| <aid="mutationlabelcreateclientmutationid"></a>`clientMutationId` | [`String`](#string) | A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation. |
| <aid="mutationlabelcreatecolor"></a>`color` | [`String`](#string) | The color of the label given in 6-digit hex notation with leading '#' sign (for example, `#FFAABB`) or one of the CSS color names<https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/color_value#Color_keywords>. |
| <aid="mutationlabelcreatecolor"></a>`color` | [`String`](#string) | The color of the label given in 6-digit hex notation with leading '#' sign (for example, `#FFAABB`) or one of the CSS color names. |
| <aid="mutationlabelcreatedescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the label. |
| <aid="mutationlabelcreategrouppath"></a>`groupPath` | [`ID`](#id) | Full path of the group with which the resource is associated. |
| <aid="mutationlabelcreateprojectpath"></a>`projectPath` | [`ID`](#id) | Full path of the project with which the resource is associated. |
@@ -6652,12 +6652,12 @@ Describes an alert from the project's Alert Management.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertassignees"></a>`assignees` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Assignees of the alert. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertassignees"></a>`assignees` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Assignees of the alert. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertcreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp the alert was created. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the alert. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertdetailsurl"></a>`detailsUrl` | [`String!`](#string) | The URL of the alert detail page. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertendedat"></a>`endedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp the alert ended. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertenvironment"></a>`environment` | [`Environment`](#environment) | Environment for the alert. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalerteventcount"></a>`eventCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of events of this alert. |
@@ -6667,7 +6667,7 @@ Describes an alert from the project's Alert Management.
| <aid="alertmanagementalertissueiid"></a>`issueIid`**{warning-solid}** | [`ID`](#id) | **Deprecated** in 13.10. Use issue field. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertmetricsdashboardurl"></a>`metricsDashboardUrl` | [`String`](#string) | URL for metrics embed for the alert. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertmonitoringtool"></a>`monitoringTool` | [`String`](#string) | Monitoring tool the alert came from. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertprometheusalert"></a>`prometheusAlert` | [`PrometheusAlert`](#prometheusalert) | The alert condition for Prometheus. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertrunbook"></a>`runbook` | [`String`](#string) | Runbook for the alert as defined in alert details. |
| <aid="alertmanagementalertservice"></a>`service` | [`String`](#string) | Service the alert came from. |
@@ -6881,7 +6881,7 @@ Represents a project or group issue board.
| <aid="boardhideclosedlist"></a>`hideClosedList` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Whether or not closed list is hidden. |
| <aid="boardid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID (global ID) of the board. |
| <aid="boarditeration"></a>`iteration` | [`Iteration`](#iteration) | The board iteration. |
| <aid="boardlabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the board. |
| <aid="boardlabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the board. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardmilestone"></a>`milestone` | [`Milestone`](#milestone) | The board milestone. |
| <aid="boardname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the board. |
| <aid="boardupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp of when the board was last updated. |
@@ -6933,7 +6933,7 @@ Represents an epic on an issue board.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="boardepicauthor"></a>`author` | [`UserCore!`](#usercore) | Author of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicawardemoji"></a>`awardEmoji` | [`AwardEmojiConnection`](#awardemojiconnection) | A list of award emojis associated with the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicawardemoji"></a>`awardEmoji` | [`AwardEmojiConnection`](#awardemojiconnection) | A list of award emojis associated with the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardepicclosedat"></a>`closedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the epic was closed. |
| <aid="boardepicconfidential"></a>`confidential` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the epic is confidential. |
| <aid="boardepiccreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the epic was created. |
@@ -6941,13 +6941,13 @@ Represents an epic on an issue board.
| <aid="boardepicdescendantweightsum"></a>`descendantWeightSum` | [`EpicDescendantWeights`](#epicdescendantweights) | Total weight of open and closed issues in the epic and its descendants. |
| <aid="boardepicdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicdescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="boardepicdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="boardepicdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardepicdownvotes"></a>`downvotes` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of downvotes the epic has received. |
| <aid="boardepicduedate"></a>`dueDate` | [`Time`](#time) | Due date of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicduedatefixed"></a>`dueDateFixed` | [`Time`](#time) | Fixed due date of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicduedatefrommilestones"></a>`dueDateFromMilestones` | [`Time`](#time) | Inherited due date of the epic from milestones. |
| <aid="boardepicduedateisfixed"></a>`dueDateIsFixed` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the due date has been manually set. |
| <aid="boardepicevents"></a>`events` | [`EventConnection`](#eventconnection) | A list of events associated with the object. |
| <aid="boardepicevents"></a>`events` | [`EventConnection`](#eventconnection) | A list of events associated with the object. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardepicgroup"></a>`group` | [`Group!`](#group) | Group to which the epic belongs. |
| <aid="boardepichaschildren"></a>`hasChildren` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the epic has children. |
| <aid="boardepichasissues"></a>`hasIssues` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the epic has direct issues. |
@@ -6955,11 +6955,11 @@ Represents an epic on an issue board.
| <aid="boardepichealthstatus"></a>`healthStatus` | [`EpicHealthStatus`](#epichealthstatus) | Current health status of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepiciid"></a>`iid` | [`ID!`](#id) | Internal ID of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicissues"></a>`issues` | [`EpicIssueConnection`](#epicissueconnection) | A list of issues associated with the epic. |
| <aid="boardepiclabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels assigned to the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="boardepicissues"></a>`issues` | [`EpicIssueConnection`](#epicissueconnection) | A list of issues associated with the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardepiclabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels assigned to the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardepicnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardepicparent"></a>`parent` | [`Epic`](#epic) | Parent epic of the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants for the epic. |
| <aid="boardepicparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants for the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="boardepicrelationpath"></a>`relationPath` | [`String`](#string) | URI path of the epic-issue relationship. |
| <aid="boardepicrelativeposition"></a>`relativePosition` | [`Int`](#int) | The relative position of the epic in the epic tree. |
| <aid="boardepicstartdate"></a>`startDate` | [`Time`](#time) | Start date of the epic. |
@@ -7137,7 +7137,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| <aid="ciconfigmergedyaml"></a>`mergedYaml` | [`String`](#string) | Merged CI configuration YAML. |
| <aid="ciconfigstages"></a>`stages` | [`CiConfigStageConnection`](#ciconfigstageconnection) | Stages of the pipeline. |
| <aid="ciconfigstages"></a>`stages` | [`CiConfigStageConnection`](#ciconfigstageconnection) | Stages of the pipeline. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="ciconfigstatus"></a>`status` | [`CiConfigStatus`](#ciconfigstatus) | Status of linting, can be either valid or invalid. |
### `CiConfigGroup`
@@ -7146,7 +7146,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="ciconfiggroupjobs"></a>`jobs` | [`CiConfigJobConnection`](#ciconfigjobconnection) | Jobs in group. |
| <aid="ciconfiggroupjobs"></a>`jobs` | [`CiConfigJobConnection`](#ciconfigjobconnection) | Jobs in group. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="ciconfiggroupname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the job group. |
| <aid="ciconfiggroupsize"></a>`size` | [`Int`](#int) | Size of the job group. |
@@ -7163,7 +7163,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| <aid="ciconfigjobexcept"></a>`except` | [`CiConfigJobRestriction`](#ciconfigjobrestriction) | Limit when jobs are not created. |
| <aid="ciconfigjobgroupname"></a>`groupName` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the job group. |
| <aid="ciconfigjobname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the job. |
| <aid="ciconfigjobneeds"></a>`needs` | [`CiConfigNeedConnection`](#ciconfigneedconnection) | Builds that must complete before the jobs run. |
