Commit debb2043 authored by Julien Muchembled's avatar Julien Muchembled


parent ea5e3ed7
......@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ if node is None:
# use of the constraint
error_list = inventory.checkConsistency()
if len(error_list) > 0:
raise ValidationFailed(error_list[0].getTranslatedMessage(),)
raise ValidationFailed(error_list[0].getTranslatedMessage())
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ catalog_id = archive.getCatalogId()
if "deferred" not in archive.getDeferredConnectionId():
msg = Message(domain='ui', message='Deferred connection ID choose is not a deferred connection.')
raise ValidationFailed(msg,)
raise ValidationFailed(msg)
def sort_max_date(a, b):
return cmp(a.getStopDateRangeMax(), b.getStopDateRangeMax())
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ if archive.getStopDateRangeMax() is not None:
if previous_archive.getStopDateRangeMax().Date() != min_stop_date:
msg = Message(domain='ui', message='Archive are not contiguous.')
raise ValidationFailed(msg,)
raise ValidationFailed(msg)
previous_archive_list = [x.getObject() for x in archive.portal_catalog(portal_type="Archive",
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ else:
if previous_archive.getStopDateRangeMax().Date() != min_stop_date:
msg = Message(domain='ui', message='Archive are not contiguous.')
raise ValidationFailed(msg,)
raise ValidationFailed(msg)
# Check the catalog
......@@ -57,4 +57,4 @@ previous_archive_list = [x.getObject() for x in archive.portal_catalog(portal_ty
for arch in previous_archive_list:
if arch.getCatalogId() == catalog_id and arch is not previous_archive:
msg = Message(domain='ui', message='Use of a former catalog is prohibited.')
raise ValidationFailed(msg,)
raise ValidationFailed(msg)
......@@ -290,8 +290,8 @@ class BuilderMixin(XMLObject, Amount, Predicate):
for movement in select_method(**kw):
movement = movement.getObject()
if movement in movement_set:
raise SelectMethodError('%s returned %s twice or more' % \
(method_id, movement.getRelativeUrl()))
raise SelectMethodError('%s returned %s twice or more'
% (method_id, movement.getRelativeUrl()))
......@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@ class BuilderMixin(XMLObject, Amount, Predicate):
if delivery is None:
if not self.isDeliveryCreatable():
raise SelectMethodError('No updatable delivery found with %s for %s' \
raise SelectMethodError('No updatable delivery found with %s for %s'
% (self.getPath(), movement_group_node_list))
delivery = self._createDelivery(delivery_module,
......@@ -661,8 +661,9 @@ class BuilderMixin(XMLObject, Amount, Predicate):
movement_list = movement_group_node.getMovementList()
if len(movement_list) != 1:
raise CollectError("DeliveryBuilder: %s unable to distinct those\
movements: %s" % (self.getId(), str(movement_list)))
raise CollectError(
"DeliveryBuilder: %s unable to distinct those movements: %s"
% (self.getId(), movement_list))
# XXX Hardcoded value
base_id = 'movement'
......@@ -720,8 +721,8 @@ class BuilderMixin(XMLObject, Amount, Predicate):
raise MatrixError('Cell: %s already exists on %s' % \
(str(cell_key), str(delivery_line)))
raise MatrixError('Cell: %s already exists on %s'
% (cell_key, delivery_line))
object_to_update = cell
self._setUpdated(object_to_update, 'cell')
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ for person in person_value_list:
resource = inventory.resource_relative_url
if inventory.resource_uid in presence_resource_uid_list:
raise ValueError("This report does not work when same resource are"\
raise ValueError("This report does not work when same resource are"
" used in presence and leave.")
person_time = (person_planned_time - person.getAvailableTime(
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ class CertificateAuthorityTool(BaseTool):
except Exception:
# do not raise during cleanup
reraise(e[0], e[1], e[2])
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ class CertificateAuthorityTool(BaseTool):
except Exception:
# do not raise during cleanup
reraise(e[0], e[1], e[2])
......@@ -2155,7 +2155,7 @@ class TestERP5Catalog(ERP5TypeTestCase, LogInterceptor):
result = query('SELECT * FROM roles_and_users WHERE allowedRolesAndUsers LIKE "%s:%%" AND uid = %i' % (line['allowedRolesAndUsers'], uid) )
self.assertNotEqual(len(result), 0, 'No line found for allowedRolesAndUsers=%r and uid=%i' % (line['allowedRolesAndUsers'], uid))
raise Exception('Malformed allowedRolesAndUsers value: %r' % (line['allowedRolesAndUsers'], ))
raise Exception('Malformed allowedRolesAndUsers value: %(allowedRolesAndUsers)r' % line)
# Check that object that 'bar' can view because of 'Author' role can *not*
# be found when searching for his other 'Whatever' role.
......@@ -14,16 +14,16 @@ if context.getPassword():
if login.getReference() == reference:
raise RuntimeError('Person %s does not have a validated Login with reference %r' % \
(person.getRelativeUrl(), reference))
raise RuntimeError('Person %s does not have a validated Login with reference %r'
% (person.getRelativeUrl(), reference))
else: # BBB when login reference is not set in Credential Update document.
if login_list:
user_id = person.Person_getUserId()
login = sorted(login_list,
key=lambda x:x.getReference() == user_id, reverse=True)[0]
raise RuntimeError('Person %s does not have a validated Login with reference %r' % \
(person.getRelativeUrl(), reference))
raise RuntimeError('Person %s does not have a validated Login with reference %r'
% (person.getRelativeUrl(), reference))
login = person
......@@ -696,8 +696,8 @@ class TestProductionOrderMixin(TestOrderMixin):
LOG('object.getDeliveryValue()', 0, delivery_value)
if delivery_value is not None:
raise AssertionError("Attribute: %s, Value: %s, Result: %s" %\
(attribute, value, getattr(object, attribute)()))
raise AssertionError("Attribute: %s, Value: %s, Result: %s"
% (attribute, value, getattr(object, attribute)()))
def stepCheckProductionSimulation(self, sequence=None, sequence_list=None,
......@@ -45,8 +45,9 @@ if matrixbox :
translateString('${contribution_share_title} (Amount or Percent)',
raise ValueError("PaySheetModelLine_asCellRange: the two categories "\
"must could be only contribution_share and salary_range")
raise ValueError(
"%s: base category must be either contribution_share or salary_range"
cell_range = filter(lambda x: x != [], cell_range)
......@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ def getSocialOrganisationValue():
business_path_list = business_process.getTradeModelPathValueList(trade_phase=\
'payroll/invoicing/social_security', context=context)
if len(business_path_list) > 1:
raise NotImplementedError('For now, it can not support more '\
'than one business_path with same trade_phase. '\
'%s have same trade_phase' % repr(business_path_list))
raise NotImplementedError('For now, it can not support more'
' than one business_path with same trade_phase.'
