@@ -357,9 +357,10 @@ The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Secure** stage:
@@ -357,9 +357,10 @@ The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Secure** stage:
| [Dependency List](user/application_security/dependency_list/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | View your project's dependencies and their known vulnerabilities. |
| [Dependency List](user/application_security/dependency_list/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | View your project's dependencies and their known vulnerabilities. |
| [Dependency Scanning](user/application_security/dependency_scanning/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Analyze your dependencies for known vulnerabilities. |
| [Dependency Scanning](user/application_security/dependency_scanning/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Analyze your dependencies for known vulnerabilities. |
| [Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)](user/application_security/dast/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Analyze running web applications for known vulnerabilities. |
| [Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)](user/application_security/dast/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Analyze running web applications for known vulnerabilities. |
| [Group Security Dashboard](user/application_security/security_dashboard/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | View vulnerabilities in all the projects in a group and its subgroups. |
| [Group Security Dashboard](user/application_security/security_dashboard/index.md#group-security-dashboard)**(ULTIMATE)** | View vulnerabilities in all the projects in a group and its subgroups. |
| [License Compliance](user/application_security/license_compliance/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Search your project's dependencies for their licenses. |
| [License Compliance](user/application_security/license_compliance/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Search your project's dependencies for their licenses. |
| [Project Security Dashboard](user/application_security/security_dashboard/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | View the latest security reports for your project. |
| [Pipeline Security Dashboard](user/application_security/security_dashboard/index.md#pipeline-security-dashboard)**(ULTIMATE)** | View the security reports for your project's pipelines. |
| [Project Security Dashboard](user/application_security/security_dashboard/index.md#project-security-dashboard)**(ULTIMATE)** | View the latest security reports for your project. |
| [Static Application Security Testing (SAST)](user/application_security/sast/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Analyze source code for known vulnerabilities. |
| [Static Application Security Testing (SAST)](user/application_security/sast/index.md)**(ULTIMATE)** | Analyze source code for known vulnerabilities. |
"content":"# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.\n# This Dockerfile installs a compiled binary into a bare system.\n# You must either commit your compiled binary into source control (not recommended)\n# or build the binary first as part of a CI/CD pipeline.\n\nFROM buildpack-deps:jessie\n\nWORKDIR /usr/local/bin\n\n# Change `app` to whatever your binary is called\nAdd app .\nCMD [\"./app\"]\n"
"content":"# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.\n# This Dockerfile installs a compiled binary into a bare system.\n# You must either commit your compiled binary into source control (not recommended)\n# or build the binary first as part of a CI/CD pipeline.\n\nFROM buildpack-deps:jessie\n\nWORKDIR /usr/local/bin\n\n# Change `app` to whatever your binary is called\nAdd app .\nCMD [\"./app\"]\n"
<!-- ## Troubleshooting
Include any troubleshooting steps that you can foresee. If you know beforehand what issues
one might have when setting this up, or when something is changed, or on upgrading, it's
important to describe those, too. Think of things that may go wrong and include them here.
This is important to minimize requests for support, and to avoid doc comments with
questions that you know someone might ask.
Each scenario can be a third-level heading, e.g. `### Getting error message X`.
If you have none to add when creating a doc, leave this section in place
but commented out to help encourage others to add to it in the future. -->
"content":"*.gem\n*.rbc\n/.config\n/coverage/\n/InstalledFiles\n/pkg/\n/spec/reports/\n/spec/examples.txt\n/test/tmp/\n/test/version_tmp/\n/tmp/\n\n# Used by dotenv library to load environment variables.\n# .env\n\n## Specific to RubyMotion:\n.dat*\n.repl_history\nbuild/\n*.bridgesupport\nbuild-iPhoneOS/\nbuild-iPhoneSimulator/\n\n## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods):\n#\n# We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However\n# you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at:\n# https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control\n#\n# vendor/Pods/\n\n## Documentation cache and generated files:\n/.yardoc/\n/_yardoc/\n/doc/\n/rdoc/\n\n## Environment normalization:\n/.bundle/\n/vendor/bundle\n/lib/bundler/man/\n\n# for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is\n# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:\n# Gemfile.lock\n# .ruby-version\n# .ruby-gemset\n\n# unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this:\n.rvmrc\n"
"content":"*.gem\n*.rbc\n/.config\n/coverage/\n/InstalledFiles\n/pkg/\n/spec/reports/\n/spec/examples.txt\n/test/tmp/\n/test/version_tmp/\n/tmp/\n\n# Used by dotenv library to load environment variables.\n# .env\n\n## Specific to RubyMotion:\n.dat*\n.repl_history\nbuild/\n*.bridgesupport\nbuild-iPhoneOS/\nbuild-iPhoneSimulator/\n\n## Specific to RubyMotion (use of CocoaPods):\n#\n# We recommend against adding the Pods directory to your .gitignore. However\n# you should judge for yourself, the pros and cons are mentioned at:\n# https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/using-cocoapods.html#should-i-check-the-pods-directory-into-source-control\n#\n# vendor/Pods/\n\n## Documentation cache and generated files:\n/.yardoc/\n/_yardoc/\n/doc/\n/rdoc/\n\n## Environment normalization:\n/.bundle/\n/vendor/bundle\n/lib/bundler/man/\n\n# for a library or gem, you might want to ignore these files since the code is\n# intended to run in multiple environments; otherwise, check them in:\n# Gemfile.lock\n# .ruby-version\n# .ruby-gemset\n\n# unless supporting rvm < 1.11.0 or doing something fancy, ignore this:\n.rvmrc\n"
<!-- ## Troubleshooting
Include any troubleshooting steps that you can foresee. If you know beforehand what issues
one might have when setting this up, or when something is changed, or on upgrading, it's
important to describe those, too. Think of things that may go wrong and include them here.