| <aid="ciconfigjobneeds"></a>`needs` | [`CiConfigNeedConnection`](#ciconfigneedconnection) | Builds that must complete before the jobs run. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="ciconfigjobonly"></a>`only` | [`CiConfigJobRestriction`](#ciconfigjobrestriction) | Jobs are created when these conditions do not apply. |
| <aid="ciconfigjobscript"></a>`script` | [`[String!]`](#string) | Shell script that is executed by a runner. |
| <aid="ciconfigjobstage"></a>`stage` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the job stage. |
@@ -7192,7 +7192,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="ciconfigstagegroups"></a>`groups` | [`CiConfigGroupConnection`](#ciconfiggroupconnection) | Groups of jobs for the stage. |
| <aid="ciconfigstagegroups"></a>`groups` | [`CiConfigGroupConnection`](#ciconfiggroupconnection) | Groups of jobs for the stage. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="ciconfigstagename"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the stage. |
### `CiGroup`
@@ -7202,7 +7202,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="cigroupdetailedstatus"></a>`detailedStatus` | [`DetailedStatus`](#detailedstatus) | Detailed status of the group. |
| <aid="cigroupjobs"></a>`jobs` | [`CiJobConnection`](#cijobconnection) | Jobs in group. |
| <aid="cigroupjobs"></a>`jobs` | [`CiJobConnection`](#cijobconnection) | Jobs in group. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="cigroupname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the job group. |
| <aid="cigroupsize"></a>`size` | [`Int`](#int) | Size of the group. |
@@ -7214,7 +7214,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="cijobactive"></a>`active` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the job is active. |
| <aid="cijoballowfailure"></a>`allowFailure` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Whether the job is allowed to fail. |
| <aid="cijobartifacts"></a>`artifacts` | [`CiJobArtifactConnection`](#cijobartifactconnection) | Artifacts generated by the job. |
| <aid="cijobartifacts"></a>`artifacts` | [`CiJobArtifactConnection`](#cijobartifactconnection) | Artifacts generated by the job. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="cijobcancelable"></a>`cancelable` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the job can be canceled. |
| <aid="cijobcommitpath"></a>`commitPath` | [`String`](#string) | Path to the commit that triggered the job. |
| <aid="cijobcoverage"></a>`coverage` | [`Float`](#float) | Coverage level of the job. |
@@ -7226,7 +7226,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| <aid="cijobid"></a>`id` | [`JobID`](#jobid) | ID of the job. |
| <aid="cijobmanualjob"></a>`manualJob` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Whether the job has a manual action. |
| <aid="cijobname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the job. |
| <aid="cijobneeds"></a>`needs` | [`CiBuildNeedConnection`](#cibuildneedconnection) | References to builds that must complete before the jobs run. |
| <aid="cijobneeds"></a>`needs` | [`CiBuildNeedConnection`](#cibuildneedconnection) | References to builds that must complete before the jobs run. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="cijobpipeline"></a>`pipeline` | [`Pipeline`](#pipeline) | Pipeline the job belongs to. |
| <aid="cijobplayable"></a>`playable` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the job can be played. |
| <aid="cijobqueuedat"></a>`queuedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | When the job was enqueued and marked as pending. |
@@ -7259,8 +7259,8 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="cistagedetailedstatus"></a>`detailedStatus` | [`DetailedStatus`](#detailedstatus) | Detailed status of the stage. |
| <aid="cistagegroups"></a>`groups` | [`CiGroupConnection`](#cigroupconnection) | Group of jobs for the stage. |
| <aid="cistagejobs"></a>`jobs` | [`CiJobConnection`](#cijobconnection) | Jobs for the stage. |
| <aid="cistagegroups"></a>`groups` | [`CiGroupConnection`](#cigroupconnection) | Group of jobs for the stage. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="cistagejobs"></a>`jobs` | [`CiJobConnection`](#cijobconnection) | Jobs for the stage. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="cistagename"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the stage. |
### `ClusterAgent`
@@ -7274,7 +7274,7 @@ Represents the total number of issues and their weights for a particular day.
| <aid="clusteragentid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the cluster agent. |
| <aid="clusteragentname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the cluster agent. |
| <aid="clusteragentproject"></a>`project` | [`Project`](#project) | The project this cluster agent is associated with. |
| <aid="clusteragenttokens"></a>`tokens` | [`ClusterAgentTokenConnection`](#clusteragenttokenconnection) | Tokens associated with the cluster agent. |
| <aid="clusteragenttokens"></a>`tokens` | [`ClusterAgentTokenConnection`](#clusteragenttokenconnection) | Tokens associated with the cluster agent. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="clusteragentupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp the cluster agent was updated. |
| <aid="clusteragentwebpath"></a>`webPath` | [`String`](#string) | Web path of the cluster agent. |
@@ -7473,7 +7473,7 @@ Details of a container repository.
| <aid="containerrepositorydetailspath"></a>`path` | [`String!`](#string) | Path of the container repository. |
| <aid="containerrepositorydetailsproject"></a>`project` | [`Project!`](#project) | Project of the container registry. |
| <aid="containerrepositorydetailsstatus"></a>`status` | [`ContainerRepositoryStatus`](#containerrepositorystatus) | Status of the container repository. |
| <aid="containerrepositorydetailstags"></a>`tags` | [`ContainerRepositoryTagConnection`](#containerrepositorytagconnection) | Tags of the container repository. |
| <aid="containerrepositorydetailstags"></a>`tags` | [`ContainerRepositoryTagConnection`](#containerrepositorytagconnection) | Tags of the container repository. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="containerrepositorydetailstagscount"></a>`tagsCount` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of tags associated with this image. |
| <aid="containerrepositorydetailsupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp when the container repository was updated. |
@@ -7656,7 +7656,7 @@ A single design.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="designdiffrefs"></a>`diffRefs` | [`DiffRefs!`](#diffrefs) | The diff refs for this design. |
| <aid="designdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="designdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="designevent"></a>`event` | [`DesignVersionEvent!`](#designversionevent) | How this design was changed in the current version. |
| <aid="designfilename"></a>`filename` | [`String!`](#string) | The filename of the design. |
| <aid="designfullpath"></a>`fullPath` | [`String!`](#string) | The full path to the design file. |
@@ -7664,7 +7664,7 @@ A single design.
| <aid="designimage"></a>`image` | [`String!`](#string) | The URL of the full-sized image. |
| <aid="designimagev432x230"></a>`imageV432x230` | [`String`](#string) | The URL of the design resized to fit within the bounds of 432x230. This will be `null` if the image has not been generated. |
| <aid="designissue"></a>`issue` | [`Issue!`](#issue) | The issue the design belongs to. |
| <aid="designnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="designnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="designnotescount"></a>`notesCount` | [`Int!`](#int) | The total count of user-created notes for this design. |
| <aid="designproject"></a>`project` | [`Project!`](#project) | The project the design belongs to. |
@@ -7847,7 +7847,7 @@ A specific version in which designs were added, modified or deleted.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="designversiondesigns"></a>`designs` | [`DesignConnection!`](#designconnection) | All designs that were changed in the version. |
| <aid="designversiondesigns"></a>`designs` | [`DesignConnection!`](#designconnection) | All designs that were changed in the version. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="designversionid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the design version. |
| <aid="designversionsha"></a>`sha` | [`ID!`](#id) | SHA of the design version. |
@@ -7994,7 +7994,7 @@ Aggregated summary of changes.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="discussioncreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp of the discussion's creation. |
| <aid="discussionid"></a>`id` | [`DiscussionID!`](#discussionid) | ID of this discussion. |
| <aid="discussionnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes in the discussion. |
| <aid="discussionnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes in the discussion. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="discussionreplyid"></a>`replyId` | [`DiscussionID!`](#discussionid) | ID used to reply to this discussion. |
| <aid="discussionresolvable"></a>`resolvable` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the object can be resolved. |
| <aid="discussionresolved"></a>`resolved` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the object is resolved. |
@@ -8038,7 +8038,7 @@ Represents an epic.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="epicauthor"></a>`author` | [`UserCore!`](#usercore) | Author of the epic. |
| <aid="epicawardemoji"></a>`awardEmoji` | [`AwardEmojiConnection`](#awardemojiconnection) | A list of award emojis associated with the epic. |
| <aid="epicawardemoji"></a>`awardEmoji` | [`AwardEmojiConnection`](#awardemojiconnection) | A list of award emojis associated with the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicclosedat"></a>`closedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the epic was closed. |
| <aid="epicconfidential"></a>`confidential` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the epic is confidential. |
| <aid="epiccreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the epic was created. |
@@ -8046,13 +8046,13 @@ Represents an epic.