' %r have same trade_phase' % business_path_list)
if len(business_path_list) == 1:
business_path = business_path_list[0]
return business_path.getSourceSectionValue()
......@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ for paysheet in paysheet_list:
if annotation_line is None:
annotation_line = getattr(paysheet, 'work_time_annotation_line', None)
if annotation_line is None:
raise ValueError("Paysheet %s has no Annotation Line with reference work_time_annotation_line"\
raise ValueError("Paysheet %s has no Annotation Line with reference work_time_annotation_line"
% paysheet.getRelativeUrl())
nb_heures = annotation_line.getQuantity()
yearly_work_time += nb_heures
......@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ for task_line in result_list:
source_uid = task_line.node_uid
if source_uid is None:
# This should not happens, so display an error message
raise ValueError(context.Base_translateString(\
raise ValueError(context.Base_translateString(
"This task should have a source : ${task_relative_url}",
mapping = {'task_relative_url': task_line.getRelativeUrl()}))
source_dict = source_uid_dict.get(source_uid, None)
......@@ -402,11 +402,11 @@ class SyncMLSubscription(XMLObject):
user = user_folder.getUserById(user_id).__of__(user_folder) # __of__ might got AttributeError
except AttributeError:
raise ValueError("User %s cannot be found in user folder, \
synchronization cannot work with this kind of user" % (user_id,))
raise ValueError("User %s cannot be found in user folder,"
" synchronization cannot work with this kind of user" % user_id)
if user is None:
raise ValueError("User %s cannot be found in user folder, \
synchronization cannot work with this kind of user" % (user_id,))
raise ValueError("User %s cannot be found in user folder,"
" synchronization cannot work with this kind of user" % user_id)
newSecurityManager(None, user)
......@@ -1036,10 +1036,10 @@ class SyncMLSubscription(XMLObject):
result_list = query_method(**kw)
raise KeyError('This Subscriber %s provide no list method:%r'\
raise KeyError('This Subscriber %s provide no list method:%r'
% (self.getPath(), list_method_id))
raise KeyError('This Subscriber %s provide no list method with id:%r'\
raise KeyError('This Subscriber %s provide no list method with id:%r'
% (self.getPath(), list_method_id))
return result_list
......@@ -62,8 +62,8 @@ def encode(format, string_to_encode): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
#elif format is .... put here the other formats
else:#if there is no format corresponding with format, raise an error
LOG('encode : unknown or not implemented format : ', INFO, format)
raise ValueError("Sorry, the server ask for the format %s but \
it's unknow or not implemented" % format)
raise ValueError("Sorry, the server ask for the format %s but"
" it's unknown or not implemented" % format)
def decode(format, string_to_decode): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
......@@ -77,8 +77,7 @@ def decode(format, string_to_decode): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
#elif format is .... put here the other formats
else:#if there is no format corresponding with format, raise an error
LOG('decode : unknown or not implemented format :', INFO, format)
raise ValueError("Sorry, the format %s is unknow or \
not implemented" % format)
raise ValueError("Sorry, the format %s is unknown or not implemented" % format)
def isDecodeEncodeTheSame(string_encoded, string_decoded, format): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
......@@ -102,9 +102,10 @@ class TioSafeNodeConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
previous_value = previous_xml[0].text
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise IndexError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
# check if it'a work on person or on address
if tag in ['street', 'zip', 'city', 'country']:
......@@ -164,9 +164,10 @@ class TioSafeResourceConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
previous_value = previous_xml[0].text
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise ValueError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
# check if it'a work on product or on categories
if tag.split('[')[0] == 'category':
......@@ -268,9 +269,10 @@ class TioSafeResourceConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise IndexError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
# retrieve the current value to check if exists a conflict
current_value = etree.XML(document.asXML()).xpath(tag)[0].text
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class AccountingERP5IntegrationConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
'PP', 'SA', 'SR', 'VP', 'VR'):
return 'Payment Transaction'
raise Exception("getObjectType: ERROR journal code unknow")
raise Exception("getObjectType: ERROR journal code unknown")
def constructContent(self, object, object_id, portal_type): # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin
......@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class ERP5NodeConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
if len(stc_list) == 0:
self._createSaleTradeCondition(object, **kw)
elif len(stc_list) > 1:
raise ValueError("Multiple trade condition (%s) retrieved for %s" \
raise ValueError("Multiple trade condition (%s) retrieved for %s"
% ([x.path for x in stc_list], object.getTitle()))
stc = stc_list[0].getObject()
......@@ -155,7 +155,8 @@ class ERP5NodeConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
if link_object is not None:
raise ValueError("Impossible to find organisation %s in %s" %(organisation_gid, synchronization_list))
raise ValueError("Impossible to find organisation %s in %s"
% (organisation_gid, synchronization_list))
return []
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ class ERP5ResourceConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
conflict_list = self._createMapping(sub_object, mapping_list)
if len(conflict_list):
raise ValueError("Conflict on creation of resource, should not happen, conflict = %r" %(conflict_list))
raise ValueError("Conflict on creation of resource, should not happen, conflict = %r" % conflict_list)
......@@ -376,9 +376,10 @@ class ERP5ResourceConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
previous_value = previous_xml[0].text
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise IndexError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
if isinstance(previous_value, unicode):
previous_value = previous_value.encode('utf-8')
......@@ -545,9 +546,10 @@ class ERP5ResourceConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
previous_value = previous_xml[0].text
