_cell != None)
+    self.product1_region1_line1 = getattr(self.product1_region1_cell, 'income', None)
+    self.failUnless(self.product1_region1_line1 != None)
+    self.product1_region1_line1.edit(title='income', source='account/account1', destination='account/account2', quantity=19.0)
+  def _test_01_HasEverything(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      ZopeTestCase._print('\nTest Has Everything ')
+      LOG('Testing... ',0,'testHasEverything')
+    self.failUnless(self.getCategoryTool() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getSimulationTool() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getTypeTool() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getSqlConnection() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getCatalogTool() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getRuleTool() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getAccountModule() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getAccountingModule() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getOrganisationModule() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getProductModule() != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.getCurrencyModule() != None)
+  def _test_02_UpdateInvoiceTransactionRuleMatrix(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    """
+    Try to update the matrix after adding some predicates, and check if all objects were created
+    """
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      message = 'Test Update Invoice Transaction Rule Matrix'
+      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
+      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
+    # before the tests, we need to be sure we have four predicates
+    self.failUnless(self.predicate_product1 != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.predicate_product2 != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.predicate_region1 != None)
+    self.failUnless(self.predicate_region2 != None)
+    predicate_list = self.invoice_transaction_rule.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Predicate Group'})
+    self.assertEqual(len(predicate_list), 4)
+    # first, we check the matrix was initialized correctly (2x2 cells)
+    self.updateInvoiceTransactionRuleMatrix()
+    cell_list = self.invoice_transaction_rule.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Accounting Rule Cell'})
+    self.assertEqual(len(cell_list), 4)
+    # next, we add a predicate to see if it is still okay (3x2 cells)
+    self.predicate_product3 = self.invoice_transaction_rule.newContent(id='product_3', title='product_3', portal_type='Predicate Group', string_index='product', int_index='3', membership_criterion_base_category_list=['product_line',], membership_criterion_category_list=['product_line/storever/openbrick'], immediate_reindex=1)
+    self.invoice_transaction_rule.updateMatrix()
+    cell_list = self.invoice_transaction_rule.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Accounting Rule Cell'})
+    self.assertEqual(len(cell_list), 6)
+    # then, we remove a predicate and check again (3x1 cells)
+    self.invoice_transaction_rule.deleteContent(id='region_2')
+    self.invoice_transaction_rule.updateMatrix()
+    cell_list = self.invoice_transaction_rule.contentValues(filter={'portal_type':'Accounting Rule Cell'})
+    self.assertEqual(len(cell_list), 3)
+  def test_03_invoiceTransactionRule_getCellByPredicate(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    """
+    test InvoiceTransactionRule.getCellByPredicate()
+    """
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      message = 'Test Invoice Transaction Rule getCellByPredicate '
+      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
+      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
+    # before the tests, we must update the matrix
+    self.updateInvoiceTransactionRuleMatrix()
+    # define objects
+    france = self.category_tool.restrictedTraverse('region/europe/west/france')
+    notebook = self.category_tool.restrictedTraverse('product_line/storever/notebook')
+    erp5 = self.category_tool.restrictedTraverse('product_line/erp5')
+    pcg = self.category_tool.restrictedTraverse('pcg/1')
+    # correct cell
+    kw = (('product', notebook), ('region', france), )
+    self.assertEqual(self.product1_region1_cell, self.invoice_transaction_rule.getCellByPredicate(*kw))
+    # no predicate for this category
+    kw = (('product', erp5), ('region', france), )
+    self.assertEqual(None, self.invoice_transaction_rule.getCellByPredicate(*kw))
+    # incorrect category
+    kw = (('product', None), ('region', france), )
+    self.assertEqual(None, self.invoice_transaction_rule.getCellByPredicate(*kw))
+    # incorrect dimension
+    kw = (('pcg', pcg), ('region', france), )
+    self.assertEqual(None, self.invoice_transaction_rule.getCellByPredicate(*kw))
+  def test_04_invoiceRule_expand(self, quiet=0, run=run_all_test):
+    """
+    Try to expand an invoice containing Invoice Lines
+    """
+    if not run: return
+    if not quiet:
+      message = 'Test Invoice Rule Expand '
+      ZopeTestCase._print('\n%s ' % message)
+      LOG('Testing... ',0,message)
+    # before the tests, we must update the matrix
+    self.updateInvoiceTransactionRuleMatrix()
+    ####
+    # TEST NO 1 : one Invoice Line (quantity * price) * tax == (7 * 11) * 19
+    ####
+    # the invoice is expanded by the invoice_edit_workflow when it is edited.
