Commit a26227dc authored by Martin Manchev's avatar Martin Manchev

Changed plugin file ...

parent 66303c4e
package main
import ""
import (
// configuration parameters
var user string
var password string
var uri string
var reference string
//export FLBPluginRegister
func FLBPluginRegister(def unsafe.Pointer) int {
return output.FLBPluginRegister(def, "fluentbit_wendelin", "Fluentbit output plugin for wendelin")
func FLBPluginRegister(ctx unsafe.Pointer) int {
return output.FLBPluginRegister(ctx, "wendelin_out", "Wendelin Out GO!")
//export FLBPluginInit
// (fluentbit will call this)
// plugin (context) pointer to fluentbit context (state/ c code)
func FLBPluginInit(plugin unsafe.Pointer) int {
streamtool_uri := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "streamtool_uri")
user := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "user")
password := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "password")
buffer_type := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "buffer_type")
flush_interval := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "flush_interval")
disable_retry_limit := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "disable_retry_limit")
reference := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(plugin, "reference")
dict := map[string]string{
"streamtool_uri": streamtool_uri,
"user": user,
"password": password,
"buffer_type": buffer_type,
"flush_interval": flush_interval,
"disable_retry_limit": disable_retry_limit,
"reference": reference,
output.FLBPluginSetContext(plugin, dict)
// ctx (context) pointer to fluentbit context (state/ c code)
func FLBPluginInit(ctx unsafe.Pointer) int {
// Example to retrieve an optional configuration parameter
// param := output.FLBPluginConfigKey(ctx, "param")
user = output.FLBPluginConfigKey(ctx, "User")
password = output.FLBPluginConfigKey(ctx, "Password")
uri = output.FLBPluginConfigKey(ctx, "Uri")
reference = output.FLBPluginConfigKey(ctx, "Reference")
//fmt.Printf("[flb-go] plugin parameter = '%s'\n", param)
fmt.Printf("[flb-go user] plugin parameter = '%s'\n", user)
fmt.Printf("[flb-go password] plugin parameter = '%s'\n", password)
fmt.Printf("[flb-go uri] plugin parameter = '%s'\n", uri)
fmt.Printf("[flb-go reference] plugin parameter = '%s'\n", reference)
return output.FLB_OK
//export FLBPluginFlushCtx
func FLBPluginFlushCtx(ctx, data unsafe.Pointer, length, tag *C.char) int {
var ret int
var ts interface{}
var record map[interface{}]interface{}
// Create Fluent Bit decoder
dec := output.NewDecoder(data, int(length))
dict := output.FLBPluginGetContext(ctx).(map[string]string)
// Iterate Records
var result string
result = ""
var is_end bool = false
for {
// Extract Record
ret, ts, record = output.GetRecord(dec)
if ret != 0 {
//export FLBPluginFlush
func FLBPluginFlush(data unsafe.Pointer, length, tag *C.char) int {
var timestamp time.Time
switch t := ts.(type) {
case output.FLBTime:
timestamp = ts.(output.FLBTime).Time
case uint64:
timestamp = time.Unix(int64(t), 0)
fmt.Println("time provided invalid, defaulting to now.")
timestamp = time.Now()
request_string := uri + "/ingest?reference=" + reference
var b []byte
b = C.GoBytes(data,
// Print record keys and values
result = result + C.GoString(tag) + ":" +timestamp.String()
for _, v := range record {
result += "["
var output_string string = ""
for _, s := range v.([]uint8) {
output_string = output_string + string(s)
if strings.Contains(output_string, "fluentbit_end") {
is_end = true
result = result + output_string + "]"
result += "\n"
hc := http.Client{}
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", request_string, bytes.NewBuffer(b))
// Return options:
// output.FLB_OK = data have been processed.
// output.FLB_ERROR = unrecoverable error, do not try this again.
// output.FLB_RETRY = retry to flush later.
//body result
// content type "application/octet-stream"
var b = []byte(result)
uri := fmt.Sprintf("%s/ingest?reference=%s", dict["streamtool_uri"], dict["reference"])
client := &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", uri, bytes.NewReader(b))
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Got error %s", err.Error())
return output.FLB_RETRY
return output.FLB_ERROR
req.SetBasicAuth(dict["user"], dict["password"])
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
rsp, err := client.Do(req)
req.SetBasicAuth(user, password)
resp, err := hc.Do(req)
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "got error %s", err.Error())
return output.FLB_RETRY
return output.FLB_ERROR
if rsp.StatusCode != 204 {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "status code %d", rsp.StatusCode)
* Only allow the following HTTP status:
* - 200: OK
* - 201: Created
* - 202: Accepted
* - 203: no authorative resp
* - 204: No Content
* - 205: Reset content
re := regexp.MustCompile("[0-9]+") // get only the status code
status_code := re.FindAllString(resp.Status, -1)
resp_status, err := strconv.Atoi(status_code[0])
if err != nil {
return output.FLB_RETRY
if is_end {
if resp_status < 200 && resp_status > 205 {
return output.FLB_RETRY
defer resp.Body.Close()
* Return options:
* - output.FLB_OK = data have been processed.
* - output.FLB_ERROR = unrecoverable error, do not try this again.
* - output.FLB_RETRY = retry to flush later.
return output.FLB_OK
......@@ -131,3 +110,4 @@ func FLBPluginExit() int {
func main() {
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