| <aid="epicdescendantweightsum"></a>`descendantWeightSum` | [`EpicDescendantWeights`](#epicdescendantweights) | Total weight of open and closed issues in the epic and its descendants. |
| <aid="epicdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the epic. |
| <aid="epicdescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="epicdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="epicdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicdownvotes"></a>`downvotes` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of downvotes the epic has received. |
| <aid="epicduedate"></a>`dueDate` | [`Time`](#time) | Due date of the epic. |
| <aid="epicduedatefixed"></a>`dueDateFixed` | [`Time`](#time) | Fixed due date of the epic. |
| <aid="epicduedatefrommilestones"></a>`dueDateFromMilestones` | [`Time`](#time) | Inherited due date of the epic from milestones. |
| <aid="epicduedateisfixed"></a>`dueDateIsFixed` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the due date has been manually set. |
| <aid="epicevents"></a>`events` | [`EventConnection`](#eventconnection) | A list of events associated with the object. |
| <aid="epicevents"></a>`events` | [`EventConnection`](#eventconnection) | A list of events associated with the object. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicgroup"></a>`group` | [`Group!`](#group) | Group to which the epic belongs. |
| <aid="epichaschildren"></a>`hasChildren` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the epic has children. |
| <aid="epichasissues"></a>`hasIssues` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the epic has direct issues. |
@@ -8060,11 +8060,11 @@ Represents an epic.
| <aid="epichealthstatus"></a>`healthStatus` | [`EpicHealthStatus`](#epichealthstatus) | Current health status of the epic. |
| <aid="epicid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the epic. |
| <aid="epiciid"></a>`iid` | [`ID!`](#id) | Internal ID of the epic. |
| <aid="epicissues"></a>`issues` | [`EpicIssueConnection`](#epicissueconnection) | A list of issues associated with the epic. |
| <aid="epiclabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels assigned to the epic. |
| <aid="epicnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="epicissues"></a>`issues` | [`EpicIssueConnection`](#epicissueconnection) | A list of issues associated with the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epiclabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels assigned to the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicparent"></a>`parent` | [`Epic`](#epic) | Parent epic of the epic. |
| <aid="epicparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants for the epic. |
| <aid="epicparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants for the epic. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicrelationpath"></a>`relationPath` | [`String`](#string) | URI path of the epic-issue relationship. |
| <aid="epicrelativeposition"></a>`relativePosition` | [`Int`](#int) | The relative position of the epic in the epic tree. |
| <aid="epicstartdate"></a>`startDate` | [`Time`](#time) | Start date of the epic. |
@@ -8154,7 +8154,7 @@ Represents an epic board.
| <aid="epicboardhidebackloglist"></a>`hideBacklogList` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Whether or not backlog list is hidden. |
| <aid="epicboardhideclosedlist"></a>`hideClosedList` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Whether or not closed list is hidden. |
| <aid="epicboardid"></a>`id` | [`BoardsEpicBoardID!`](#boardsepicboardid) | Global ID of the epic board. |
| <aid="epicboardlabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the board. |
| <aid="epicboardlabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the board. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicboardname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the epic board. |
| <aid="epicboardwebpath"></a>`webPath` | [`String!`](#string) | Web path of the epic board. |
| <aid="epicboardweburl"></a>`webUrl` | [`String!`](#string) | Web URL of the epic board. |
@@ -8222,11 +8222,11 @@ Relationship between an epic and an issue.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="epicissuealertmanagementalert"></a>`alertManagementAlert` | [`AlertManagementAlert`](#alertmanagementalert) | Alert associated to this issue. |
| <aid="epicissueassignees"></a>`assignees` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Assignees of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissueassignees"></a>`assignees` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Assignees of the issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicissueauthor"></a>`author` | [`UserCore!`](#usercore) | User that created the issue. |
| <aid="epicissueblocked"></a>`blocked` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the issue is blocked. |
| <aid="epicissueblockedbycount"></a>`blockedByCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Count of issues blocking this issue. |
| <aid="epicissueblockedbyissues"></a>`blockedByIssues` | [`IssueConnection`](#issueconnection) | Issues blocking this issue. |
| <aid="epicissueblockedbyissues"></a>`blockedByIssues` | [`IssueConnection`](#issueconnection) | Issues blocking this issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicissueclosedat"></a>`closedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the issue was closed. |
| <aid="epicissueconfidential"></a>`confidential` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the issue is confidential. |
| <aid="epicissuecreatenoteemail"></a>`createNoteEmail` | [`String`](#string) | User specific email address for the issue. |
@@ -8235,7 +8235,7 @@ Relationship between an epic and an issue.
| <aid="epicissuedescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="epicissuedesigncollection"></a>`designCollection` | [`DesignCollection`](#designcollection) | Collection of design images associated with this issue. |
| <aid="epicissuediscussionlocked"></a>`discussionLocked` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates discussion is locked on the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuediscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="epicissuediscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicissuedownvotes"></a>`downvotes` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of downvotes the issue has received. |
| <aid="epicissueduedate"></a>`dueDate` | [`Time`](#time) | Due date of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissueemailsdisabled"></a>`emailsDisabled` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if a project has email notifications disabled: `true` if email notifications are disabled. |
@@ -8247,13 +8247,13 @@ Relationship between an epic and an issue.
| <aid="epicissueid"></a>`id` | [`ID`](#id) | Global ID of the epic-issue relation. |
| <aid="epicissueiid"></a>`iid` | [`ID!`](#id) | Internal ID of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissueiteration"></a>`iteration` | [`Iteration`](#iteration) | Iteration of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuelabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuelabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicissuemetricimages"></a>`metricImages` | [`[MetricImage!]`](#metricimage) | Metric images associated to the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuemilestone"></a>`milestone` | [`Milestone`](#milestone) | Milestone of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuemoved"></a>`moved` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if issue got moved from other project. |
| <aid="epicissuemovedto"></a>`movedTo` | [`Issue`](#issue) | Updated Issue after it got moved to another project. |
| <aid="epicissuenotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="epicissueparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants in the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuenotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicissueparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants in the issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicissuerelationpath"></a>`relationPath` | [`String`](#string) | URI path of the epic-issue relation. |
| <aid="epicissuerelativeposition"></a>`relativePosition` | [`Int`](#int) | Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards). |
| <aid="epicissueseverity"></a>`severity` | [`IssuableSeverity`](#issuableseverity) | Severity level of the incident. |
@@ -8263,7 +8263,7 @@ Relationship between an epic and an issue.
| <aid="epicissuesubscribed"></a>`subscribed` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuetaskcompletionstatus"></a>`taskCompletionStatus` | [`TaskCompletionStatus!`](#taskcompletionstatus) | Task completion status of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuetimeestimate"></a>`timeEstimate` | [`Int!`](#int) | Time estimate of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuetimelogs"></a>`timelogs` | [`TimelogConnection!`](#timelogconnection) | Timelogs on the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuetimelogs"></a>`timelogs` | [`TimelogConnection!`](#timelogconnection) | Timelogs on the issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="epicissuetitle"></a>`title` | [`String!`](#string) | Title of the issue. |
| <aid="epicissuetitlehtml"></a>`titleHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `title`. |
| <aid="epicissuetotaltimespent"></a>`totalTimeSpent` | [`Int!`](#int) | Total time reported as spent on the issue. |
@@ -8404,7 +8404,7 @@ Represents an external issue.
