Commit 38033738 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled

BT: guess file extension of exported property after the object is split

This avoids computing a file extension that may not be used (if there's no data
to export), and fixes unreliable code duplication in _guessFilename().

Plus more implicit acquisition fixed.
parent 5b9acc0b
......@@ -120,6 +120,27 @@ catalog_method_filter_list = ('_filter_expression_archive',
INSTALLED_BT_FOR_DIFF = 'installed_bt_for_diff'
_MARKER = []
# class_name: (extension, property_name),
"Document Component": ("py", "text_content"),
"DTMLMethod": (None, "raw"),
"Extension Component": ("py", "text_content"),
"File": (None, "data"),
"Image": (None, "data"),
"OOoTemplate": ("oot", "_text"),
"PDF": ("pdf", "data"),
"Python Script": ("py", "_body"),
"PythonScript": ("py", "_body"),
"Spreadsheet": (None, "data"),
"SQL": ("sql", "src"),
"Test Component": ("py", "text_content"),
"Test Page": (None, "text_content"),
"Web Page": (None, "text_content"),
"Web Script": (None, "text_content"),
"Web Style": (None, "text_content"),
"ZopePageTemplate": ("zpt", "_text"),
def _getCatalog(acquisition_context):
Return the id of the SQLCatalog which correspond to the current BT.
......@@ -699,58 +720,7 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
if id != '':
self._archive["%s/%s" % (tool_id, id)] = None
def getClassNameAndExportedExtensionDict(self):
class_name_and_exported_extension_dict = {
"Web Page": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "text_content"},
"Web Style": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "text_content"},
"Web Script": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "text_content"},
"Test Page": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "text_content"},
"ZopePageTemplate": {"extension": ".zpt", "exported_property_type": "_text"},
"OOoTemplate": {"extension": ".oot", "exported_property_type": "_text"},
"Extension Component": {"extension": ".py", "exported_property_type": "text_content"},
"Test Component": {"extension": ".py", "exported_property_type": "text_content"},
"Document Component": {"extension": ".py", "exported_property_type": "text_content"},
"PythonScript": {"extension": ".py", "exported_property_type": "_body"},
"Python Script": {"extension": ".py", "exported_property_type": "_body"},
"Image": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "data"},
"File": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "data"},
"DTMLMethod": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "raw"},
"SQL": {"extension": '.sql', "exported_property_type": "src"},
"Spreadsheet": {"extension": None, "exported_property_type": "data"},
"PDF": {"extension": '.pdf', "exported_property_type": "data"}
return class_name_and_exported_extension_dict
def getPropertyAndExtensionExportedSeparatelyDict(self, document, key):
"""Returns a dictionary with one element in the type of
{exported_property_type: extension}
exported_property_type is the key of the document where the actual data
exists. E.g. for a Extension Component this is 'text_content', while for a
PythonScript it is'_body'.
The extension can be default for some Portal Types, e.g. for PythonScript it
is always '.py', but for others like File guessExtensionOfDocument is used
to identify it.
class_name = document.__class__.__name__
class_name_and_exported_extension_dict = self.getClassNameAndExportedExtensionDict()
if class_name in class_name_and_exported_extension_dict.keys():
extension = class_name_and_exported_extension_dict[class_name]["extension"]
exported_property_type = class_name_and_exported_extension_dict[class_name]["exported_property_type"]
if extension:
return {exported_property_type: extension}
extension = self.guessExtensionOfDocument(document, key, exported_property_type)
if extension:
# if the obtained extension was .xml, change it to ._xml so that it
# would not conflict with th .xml metadata document
if extension == '.xml':
extension = '._xml'
return {exported_property_type: extension}
return {}
def _guessFilename(self, document, key, exported_property_type):
def _guessFilename(self, document, key, data):
# Try to guess the extension based on the id of the document
yield key
document_base = aq_base(document)
......@@ -762,19 +732,13 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
# Try to guess the extension based on the title of the document
yield getattr(document_base, "title", None)
# Try to guess from content
if exported_property_type == 'data':
data = getattr(document_base, exported_property_type, None)
if data:
data = str(data)
except Exception:
for test in imghdr.tests:
extension = test(data, None)
if extension:
yield 'x.' + extension
def guessExtensionOfDocument(self, document, key, exported_property_type=None):
if data:
for test in imghdr.tests:
extension = test(data, None)
if extension:
yield 'x.' + extension
def guessExtensionOfDocument(self, document, key, data=None):
"""Guesses and returns the extension of an ERP5 document.
The process followed is:
......@@ -809,30 +773,30 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
except (IndexError, MimeTypeException):
for key in self._guessFilename(document, key, exported_property_type):
