Commit 19996fec authored by Douwe Maan's avatar Douwe Maan

Merge branch 'master' into mirror-repository

parents 22832637 1ab62227
Please view this file on the master branch, on stable branches it's out of date.
v 8.1.0
- Fix: LDAP group links API is not working as expected.
v 8.3.0 (unreleased)
v 8.0.1
v 8.1.0 (unreleased)
v 8.2.0 (unreleased)
v 8.2.0
- Remove CSS property preventing hard tabs from rendering in Chromium 45 (Stan Hu)
- Fix Drone CI service template not saving properly (Stan Hu)
- Fix avatars not showing in Atom feeds and project issues when Gravatar disabled (Stan Hu)
......@@ -48,6 +45,8 @@ v 8.2.0 (unreleased)
- Ability to add release notes (markdown text and attachments) to git tags (aka Releases)
- Relative links from a repositories now link to the default branch
- Fix trailing whitespace issue in merge request/issue title
- Fix bug when milestone/label filter was empty for dashboard issues page
- Add ability to create milestone in group projects from single form
v 8.1.4
- Fix bug where manually merged branches in a MR would end up with an empty diff (Stan Hu)
......@@ -261,44 +260,6 @@ v 8.0.0
- Redirect from incorrectly cased group or project path to correct one (Francesco Levorato)
- Removed API calls from CE to CI
v 7.14.0
- Allow displaying of archived projects in the admin interface (Artem Sidorenko)
- Allow configuration of import sources for new projects (Artem Sidorenko)
- Search for comments should be case insensetive
- Create cross-reference for closing references on commits pushed to non-default branches (Maël Valais)
- Ability to search milestones
- Gracefully handle SMTP user input errors (e.g. incorrect email addresses) to prevent Sidekiq retries (Stan Hu)
- Move dashboard activity to separate page (for your projects and starred projects)
- Improve performance of git blame
- Limit content width to 1200px for most of pages to improve readability on big screens
- Fix 500 error when submit project snippet without body
- Improve search page usability
- Bring more UI consistency in way how projects, snippets and groups lists are rendered
- Make all profiles and group public
- Fixed login failure when extern_uid changes (Joel Koglin)
- Don't notify users without access to the project when they are (accidentally) mentioned in a note.
- Retrieving oauth token with LDAP credentials
- Load Application settings from running database unless env var USE_DB=false
- Added Drone CI integration (Kirill Zaitsev)
- Allow developers to retry builds
- Hide advanced project options for non-admin users
- Fail builds if no .gitlab-ci.yml is found
- Refactored service API and added automatically service docs generator (Kirill Zaitsev)
- Added web_url key project hook_attrs (Kirill Zaitsev)
- Add ability to get user information by ID of an SSH key via the API
- Fix bug which IE cannot show image at markdown when the image is raw file of gitlab
- Add support for Crowd
- Global Labels that are available to all projects
- Fix highlighting of deleted lines in diffs.
- Project notification level can be set on the project page itself
- Added service API endpoint to retrieve service parameters (Petheő Bence)
- Add FogBugz project import (Jared Szechy)
- Sort users autocomplete lists by user (Allister Antosik)
- Webhook for issue now contains repository field (Jungkook Park)
- Add ability to add custom text to the help page (Jeroen van Baarsen)
- Add pg_schema to backup config
- Removed API calls from CE to CI
v 7.14.3
- No changes
......@@ -339,7 +300,6 @@ v 7.14.0
- Fix URL used for refreshing notes if relative_url is present (Bartłomiej Święcki)
- Fix commit data retrieval when branch name has single quotes (Stan Hu)
- Check that project was actually created rather than just validated in import:repos task (Stan Hu)
- Fix inability to save "Reset approvals on push" setting (Sandish Chen)
- Fix full screen mode for snippet comments (Daniel Gerhardt)
- Fix 404 error in files view after deleting the last file in a repository (Stan Hu)
- Fix the "Reload with full diff" URL button (Stan Hu)
......@@ -354,11 +314,6 @@ v 7.14.0
- Add support for destroying project milestones (Stan Hu)
- Allow custom backup archive permissions
- Add project star and fork count, group avatar URL and user/group web URL attributes to API
- Fix bug causing Bitbucket importer to crash when OAuth application had been removed.
- Add fetch command to the MR page.
- Fix bug causing "Remove source-branch" option not to work for merge requests from the same project.
- Fix approvals for forks. Now you can change approvals settings on the new merge request form
- Suggested approvers are shown on the new merge request form
- Show who last edited a comment if it wasn't the original author
- Send notification to all participants when MR is merged.
- Add ability to manage user email addresses via the API.
......@@ -696,9 +651,6 @@ v 7.10.0
- Restrict permissions on backup files
- Improve oauth accounts UI in profile page
- Add ability to unlink connected accounts
- Add changes to Deploy Keys to the Audit Logs
v 7.9.0 (unreleased)
- Replace commits calendar with faster contribution calendar that includes issues and merge requests
- Add inifinite scroll to user page activity
- Don't include system notes in issue/MR comment count.
......@@ -793,7 +745,6 @@ v 7.9.0
- Fix hidden diff comments in merge request discussion view
- Allow user confirmation to be skipped for new users via API
- Add a service to send updates to an Irker gateway (Romain Coltel)
- Ignore case of LDAP user DN when checking group membership.
