Commit 05be99bf authored by Yorick Peterse's avatar Yorick Peterse

Removed 8.8.0 changelog entries

parent 4de1d784
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.8.0 (unreleased)
- Project#open_branches has been cleaned up and no longer loads entire records into memory.
- Make build status canceled if any of the jobs was canceled and none failed
- Sanitize repo paths in new project error message
- Remove future dates from contribution calendar graph.
- Support e-mail notifications for comments on project snippets
- Use ActionDispatch Remote IP for Akismet checking
- Fix error when visiting commit builds page before build was updated
- Add 'l' shortcut to open Label dropdown on issuables and 'i' to create new issue on a project
- Updated search UI
- Display informative message when new milestone is created
- Allow "NEWS" and "CHANGES" as alternative names for CHANGELOG. !3768 (Connor Shea)
- Added button to toggle whitespaces changes on diff view
- Backport GitLab Enterprise support from EE
- Create tags using Rugged for performance reasons. !3745
- Files over 5MB can only be viewed in their raw form, files over 1MB without highlighting !3718
- Add support for supressing text diffs using .gitattributes on the default branch (Matt Oakes)
- Added multiple colors for labels in dropdowns when dups happen.
- Improve description for the Two-factor Authentication sign-in screen. (Connor Shea)
- API support for the 'since' and 'until' operators on commit requests (Paco Guzman)
- Fix Gravatar hint in user profile when Gravatar is disabled. !3988 (Artem Sidorenko)
- Expire repository exists? and has_visible_content? caches after a push if necessary
v 8.7.3
- Emails, Gitlab::Email::Message, Gitlab::Diff, and Premailer::Adapter::Nokogiri are now instrumented
- Merge request widget displays TeamCity build state and code coverage correctly again.
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