| <aid="geonodename"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | The unique identifier for this Geo node. |
| <aid="geonodeprimary"></a>`primary` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates whether this Geo node is the primary. |
| <aid="geonodereposmaxcapacity"></a>`reposMaxCapacity` | [`Int`](#int) | The maximum concurrency of repository backfill for this secondary node. |
| <aid="geonodeselectivesyncnamespaces"></a>`selectiveSyncNamespaces` | [`NamespaceConnection`](#namespaceconnection) | The namespaces that should be synced, if `selective_sync_type` == `namespaces`. |
| <aid="geonodeselectivesyncnamespaces"></a>`selectiveSyncNamespaces` | [`NamespaceConnection`](#namespaceconnection) | The namespaces that should be synced, if `selective_sync_type` == `namespaces`. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="geonodeselectivesyncshards"></a>`selectiveSyncShards` | [`[String!]`](#string) | The repository storages whose projects should be synced, if `selective_sync_type` == `shards`. |
| <aid="geonodeselectivesynctype"></a>`selectiveSyncType` | [`String`](#string) | Indicates if syncing is limited to only specific groups, or shards. |
| <aid="geonodesyncobjectstorage"></a>`syncObjectStorage` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if this secondary node will replicate blobs in Object Storage. |
@@ -8550,11 +8550,11 @@ four standard [pagination arguments](#connection-pagination-arguments):
| <aid="groupbillablememberscount"></a>`billableMembersCount` | [`Int`](#int) | The number of billable users in the group. |
| <aid="groupcontainerrepositoriescount"></a>`containerRepositoriesCount` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of container repositories in the group. |
| <aid="groupcontainslockedprojects"></a>`containsLockedProjects` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Includes at least one project where the repository size exceeds the limit. |
| <aid="groupcustomemoji"></a>`customEmoji` | [`CustomEmojiConnection`](#customemojiconnection) | Custom emoji within this namespace. Available only when feature flag `custom_emoji` is enabled. |
| <aid="groupcustomemoji"></a>`customEmoji` | [`CustomEmojiConnection`](#customemojiconnection) | Custom emoji within this namespace. Available only when feature flag `custom_emoji` is enabled. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="groupdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the namespace. |
| <aid="groupdescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="groupemailsdisabled"></a>`emailsDisabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if a group has email notifications disabled. |
| <aid="groupepicsenabled"></a>`epicsEnabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if Epics are enabled for namespace. |
| <aid="groupfullname"></a>`fullName` | [`String!`](#string) | Full name of the namespace. |
| <aid="groupfullpath"></a>`fullPath` | [`ID!`](#id) | Full path of the namespace. |
@@ -8581,7 +8581,7 @@ four standard [pagination arguments](#connection-pagination-arguments):
| <aid="grouptwofactorgraceperiod"></a>`twoFactorGracePeriod` | [`Int`](#int) | Time before two-factor authentication is enforced. |
| <aid="groupuserpermissions"></a>`userPermissions` | [`GroupPermissions!`](#grouppermissions) | Permissions for the current user on the resource. |
| <aid="groupvisibility"></a>`visibility` | [`String`](#string) | Visibility of the namespace. |
| <aid="groupvulnerabilityscanners"></a>`vulnerabilityScanners` | [`VulnerabilityScannerConnection`](#vulnerabilityscannerconnection) | Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilities of the group and its subgroups. |
| <aid="groupvulnerabilityscanners"></a>`vulnerabilityScanners` | [`VulnerabilityScannerConnection`](#vulnerabilityscannerconnection) | Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilities of the group and its subgroups. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="groupweburl"></a>`webUrl` | [`String!`](#string) | Web URL of the group. |
#### Fields with arguments
@@ -9140,7 +9140,7 @@ Describes an incident management on-call rotation.
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallrotationlength"></a>`length` | [`Int`](#int) | Length of the on-call schedule, in the units specified by lengthUnit. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallrotationlengthunit"></a>`lengthUnit` | [`OncallRotationUnitEnum`](#oncallrotationunitenum) | Unit of the on-call rotation length. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallrotationname"></a>`name` | [`String!`](#string) | Name of the on-call rotation. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallrotationparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`OncallParticipantTypeConnection`](#oncallparticipanttypeconnection) | Participants of the on-call rotation. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallrotationparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`OncallParticipantTypeConnection`](#oncallparticipanttypeconnection) | Participants of the on-call rotation. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallrotationstartsat"></a>`startsAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Start date of the on-call rotation. |
#### Fields with arguments
@@ -9173,7 +9173,7 @@ Describes an incident management on-call schedule.
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallscheduledescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the on-call schedule. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallscheduleiid"></a>`iid` | [`ID!`](#id) | Internal ID of the on-call schedule. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallschedulename"></a>`name` | [`String!`](#string) | Name of the on-call schedule. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallschedulerotations"></a>`rotations` | [`IncidentManagementOncallRotationConnection!`](#incidentmanagementoncallrotationconnection) | On-call rotations for the on-call schedule. |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallschedulerotations"></a>`rotations` | [`IncidentManagementOncallRotationConnection!`](#incidentmanagementoncallrotationconnection) | On-call rotations for the on-call schedule. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="incidentmanagementoncallscheduletimezone"></a>`timezone` | [`String!`](#string) | Time zone of the on-call schedule. |
#### Fields with arguments
@@ -9208,9 +9208,9 @@ A block of time for which a participant is on-call.
| <aid="instancesecuritydashboardprojects"></a>`projects` | [`ProjectConnection!`](#projectconnection) | Projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="instancesecuritydashboardvulnerabilitygrades"></a>`vulnerabilityGrades` | [`[VulnerableProjectsByGrade!]!`](#vulnerableprojectsbygrade) | Represents vulnerable project counts for each grade. |
| <aid="instancesecuritydashboardvulnerabilityscanners"></a>`vulnerabilityScanners` | [`VulnerabilityScannerConnection`](#vulnerabilityscannerconnection) | Vulnerability scanners reported on the vulnerabilities from projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard. |
| <aid="instancesecuritydashboardvulnerabilityscanners"></a>`vulnerabilityScanners` | [`VulnerabilityScannerConnection`](#vulnerabilityscannerconnection) | Vulnerability scanners reported on the vulnerabilities from projects selected in Instance Security Dashboard. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="issuedescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="issuedesigncollection"></a>`designCollection` | [`DesignCollection`](#designcollection) | Collection of design images associated with this issue. |
| <aid="issuediscussionlocked"></a>`discussionLocked` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates discussion is locked on the issue. |
| <aid="issuediscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="issuediscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="issuedownvotes"></a>`downvotes` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of downvotes the issue has received. |
| <aid="issueduedate"></a>`dueDate` | [`Time`](#time) | Due date of the issue. |
| <aid="issueemailsdisabled"></a>`emailsDisabled` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if a project has email notifications disabled: `true` if email notifications are disabled. |
| <aid="issueid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the issue. |
| <aid="issueiid"></a>`iid` | [`ID!`](#id) | Internal ID of the issue. |
| <aid="issueiteration"></a>`iteration` | [`Iteration`](#iteration) | Iteration of the issue. |
| <aid="issuelabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the issue. |
| <aid="issuelabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="issuemetricimages"></a>`metricImages` | [`[MetricImage!]`](#metricimage) | Metric images associated to the issue. |
| <aid="issuemilestone"></a>`milestone` | [`Milestone`](#milestone) | Milestone of the issue. |
| <aid="issuemoved"></a>`moved` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if issue got moved from other project. |
| <aid="issuemovedto"></a>`movedTo` | [`Issue`](#issue) | Updated Issue after it got moved to another project. |
| <aid="issuenotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="issueparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants in the issue. |
| <aid="issuenotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="issueparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | List of participants in the issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="issuerelativeposition"></a>`relativePosition` | [`Int`](#int) | Relative position of the issue (used for positioning in epic tree and issue boards). |
| <aid="issueseverity"></a>`severity` | [`IssuableSeverity`](#issuableseverity) | Severity level of the incident. |
| <aid="issuesladueat"></a>`slaDueAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the issue SLA expires. |
| <aid="issuesubscribed"></a>`subscribed` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates the currently logged in user is subscribed to the issue. |
| <aid="issuetaskcompletionstatus"></a>`taskCompletionStatus` | [`TaskCompletionStatus!`](#taskcompletionstatus) | Task completion status of the issue. |
| <aid="issuetimeestimate"></a>`timeEstimate` | [`Int!`](#int) | Time estimate of the issue. |
| <aid="issuetimelogs"></a>`timelogs` | [`TimelogConnection!`](#timelogconnection) | Timelogs on the issue. |
| <aid="issuetimelogs"></a>`timelogs` | [`TimelogConnection!`](#timelogconnection) | Timelogs on the issue. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="issuetitle"></a>`title` | [`String!`](#string) | Title of the issue. |
| <aid="issuetitlehtml"></a>`titleHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `title`. |
| <aid="issuetotaltimespent"></a>`totalTimeSpent` | [`Int!`](#int) | Total time reported as spent on the issue. |
@@ -9516,14 +9516,14 @@ Represents an entry from the Cloud License history.
| <aid="mergerequestapprovalsleft"></a>`approvalsLeft` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of approvals left. |
| <aid="mergerequestapprovalsrequired"></a>`approvalsRequired` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of approvals required. |
| <aid="mergerequestapproved"></a>`approved` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the merge request has all the required approvals. Returns true if no required approvals are configured. |
| <aid="mergerequestapprovedby"></a>`approvedBy` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Users who approved the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestassignees"></a>`assignees` | [`MergeRequestAssigneeConnection`](#mergerequestassigneeconnection) | Assignees of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestapprovedby"></a>`approvedBy` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Users who approved the merge request. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestassignees"></a>`assignees` | [`MergeRequestAssigneeConnection`](#mergerequestassigneeconnection) | Assignees of the merge request. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestauthor"></a>`author` | [`UserCore`](#usercore) | User who created this merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestautomergeenabled"></a>`autoMergeEnabled` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if auto merge is enabled for the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestautomergestrategy"></a>`autoMergeStrategy` | [`String`](#string) | Selected auto merge strategy. |
| <aid="mergerequestavailableautomergestrategies"></a>`availableAutoMergeStrategies` | [`[String!]`](#string) | Array of available auto merge strategies. |
| <aid="mergerequestcommitcount"></a>`commitCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of commits in the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestconflicts"></a>`conflicts` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the merge request has conflicts. |
| <aid="mergerequestcreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp of when the merge request was created. |
| <aid="mergerequestdefaultmergecommitmessage"></a>`defaultMergeCommitMessage` | [`String`](#string) | Default merge commit message of the merge request. |
@@ -9535,7 +9535,7 @@ Represents an entry from the Cloud License history.