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise IndexError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
if isinstance(previous_value, unicode):
previous_value = previous_value.encode('utf-8')
......@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class ERP5TransactionConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
# in the worse case save the line with the unknown product
if link_object is None:
raise ValueError("Impossible to find related resource for gid %s" %(link_gid))
raise ValueError("Impossible to find related resource for gid %s" % link_gid)
# set the resource in the dict
movement_dict_value[tag] = link_object
......@@ -104,9 +104,10 @@ class TioSafeNodeConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
previous_value = previous_xml[0].text
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise IndexError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
# check if it'a work on person or on address
if tag in ['street', 'zip', 'city', 'country']:
......@@ -145,9 +145,10 @@ class TioSafeResourceConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
previous_value = previous_xml[0].text
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise ValueError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
if isinstance(previous_value, unicode):
previous_value = previous_value.encode('utf-8')
......@@ -206,9 +207,10 @@ class TioSafeResourceConduit(TioSafeBaseConduit):
except IndexError:
raise IndexError('Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s' % (
raise IndexError(
'Too little or too many value, only one is required for %s'
% previous_xml
LOG("TiosafeResourceConduit.del", 300, "will remove category %s from %s" %(tag, previous_xml.text))
# retrieve the current value to check if exists a conflict
current_value = etree.XML(object_xml).xpath(tag)[0].text
......@@ -56,10 +56,8 @@ except ValidationFailed, error_message:
if len(message) > 2000: # too long message will generate a too long URI
# that would become an error.
message = "%s ..." % message[:(2000 - 4)]
raise Redirect("%s?portal_status_message=%s" % (
return transaction.getRelativeUrl()
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ for result in result_list:
raise RuntimeError("One property is not the same that you wanted : you asked '%s' and expecting '%s' but get '%s'" % (key, kw[key], method()))
# check that every object are owner by you
if strict_check_mode and object.Base_getOwnerId() not in [owner_id, functional_test_username, 'System Processes','zope', functional_another_test_username]:
raise RuntimeError("You have try to clean an item who haven't you as owner : %s is owned by %s and you are %s" % \
raise RuntimeError("You have try to clean an item who haven't you as owner : %s is owned by %s and you are %s" %
(object.getTitle(), object.Base_getOwnerId(), owner_id))
if strict_check_mode and max_count is not None:
......@@ -2094,7 +2094,7 @@ class RegisteredSkinSelectionTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
if skin_selection_id in selection_list:
self._objects.setdefault(skin_folder_id, []).append(skin_selection_id)
raise NotFound('No skin selection %s found for skin folder %s.' \
raise NotFound('No skin selection %s found for skin folder %s.'
% (skin_selection_id, skin_folder_id))
# Function to generate XML Code Manually
......@@ -2575,8 +2575,8 @@ class PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
'in chain for portal_type %s' % (workflow_name, portal_type))
self._objects.setdefault(portal_type, []).append(workflow)
elif not self.is_bt_for_diff:
raise NotFound('No workflow chain found for portal type %s. This '\
'is probably a sign of a missing dependency.'\
raise NotFound('No workflow chain found for portal type %s.'
' This is probably a sign of a missing dependency.'
% portal_type)
# Function to generate XML Code Manually
......@@ -2692,8 +2692,8 @@ class PortalTypeWorkflowChainTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
# improve the error message
for wf_id in self._objects[path]:
if wf_id.startswith('-'):
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a workflow ID for %s' % \
(wf_id, portal_type))
raise ValueError('"%s" is not a workflow ID for %s'
% (wf_id, portal_type))
chain_dict[chain_key] = self._objects[path]
if context.portal_types.getTypeInfo(portal_type) is None:
......@@ -2913,8 +2913,8 @@ class PortalTypeAllowedContentTypeTemplateItem(BaseTemplateItem):
if type_information is None:
if not property_list:
raise AttributeError("Portal type '%s' not found while " \
"installing %s" % (portal_id, self.getTitle()))
raise AttributeError("Portal type '%s' not found while installing %s"
% (portal_id, self.getTitle()))
old_property_list = old_objects.get(key, ())
object_property_list = getattr(type_information, self.class_property, ())
# merge differences between portal types properties
......@@ -6046,8 +6046,9 @@ Business Template is a set of definitions, such as skins, portal types and categ
missing_dep_list = self.getMissingDependencyList()
if len(missing_dep_list) != 0:
raise BusinessTemplateMissingDependency('Impossible to install %s, please install the following dependencies before: %s' \
%(self.getTitle(), repr(missing_dep_list)))
raise BusinessTemplateMissingDependency(
'Impossible to install %s, please install the following dependencies before: %r'
% (self.getTitle(), missing_dep_list))
security.declareProtected(Permissions.ManagePortal, 'getMissingDependencyList')
def getMissingDependencyList(self):
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ class SQLNonContinuousIncreasingIdGenerator(IdGenerator):
# Check the arguments
if id_group in (None, 'None'):
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid group Id.' % (repr(id_group), ))
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid group Id.' % id_group)
if default is None:
default = 0
......@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class ZODBContinuousIncreasingIdGenerator(IdGenerator):
if id_group in (None, 'None'):
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid group Id.' % (repr(id_group), ))
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid group Id.' % id_group)
if default is None:
default = 0
last_id_dict = getattr(self, 'last_id_dict', None)
......@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ class ERP5Site(ResponseHeaderGenerator, FolderMixIn, PortalObjectBase, CacheCook
if portal_activities.countMessage(path=ob.getPath())>0:
raise ActivityPendingError('Sorry, pending activities prevent ' \
+ 'changing id at this current stage')
raise ActivityPendingError(
'Sorry, pending activities prevent changing id at this current stage')
