Commit 2f61ab5a authored by Constance Okoghenun's avatar Constance Okoghenun

Resolved conflicts in app/assets/javascripts/dispatcher.js

parents 8cf0cb39 b71d038f
/* eslint-disable func-names, space-before-function-paren, no-var, prefer-arrow-callback, wrap-iife, no-shadow, consistent-return, one-var, one-var-declaration-per-line, camelcase, default-case, no-new, quotes, no-duplicate-case, no-case-declarations, no-fallthrough, max-len */
import { s__ } from './locale';
import projectSelect from './project_select';
import IssuableIndex from './issuable_index';
import Milestone from './milestone';
import IssuableForm from './issuable_form';
import LabelsSelect from './labels_select';
......@@ -11,15 +10,12 @@ import notificationsDropdown from './notifications_dropdown';
import groupAvatar from './group_avatar';
import GroupLabelSubscription from './group_label_subscription';
import LineHighlighter from './line_highlighter';
import groupsSelect from './groups_select';
import Project from './project';
import projectAvatar from './project_avatar';
import MergeRequest from './merge_request';
import Compare from './compare';
import initCompareAutocomplete from './compare_autocomplete';
import ProjectFindFile from './project_find_file';
import ProjectNew from './project_new';
import projectImport from './project_import';
import Labels from './labels';
import LabelManager from './label_manager';
import Sidebar from './right_sidebar';
......@@ -27,12 +23,10 @@ import Sidebar from './right_sidebar';
import IssuableTemplateSelectors from './templates/issuable_template_selectors';
import Flash from './flash';
import CommitsList from './commits';
import Issue from './issue';
import BindInOut from './behaviors/bind_in_out';
import SecretValues from './behaviors/secret_values';
import Group from './group';
import ProjectsList from './projects_list';
import setupProjectEdit from './project_edit';
import MiniPipelineGraph from './mini_pipeline_graph_dropdown';
import UserCallout from './user_callout';
import ShortcutsWiki from './shortcuts_wiki';
......@@ -57,7 +51,6 @@ import GlFieldErrors from './gl_field_errors';
import GLForm from './gl_form';
import Shortcuts from './shortcuts';
import ShortcutsNavigation from './shortcuts_navigation';
import ShortcutsFindFile from './shortcuts_find_file';
import ShortcutsIssuable from './shortcuts_issuable';
import U2FAuthenticate from './u2f/authenticate';
import Members from './members';
......@@ -74,7 +67,6 @@ import ApproversSelect from 'ee/approvers_select'; // eslint-disable-line import
import initGeoInfoModal from 'ee/init_geo_info_modal'; // eslint-disable-line import/first
import initGroupAnalytics from 'ee/init_group_analytics'; // eslint-disable-line import/first
import initPathLocks from 'ee/path_locks'; // eslint-disable-line import/first
import WeightSelect from 'ee/weight_select'; // eslint-disable-line import/first
import initApprovals from 'ee/approvals'; // eslint-disable-line import/first
import initLDAPGroupsSelect from 'ee/ldap_groups_select'; // eslint-disable-line import/first
......@@ -149,21 +141,16 @@ import initLDAPGroupsSelect from 'ee/ldap_groups_select'; // eslint-disable-line
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'projects:issues:index':
if (filteredSearchEnabled) {
const filteredSearchManager = new gl.FilteredSearchManager(page === 'projects:issues:index' ? 'issues' : 'merge_requests');
const pagePrefix = page === 'projects:merge_requests:index' ? 'merge_request_' : 'issue_';
new IssuableIndex(pagePrefix);
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsNavigation();
new UsersSelect();
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'projects:issues:show':
new Issue();
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsIssuable();
new ZenMode();
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'dashboard:milestones:index':
......@@ -258,14 +245,16 @@ import initLDAPGroupsSelect from 'ee/ldap_groups_select'; // eslint-disable-line
case 'projects:issues:new':
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'projects:issues:edit':
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsNavigation();
new GLForm($('.issue-form'), true);
new IssuableForm($('.issue-form'));
new LabelsSelect();
new MilestoneSelect();
new WeightSelect();
new IssuableTemplateSelectors();
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'projects:merge_requests:creations:new':
const mrNewCompareNode = document.querySelector('.js-merge-request-new-compare');
