state.js 1.51 KB
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Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
export default () => ({
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2 3 4 5
  // API Paths to Send/Receive Data
  endpoint: '',
  updateEndpoint: '',

  epicLinksEndpoint: '',
Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
  issueLinksEndpoint: '',
  groupPath: '',
  markdownPreviewPath: '',
  labelsPath: '',
  todoPath: '',
  todoDeletePath: '',
  toggleSubscriptionPath: '',

  // URLs to use with links
  epicsWebUrl: '',
  labelsWebUrl: '',
  markdownDocsPath: '',

  // Flags
  canUpdate: false,
  canDestroy: false,
  canAdmin: false,
  subepicsSupported: false,
Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
25 26 27

  // Epic Information
  epicId: 0,
  namespace: '#',
Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
29 30 31 32 33 34 35
  state: '',
  created: '',
  author: null,
  initialTitleHtml: '',
  initialTitleText: '',
  initialDescriptionHtml: '',
  initialDescriptionText: '',
Fatih Acet's avatar
Fatih Acet committed
  lockVersion: 0,
Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
37 38 39

  todoExists: false,
  startDateSourcingMilestoneTitle: '',
40 41 42 43
  startDateSourcingMilestoneDates: {
    startDate: '',
    dueDate: '',
Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
44 45 46 47 48
  startDateIsFixed: false,
  startDateFixed: '',
  startDateFromMilestones: '',
  startDate: '',
  dueDateSourcingMilestoneTitle: '',
49 50 51 52
  dueDateSourcingMilestoneDates: {
    startDate: '',
    dueDate: '',
Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
53 54 55 56 57
  dueDateIsFixed: '',
  dueDateFixed: '',
  dueDateFromMilestones: '',
  dueDate: '',
  labels: [],
  ancestors: [],
Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
59 60 61
  participants: [],
  subscribed: false,

62 63 64
  // Create Epic Props
  newEpicTitle: '',

Kushal Pandya's avatar
Kushal Pandya committed
65 66 67
  // UI status flags
  epicStatusChangeInProgress: false,
  epicDeleteInProgress: false,
  epicTodoToggleInProgress: false,
69 70
  epicStartDateSaveInProgress: false,
  epicDueDateSaveInProgress: false,
  epicSubscriptionToggleInProgress: false,
  epicCreateInProgress: false,
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Kushal Pandya committed
73 74
  sidebarCollapsed: false,