# Search for categories that have to be updated in sub objects.
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class IdTool(BaseTool):
Generate the next id in the sequence of ids of a particular group
if id_group in (None, 'None'):
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid id_group' % (repr(id_group), ))
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid id_group' % id_group)
# for compatibilty with sql data, must not use id_group as a list
if not isinstance(id_group, str):
id_group = repr(id_group)
......@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ class IdTool(BaseTool):
Generate a list of next ids in the sequence of ids of a particular group
if id_group in (None, 'None'):
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid id_group' % (repr(id_group), ))
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid id_group' % id_group)
# for compatibilty with sql data, must not use id_group as a list
if not isinstance(id_group, str):
id_group = repr(id_group)
......@@ -208,17 +208,13 @@ class IdTool(BaseTool):
# XXX It's temporary, a New API will be implemented soon
# the code will be change
portal = self.getPortalObject()
query = getattr(portal, 'IdTool_zGenerateId', None)
commit = getattr(portal, 'IdTool_zCommit', None)
if query is None or commit is None:
portal_catalog = getattr(self, 'portal_catalog').getSQLCatalog()
query = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_generate_id')
commit = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_commit')
if None in (query, commit):
raise AttributeError('Error while generating Id: ' \
'idTool_zGenerateId and/or idTool_zCommit could not ' \
'be found.')
query = portal.IdTool_zGenerateId
commit = portal.IdTool_zCommit
except AttributeError:
portal_catalog = portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog()
query = portal_catalog.z_portal_ids_generate_id
commit = portal_catalog.z_portal_ids_commit
result = query(id_group=id_group, id_count=id_count, default=default)
......@@ -304,14 +300,10 @@ class IdTool(BaseTool):
# XXX It's temporary, a New API will be implemented soon
# the code will be change
portal = self.getPortalObject()
query = getattr(portal, 'IdTool_zGetLastId', None)
if query is None:
portal_catalog = getattr(self, 'portal_catalog').getSQLCatalog()
query = getattr(portal_catalog, 'z_portal_ids_get_last_id')
if query is None:
raise AttributeError('Error while getting last Id: ' \
'IdTool_zGetLastId could not ' \
'be found.')
query = portal.IdTool_zGetLastId
except AttributeError:
query = portal.portal_catalog.getSQLCatalog().z_portal_ids_get_last_id
result = query(id_group=id_group)
if len(result):
......@@ -944,7 +944,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
if len(sorted_bt_list) != len(bt_list):
raise NotImplementedError("Circular dependencies on %s" % reverse_dependency_dict.keys())
raise NotImplementedError("Circular dependencies on %s" % list(reverse_dependency_dict))
return sorted_bt_list
......@@ -1192,7 +1192,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
raise BusinessTemplateMissingDependency("Unable to resolve dependencies for %s, options are %s" \
raise BusinessTemplateMissingDependency("Unable to resolve dependencies for %s, options are %s"
% (dep_id, provider_list))
if len(template_title_list) > 0:
......@@ -1224,7 +1224,7 @@ class TemplateTool (BaseTool):
if not checkAvailability(i[1].replace(".bt5", ""))]
if not install_dependency and len(missing_dependency_list) > 0:
raise BusinessTemplateMissingDependency("Impossible to install, please install the following dependencies before: %s" \
raise BusinessTemplateMissingDependency("Impossible to install, please install the following dependencies before: %s"
% [x[1] for x in missing_dependency_list])
activate_kw = dict(activity="SQLQueue", tag="start_%s" % (time.time()))
......@@ -303,13 +303,12 @@ class Amount(Base, VariatedMixin):
variation_list = []
for property_id, property_value in property_dict.items():
if property_id not in variation_list:
raise KeyError("Can not set the property variation '%s'" % \
raise KeyError("Can not set the property variation %r" % property_id)
self.setProperty(property_id, property_value)
except KeyError:
LOG("Amount", ERROR, "Can not set %s with value %s on %s" % \
LOG("Amount", ERROR, "Can not set %s with value %s on %s" %
(property_id, property_value, self.getRelativeUrl()))
......@@ -3,4 +3,4 @@ local_role_list = context.get_local_roles()
for group, role_list in local_role_list:
if 'Owner' in role_list:
return group
raise ValueError('Context (%s) has no owner (see local roles).' % (repr(context), ))
raise ValueError('Context (%r) has no owner (see local roles).' % context)
......@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@ for skin_folder_id in skin_id_list:
# As the form will be deleted, no need to manage its fields
raise KeyError('Unexpected form handling %s for %s' % \
(modified_object_dict[form_path], form_path))
raise KeyError('Unexpected form handling %s for %s'
% (modified_object_dict[form_path], form_path))
elif form_id not in (field_library_id, alternate_field_library_id,
# Check that proxy field are proxified to field library
......@@ -186,8 +186,6 @@ class IntrospectionTool(LogMixin, BaseTool):
raise IOError('The file path must be relative not absolute')
instance_home = getConfiguration().instancehome
file_path = os.path.join(instance_home, file_path)
if not os.path.exists(file_path):
raise IOError('The file: %s does not exist.' % file_path)
if compressed:
tmp_file_path = tempfile.mktemp(dir=tmp_file_path)
......@@ -235,9 +233,6 @@ class IntrospectionTool(LogMixin, BaseTool):
Do a 'tail -f -n line_number filename'
log_file = os.path.join(getConfiguration().instancehome, file_name)
if not os.path.exists(log_file):
raise IOError('The file: %s does not exist.' % log_file)
char_per_line = 75
with open(log_file,'r') as tailed_file:
......@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
if not as_text:
prop_value = category_tool.getCategoryValue(prop)
if prop_value is None:
raise ValueError('Category %s does not exists' % prop)
raise ValueError('Category %s does not exist' % prop)
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
if not as_text:
prop_value = category_tool.getCategoryValue(property_item)
if prop_value is None:
raise ValueError('Category %s does not exists' % property_item)
raise ValueError('Category %s does not exist' % property_item)
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
if not as_text:
prop_value = category_tool.getCategoryValue(property_item)
if prop_value is None:
raise ValueError('Category %s does not exists' % property_item)
raise ValueError('Category %s does not exist' % property_item)
......@@ -1140,14 +1140,12 @@ class SimulationTool(BaseTool):
return result
total_result = 0.0
if len(result) > 0:
if len(result) != 1:
raise ValueError('Sorry we must have only one')
result = result[0]
if result:
result, = result
if hasattr(result, "converted_quantity"):
total_result = result.converted_quantity
except AttributeError:
inventory = result.total_quantity
if inventory is not None:
total_result = inventory
......@@ -2994,11 +2994,11 @@ class TestInventoryCacheTable(InventoryAPITestCase):