for key in self._guessFilename(document, key, data):
if key:
ext = os.path.splitext(key)[1].lower()
if ext and (mimetypes_registry.lookupExtension(ext[1:]) is mime if mime
else mimetypes_registry.lookupExtension(ext[1:])):
ext = os.path.splitext(key)[1][1:].lower()
if ext and (mimetypes_registry.lookupExtension(ext) is mime if mime
else mimetypes_registry.lookupExtension(ext)):
return ext
if mime:
# return first registered extension (if any)
if mime.extensions:
return '.' + mime.extensions[0]
return mime.extensions[0]
for ext in mime.globs:
if ext[0] == "*" and ext.count(".") == 1:
return ext[1:].encode("utf-8")
return ext[2:].encode("utf-8")
# in case we could not read binary flag from mimetypes_registry then return
# '.bin' for all the Portal Types where exported_property_type is data
# (File, Image, Spreadsheet). Otherwise, return .bin if binary was returned
# as 1.
binary = getattr(mime, 'binary', None)
if (binary is None and exported_property_type == 'data') or binary:
return '.bin'
if binary or binary is None is not data:
return 'bin'
# in all other cases return .txt
return '.txt'
return 'txt'
def export(self, context, bta, catalog_method_template_item = 0, **kw):
......@@ -843,26 +807,25 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
path = self.__class__.__name__ + '/'
for key, obj in self._objects.iteritems():
class_name = obj.__class__.__name__
property_and_extension_exported_separately_dict = self.getPropertyAndExtensionExportedSeparatelyDict(obj, key)
# Back compatibility with filesystem Documents
if isinstance(obj, str):
if not key.startswith(path):
key = path + key
bta.addObject(obj, name=key, ext='.py')
if property_and_extension_exported_separately_dict:
for record_id, record in property_and_extension_exported_separately_dict.iteritems():
extension = record
# we copy the object from the context. Sometimes this changes
# output_encoding, so we keep it here to restore.
reset_output_encoding = False
if hasattr(obj, 'output_encoding'):
reset_output_encoding = True
output_encoding = obj.output_encoding
extension, record_id = \
except KeyError:
# we copy the object from the context. Sometimes this changes
# output_encoding, so we keep it here to restore.
output_encoding = getattr(aq_base(obj), 'output_encoding', _MARKER)
while 1: # not a loop
obj = obj._getCopy(context)
exported_property = getattr(obj, record_id)
data = getattr(aq_base(obj), record_id)
# Delete this attribute from the object.
# in case the related Portal Type does not exist, the object may be broken.
# So we cannot delattr, but we can delete the key of its its broken state
......@@ -874,27 +837,31 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
except (AttributeError, KeyError):
# property was not set on instance,
# do nothing, only .xml metadata will be exported
# export a separate file with the data
if isinstance(data, unicode):
data = str(data.encode('utf-8'))
elif not isinstance(data, str):
data = str(data)
if not extension:
extension = self.guessExtensionOfDocument(obj, key,
data if record_id == 'data' else None)
bta.addObject(StringIO(data), key, path=path,
ext='._xml' if extension == 'xml' else '.' + extension)
# since we get the obj from context we should
# again remove useless properties
obj = self.removeProperties(obj, 1, keep_workflow_history = True)
if output_encoding is not _MARKER:
if isinstance(obj, ERP5BaseBroken):
self._objects[obj_key].__Broken_state__['output_encoding'] = \
obj._p_changed = 1
# export a separate file with the data
if isinstance(exported_property, unicode):
exported_property = str(exported_property.encode('utf-8'))
elif not isinstance(exported_property, str):
exported_property = str(exported_property)
f = StringIO(exported_property)
bta.addObject(f, key, path=path, ext=extension)
# since we get the obj from context we should
# again remove useless properties
obj = self.removeProperties(obj, 1, keep_workflow_history = True)
if reset_output_encoding:
if isinstance(obj, ERP5BaseBroken):
self._objects[obj_key].__Broken_state__['output_encoding'] = output_encoding
obj._p_changed = 1
obj.output_encoding = output_encoding
obj.output_encoding = output_encoding
f = StringIO()
XMLExportImport.exportXML(obj._p_jar, obj._p_oid, f)
......@@ -925,8 +892,8 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
except KeyError:
transactional_variable[transactional_variable_obj_key] = file_obj_content
obj_class_name = obj.__class__.__name__
exported_property_type = self.getClassNameAndExportedExtensionDict()[obj_class_name]['exported_property_type']
# if we have instance of InitGhostBase, 'unghost' it so we can
# identify if it is broken
if isinstance(self._objects[obj_key], InitGhostBase):
......@@ -951,8 +918,8 @@ class ObjectTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
self._objects[obj_key] = obj
if transactional_variable.get(transactional_variable_obj_key, None) != None:
obj_class_name = obj.__class__.__name__
exported_property_type = self.getClassNameAndExportedExtensionDict()[obj_class_name]['exported_property_type']
# if we have instance of InitGhostBase, 'unghost' it so we can
# identify if it is broken
if isinstance(self._objects[obj_key], InitGhostBase):
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