......@@ -384,9 +373,6 @@ import initLDAPGroupsSelect from 'ee/ldap_groups_select'; // eslint-disable-line
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsNavigation();
case 'projects:imports:show':
case 'projects:show':
shortcut_handler = new ShortcutsNavigation();
new NotificationsForm();
......@@ -405,16 +391,14 @@ import initLDAPGroupsSelect from 'ee/ldap_groups_select'; // eslint-disable-line
case 'projects:edit':
new UsersSelect();
// Initialize expandable settings panels
new UserCallout({ className: 'js-service-desk-callout' });
new UserCallout({ className: 'js-mr-approval-callout' });
case 'projects:imports:show':
case 'projects:pipelines:new':
case 'projects:pipelines:create':
......@@ -480,13 +464,9 @@ import initLDAPGroupsSelect from 'ee/ldap_groups_select'; // eslint-disable-line
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'projects:find_file:show':
const findElement = document.querySelector('.js-file-finder');
const projectFindFile = new ProjectFindFile($(".file-finder-holder"), {
url: findElement.dataset.fileFindUrl,
treeUrl: findElement.dataset.findTreeUrl,
blobUrlTemplate: findElement.dataset.blobUrlTemplate,
new ShortcutsFindFile(projectFindFile);
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'projects:blob:show':
......@@ -542,7 +522,7 @@ import initLDAPGroupsSelect from 'ee/ldap_groups_select'; // eslint-disable-line
shortcut_handler = true;
case 'projects:forks:new':
import(/* webpackChunkName: 'project_fork' */ './project_fork')
/* eslint-disable no-new */
import initSettingsPanels from '~/settings_panels';
import setupProjectEdit from '~/project_edit';
import UsersSelect from '~/users_select';
import UserCallout from '~/user_callout';
import groupsSelect from '~/groups_select';
export default () => {
new UsersSelect();
// Initialize expandable settings panels
new UserCallout({ className: 'js-service-desk-callout' });
new UserCallout({ className: 'js-mr-approval-callout' });
import ProjectFindFile from '~/project_find_file';
import ShortcutsFindFile from '~/shortcuts_find_file';
export default () => {
const findElement = document.querySelector('.js-file-finder');
const projectFindFile = new ProjectFindFile($('.file-finder-holder'), {
url: findElement.dataset.fileFindUrl,
treeUrl: findElement.dataset.findTreeUrl,
blobUrlTemplate: findElement.dataset.blobUrlTemplate,
new ShortcutsFindFile(projectFindFile); // eslint-disable-line no-new
import ProjectFork from '~/project_fork';
export default () => {
new ProjectFork(); // eslint-disable-line no-new
import ProjectImport from '~/project_import';
export default () => {
new ProjectImport(); // eslint-disable-line no-new
import initForm from '../form';
export default () => {
/* eslint-disable no-new */
import GLForm from '~/gl_form';
import IssuableForm from '~/issuable_form';
import LabelsSelect from '~/labels_select';
import MilestoneSelect from '~/milestone_select';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import IssuableTemplateSelectors from '~/templates/issuable_template_selectors';
import WeightSelect from 'ee/weight_select';
export default () => {
new ShortcutsNavigation();
new GLForm($('.issue-form'), true);
new IssuableForm($('.issue-form'));
new LabelsSelect();
new MilestoneSelect();
new IssuableTemplateSelectors();
new WeightSelect();
/* eslint-disable no-new */
import IssuableIndex from '~/issuable_index';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/shortcuts_navigation';
import UsersSelect from '~/users_select';
export default () => {
const filteredSearchEnabled = gl.FilteredSearchManager && document.querySelector('.filtered-search');
if (filteredSearchEnabled) {
const filteredSearchManager = new gl.FilteredSearchManager('issues');
new IssuableIndex('issue_');
new ShortcutsNavigation();
new UsersSelect();
import initForm from '../form';
export default () => {
/* eslint-disable no-new */
import initIssuableSidebar from '~/init_issuable_sidebar';
import Issue from '~/issue';
import ShortcutsIssuable from '~/shortcuts_issuable';
import ZenMode from '~/zen_mode';
export default () => {
new Issue();
new ShortcutsIssuable();
new ZenMode();
title: "[API] Fix creating issue when assignee_id is empty"
type: fixed
# Numerous undo possibilities in Git
> **Article [Type](../../development/** tutorial ||
> **Level:** intermediary ||
> **Author:** [Crt Mori]( ||
> **Publication date:** 2017-08-17
## Introduction
In this tutorial, we will show you different ways of undoing your work in Git, for which
we will assume you have a basic working knowledge of. Check GitLab's
[Git documentation](../../topics/git/ for reference.