- Add brakeman (security scanner for Ruby on Rails)
- Slack username and channel options
- Add grouped milestones from all projects to dashboard.
......@@ -1269,9 +1220,6 @@ v 6.9.0
- Labels for merge requests (Drew Blessing)
- Threaded emails by setting a Message-ID (Philip Blatter)
v 6.8.1
- Bump required gitlab-shell version to 1.9.3
v 6.8.0
- Ability to at mention users that are participating in issue and merge req. discussion
- Enabled GZip Compression for assets in example Nginx, make sure that Nginx is compiled with --with-http_gzip_static_module flag (this is default in Ubuntu)
v 8.3.0 (unreleased)
v 8.2.0
- Invalidate stored jira password if the endpoint URL is changed
- Fix: Page is not reloaded periodically to check if rebase is finished
......@@ -8,13 +10,42 @@ v 8.2.0
- Allow groups to appear in the `Share with group` share if the group owner allows it
- Add option to mirror an upstream repository.
v 8.1.0 (unreleased)
- added an issues template (Hannes Rosenögger)
v 8.1.4
- Fix bug in JIRA integration which prevented merge requests from being accepted when using issue closing pattern
v 8.1.3
- Fix "Rebase onto master"
v 8.1.2
- Prevent a 500 error related to the JIRA external issue tracker service
v 8.1.1
- Removed, see 8.1.2
v 8.1.0
- Add documentation for "Share project with group" API call
- Added an issues template (Hannes Rosenögger)
- Add documentation for "Share project with group" API call
- Abiliy to disable 'Share with Group' feature (via UI and API)
v 8.0.6
- No EE-specific changes
v 8.0.5
- "Multi-project" and "Treat unstable builds as passing" parameters for
the Jenkins CI service are now correctly persisted.
- Correct the build URL when "Multi-project" is enabled for the Jenkins CI
v 8.0.4
- Fix multi-project setup for Jenkins
v 8.0.3
- No EE-specific changes
v 8.0.2
- No EE-specific changes
v 8.0.1
- Correct gem dependency versions
- Re-add the "Help Text" feature that was inadvertently removed
......@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
- [Welcome message](customization/ Add a custom welcome message to the sign-in page.
- [Reply by email](incoming_email/ Allow users to comment on issues and merge requests by replying to notification emails.
- [Migrate GitLab CI to CE/EE](migrate_ci_to_ce/ Follow this guide to migrate your existing GitLab CI data to GitLab CE/EE.
- [Downgrade back to CE](downgrade_ee_to_ce/ Follow this guide if you need to downgrade from EE to CE.
## Contributor documentation
# Downgrading from EE to CE
If you ever decide to downgrade your Enterprise Edition back to the Community
Edition, there are a few steps you need take before installing the CE package
on top of the current EE package, or, if you are in an installation from source,
before you change remotes and fetch the latest CE code.
## Disable Enterprise-only features
First thing to do is to disable the following features.
### Authentication mechanisms
Kerberos and Atlassian Crowd are only available on the Enterprise Edition, so
you should disable these mechanisms before downgrading and you should provide
alternative authentication methods to your users.
### Git Annex
Git Annex is also only available on the Enterprise Edition. This means that if
you have repositories that use Git Annex to store large files, these files will
no longer be easily available via Git. You should consider migrating these
repositories to use Git LFS before downgrading to the Community Edition.
### Remove Jenkins CI Service entries from the database
The `JenkinsService` class is only available on the Enterprise Edition codebase,
so if you downgrade to the Community Edition, you'll come across the following
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 497ms (ActiveRecord: 32.2ms)
ActionView::Template::Error (The single-table inheritance mechanism failed to locate the subclass: 'JenkinsService'. This
error is raised because the column 'type' is reserved for storing the class in case of inheritance. Please rename this
column if you didn't intend it to be used for storing the inheritance class or overwrite Service.inheritance_column to
use another column for that information.)
All services are created automatically for every project you have, so in order
to avoid getting this error, you need to remove all instances of the
`JenkinsService` from your database:
**Omnibus Installation**
$ sudo gitlab-rails runner "Service.where(type: 'JenkinsService').delete_all"
**Source Installation**
$ bundle exec rails runner "Service.where(type: 'JenkinsService').delete_all" production
## Downgrade to CE
After performing the above mentioned steps, you are now ready to downgrade your
GitLab installation to the Community Edition.
**Omnibus Installation**
To downgrade an Omnibus installation, it is sufficient to install the Community
Edition package on top of the currently installed one. You can do this manually,
by directly [downloading the package](
you need, or by adding our CE package repository and following the
[CE installation instructions](
**Source Installation**
To downgrade a source installation, you need to replace the current remote of
your GitLab installation with the Community Edition's remote, fetch the latest
changes, and checkout the latest stable branch:
$ git remote set-url origin
$ git fetch --all
$ git checkout 8-x-stable
Remember to follow the correct [update guides](../update/ to make
sure all dependencies are up to date.
......@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@ Depending on the installation method and your GitLab version, there are multiple
- [The CE to EE update guides]( the steps are very similar to a version upgrade: stop the server, get the code, update config files for the new functionality, install libs and do migrations, update the init script, start the application and check the application status.
## EE to CE
- If you need to downgrade your EE installation back to CE, you can follow [this guide](../downgrade_ee_to_ce/ to make
the process as smooth as possible.
## Omnibus Packages
- [Omnibus update guide]( contains the steps needed to update a GitLab [package](
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