+    self.invoice.edit(title='Invoice1')
+    # check every level of the simulation
+    applied_rule_list = self.simulation_tool.contentValues() # list of Invoice Rules
+    self.assertEqual(len(applied_rule_list), 1)
+    applied_rule = applied_rule_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getCausality(), 'accounting/invoice1')
+    movement_list = applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Invoice Lines
+    self.assertEqual(len(movement_list), 1)
+    movement = movement_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(movement.getId(), '1')
+    self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+    self.assertEqual(movement.getDelivery(), 'accounting/invoice1/1')
+    sub_applied_rule_list = movement.contentValues() # list of Invoice Transaction Rules
+    self.assertEqual(len(sub_applied_rule_list), 1)
+    sub_applied_rule = sub_applied_rule_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getId(), 'default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+    self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+    self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+    sub_movement_list = sub_applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Sale Invoice Transaction Lines
+    self.assertEqual(len(sub_movement_list), 3) # there should be 'income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat'
+    for sub_movement in sub_movement_list :
+      if sub_movement.getId() not in ('income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat',) :
+'%s is not a normal Sale Invoice Transaction Line name' % sub_movement)
+      self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+      if sub_movement.getId() == 'income' :
+        self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+        self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+        self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0) * 19.0)
+    # check if invoice transaction lines are added and correct (outside simulation too)
+    invoice_transaction_line = getattr(self.invoice, 'income', None)
+    self.failIf(invoice_transaction_line is None)
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getPortalType(), 'Sale Invoice Transaction Line')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0) * 19.0)
+    ####
+    # TEST NO 2 : one Invoice Line (quantity * price) * tax == (7 * 11) * 19
+    # expand once again and check that everithing is still the same
+    ####
+    # the invoice is expanded by the invoice_edit_workflow when it is edited.
+    self.invoice.edit(title='Invoice1')
+    # check every level of the simulation
+    applied_rule_list = self.simulation_tool.contentValues() # list of Invoice Rules
+    self.assertEqual(len(applied_rule_list), 1)
+    applied_rule = applied_rule_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getCausality(), 'accounting/invoice1')
+    movement_list = applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Invoice Lines
+    self.assertEqual(len(movement_list), 1)
+    movement = movement_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(movement.getId(), '1')
+    self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+    self.assertEqual(movement.getDelivery(), 'accounting/invoice1/1')
+    sub_applied_rule_list = movement.contentValues() # list of Invoice Transaction Rules
+    self.assertEqual(len(sub_applied_rule_list), 1)
+    sub_applied_rule = sub_applied_rule_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getId(), 'default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+    self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+    self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+    sub_movement_list = sub_applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Sale Invoice Transaction Lines
+    self.assertEqual(len(sub_movement_list), 3) # there should be 'income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat'
+    for sub_movement in sub_movement_list :
+      if sub_movement.getId() not in ('income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat',) :
+'%s is not a normal Sale Invoice Transaction Line name' % sub_movement)
+      self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+      if sub_movement.getId() == 'income' :
+        self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+        self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+        self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0) * 19.0)
+    # check if invoice transaction lines are added and correct (outside simulation too)
+    invoice_transaction_line = getattr(self.invoice, 'income', None)
+    self.failIf(invoice_transaction_line is None)
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getPortalType(), 'Sale Invoice Transaction Line')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0) * 19.0)
+    ####
+    # TEST NO 3 : two Invoice Lines (quantity * price) * tax == (7 * 11) * 19 + (13 * 17) * 19
+    # add a line with same product_line and test again
+    ####
+    invoice_line2 = self.invoice.newContent(id='2', portal_type='Invoice Line', resource='product/product1', quantity=13.0, price=17.0)
+    # the invoice is expanded by the invoice_edit_workflow when it is edited.
