exports[`AlertsServiceForm with default values shows description and "Learn More" link 1`] = `"Each alert source must be authorized using the following URL and authorization key. <a href=\\"example.com/learn-more\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\">Learn more</a> about configuring this endpoint to receive alerts."`;
exports[`AlertsServiceForm with default values shows description and "Learn More" link 1`] = `"Each alert source must be authorized using the following URL and authorization key. <a href=\\"https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/integrations/generic_alerts.md\\" target=\\"_blank\\" rel=\\"noopener noreferrer\\">Learn more</a> about configuring this endpoint to receive alerts."`;
exports[`AlertsServiceForm without learnMoreUrl shows description but not "Learn More" link 1`] = `"Each alert source must be authorized using the following URL and authorization key."`;