This is important to minimize requests for support, and to avoid doc comments with
questions that you know someone might ask.
Each scenario can be a third-level heading, e.g. `### Getting error message X`.
If you have none to add when creating a doc, leave this section in place
but commented out to help encourage others to add to it in the future. -->
"content":"# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.\n# Official language image. Look for the different tagged releases at:\n# https://hub.docker.com/r/library/ruby/tags/\nimage: \"ruby:2.5\"\n\n# Pick zero or more services to be used on all builds.\n# Only needed when using a docker container to run your tests in.\n# Check out: http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/docker/using_docker_images.html#what-is-a-service\nservices:\n - mysql:latest\n - redis:latest\n - postgres:latest\n\nvariables:\n POSTGRES_DB: database_name\n\n# Cache gems in between builds\ncache:\n paths:\n - vendor/ruby\n\n# This is a basic example for a gem or script which doesn't use\n# services such as redis or postgres\nbefore_script:\n - ruby -v # Print out ruby version for debugging\n # Uncomment next line if your rails app needs a JS runtime:\n # - apt-get update -q && apt-get install nodejs -yqq\n - bundle install -j $(nproc) --path vendor # Install dependencies into ./vendor/ruby\n\n# Optional - Delete if not using `rubocop`\nrubocop:\n script:\n - rubocop\n\nrspec:\n script:\n - rspec spec\n\nrails:\n variables:\n DATABASE_URL: \"postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/$POSTGRES_DB\"\n script:\n - rails db:migrate\n - rails db:seed\n - rails test\n\n# This deploy job uses a simple deploy flow to Heroku, other providers, e.g. AWS Elastic Beanstalk\n# are supported too: https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl\ndeploy:\n type: deploy\n environment: production\n script:\n - gem install dpl\n - dpl --provider=heroku --app=$HEROKU_APP_NAME --api-key=$HEROKU_PRODUCTION_KEY\n"
"content":"# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.\n# Official language image. Look for the different tagged releases at:\n# https://hub.docker.com/r/library/ruby/tags/\nimage: \"ruby:2.5\"\n\n# Pick zero or more services to be used on all builds.\n# Only needed when using a docker container to run your tests in.\n# Check out: http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/docker/using_docker_images.html#what-is-a-service\nservices:\n - mysql:latest\n - redis:latest\n - postgres:latest\n\nvariables:\n POSTGRES_DB: database_name\n\n# Cache gems in between builds\ncache:\n paths:\n - vendor/ruby\n\n# This is a basic example for a gem or script which doesn't use\n# services such as redis or postgres\nbefore_script:\n - ruby -v # Print out ruby version for debugging\n # Uncomment next line if your rails app needs a JS runtime:\n # - apt-get update -q && apt-get install nodejs -yqq\n - bundle install -j $(nproc) --path vendor # Install dependencies into ./vendor/ruby\n\n# Optional - Delete if not using `rubocop`\nrubocop:\n script:\n - rubocop\n\nrspec:\n script:\n - rspec spec\n\nrails:\n variables:\n DATABASE_URL: \"postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/$POSTGRES_DB\"\n script:\n - rails db:migrate\n - rails db:seed\n - rails test\n\n# This deploy job uses a simple deploy flow to Heroku, other providers, e.g. AWS Elastic Beanstalk\n# are supported too: https://github.com/travis-ci/dpl\ndeploy:\n type: deploy\n environment: production\n script:\n - gem install dpl\n - dpl --provider=heroku --app=$HEROKU_APP_NAME --api-key=$HEROKU_PRODUCTION_KEY\n"
<!-- ## Troubleshooting
Include any troubleshooting steps that you can foresee. If you know beforehand what issues
one might have when setting this up, or when something is changed, or on upgrading, it's
important to describe those, too. Think of things that may go wrong and include them here.
This is important to minimize requests for support, and to avoid doc comments with
questions that you know someone might ask.
Each scenario can be a third-level heading, e.g. `### Getting error message X`.
If you have none to add when creating a doc, leave this section in place
but commented out to help encourage others to add to it in the future. -->
The Security Dashboard is a good place to get an overview of all the security
The Security Dashboard is a good place to get an overview of all the security
vulnerabilities in your groups and projects.
vulnerabilities in your groups, projects and pipelines.
You can also drill down into a vulnerability and get extra information, see which
You can also drill down into a vulnerability and get extra information, see which
project it comes from, the file it's in, and various metadata to help you analyze
project it comes from, the file it's in, and various metadata to help you analyze
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ The Security Dashboard supports the following reports:
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ The Security Dashboard supports the following reports:
## Requirements
## Requirements
To use the project or group security dashboard:
To use the group, project or pipeline security dashboard:
1. At least one project inside a group must be configured with at least one of
1. At least one project inside a group must be configured with at least one of
the [supported reports](#supported-reports).
the [supported reports](#supported-reports).
@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ To use the project or group security dashboard:
@@ -34,6 +34,16 @@ To use the project or group security dashboard:
1.[GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/) 11.5 or newer must be used.
1.[GitLab Runner](https://docs.gitlab.com/runner/) 11.5 or newer must be used.
If you're using the shared Runners on GitLab.com, this is already the case.
If you're using the shared Runners on GitLab.com, this is already the case.
## Pipeline Security Dashboard
> [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ee/issues/13496) in [GitLab Ultimate](https://about.gitlab.com/pricing) 12.3.
At the pipeline level, the Security Dashboard displays the vulnerabilities present in the branch of the project the pipeline was run against.
Visit the page for any pipeline which has run any of the [supported reports](#supported-reports). Click the **Security** tab to view the Security Dashboard.