+    self.invoice.edit(title='Invoice1')
+    # check every level of the simulation
+    applied_rule_list = self.simulation_tool.contentValues() # list of Invoice Rules
+    self.assertEqual(len(applied_rule_list), 1)
+    applied_rule = applied_rule_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getCausality(), 'accounting/invoice1')
+    movement_list = applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Invoice Lines
+    self.assertEqual(len(movement_list), 2)
+    for movement in movement_list :
+      movement_id = movement.getId()
+      if movement_id not in ('1', '2',) :
+'%s is not a normal Invoice Line name' % sub_movement)
+      self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+      self.assertEqual(movement.getDelivery(), 'accounting/invoice1/%s' % movement_id)
+      sub_applied_rule_list = movement.contentValues() # list of Invoice Transaction Rules
+      self.assertEqual(len(sub_applied_rule_list), 1)
+      sub_applied_rule = sub_applied_rule_list[0]
+      self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getId(), 'default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+      self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+      self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+      sub_movement_list = sub_applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Sale Invoice Transaction Lines
+      self.assertEqual(len(sub_movement_list), 3) # there should be 'income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat'
+      for sub_movement in sub_movement_list :
+        if sub_movement.getId() not in ('income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat',) :
+'%s is not a normal Sale Invoice Transaction Line name' % sub_movement)
+        self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+        if sub_movement.getId() == 'income' :
+          self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+          self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+          if movement_id == '1' :
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0) * 19.0)
+          elif movement_id == '2' :
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getQuantity(), (13.0 * 17.0) * 19.0)
+    # check if invoice transaction lines are added and correct (outside simulation too)
+    invoice_transaction_line = getattr(self.invoice, 'income', None)
+    self.failIf(invoice_transaction_line is None)
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getPortalType(), 'Sale Invoice Transaction Line')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0 + 13.0 * 17.0) * 19.0)
+    ####
+    # TEST NO 4 : three Invoice Lines (quantity * price) * tax == (7 * 11) * 19 + (13 * 17) * 19 + (23 * 29) * 31
+    ####
+    # add a line with different product_line and test again (we first need a line for this one)
+    self.product2_region1_line1 = getattr(self.product2_region1_cell, 'income', None)
+    self.failUnless(self.product2_region1_line1 != None)
+    self.product2_region1_line1.edit(title='income', source='account/account3', destination='account/account4', quantity=31.0)
+    invoice_line3 = self.invoice.newContent(id='3', portal_type='Invoice Line', resource='product/product2', quantity=23.0, price=29.0)
+    # the invoice is expanded by the invoice_edit_workflow when it is edited.
+    self.invoice.edit(title='Invoice1')
+    # check every level of the simulation
+    applied_rule_list = self.simulation_tool.contentValues() # list of Invoice Rules
+    self.assertEqual(len(applied_rule_list), 1)
+    applied_rule = applied_rule_list[0]
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_rule')
+    self.assertEqual(applied_rule.getCausality(), 'accounting/invoice1')
+    movement_list = applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Invoice Lines
+    self.assertEqual(len(movement_list), 3)
+    for movement in movement_list :
+      movement_id = movement.getId()
+      if movement_id not in ('1', '2', '3',) :
+'%s is not a normal Invoice Line name' % sub_movement)
+      self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+      self.assertEqual(movement.getDelivery(), 'accounting/invoice1/%s' % movement_id)
+      sub_applied_rule_list = movement.contentValues() # list of Invoice Transaction Rules
+      self.assertEqual(len(sub_applied_rule_list), 1)
+      sub_applied_rule = sub_applied_rule_list[0]
+      self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getId(), 'default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+      self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getPortalType(), 'Applied Rule')
+      self.assertEqual(sub_applied_rule.getSpecialise(), 'portal_rules/default_invoice_transaction_rule')
+      sub_movement_list = sub_applied_rule.contentValues() # list of Sale Invoice Transaction Lines
+      self.assertEqual(len(sub_movement_list), 3) # there should be 'income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat'
+      for sub_movement in sub_movement_list :
+        if sub_movement.getId() not in ('income', 'receivable', 'collected_vat',) :
+'%s is not a normal Sale Invoice Transaction Line name' % sub_movement)
+        self.assertEqual(movement.getPortalType(), 'Simulation Movement')
+        if sub_movement.getId() == 'income' :
+          if movement_id == '1' :
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0) * 19.0)
+          elif movement_id == '2' :
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getQuantity(), (13.0 * 17.0) * 19.0)
+          elif movement_id == '3' :
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getSource(), 'account/account3')
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getDestination(), 'account/account4')
+            self.assertEqual(sub_movement.getQuantity(), (23.0 * 29.0) * 31.0)
+    # check if invoice transaction lines are added and correct (outside simulation too)
+    invoice_transaction_line = getattr(self.invoice, 'income', None)
+    self.failIf(invoice_transaction_line is None)
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getPortalType(), 'Sale Invoice Transaction Line')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getSource(), 'account/account1')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getDestination(), 'account/account2')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getQuantity(), (7.0 * 11.0 + 13.0 * 17.0) * 19.0)
+    invoice_transaction_line = getattr(self.invoice, 'income_1', None)
+    self.failIf(invoice_transaction_line is None)
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getPortalType(), 'Sale Invoice Transaction Line')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getSource(), 'account/account3')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getDestination(), 'account/account4')
+    self.assertEqual(invoice_transaction_line.getQuantity(), (23.0 * 29.0) * 31.0)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    framework()
+    import unittest
+    def test_suite():
+        suite = unittest.TestSuite()
+        suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(TestAccountingRules))
+        return suite