Also, we will only provide some general info of the commands, which is enough
to get you started for the easy cases/examples, but for anything more advanced please refer to the [Git book](
We will explain a few different techniques to undo your changes based on the stage
of the change in your current development. Also, keep in mind that [nothing in
Git is really deleted.][git-autoclean-ref]
This means that until Git automatically cleans detached commits (which cannot be
accessed by branch or tag) it will be possible to view them with `git reflog` command
and access them with direct commit-id. Read more about _[redoing the undo](#redoing-the-undo)_ on the section below.
This guide is organized depending on the [stage of development][git-basics]
where you want to undo your changes from and if they were shared with other developers
or not. Because Git is tracking changes a created or edited file is in the unstaged state
(if created it is untracked by Git). After you add it to a repository (`git add`) you put
a file into the **staged** state, which is then committed (`git commit`) to your
local repository. After that, file can be shared with other developers (`git push`).
Here's what we'll cover in this tutorial:
- [Undo local changes](#undo-local-changes) which were not pushed to remote repository
- Before you commit, in both unstaged and staged state
- After you committed
- Undo changes after they are pushed to remote repository
- [Without history modification](#undo-remote-changes-without-changing-history) (preferred way)
- [With history modification](#undo-remote-changes-with-modifying-history) (requires
coordination with team and force pushes).
- [Usecases when modifying history is generally acceptable](#where-modifying-history-is-generally-acceptable)
- [How to modify history](#how-modifying-history-is-done)
- [How to remove sensitive information from repository](#deleting-sensitive-information-from-commits)
### Branching strategy
[Git][git-official] is a de-centralized version control system, which means that beside regular
versioning of the whole repository, it has possibilities to exchange changes
with other repositories. To avoid chaos with
[multiple sources of truth][git-distributed], various
development workflows have to be followed, and it depends on your internal
workflow how certain changes or commits can be undone or changed.
[GitLab Flow][gitlab-flow] provides a good
balance between developers clashing with each other while
developing the same feature and cooperating seamlessly, but it does not enable
joined development of the same feature by multiple developers by default.
When multiple developers develop the same feature on the same branch, clashing
with every synchronization is unavoidable, but a proper or chosen Git Workflow will
prevent that anything is lost or out of sync when feature is complete. You can also
read through this blog post on [Git Tips & Tricks][gitlab-git-tips-n-tricks]
to learn how to easily **do** things in Git.
## Undo local changes
Until you push your changes to any remote repository, they will only affect you.
That broadens your options on how to handle undoing them. Still, local changes
can be on various stages and each stage has a different approach on how to tackle them.
### Unstaged local changes (before you commit)
When a change is made, but it is not added to the staged tree, Git itself
proposes a solution to discard changes to certain file.
Suppose you edited a file to change the content using your favorite editor:
vim <file>
Since you did not `git add <file>` to staging, it should be under unstaged files (or
untracked if file was created). You can confirm that with:
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: <file>
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
At this point there are 3 options to undo the local changes you have:
- Discard all local changes, but save them for possible re-use [later](#quickly-save-local-changes)
git stash
- Discarding local changes (permanently) to a file
git checkout -- <file>
- Discard all local changes to all files permanently
git reset --hard
Before executing `git reset --hard`, keep in mind that there is also a way to
just temporary store the changes without committing them using `git stash`.
This command resets the changes to all files, but it also saves them in case
you would like to apply them at some later time. You can read more about it in
[section below](#quickly-save-local-changes).
### Quickly save local changes
You are working on a feature when a boss drops by with an urgent task. Since your
feature is not complete, but you need to swap to another branch, you can use
`git stash` to save what you had done, swap to another branch, commit, push,
test, then get back to previous feature branch, do `git stash pop` and continue
where you left.
The example above shows that discarding all changes is not always a preferred option,
but Git provides a way to save them for later, while resetting the repository to state without
them. This is achieved by Git stashing command `git stash`, which in fact saves your
current work and runs `git reset --hard`, but it also has various
additional options like:
- `git stash save`, which enables including temporary commit message, which will help you identify changes, among with other options
- `git stash list`, which lists all previously stashed commits (yes, there can be more) that were not `pop`ed
- `git stash pop`, which redoes previously stashed changes and removes them from stashed list
- `git stash apply`, which redoes previously stashed changes, but keeps them on stashed list
### Staged local changes (before you commit)
Let's say you have added some files to staging, but you want to remove them from the
current commit, yet you want to retain those changes - just move them outside
of the staging tree. You also have an option to discard all changes with
`git reset --hard` or think about `git stash` [as described earlier.](#quickly-save-local-changes)
Lets start the example by editing a file, with your favorite editor, to change the
content and add it to staging
vim <file>
git add <file>
The file is now added to staging as confirmed by `git status` command:
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: <file>
Now you have 4 options to undo your changes:
- Unstage the file to current commit (HEAD)
git reset HEAD <file>
- Unstage everything - retain changes
git reset
- Discard all local changes, but save them for [later](#quickly-save-local-changes)
git stash
- Discard everything permanently
git reset --hard
## Committed local changes
Once you commit, your changes are recorded by the version control system.