# Leads to rasing exception instead of calling self.assert[...] method.
if not success:
if ordered_check:
raise AssertionError('Line %r\ndo not match\n %r' % \
raise AssertionError('Line %r\ndo not match\n %r' %
raise AssertionError('No line in %r\n match\n %r' % \
raise AssertionError('No line in %r\n match\n %r' %
(inventory_list, criterion_dict))
# Check all expected lines have been found.
......@@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ class TestXHTMLMixin(ERP5TypeTestCase):
stdout, stderr = Popen(args, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
except OSError, e:
raise OSError('%r\n%r' % (os.environ, e))
e.strerror += '\n%r' % os.environ
if stdout:
error_list.append((check_path, stdout))
if error_list:
......@@ -1402,9 +1402,10 @@ def get_field_meta_type_and_proxy_flag(field):
return field.getRecursiveTemplateField().meta_type, True
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError('The proxy target of %s.%s field does not '\
'exists. Please check the field setting.' % \
(, field.getId()))
raise AttributeError(
'The proxy target of %s.%s field does not exist.'
' Please check the field settings.'
% (, field.getId()))
return field.meta_type, False
......@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ class PDFParser:
command_output = commands.getstatusoutput('pdfinfo %s' % \
if command_output[0] != 0:
raise ValueError('Error: convert command failed with the following'\
'error message : \n%s' % command_output[1])
raise ValueError('Error: convert command failed with the following'
' error message:\n%s' % command_output[1])
# get the pdf page size
rawstr = r'''
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class PDFParser:
command_output = commands.getstatusoutput('pdftk %s output %s flatten'\
% (temp_input_name, temp_output_name))
if command_output[0] != 0:
raise IOError("pdftk failed with the following error %s"\
raise IOError("pdftk failed with the following error %s"
% command_output[1])
temp_output = open(temp_output_name,'rb')
......@@ -1258,8 +1258,8 @@ class SelectionTool( BaseTool, SimpleItem ):
relation_index += 1
if not relation_field_found:
# We didn't find the field...
raise SelectionError("SelectionTool: can not find the relation" \
" field %s" % index)
raise SelectionError("SelectionTool: can not find the relation field %s"
% index)
# Field found
field_key = field.generate_field_key()
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest
from Products.ERP5OOo.tests.testOOoStyle import TestOOoStyle
from .testOOoStyle import TestOOoStyle
class TestOOoStyleWithFlare(TestOOoStyle):
"""Tests ODF styles for ERP5 with Flare."""
......@@ -95,17 +95,16 @@ class CesarCipher:
crypted_letter = str(ord(login[i]) + self.encrypted_key[delta])
#ord is the inverse of chr() for 8-bit (1111 1111 = 256)
#so crypted_letter max id 512
#we ajust lenght to be able to decrypt by block
#we ajust length to be able to decrypt by block
crypted_letter = crypted_letter.rjust(self.block_length, '0')
crypted_login += crypted_letter
return crypted_login
def decrypt(self, crypted_login):
login = ''
#check lenght of the string
clogin_length = len(crypted_login)
if clogin_length % self.block_length != 0:
raise ValueError("Lenght is not good")
raise ValueError("Invalid length")
#decrypt block per block
position = 0
key_length = len(self.encrypted_key)
......@@ -73,17 +73,19 @@ def _setUserNameForAccessLog(username, REQUEST):
def initialize(context):
from . import ERP5UserManager
from . import ERP5LoginUserManager
from . import ERP5GroupManager
from . import ERP5RoleManager
from . import ERP5UserFactory
from . import ERP5KeyAuthPlugin
from . import ERP5ExternalAuthenticationPlugin
from . import ERP5BearerExtractionPlugin
from . import ERP5ExternalOauth2ExtractionPlugin
from . import ERP5AccessTokenExtractionPlugin
from . import ERP5DumbHTTPExtractionPlugin
from . import (
......@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@ class CachingMethod:
cache_factory is the id of the cache_factory to use.
if not callable(callable_object):
raise CachedMethodError("callable_object %s is not callable" % str(
raise CachedMethodError("callable_object %r is not callable"
% (callable_object,))
if not id:
raise CachedMethodError("id must be specified") = id
......@@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ class CopyContainer:
pass # There is no activity tool
if portal_activities.countMessage(path=ob.getPath())>0:
raise ActivityPendingError('Sorry, pending activities prevent ' \
+ 'changing id at this current stage')
raise ActivityPendingError(
'Sorry, pending activities prevent changing id at this current stage')
# Search for categories that have to be updated in sub objects.
......@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ if memcache is not None:
def _prefixKey(self, key):
if not isinstance(key, basestring):
raise TypeError('Key %s is not a string. Only strings are supported as key in SharedDict' % (repr(key), ))
raise TypeError('Key %r is not a string. Only strings are supported as key in SharedDict' % (key,))
return '%s_%s' % (self.prefix, key)
def __getitem__(self, key):
......@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ else:
if this function is called and memcachedtool is disabled, fail loudly
with a meaningfull message.
raise RuntimeError('MemcachedTool is disabled. You should ask the'\
raise RuntimeError('MemcachedTool is disabled. You should ask the'
' server administrator to enable it by installing python-memcached.')
