Commit 0e764076 authored by Alex Kalderimis's avatar Alex Kalderimis

Move nulls safely even when there is not enough space

This is motivated by errors such as, where
attempts to move nulls fail even with rebalancing due to the fact that
the gap found is not big enough for all the nulls.

We address this in two ways:

- we try to consolidate multiple gaps. Up to 10 gaps will be found and
consolidated to make enough room. This is expected to be effective in
most cases.

- if we still cannot make enough space, rather than failing, we stack
all overflow elements at the edge. So if we need to move 10 nulls to the
end, and we only have space for 5, all the extras (5 of them) will be
placed at the maximum position.

Adds a changelog entry since this is a bug-fix
parent f91bef1c
......@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ module RelativePositioning
return 0 if objects.empty?
representative = objects.first
number_of_gaps = objects.size + 1 # 1 at left, one between each, and one at right
number_of_gaps = objects.size # 1 to the nearest neighbour, and one between each
position = if at_end
......@@ -152,16 +152,21 @@ module RelativePositioning
position ||= START_POSITION # If there are no positioned siblings, start from START_POSITION
gap = 0
attempts = 10 # consolidate up to 10 gaps to find enough space
while gap < 1 && attempts > 0
gap, position = gap_size(representative, gaps: number_of_gaps, at_end: at_end, starting_from: position)
attempts -= 1
# Raise if we could not make enough space
raise NoSpaceLeft if gap < MIN_GAP
indexed = objects.each_with_index.to_a
starting_from = at_end ? position : position - (gap * number_of_gaps)
# Allow placing items next to each other, if we have to.
gap = 1 if gap < MIN_GAP
delta = at_end ? gap : -gap
indexed = (at_end ? objects : objects.reverse).each_with_index
# Some classes are polymorphic, and not all siblings are in the same table.
by_model = indexed.group_by { |pair| pair.first.class }
lower_bound, upper_bound = at_end ? [position, MAX_POSITION] : [MIN_POSITION, position]
by_model.each do |model, pairs|
model.transaction do
......@@ -169,7 +174,8 @@ module RelativePositioning
# These are known to be integers, one from the DB, and the other
# calculated by us, and thus safe to interpolate
values = do |obj, i|
pos = starting_from + gap * (i + 1)
desired_pos = position + delta * (i + 1)
pos = desired_pos.clamp(lower_bound, upper_bound)
obj.relative_position = pos
"(#{}, #{pos})"
end.join(', ')
title: Avoid raising errors when moving unpositioned items
merge_request: 40152
type: fixed
......@@ -70,6 +70,37 @@ RSpec.shared_examples 'a class that supports relative positioning' do
expect(items.sort_by(&:relative_position)).to eq(items)
it 'manages to move nulls to the end even if there is not enough space' do
run = run_at_end(20).to_a
bunch_a = create_items_with_positions(run[0..18])
bunch_b = create_items_with_positions([run.last])
nils = create_items_with_positions([nil] * 4)
items = [*bunch_a, *bunch_b, *nils]
expect( all(be_valid_position)
expect(items.reverse.sort_by(&:relative_position)).to eq(items)
it 'manages to move nulls to the end, stacking if we cannot create enough space' do
run = run_at_end(40).to_a
bunch = create_items_with_positions(
nils = create_items_with_positions([nil] * 20)
items = [*bunch, *nils]
expect( all(be_valid_position)
expect(bunch.reverse.sort_by(&:relative_position)).to eq(bunch)
expect(nils.reverse.sort_by(&:relative_position)).not_to eq(nils)
expect( all(be <
it 'does not have an N+1 issue' do
......@@ -130,6 +161,37 @@ RSpec.shared_examples 'a class that supports relative positioning' do
expect(described_class.move_nulls_to_start([item1])).to be(0)
expect(item1.reload.relative_position).to be(1)
it 'manages to move nulls to the start even if there is not enough space' do
run = run_at_start(20).to_a
bunch_a = create_items_with_positions([run.first])
bunch_b = create_items_with_positions(run[2..])
nils = create_items_with_positions([nil, nil, nil, nil])
items = [*nils, *bunch_a, *bunch_b]
expect( all(be_valid_position)
expect(items.reverse.sort_by(&:relative_position)).to eq(items)
it 'manages to move nulls to the end, stacking if we cannot create enough space' do
run = run_at_start(40).to_a
bunch = create_items_with_positions(
nils = create_items_with_positions([nil].cycle.take(20))
items = [*nils, *bunch]
expect( all(be_valid_position)
expect(bunch.reverse.sort_by(&:relative_position)).to eq(bunch)
expect(nils.reverse.sort_by(&:relative_position)).not_to eq(nils)
expect( all(be >
describe '#max_relative_position' do
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