| <aid="mergerequestdiffrefs"></a>`diffRefs` | [`DiffRefs`](#diffrefs) | References of the base SHA, the head SHA, and the start SHA for this merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestdiffstatssummary"></a>`diffStatsSummary` | [`DiffStatsSummary`](#diffstatssummary) | Summary of which files were changed in this merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestdiscussionlocked"></a>`discussionLocked` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if comments on the merge request are locked to members only. |
| <aid="mergerequestdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="mergerequestdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestdivergedfromtargetbranch"></a>`divergedFromTargetBranch` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the source branch is behind the target branch. |
| <aid="mergerequestdownvotes"></a>`downvotes` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of downvotes for the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestforceremovesourcebranch"></a>`forceRemoveSourceBranch` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the project settings will lead to source branch deletion after merge. |
@@ -9545,7 +9545,7 @@ Represents an entry from the Cloud License history.
| <aid="mergerequestid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestiid"></a>`iid` | [`String!`](#string) | Internal ID of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestinprogressmergecommitsha"></a>`inProgressMergeCommitSha` | [`String`](#string) | Commit SHA of the merge request if merge is in progress. |
| <aid="mergerequestlabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestlabels"></a>`labels` | [`LabelConnection`](#labelconnection) | Labels of the merge request. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestmergecommitsha"></a>`mergeCommitSha` | [`String`](#string) | SHA of the merge request commit (set once merged). |
| <aid="mergerequestmergeerror"></a>`mergeError` | [`String`](#string) | Error message due to a merge error. |
| <aid="mergerequestmergeongoing"></a>`mergeOngoing` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if a merge is currently occurring. |
@@ -9557,13 +9557,13 @@ Represents an entry from the Cloud License history.
| <aid="mergerequestmergeablediscussionsstate"></a>`mergeableDiscussionsState` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if all discussions in the merge request have been resolved, allowing the merge request to be merged. |
| <aid="mergerequestmergedat"></a>`mergedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the merge request was merged, null if not merged. |
| <aid="mergerequestmilestone"></a>`milestone` | [`Milestone`](#milestone) | The milestone of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="mergerequestparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Participants in the merge request. This includes the author, assignees, reviewers, and users mentioned in notes. |
| <aid="mergerequestnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestparticipants"></a>`participants` | [`UserCoreConnection`](#usercoreconnection) | Participants in the merge request. This includes the author, assignees, reviewers, and users mentioned in notes. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestproject"></a>`project` | [`Project!`](#project) | Alias for target_project. |
| <aid="mergerequestprojectid"></a>`projectId` | [`Int!`](#int) | ID of the merge request project. |
| <aid="mergerequestrebasecommitsha"></a>`rebaseCommitSha` | [`String`](#string) | Rebase commit SHA of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestrebaseinprogress"></a>`rebaseInProgress` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if there is a rebase currently in progress for the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewers"></a>`reviewers` | [`MergeRequestReviewerConnection`](#mergerequestreviewerconnection) | Users from whom a review has been requested. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewers"></a>`reviewers` | [`MergeRequestReviewerConnection`](#mergerequestreviewerconnection) | Users from whom a review has been requested. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestsecurityautofix"></a>`securityAutoFix` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the merge request is created by @GitLab-Security-Bot. |
| <aid="mergerequestsecurityreportsuptodateontargetbranch"></a>`securityReportsUpToDateOnTargetBranch` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the target branch security reports are out of date. |
| <aid="mergerequestshouldberebased"></a>`shouldBeRebased` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the merge request will be rebased. |
@@ -9583,7 +9583,7 @@ Represents an entry from the Cloud License history.
| <aid="mergerequesttargetprojectid"></a>`targetProjectId` | [`Int!`](#int) | ID of the merge request target project. |
| <aid="mergerequesttaskcompletionstatus"></a>`taskCompletionStatus` | [`TaskCompletionStatus!`](#taskcompletionstatus) | Completion status of tasks. |
| <aid="mergerequesttimeestimate"></a>`timeEstimate` | [`Int!`](#int) | Time estimate of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequesttimelogs"></a>`timelogs` | [`TimelogConnection!`](#timelogconnection) | Timelogs on the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequesttimelogs"></a>`timelogs` | [`TimelogConnection!`](#timelogconnection) | Timelogs on the merge request. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequesttitle"></a>`title` | [`String!`](#string) | Title of the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequesttitlehtml"></a>`titleHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `title`. |
| <aid="mergerequesttotaltimespent"></a>`totalTimeSpent` | [`Int!`](#int) | Total time reported as spent on the merge request. |
@@ -9665,15 +9665,15 @@ A user assigned to a merge request.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneeavatarurl"></a>`avatarUrl` | [`String`](#string) | URL of the user's avatar. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneebot"></a>`bot` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the user is a bot. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneecallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneecallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneeemail"></a>`email`**{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: [`User.publicEmail`](#userpublicemail). |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneegroupcount"></a>`groupCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Group count for the user. Available only when feature flag `user_group_counts` is enabled. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneegroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneegroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneeid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneelocation"></a>`location` | [`String`](#string) | The location of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneemergerequestinteraction"></a>`mergeRequestInteraction` | [`UserMergeRequestInteraction`](#usermergerequestinteraction) | Details of this user's interactions with the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneename"></a>`name` | [`String!`](#string) | Human-readable name of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneeprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneeprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneepublicemail"></a>`publicEmail` | [`String`](#string) | User's public email. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneestate"></a>`state` | [`UserState!`](#userstate) | State of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestassigneestatus"></a>`status` | [`UserStatus`](#userstatus) | User status. |
@@ -9871,15 +9871,15 @@ A user assigned to a merge request as a reviewer.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="mergerequestrevieweravatarurl"></a>`avatarUrl` | [`String`](#string) | URL of the user's avatar. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerbot"></a>`bot` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the user is a bot. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewercallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewercallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestrevieweremail"></a>`email`**{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: [`User.publicEmail`](#userpublicemail). |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewergroupcount"></a>`groupCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Group count for the user. Available only when feature flag `user_group_counts` is enabled. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewergroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewergroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerlocation"></a>`location` | [`String`](#string) | The location of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewermergerequestinteraction"></a>`mergeRequestInteraction` | [`UserMergeRequestInteraction`](#usermergerequestinteraction) | Details of this user's interactions with the merge request. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewername"></a>`name` | [`String!`](#string) | Human-readable name of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerpublicemail"></a>`publicEmail` | [`String`](#string) | User's public email. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerstate"></a>`state` | [`UserState!`](#userstate) | State of the user. |
| <aid="mergerequestreviewerstatus"></a>`status` | [`UserStatus`](#userstatus) | User status. |
@@ -10272,9 +10272,9 @@ Represents a package in the Package Registry. Note that this type is in beta and
| <aid="packagepipelines"></a>`pipelines` | [`PipelineConnection`](#pipelineconnection) | Pipelines that built the package. |
| <aid="packagepipelines"></a>`pipelines` | [`PipelineConnection`](#pipelineconnection) | Pipelines that built the package. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="packageproject"></a>`project` | [`Project!`](#project) | Project where the package is stored. |
| <aid="packagetags"></a>`tags` | [`PackageTagConnection`](#packagetagconnection) | Package tags. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="packageupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Date of most recent update. |
| <aid="packageversion"></a>`version` | [`String`](#string) | Version string. |
| <aid="packageversions"></a>`versions`**{warning-solid}** | [`PackageConnection`](#packageconnection) | **Deprecated** in 13.11. This field is now only returned in the PackageDetailsType. |
@@ -10304,14 +10304,14 @@ Represents a package details in the Package Registry. Note that this type is in
| <aid="packagedetailstypeid"></a>`id` | [`PackagesPackageID!`](#packagespackageid) | ID of the package. |
| <aid="packagedetailstypepipelines"></a>`pipelines` | [`PipelineConnection`](#pipelineconnection) | Pipelines that built the package. |
| <aid="packagedetailstypepipelines"></a>`pipelines` | [`PipelineConnection`](#pipelineconnection) | Pipelines that built the package. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="packagedetailstypeproject"></a>`project` | [`Project!`](#project) | Project where the package is stored. |
| <aid="packagedetailstypetags"></a>`tags` | [`PackageTagConnection`](#packagetagconnection) | Package tags. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="packagedetailstypeupdatedat"></a>`updatedAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Date of most recent update. |
| <aid="packagedetailstypeversion"></a>`version` | [`String`](#string) | Version string. |
| <aid="packagedetailstypeversions"></a>`versions` | [`PackageConnection`](#packageconnection) | The other versions of the package. |
| <aid="packagedetailstypeversions"></a>`versions` | [`PackageConnection`](#packageconnection) | The other versions of the package. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
### `PackageFile`
@@ -10401,7 +10401,7 @@ Information about pagination in a connection.