memcached_tool_configure = failingMethod
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ def convertToUpperCase(key):
return _cached_convertToUpperCase[key]
except KeyError:
if not isinstance(key, basestring):
raise TypeError('%s is not a string' % (key,))
raise TypeError('%r is not a string' % (key,))
_cached_convertToUpperCase[key] = ''.join([part.capitalize() for part in key.split('_')])
return _cached_convertToUpperCase[key]
......@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ def convertToMixedCase(key):
a method name according to the ERP5 naming conventions
if not isinstance(key, basestring):
raise TypeError('%s is not a string' % (key,))
raise TypeError('%r is not a string' % (key,))
parts = str(key).split('_', 1)
if len(parts) == 2:
parts[1] = convertToUpperCase(parts[1])
......@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@ class Matrix(object):
script = self._getTypeBasedMethod('asCellRange', **kw)
if script is None:
raise UnboundLocalError("Did not find cell range script for portal type: %r" %\
raise LookupError("Did not find cell range script for portal type: %r"
% self.getPortalType())
cell_range = script(base_id=base_id, matrixbox=0, **kw)
self._setCellRange(base_id=base_id, *cell_range)
......@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class Matrix(object):
cell_id = self.keyToId(kw, base_id = base_id)
if cell_id is None:
raise KeyError('Invalid key: %s' % str(kw))
raise KeyError('Invalid key: ' + str(kw))
cell = self.get(cell_id)
if cell is not None:
......@@ -129,16 +129,16 @@ def DateTime_parse(self, st, datefmt=getDefaultDateFormat()):
# Check for month name:
if MonthNumbers.has_key(s):
if month is None: month=v
else: raise SyntaxError(st)
if month is None:
month = v
# Check for time modifier:
if s in TimeModifiers:
if tm is None: tm=s
else: raise SyntaxError(st)
elif s in TimeModifiers:
if tm is None:
tm = s
# Check for and skip day of week:
if DayOfWeekNames.has_key(s):
elif DayOfWeekNames.has_key(s):
raise SyntaxError(st)
......@@ -83,9 +83,8 @@ if 1: # For easy diff with original
if args.has_key('optional') and args['optional']:
return ''
err = 'Invalid empty string value for <em>%s</em>' % name
raise ValueError(err)
raise ValueError(
'Invalid empty string value for <em>%s</em>' % name)
if not vs:
if self.optional: return ''
......@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ class StringBaseValidator(Validator):
value = REQUEST.get(key, REQUEST.get('default_%s' % (key, )))
if value is None:
if field.get_value('required'):
raise Exception('Required field %s has not been transmitted. Check that all required fields are in visible groups.' % (repr(, ))
raise Exception('Required field %r has not been transmitted. Check that all required fields are in visible groups.' %
raise KeyError('Field %s is not present in request object.' % (repr(, ))
raise KeyError('Field %r is not present in request object.' %
if isinstance(value, str):
if field.has_value('whitespace_preserve'):
if not field.get_value('whitespace_preserve'):
......@@ -538,7 +538,7 @@ class MultiSelectionValidator(Validator):
def validate(self, field, key, REQUEST):
if REQUEST.get('default_%s' % (key, )) is None:
raise KeyError('Field %s is not present in request object (marker field default_%s not found).' % (repr(, key))
raise KeyError('Field %r is not present in request object (marker field default_%s not found).' % (, key))
values = REQUEST.get(key, [])
# NOTE: a hack to deal with single item selections
if not isinstance(values, list):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from . import XMLObjects
from Products.Formulator.TALESField import TALESMethod
from Products.Formulator.MethodField import Method
......@@ -449,8 +449,8 @@ class HBTreeFolder2Base (Persistent):
def _checkId(self, id, allow_dup=0):
if not allow_dup and self.has_key(id):
raise BadRequestException('The id "%s" is invalid--'
'it is already in use.' % id)
raise BadRequestException(
'The id %r is invalid--it is already in use.' % id)
def _setObject(self, id, object, roles=None, user=None, set_owner=1):
......@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ def initialize(context):
# (this is a common mistake).
filename = os.path.split(os.path.split(__file__)[0])[1]
if filename != 'Localizer':
message = (
raise RuntimeError(
"The Localizer product must be installed within the 'Products'"
" folder with the name 'Localizer' (not '%s').") % filename
raise RuntimeError(message)
# XXX This code has been written by Cornel Nitu, it may be a solution to
# upgrade instances.
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ class subprocesstransform:
stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True)
data_out, data_err = process.communicate(input=data)
if process.returncode:
raise OSError(data_err)
raise OSError(data_err) # XXX
return cache
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class ERP5LDIFRecordList(LDIFRecordList):
if dn!=None:
raise ValueError('Two lines starting with dn: in one record.')
if not is_dn(attr_value):
raise ValueError('No valid string-representation of distinguished name %s.' % (repr(attr_value)))
raise ValueError('No valid string-representation of distinguished name %r.' % (attr_value,))
dn = attr_value
elif attr_type=='version' and dn is None:
version = 1
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ class ERP5LDIFRecordList(LDIFRecordList):
if changetype!=None:
raise ValueError('Two lines starting with changetype: in one record.')
