Commit 4c070a12 authored by Kazuhiko Shiozaki's avatar Kazuhiko Shiozaki Committed by Jérome Perrin

fixup! ERP5Type/patches/DateTimePatch: fix name of copy_reg._reconstructor

parent 9a9cc514
......@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import math
from DateTime.DateTime import _calcSD, _calcDependentSecond, _calcYMDHMS,\
getDefaultDateFormat, _correctYear, _calcHMS, _calcDependentSecond2, DateTimeError,\
SyntaxError, DateError, TimeError, localtime, time
from Products.ERP5Type import IS_ZOPE2
STATE_KEY = 'str'
......@@ -303,6 +304,7 @@ DateTimeKlass.TimeError = TimeError
# See
# This patch is no longer needed once we are using DateTime >= 3 so
# it is not needed on python3 (copy_reg does not exist on python3)
import copy_reg
copy_reg._reconstructor.__module__ = 'copy_reg'
copy_reg._reconstructor.__name__ = '_reconstructor'
if IS_ZOPE2: # BBB Zope2
import copy_reg
copy_reg._reconstructor.__module__ = 'copy_reg'
copy_reg._reconstructor.__name__ = '_reconstructor'
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