Because you haven't pushed to your remote repository yet, your changes are
still not public (or shared with other developers). At this point, undoing
things is a lot easier, we have quite some workaround options. Once you push
your code, you'll have less options to troubleshoot your work.
### Without modifying history
Through the development process some of the previously committed changes do not
fit anymore in the end solution, or are source of the bugs. Once you find the
commit which triggered bug, or once you have a faulty commit, you can simply
revert it with `git revert commit-id`. This command inverts (swaps) the additions and
deletions in that commit, so that it does not modify history. Retaining history
can be helpful in future to notice that some changes have been tried
unsuccessfully in the past.
In our example we will assume there are commits `A`,`B`,`C`,`D`,`E` committed in this order: `A-B-C-D-E`,
and `B` is the commit you want to undo. There are many different ways to identify commit
`B` as bad, one of them is to pass a range to `git bisect` command. The provided range includes
last known good commit (we assume `A`) and first known bad commit (where bug was detected - we will assume `E`).
git bisect A..E
Bisect will provide us with commit-id of the middle commit to test, and then guide us
through simple bisection process. You can read more about it [in official Git Tools][git-debug]
In our example we will end up with commit `B`, that introduced bug/error. We have
4 options on how to remove it (or part of it) from our repository.
- Undo (swap additions and deletions) changes introduced by commit `B`.
git revert commit-B-id
- Undo changes on a single file or directory from commit `B`, but retain them in the staged state
git checkout commit-B-id <file>
- Undo changes on a single file or directory from commit `B`, but retain them in the unstaged state
git reset commit-B-id <file>
- There is one command we also must not forget: **creating a new branch**
from the point where changes are not applicable or where the development has hit a
dead end. For example you have done commits `A-B-C-D` on your feature-branch
and then you figure `C` and `D` are wrong. At this point you either reset to `B`
and do commit `F` (which will cause problems with pushing and if forced pushed also with other developers)
since branch now looks `A-B-F`, which clashes with what other developers have locally (you will
[change history](#with-history-modification)), or you simply checkout commit `B` create
a new branch and do commit `F`. In the last case, everyone else can still do their work while you
have your new way to get it right and merge it back in later. Alternatively, with GitLab,
you can [cherry-pick](../../user/project/merge_requests/
that commit into a new merge request.
![Create a new branch to avoid clashing](img/branching.png)
git checkout commit-B-id
git checkout -b new-path-of-feature
# Create <commit F>
git commit -a
### With history modification
There is one command for history modification and that is `git rebase`. Command
provides interactive mode (`-i` flag) which enables you to:
- **reword** commit messages (there is also `git commit --amend` for editing
last commit message)
- **edit** the commit content (changes introduced by commit) and message
- **squash** multiple commits into a single one, and have a custom or aggregated
commit message
- **drop** commits - simply delete them
- and few more options
Let us check few examples. Again there are commits `A-B-C-D` where you want to
delete commit `B`.
- Rebase the range from current commit D to A:
git rebase -i A
- Command opens your favorite editor where you write `drop` in front of commit
`B`, but you leave default `pick` with all other commits. Save and exit the
editor to perform a rebase. Remember: if you want to cancel delete whole
file content before saving and exiting the editor
In case you want to modify something introduced in commit `B`.
- Rebase the range from current commit D to A:
git rebase -i A
- Command opens your favorite text editor where you write `edit` in front of commit
`B`, but leave default `pick` with all other commits. Save and exit the editor to
perform a rebase
- Now do your edits and commit changes:
git commit -a
You can find some more examples in [below section where we explain how to modify
### Redoing the Undo
Sometimes you realize that the changes you undid were useful and you want them
back. Well because of first paragraph you are in luck. Command `git reflog`
enables you to *recall* detached local commits by referencing or applying them
via commit-id. Although, do not expect to see really old commits in reflog, because
Git regularly [cleans the commits which are *unreachable* by branches or tags][git-autoclean-ref].