if not valid_changetype_dict.has_key(attr_value):
raise ValueError('changetype value %s is invalid.' % (repr(attr_value)))
raise ValueError('changetype value %r is invalid.' % (attr_value,))
changetype = attr_value
attr_type, attr_value = self._parseAttrTypeandValue()
modify_list = []
......@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@ MySQLdb_version_required = (0,9,2)
_v = getattr(_mysql, 'version_info', (0,0,0))
if _v < MySQLdb_version_required:
raise NotSupportedError("ZMySQLDA requires at least MySQLdb %s, %s found" % \
(MySQLdb_version_required, _v))
raise NotSupportedError("ZMySQLDA requires at least MySQLdb %s, %s found"
% (MySQLdb_version_required, _v))
from MySQLdb.converters import conversions
from MySQLdb.constants import FIELD_TYPE, CR, ER, CLIENT
......@@ -195,7 +195,9 @@ class ColumnMap(object):
if alias is not None:
self.resolveTable(table_name, alias, group=group)
elif alias is not None and alias != existing_value:
raise ValueError('Table %r for group %r is aliased as %r, can\'t alias it now as %r' % (table_name, group, existing_value, alias))
raise ValueError(
"Table %r for group %r is aliased as %r, can't alias it now as %r"
% (table_name, group, existing_value, alias))
def _mapColumns(self, column_table_map, table_usage_dict, column_name_set, group, vote_result_dict):
mapping_dict = {}
......@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@ class ZSQLBrain(Acquisition.Implicit):
def getObject(self, REQUEST=None):
"""Try to return the object for this record"""
if 'path' not in dir(self) and 'PATH' not in dir(self):
raise ValueError("Unable to getObject from ZSQLBrain if ZSQL Method "\
"does not retrieves the `path` column from catalog table.")
raise ValueError("Unable to getObject from ZSQLBrain if ZSQL Method does"
" not retrieve the `path` column from catalog table.")
obj = self.aq_parent.unrestrictedTraverse(self.getPath())
if obj is None:
if REQUEST is None:
......@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ class OperatorBase(object):
def asSQLExpression(self, column, value_list, only_group_columns):
raise NotImplementedError('This method must be overloaded by a subclass ' \
'to be able to get an SQL representation of this operator.')
raise NotImplementedError('This method must be overloaded by a subclass'
' to be able to get an SQL representation of this operator.')
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s(%r) at %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.getOperator(), id(self))
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class AutoQuery(Query):
self.operator = operator
self.ignore_empty_string = kw.pop('ignore_empty_string', True)
if 'key' in kw and len(kw) > 2:
raise ValueError('"key" parameter cannot be used when more than one column is given. key=%r' % (kw['key'], ))
raise ValueError('"key" parameter cannot be used when more than one column is given. key=%(key)r' % kw)
self.search_key = kw.pop('key', None)
def _createWrappedQuery(self, sql_catalog):
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ class AutoQuery(Query):
if self.table_alias_list is not None:
if query is None:
raise ValueError('%r failed generating a query from its parameters.' % (self, ))
raise ValueError('%r failed generating a query from its parameters.' % self)
self.wrapped_query = query
def _asSearchTextExpression(self, sql_catalog, column=None):
......@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@ class Query(object):
To enable SQL rendering, overload this method in a subclass.
raise TypeError('A %s cannot be rendered as an SQL expression.' % (self.__class__.__name__, ))
raise TypeError('A %s cannot be rendered as an SQL expression.' % self.__class__.__name__)
def _asSearchTextExpression(self, sql_catalog, column=None):
To enable Search Text rendering, overload this method in a subclass.
raise TypeError('A %s cannot be rendered as a SearchText expression.' % (self.__class__.__name__, ))
raise TypeError('A %s cannot be rendered as a SearchText expression.' % self.__class__.__name__)
def asSearchTextExpression(self, sql_catalog, column=None):
return self._asSearchTextExpression(sql_catalog, column=column)[1]
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class Query(object):
This method must always be overloaded by subclasses.
raise NotImplementedError('%s is incompletely implemented.' % (self.__class__.__name__, ))
raise NotImplementedError('%s is incompletely implemented.' % self.__class__.__name__)
verifyClass(IQuery, Query)
......@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class SimpleQuery(Query):
self.search_key = search_key
if len(kw) != 1:
raise ValueError('SimpleQuery can support one and one only column. Got %r.' % (kw, ))
raise ValueError('SimpleQuery can support one and one only column. Got %r.' % kw)
self.column, value = kw.popitem()
# Usability improvement code (those changes should not be needed when
# this Query is instanciated by a SearchKey, as operator should be correct
......@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ def getPeriodBoundaries(value):
elif isinstance(value, DateTime):
raise TypeError('Impossible to guess a precision from a DateTime type.')
raise TypeError('Unknown date type: %r' % (value))
raise TypeError('Unknown date type: %r' % (value,))
delta = delta_list[delimiter_count]
if callable(delta):
delta = delta(first_date)
......@@ -243,21 +243,21 @@ class SearchKey(object):
comparison_operator = single_operator_dict[value_range]
elif value_range in dual_operator_dict:
if not isinstance(actual_value, (tuple, list)):
raise TypeError('Operator %r requires value to be a '\
'tuple/list. (%r)' % (value_range,
raise TypeError(
'Operator %r requires value to be a tuple/list. (%r)'
% (value_range, search_value))
if len(actual_value) != 2:
raise TypeError('Operator %r requires value to have a length '\
'of 2. len(%r) = %i (%r)' % (value_range,
actual_value, len(actual_value), search_value))
raise TypeError(
'Operator %r requires value to have a length of 2. len(%r) = %s (%r)'
% (value_range, actual_value, len(actual_value), search_value))
comparison_operator = dual_operator_dict[value_range]
logical_operator = 'and'
raise ValueError('Unknown "range" value in %r' % (search_value, ))
raise ValueError('Unknown "range" value in %r' % search_value)
if value_operator is not None:
if not isinstance(value_operator, basestring):
raise TypeError('Operator must be of a string type. Got a %r' % \
(type(value_operator), ))
raise TypeError('Operator must be of a string type. Got a %r'
% type(value_operator))
value_operator = value_operator.lower()
if not isinstance(actual_value, (tuple, list)):
raise TypeError('When specifying an operator, query must be a list.')
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class ParserPool(object):
parser_registry = self.parser_registry
name = '.'.join((parser.__module__, parser.__name__))
if name in parser_registry:
raise ValueError('Duplicate parser for name %r' % (name, ))
raise ValueError('Duplicate parser for name %r' % name)
parser_registry[name] = parser
return name
......@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit):
if self.getHotReindexingState() == HOT_REINDEXING_FINISHED_STATE:
raise Exception('cancelHotReindexing called while no Hot Reindexing '\
'was runing. Nothing done.')
raise Exception(
'cancelHotReindexing called while no Hot Reindexing was running. Nothing done.')