| <aid="pipelinecreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp of the pipeline's creation. |
| <aid="pipelinedetailedstatus"></a>`detailedStatus` | [`DetailedStatus!`](#detailedstatus) | Detailed status of the pipeline. |
| <aid="pipelinedownstream"></a>`downstream` | [`PipelineConnection`](#pipelineconnection) | Pipelines this pipeline will trigger. |
| <aid="pipelinedownstream"></a>`downstream` | [`PipelineConnection`](#pipelineconnection) | Pipelines this pipeline will trigger. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="pipelineduration"></a>`duration` | [`Int`](#int) | Duration of the pipeline in seconds. |
| <aid="pipelinefinishedat"></a>`finishedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of the pipeline's completion. |
| <aid="pipelineid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the pipeline. |
@@ -10413,7 +10413,7 @@ Information about pagination in a connection.
| <aid="pipelinesecurityreportsummary"></a>`securityReportSummary` | [`SecurityReportSummary`](#securityreportsummary) | Vulnerability and scanned resource counts for each security scanner of the pipeline. |
| <aid="pipelinesha"></a>`sha` | [`String!`](#string) | SHA of the pipeline's commit. |
| <aid="pipelinesourcejob"></a>`sourceJob` | [`CiJob`](#cijob) | Job where pipeline was triggered from. |
| <aid="pipelinestages"></a>`stages` | [`CiStageConnection`](#cistageconnection) | Stages of the pipeline. |
| <aid="pipelinestages"></a>`stages` | [`CiStageConnection`](#cistageconnection) | Stages of the pipeline. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="pipelinestartedat"></a>`startedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp when the pipeline was started. |
| <aid="pipelinestatus"></a>`status` | [`PipelineStatusEnum!`](#pipelinestatusenum) | Status of the pipeline (CREATED, WAITING_FOR_RESOURCE, PREPARING, PENDING, RUNNING, FAILED, SUCCESS, CANCELED, SKIPPED, MANUAL, SCHEDULED). |
| <aid="pipelinetestreportsummary"></a>`testReportSummary` | [`TestReportSummary!`](#testreportsummary) | Summary of the test report generated by the pipeline. |
@@ -10565,16 +10565,16 @@ Represents vulnerability finding of a security report on the pipeline.
| <aid="projectautoclosereferencedissues"></a>`autocloseReferencedIssues` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if issues referenced by merge requests and commits within the default branch are closed automatically. |
| <aid="projectavatarurl"></a>`avatarUrl` | [`String`](#string) | URL to avatar image file of the project. |
| <aid="projectcicdsettings"></a>`ciCdSettings` | [`ProjectCiCdSetting`](#projectcicdsetting) | CI/CD settings for the project. |
| <aid="projectclusteragents"></a>`clusterAgents` | [`ClusterAgentConnection`](#clusteragentconnection) | Cluster agents associated with the project. |
| <aid="projectclusteragents"></a>`clusterAgents` | [`ClusterAgentConnection`](#clusteragentconnection) | Cluster agents associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectcodecoveragesummary"></a>`codeCoverageSummary` | [`CodeCoverageSummary`](#codecoveragesummary) | Code coverage summary associated with the project. |
| <aid="projectcomplianceframeworks"></a>`complianceFrameworks` | [`ComplianceFrameworkConnection`](#complianceframeworkconnection) | Compliance frameworks associated with the project. |
| <aid="projectcomplianceframeworks"></a>`complianceFrameworks` | [`ComplianceFrameworkConnection`](#complianceframeworkconnection) | Compliance frameworks associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectcontainerexpirationpolicy"></a>`containerExpirationPolicy` | [`ContainerExpirationPolicy`](#containerexpirationpolicy) | The container expiration policy of the project. |
| <aid="projectcontainerregistryenabled"></a>`containerRegistryEnabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the project stores Docker container images in a container registry. |
| <aid="projectcontainerrepositoriescount"></a>`containerRepositoriesCount` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of container repositories in the project. |
| <aid="projectcreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of the project creation. |
| <aid="projectdastprofiles"></a>`dastProfiles` | [`DastProfileConnection`](#dastprofileconnection) | DAST Profiles associated with the project. |
| <aid="projectdastscannerprofiles"></a>`dastScannerProfiles` | [`DastScannerProfileConnection`](#dastscannerprofileconnection) | The DAST scanner profiles associated with the project. |
| <aid="projectdastsiteprofiles"></a>`dastSiteProfiles` | [`DastSiteProfileConnection`](#dastsiteprofileconnection) | DAST Site Profiles associated with the project. |
| <aid="projectdastprofiles"></a>`dastProfiles` | [`DastProfileConnection`](#dastprofileconnection) | DAST Profiles associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectdastscannerprofiles"></a>`dastScannerProfiles` | [`DastScannerProfileConnection`](#dastscannerprofileconnection) | The DAST scanner profiles associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectdastsiteprofiles"></a>`dastSiteProfiles` | [`DastSiteProfileConnection`](#dastsiteprofileconnection) | DAST Site Profiles associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Short description of the project. |
| <aid="projectdescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="projectforkscount"></a>`forksCount` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of times the project has been forked. |
@@ -10586,7 +10586,7 @@ Represents vulnerability finding of a security report on the pipeline.
| <aid="projectimportstatus"></a>`importStatus` | [`String`](#string) | Status of import background job of the project. |
| <aid="projectissuesenabled"></a>`issuesEnabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if Issues are enabled for the current user. |
| <aid="projectjiraimportstatus"></a>`jiraImportStatus` | [`String`](#string) | Status of Jira import background job of the project. |
| <aid="projectjiraimports"></a>`jiraImports` | [`JiraImportConnection`](#jiraimportconnection) | Jira imports into the project. |
| <aid="projectjiraimports"></a>`jiraImports` | [`JiraImportConnection`](#jiraimportconnection) | Jira imports into the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectjobsenabled"></a>`jobsEnabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if CI/CD pipeline jobs are enabled for the current user. |
| <aid="projectlastactivityat"></a>`lastActivityAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of the project last activity. |
| <aid="projectlfsenabled"></a>`lfsEnabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if the project has Large File Storage (LFS) enabled. |
@@ -10622,10 +10622,10 @@ Represents vulnerability finding of a security report on the pipeline.
| <aid="projectstatistics"></a>`statistics` | [`ProjectStatistics`](#projectstatistics) | Statistics of the project. |
| <aid="projectsuggestioncommitmessage"></a>`suggestionCommitMessage` | [`String`](#string) | The commit message used to apply merge request suggestions. |
| <aid="projecttaglist"></a>`tagList` | [`String`](#string) | List of project topics (not Git tags). |
| <aid="projectterraformstates"></a>`terraformStates` | [`TerraformStateConnection`](#terraformstateconnection) | Terraform states associated with the project. |
| <aid="projectterraformstates"></a>`terraformStates` | [`TerraformStateConnection`](#terraformstateconnection) | Terraform states associated with the project. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectuserpermissions"></a>`userPermissions` | [`ProjectPermissions!`](#projectpermissions) | Permissions for the current user on the resource. |
| <aid="projectvisibility"></a>`visibility` | [`String`](#string) | Visibility of the project. |
| <aid="projectvulnerabilityscanners"></a>`vulnerabilityScanners` | [`VulnerabilityScannerConnection`](#vulnerabilityscannerconnection) | Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilities. |
| <aid="projectvulnerabilityscanners"></a>`vulnerabilityScanners` | [`VulnerabilityScannerConnection`](#vulnerabilityscannerconnection) | Vulnerability scanners reported on the project vulnerabilities. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="projectweburl"></a>`webUrl` | [`String`](#string) | Web URL of the project. |
| <aid="projectwikienabled"></a>`wikiEnabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates if Wikis are enabled for the current user. |
@@ -11500,9 +11500,9 @@ Represents a release.
