Commit 5b96a405 authored by Vincent Pelletier's avatar Vincent Pelletier

CMFActivity.Activity.SQLBase: Limit the number of subqueries per dependency lookup query.

parent c629ee70
......@@ -68,6 +68,12 @@ UID_SAFE_BITSIZE = 63
# enough while yielding one order of magnitude collision probability
# improvement.
# Limit the number of UNION-joined subqueries per query when looking for
# blocking activities. Used to take a slice from a list.
# XXX: 5000 is known to work on a case on "after_tag" dependency, which fails
# at 5400 with:
# ProgrammingError: (1064, "memory exhausted near [...]")
def sort_message_key(message):
# same sort key as in SQLBase.getMessageList
......@@ -592,12 +598,19 @@ CREATE TABLE %s (
base_sql_prefix = '(SELECT %s FROM ' % (
for row in db.query(
' UNION '.join(
subquery_list = [
base_sql_prefix + table_name + sql_suffix
for table_name in table_name_list
for sql_suffix in sql_suffix_list
while subquery_list:
# Join queries with a UNION, to reduce per-query latency.
# Also, limit the number of subqueries per query, as their number can
# largely exceed the number of activities being considered multiplied
# by the number of activty tables: it is also proportional to the
# number of distinct values being looked for in the current column.
for row in db.query(
# Each row is a value which blocks some activities.
......@@ -608,6 +621,7 @@ CREATE TABLE %s (
# ...but update result immediately, in case there is no next
# outermost iteration.
return result
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