# Remove hot reindexing state
portal_activities = getToolByName(self, 'portal_activities')
......@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit):
if self.getHotReindexingState() != HOT_REINDEXING_DOUBLE_INDEXING_STATE:
raise Exception('playBackRecordedObjectList was called while '\
'hot_reindexing_state was not "%s". Playback aborted.' \
raise Exception('playBackRecordedObjectList was called while'
' hot_reindexing_state was not %r. Playback aborted.'
catalog_object = self.getSQLCatalog(sql_catalog_id)
result = catalog_object.readRecordedObjectList(catalog=catalog)
if len(result):
......@@ -338,7 +338,7 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit):
if obj is not None:
raise ValueError('%s is not a valid value for "catalog".' % (catalog, ))
raise ValueError('%r is not a valid value for "catalog".' % (catalog, ))
catalog_object.deleteRecordedObjectList(uid_list=[o.uid for o in result])
# Re-schedule the same action in case there are remaining rows in the
# table. This can happen if the database connector limits the number
......@@ -432,10 +432,9 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit):
raise CatalogError('hot reindexing process is already running %s -%s' %(self, self.hot_reindexing_state))
if source_sql_catalog_id == destination_sql_catalog_id:
raise CatalogError('Hot reindexing cannot be done with the same '\
'catalog as both source and destination. What'\
' you want to do is a "clear catalog" and an '\
raise CatalogError("Hot reindexing cannot be done with the same catalog"
" as both source and destination. What you want to do"
" is a 'clear catalog' and an 'ERP5Site_reindexAll'.")
if source_sql_catalog_id != self.getDefaultSqlCatalogId():
LOG('ZSQLCatalog', 0, 'Warning : Hot reindexing is started with a '\
......@@ -1155,7 +1154,7 @@ class ZCatalog(Folder, Persistent, Implicit):
try: add_result=result.append
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError(`result`)
raise AttributeError(repr(result))
for id, ob in items:
if pre: p="%s/%s" % (pre, id)
......@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class ReferenceQuery:
value = MatchList([value])
self.value = value
elif len(kw) > 1:
raise ValueError('kw must not have more than one item: %r' % (kw, ))
raise ValueError('kw must not have more than one item: %r' % kw)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, SimpleQuery):
......@@ -713,13 +713,14 @@ class _FilesystemProxy( Folder ):
return self.__class__( key, self._fsobjs[ 'subdirs' ][ key ]
).__of__( self.aq_parent )
if key in _SUPPORT_FILES.keys():
return _SUPPORT_FILES[ key ].__of__( self )
if default is not _MARKER:
file = _SUPPORT_FILES[key]
except KeyError:
if default is _MARKER:
return default
raise KeyError(key)
return file.__of__(self)
security.declareProtected( View, 'listTestCases' )
def listTestCases( self, prefix=() ):
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import os, subprocess, re
# test_suite is provided by 'run_test_suite'
from test_suite import ERP5TypeTestSuite
import sys
from itertools import chain
HERE = os.path.dirname(__file__)
......@@ -34,10 +35,10 @@ class _ERP5(ERP5TypeTestSuite):
path = "%s/../" % HERE
component_re = re.compile(".*/([^/]+)/TestTemplateItem/portal_components"
for test_path in (
glob('%s/product/*/tests/test*.py' % path) +
glob('%s/bt5/*/TestTemplateItem/test*.py' % path) +
glob('%s/bt5/*/TestTemplateItem/portal_components/test.*.test*.py' % path)):
for test_path in chain(
glob(path + '/product/*/tests/test*.py'),
glob(path + '/bt5/*/TestTemplateItem/test*.py'),
glob(path + '/bt5/*/TestTemplateItem/portal_components/test.*.test*.py')):
component_re_match = component_re.match(test_path)
if component_re_match is not None:
test_case = "%s:%s" % (,
......@@ -204,32 +205,30 @@ class ERP5BusinessTemplateCodingStyleTestSuite(_ERP5):
"""Run coding style test on all business templates.
def getTestList(self):
test_list = []
for business_template_path in (
glob('%s/../bt5/*' % HERE)
+ glob('%s/../product/ERP5/bootstrap/*' % HERE)):
test_list = [
for path in chain(
glob(HERE + '/../bt5/*'),
glob(HERE + '/../product/ERP5/bootstrap/*'))
# we skip coding style check for business templates having this marker
# property. Since the property is not exported (on purpose), modified business templates
# will be candidate for coding style test again.
if os.path.isdir(business_template_path) and \
not os.path.exists(os.path.join(business_template_path, 'bt/skip_coding_style_test')):
for product_path in (glob('%s/../product/*' %(HERE))
+ glob('%s/../bt5' % HERE)):
if os.path.isdir(product_path) and \
not os.path.exists(os.path.join(product_path, 'skip_coding_style_test')):
if not os.path.exists(path + '/bt/skip_coding_style_test')
for path in glob(HERE + '/../product/*'):
if not os.path.exists(path + '/skip_coding_style_test'):
test_list.append("Python3Style." + os.path.basename(path))
return test_list
def run(self, full_test):
if full_test.split('.')[0] == "Python3Style":
return self.runUnitTest('Python3StyleTest', TESTED_PRODUCT=full_test.split('.')[1])
if full_test.startswith("Python3Style."):
return self.runUnitTest('Python3StyleTest', TESTED_PRODUCT=full_test[13:])
return self.runUnitTest('CodingStyleTest', TESTED_BUSINESS_TEMPLATE=full_test)
def getLogDirectoryPath(self, *args, **kw):
log_directory = os.path.join(
'{}-{}'.format(args[-1], kw.get('TESTED_BUSINESS_TEMPLATE', kw.get('TESTED_PRODUCT'))))
args[-1] + '-' + (kw.get('TESTED_BUSINESS_TEMPLATE') or kw['TESTED_PRODUCT']))
return log_directory
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