| <aid="releasecreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the release was created. |
| <aid="releasedescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description (also known as "release notes") of the release. |
| <aid="releasedescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="releaseevidences"></a>`evidences` | [`ReleaseEvidenceConnection`](#releaseevidenceconnection) | Evidence for the release. |
| <aid="releaseevidences"></a>`evidences` | [`ReleaseEvidenceConnection`](#releaseevidenceconnection) | Evidence for the release. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="releaselinks"></a>`links` | [`ReleaseLinks`](#releaselinks) | Links of the release. |
| <aid="releasemilestones"></a>`milestones` | [`MilestoneConnection`](#milestoneconnection) | Milestones associated to the release. |
| <aid="releasemilestones"></a>`milestones` | [`MilestoneConnection`](#milestoneconnection) | Milestones associated to the release. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="releasename"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the release. |
| <aid="releasereleasedat"></a>`releasedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the release was released. |
| <aid="releasetagname"></a>`tagName` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the tag associated with the release. |
@@ -11533,8 +11533,8 @@ A container for all assets associated with a release.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="releaseassetscount"></a>`count` | [`Int`](#int) | Number of assets of the release. |
| <aid="releaseassetslinks"></a>`links` | [`ReleaseAssetLinkConnection`](#releaseassetlinkconnection) | Asset links of the release. |
| <aid="releaseassetssources"></a>`sources` | [`ReleaseSourceConnection`](#releasesourceconnection) | Sources of the release. |
| <aid="releaseassetslinks"></a>`links` | [`ReleaseAssetLinkConnection`](#releaseassetlinkconnection) | Asset links of the release. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="releaseassetssources"></a>`sources` | [`ReleaseSourceConnection`](#releasesourceconnection) | Sources of the release. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
### `ReleaseEvidence`
@@ -11763,7 +11763,7 @@ Autogenerated return type of RunDASTScan.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="runnerplatformarchitectures"></a>`architectures` | [`RunnerArchitectureConnection`](#runnerarchitectureconnection) | Runner architectures supported for the platform. |
| <aid="runnerplatformarchitectures"></a>`architectures` | [`RunnerArchitectureConnection`](#runnerarchitectureconnection) | Runner architectures supported for the platform. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="runnerplatformhumanreadablename"></a>`humanReadableName` | [`String!`](#string) | Human readable name of the runner platform. |
| <aid="runnerplatformname"></a>`name` | [`String!`](#string) | Name slug of the runner platform. |
@@ -11784,9 +11784,9 @@ Represents a CI configuration of SAST.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationanalyzers"></a>`analyzers` | [`SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationanalyzersentityconnection) | List of analyzers entities attached to SAST configuration. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationglobal"></a>`global` | [`SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationentityconnection) | List of global entities related to SAST configuration. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationpipeline"></a>`pipeline` | [`SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationentityconnection) | List of pipeline entities related to SAST configuration. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationanalyzers"></a>`analyzers` | [`SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationanalyzersentityconnection) | List of analyzers entities attached to SAST configuration. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationglobal"></a>`global` | [`SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationentityconnection) | List of global entities related to SAST configuration. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationpipeline"></a>`pipeline` | [`SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationentityconnection) | List of pipeline entities related to SAST configuration. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
### `SastCiConfigurationAnalyzersEntity`
@@ -11800,7 +11800,7 @@ Represents an analyzer entity in SAST CI configuration.
| <aid="sastciconfigurationanalyzersentityenabled"></a>`enabled` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates whether an analyzer is enabled. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationanalyzersentitylabel"></a>`label` | [`String`](#string) | Analyzer label used in the config UI. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationanalyzersentityname"></a>`name` | [`String`](#string) | Name of the analyzer. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationanalyzersentityvariables"></a>`variables` | [`SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationentityconnection) | List of supported variables. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationanalyzersentityvariables"></a>`variables` | [`SastCiConfigurationEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationentityconnection) | List of supported variables. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
### `SastCiConfigurationEntity`
@@ -11814,7 +11814,7 @@ Represents an entity in SAST CI configuration.
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentitydescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Entity description that is displayed on the form. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentityfield"></a>`field` | [`String`](#string) | CI keyword of entity. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentitylabel"></a>`label` | [`String`](#string) | Label for entity used in the form. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentityoptions"></a>`options` | [`SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationoptionsentityconnection) | Different possible values of the field. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentityoptions"></a>`options` | [`SastCiConfigurationOptionsEntityConnection`](#sastciconfigurationoptionsentityconnection) | Different possible values of the field. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentitysize"></a>`size` | [`SastUiComponentSize`](#sastuicomponentsize) | Size of the UI component. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentitytype"></a>`type` | [`String`](#string) | Type of the field value. |
| <aid="sastciconfigurationentityvalue"></a>`value` | [`String`](#string) | Current value of the entity. |
@@ -11876,10 +11876,10 @@ Represents a section of a summary of a security report.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="securityreportsummarysectionscannedresources"></a>`scannedResources` | [`ScannedResourceConnection`](#scannedresourceconnection) | A list of the first 20 scanned resources. |
| <aid="securityreportsummarysectionscannedresources"></a>`scannedResources` | [`ScannedResourceConnection`](#scannedresourceconnection) | A list of the first 20 scanned resources. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="securityreportsummarysectionscannedresourcescount"></a>`scannedResourcesCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Total number of scanned resources. |
| <aid="securityreportsummarysectionscannedresourcescsvpath"></a>`scannedResourcesCsvPath` | [`String`](#string) | Path to download all the scanned resources in CSV format. |
| <aid="securityreportsummarysectionscans"></a>`scans` | [`ScanConnection!`](#scanconnection) | List of security scans ran for the type. |
| <aid="securityreportsummarysectionscans"></a>`scans` | [`ScanConnection!`](#scanconnection) | List of security scans ran for the type. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="securityreportsummarysectionvulnerabilitiescount"></a>`vulnerabilitiesCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Total number of vulnerabilities. |
### `SecurityScanners`
@@ -12080,11 +12080,11 @@ Represents a snippet entry.
| <aid="snippetcreatedat"></a>`createdAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp this snippet was created. |
| <aid="snippetdescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the snippet. |
| <aid="snippetdescriptionhtml"></a>`descriptionHtml` | [`String`](#string) | The GitLab Flavored Markdown rendering of `description`. |
| <aid="snippetdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="snippetdiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="snippetfilename"></a>`fileName` | [`String`](#string) | File Name of the snippet. |
| <aid="snippethttpurltorepo"></a>`httpUrlToRepo` | [`String`](#string) | HTTP URL to the snippet repository. |
| <aid="snippetid"></a>`id` | [`SnippetID!`](#snippetid) | ID of the snippet. |
| <aid="snippetnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="snippetnotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="snippetproject"></a>`project` | [`Project`](#project) | The project the snippet is associated with. |
| <aid="snippetrawurl"></a>`rawUrl` | [`String!`](#string) | Raw URL of the snippet. |
| <aid="snippetsshurltorepo"></a>`sshUrlToRepo` | [`String`](#string) | SSH URL to the snippet repository. |
@@ -12301,7 +12301,7 @@ Test report for a pipeline.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="testreportsummarytestsuites"></a>`testSuites` | [`TestSuiteSummaryConnection!`](#testsuitesummaryconnection) | Test suites belonging to a pipeline test report. |
| <aid="testreportsummarytestsuites"></a>`testSuites` | [`TestSuiteSummaryConnection!`](#testsuitesummaryconnection) | Test suites belonging to a pipeline test report. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="testreportsummarytotal"></a>`total` | [`TestReportTotal!`](#testreporttotal) | Total report statistics for a pipeline test report. |
### `TestReportTotal`
@@ -12334,7 +12334,7 @@ Test suite in a pipeline test report.
| <aid="testsuiteskippedcount"></a>`skippedCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Total number of test cases that were skipped in the test suite. |
| <aid="testsuitesuccesscount"></a>`successCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Total number of test cases that succeeded in the test suite. |
| <aid="testsuitesuiteerror"></a>`suiteError` | [`String`](#string) | Test suite error message. |
| <aid="testsuitetestcases"></a>`testCases` | [`TestCaseConnection`](#testcaseconnection) | Test cases in the test suite. |
| <aid="testsuitetestcases"></a>`testCases` | [`TestCaseConnection`](#testcaseconnection) | Test cases in the test suite. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="testsuitetotalcount"></a>`totalCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Total number of the test cases in the test suite. |
| <aid="testsuitetotaltime"></a>`totalTime` | [`Float`](#float) | Total duration of the tests in the test suite. |
@@ -12426,10 +12426,10 @@ Representing a to-do entry.
