Commit 96e71d74 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled Committed by Kazuhiko Shiozaki

builder: ignore property updates by movement groups if no document can be updated

This fixes how the builder processes the result of IMovementGroup.test.
Testing deliveries to find one that can be updated should have no impact
on properties if the builder ends up creating a delivery.
parent 929e37e6
......@@ -42,11 +42,8 @@ class OrderMovementGroup(MovementGroup):
return {'causality_list': [self._getOrderRelativeUrl(movement)]}
def test(self, movement, property_dict, **kw):
if set(property_dict['causality_list']).issubset(movement.getCausalityList()):
property_dict['causality_list'] = movement.getCausalityList()
return True, property_dict
return False, property_dict
return set(property_dict['causality_list']
).issubset(movement.getCausalityList()), {}
def _getOrderRelativeUrl(self, movement):
......@@ -37,9 +37,17 @@ class IMovementGroup(Interface):
def test(document, property_dict, **kw):
"""Returns a tuple of 2 values.
First one is True if document contains identical values than some
contained property_dict.
Second one is a modified version of property_dict.
First one is True if processed movements can be built to 'document'.
Second one is a dict of properties that are set to 'document' if the
latter is actually chosen: it can be 'property_dict', which was the dict
returned by 'separate' for the considered movements.
'property_dict' shall be treated as immutable recursively. A modified
copy (deeply if necessary) can be returned.
A common implementation is to return a 2-tuple whose first value
is True when properties of 'document' are same as 'property_dict',
then there's usually no property to set and the second value is {}.
- take into account the possibility to use Divergence Testers
......@@ -323,18 +323,6 @@ class BuilderMixin(XMLObject, Amount, Predicate):
return root_group_node
def _test(self, instance, movement_group_node_list,
result = True
new_property_dict_list = []
for movement_group_node in movement_group_node_list:
tmp_result, tmp_property_dict = movement_group_node.test(
instance, divergence_list)
if not tmp_result:
result = tmp_result
return result, new_property_dict_list
def _getSortedPropertyDict(property_dict_list):
# Sort the edit keywords according to the order of their movement
......@@ -357,7 +345,6 @@ class BuilderMixin(XMLObject, Amount, Predicate):
def _findUpdatableObject(self, instance_list, movement_group_node_list,
instance = None
if instance_list:
# we want to check the original delivery first.
# so sort instance_list by that current is exists or not.
......@@ -371,16 +358,19 @@ class BuilderMixin(XMLObject, Amount, Predicate):
current = current.getParentValue()
except AttributeError:
for instance_to_update in instance_list:
result, property_dict_list = self._test(
instance_to_update, movement_group_node_list, divergence_list)
if result:
instance = instance_to_update
for instance in instance_list:
property_dict_list = []
for movement_group_node in movement_group_node_list:
result, property_dict = movement_group_node.test(
instance, divergence_list)
if not result:
property_dict_list = [movement_group_node.getGroupEditDict()
for movement_group_node in movement_group_node_list]
return instance, self._getSortedPropertyDict(property_dict_list)
return None, self._getSortedPropertyDict(
for movement_group_node in movement_group_node_list)
......@@ -164,8 +164,15 @@ class MovementGroupNode:
if not property_list:
return True, {}
# else update anyway (eg. CausalityAssignmentMovementGroup etc.)
return self._movement_group.test(movement, self._property_dict,
result, property_dict = self._movement_group.test(
movement, self._property_dict, property_list=property_list)
# The following check is partial because it does not check mutable values
# recursively.
if property_dict is self._property_dict != property_dict:
raise ValueError(
"Movement Group must not modify the passed 'property_dict':"
" copy it, deeply if necessary, before editing properties")
return result, property_dict
return True, {}
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