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="treeblobs"></a>`blobs` | [`BlobConnection!`](#blobconnection) | Blobs of the tree. |
| <aid="treeblobs"></a>`blobs` | [`BlobConnection!`](#blobconnection) | Blobs of the tree. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="treelastcommit"></a>`lastCommit` | [`Commit`](#commit) | Last commit for the tree. |
| <aid="treesubmodules"></a>`submodules` | [`SubmoduleConnection!`](#submoduleconnection) | Sub-modules of the tree. |
| <aid="treetrees"></a>`trees` | [`TreeEntryConnection!`](#treeentryconnection) | Trees of the tree. |
| <aid="treesubmodules"></a>`submodules` | [`SubmoduleConnection!`](#submoduleconnection) | Sub-modules of the tree. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="treetrees"></a>`trees` | [`TreeEntryConnection!`](#treeentryconnection) | Trees of the tree. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
### `TreeEntry`
@@ -12479,14 +12479,14 @@ Core represention of a GitLab user.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="usercoreavatarurl"></a>`avatarUrl` | [`String`](#string) | URL of the user's avatar. |
| <aid="usercorebot"></a>`bot` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the user is a bot. |
| <aid="usercorecallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. |
| <aid="usercorecallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="usercoreemail"></a>`email`**{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: [`User.publicEmail`](#userpublicemail). |
| <aid="usercoregroupcount"></a>`groupCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Group count for the user. Available only when feature flag `user_group_counts` is enabled. |
| <aid="usercoregroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. |
| <aid="usercoregroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="usercoreid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the user. |
| <aid="usercorelocation"></a>`location` | [`String`](#string) | The location of the user. |
| <aid="usercorename"></a>`name` | [`String!`](#string) | Human-readable name of the user. |
| <aid="usercoreprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. |
| <aid="usercoreprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="usercorepublicemail"></a>`publicEmail` | [`String`](#string) | User's public email. |
| <aid="usercorestate"></a>`state` | [`UserState!`](#userstate) | State of the user. |
| <aid="usercorestatus"></a>`status` | [`UserStatus`](#userstatus) | User status. |
@@ -12718,16 +12718,16 @@ Represents a vulnerability.
| <aid="vulnerabilitydescription"></a>`description` | [`String`](#string) | Description of the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitydetails"></a>`details` | [`[VulnerabilityDetail!]!`](#vulnerabilitydetail) | Details of the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitydetectedat"></a>`detectedAt` | [`Time!`](#time) | Timestamp of when the vulnerability was first detected. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitydiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitydiscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="vulnerabilitydismissedat"></a>`dismissedAt` | [`Time`](#time) | Timestamp of when the vulnerability state was changed to dismissed. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitydismissedby"></a>`dismissedBy` | [`UserCore`](#usercore) | The user that dismissed the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilityexternalissuelinks"></a>`externalIssueLinks` | [`VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkConnection!`](#vulnerabilityexternalissuelinkconnection) | List of external issue links related to the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilityexternalissuelinks"></a>`externalIssueLinks` | [`VulnerabilityExternalIssueLinkConnection!`](#vulnerabilityexternalissuelinkconnection) | List of external issue links related to the vulnerability. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="vulnerabilityhassolutions"></a>`hasSolutions` | [`Boolean`](#boolean) | Indicates whether there is a solution available for this vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilityid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | GraphQL ID of the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilityidentifiers"></a>`identifiers` | [`[VulnerabilityIdentifier!]!`](#vulnerabilityidentifier) | Identifiers of the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitylocation"></a>`location` | [`VulnerabilityLocation`](#vulnerabilitylocation) | Location metadata for the vulnerability. Its fields depend on the type of security scan that found the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitymergerequest"></a>`mergeRequest` | [`MergeRequest`](#mergerequest) | Merge request that fixes the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitynotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="vulnerabilitynotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="vulnerabilityprimaryidentifier"></a>`primaryIdentifier` | [`VulnerabilityIdentifier`](#vulnerabilityidentifier) | Primary identifier of the vulnerability. |
| <aid="vulnerabilityproject"></a>`project` | [`Project`](#project) | The project on which the vulnerability was found. |
| <aid="vulnerabilityreporttype"></a>`reportType` | [`VulnerabilityReportType`](#vulnerabilityreporttype) | Type of the security report that found the vulnerability (SAST, DEPENDENCY_SCANNING, CONTAINER_SCANNING, DAST, SECRET_DETECTION, COVERAGE_FUZZING, API_FUZZING). `Scan Type` in the UI. |
@@ -13132,7 +13132,7 @@ Represents vulnerability letter grades with associated projects.
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="vulnerableprojectsbygradecount"></a>`count` | [`Int!`](#int) | Number of projects within this grade. |
| <aid="vulnerableprojectsbygradegrade"></a>`grade` | [`VulnerabilityGrade!`](#vulnerabilitygrade) | Grade based on the highest severity vulnerability present. |
| <aid="vulnerableprojectsbygradeprojects"></a>`projects` | [`ProjectConnection!`](#projectconnection) | Projects within this grade. |
| <aid="vulnerableprojectsbygradeprojects"></a>`projects` | [`ProjectConnection!`](#projectconnection) | Projects within this grade. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
## Enumeration types
@@ -14976,7 +14976,7 @@ Implementations:
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="eventableevents"></a>`events` | [`EventConnection`](#eventconnection) | A list of events associated with the object. |
| <aid="eventableevents"></a>`events` | [`EventConnection`](#eventconnection) | A list of events associated with the object. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
#### `MemberInterface`
@@ -15015,8 +15015,8 @@ Implementations:
| Name | Type | Description |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="noteablediscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. |
| <aid="noteablenotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. |
| <aid="noteablediscussions"></a>`discussions` | [`DiscussionConnection!`](#discussionconnection) | All discussions on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="noteablenotes"></a>`notes` | [`NoteConnection!`](#noteconnection) | All notes on this noteable. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
#### `PackageFileMetadata`
@@ -15092,14 +15092,14 @@ Implementations:
| ---- | ---- | ----------- |
| <aid="useravatarurl"></a>`avatarUrl` | [`String`](#string) | URL of the user's avatar. |
| <aid="userbot"></a>`bot` | [`Boolean!`](#boolean) | Indicates if the user is a bot. |
| <aid="usercallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. |
| <aid="usercallouts"></a>`callouts` | [`UserCalloutConnection`](#usercalloutconnection) | User callouts that belong to the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="useremail"></a>`email`**{warning-solid}** | [`String`](#string) | **Deprecated** in 13.7. This was renamed. Use: [`User.publicEmail`](#userpublicemail). |
| <aid="usergroupcount"></a>`groupCount` | [`Int`](#int) | Group count for the user. Available only when feature flag `user_group_counts` is enabled. |
| <aid="usergroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. |
| <aid="usergroupmemberships"></a>`groupMemberships` | [`GroupMemberConnection`](#groupmemberconnection) | Group memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="userid"></a>`id` | [`ID!`](#id) | ID of the user. |
| <aid="userlocation"></a>`location` | [`String`](#string) | The location of the user. |
| <aid="username"></a>`name` | [`String!`](#string) | Human-readable name of the user. |
| <aid="userprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. |
| <aid="userprojectmemberships"></a>`projectMemberships` | [`ProjectMemberConnection`](#projectmemberconnection) | Project memberships of the user. (see [Connections](#connections)) |
| <aid="userpublicemail"></a>`publicEmail` | [`String`](#string) | User's public email. |
| <aid="userstate"></a>`state` | [`UserState!`](#userstate) | State of the user. |
| <aid="userstatus"></a>`status` | [`UserStatus`](#userstatus) | User status. |