To view repository history and to track older commits you can use below command:
$ git reflog show
# Example output:
b673187 HEAD@{4}: merge 6e43d5987921bde189640cc1e37661f7f75c9c0b: Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
eb37e74 HEAD@{5}: rebase -i (finish): returning to refs/heads/master
eb37e74 HEAD@{6}: rebase -i (pick): Commit C
97436c6 HEAD@{7}: rebase -i (start): checkout 97436c6eec6396c63856c19b6a96372705b08b1b
88f1867 HEAD@{12}: commit: Commit D
97436c6 HEAD@{13}: checkout: moving from 97436c6eec6396c63856c19b6a96372705b08b1b to test
97436c6 HEAD@{14}: checkout: moving from master to 97436c6
05cc326 HEAD@{15}: commit: Commit C
6e43d59 HEAD@{16}: commit: Commit B
Output of command shows repository history. In first column there is commit-id,
in following column, number next to `HEAD` indicates how many commits ago something
was made, after that indicator of action that was made (commit, rebase, merge, ...)
and then on end description of that action.
## Undo remote changes without changing history
This topic is roughly same as modifying committed local changes without modifying
history. **It should be the preferred way of undoing changes on any remote repository
or public branch.** Keep in mind that branching is the best solution when you want
to retain the history of faulty development, yet start anew from certain point. Branching
enables you to include the existing changes in new development (by merging) and
it also provides a clear timeline and development structure.
![Use revert to keep branch flowing](img/revert.png)
If you want to revert changes introduced in certain `commit-id` you can simply
revert that `commit-id` (swap additions and deletions) in newly created commit:
You can do this with
git revert commit-id
or creating a new branch:
git checkout commit-id
git checkout -b new-path-of-feature
## Undo remote changes with modifying history
This is useful when you want to *hide* certain things - like secret keys,
passwords, SSH keys, etc. It is and should not be used to hide mistakes, as
it will make it harder to debug in case there are some other bugs. The main
reason for this is that you loose the real development progress. **Also keep in
mind that, even with modified history, commits are just detached and can still be
accessed through commit-id** - at least until all repositories perform
the cleanup of detached commits (happens automatically).
![Modifying history causes problems on remote branch](img/rebase_reset.png)
### Where modifying history is generally acceptable
Modified history breaks the development chain of other developers, as changed
history does not have matching commits'ids. For that reason it should not
be used on any public branch or on branch that *might* be used by other
developers. When contributing to big open source repositories (e.g. [GitLab CE][gitlab-ce]),
it is acceptable to *squash* commits into a single one, to present
a nicer history of your contribution.
Keep in mind that this also removes the comments attached to certain commits
in merge requests, so if you need to retain traceability in GitLab, then
modifying history is not acceptable.
A feature-branch of a merge request is a public branch and might be used by
other developers, but project process and rules might allow or require
you to use `git rebase` (command that changes history) to reduce number of
displayed commits on target branch after reviews are done (for example
GitLab). There is a `git merge --squash` command which does exactly that
(squashes commits on feature-branch to a single commit on target branch
at merge).
Never modify the commit history of `master` or shared branch
### How modifying history is done
After you know what you want to modify (how far in history or how which range of
old commits), use `git rebase -i commit-id`. This command will then display all the commits from
current version to chosen commit-id and allow modification, squashing, deletion
of that commits.
$ git rebase -i commit1-id..commit3-id
pick <commit1-id> <commit1-commit-message>
pick <commit2-id> <commit2-commit-message>
pick <commit3-id> <commit3-commit-message>
# Rebase commit1-id..commit3-id onto <commit4-id> (3 command(s))
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# d, drop = remove commit
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
# Note that empty commits are commented out
It is important to notice that comment from the output clearly states that, if
you decide to abort, then do not just close your editor (as that will in-fact
modify history), but remove all uncommented lines and save.
That is one of the reasons why `git rebase` should be used carefully on
shared and remote branches. But don't worry, there will be nothing broken until
you push back to the remote repository (so you can freely explore the
different outcomes locally).
# Modify history from commit-id to HEAD (current commit)
git rebase -i commit-id
### Deleting sensitive information from commits
Git also enables you to delete sensitive information from your past commits and
it does modify history in the progress. That is why we have included it in this
section and not as a standalone topic. To do so, you should run the
`git filter-branch`, which enables you to rewrite history with
[certain filters][git-filters-manual].
This command uses rebase to modify history and if you want to remove certain
file from history altogether use:
git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm filename' HEAD
Since `git filter-branch` command might be slow on big repositories, there are
tools that can use some of Git specifics to enable faster execution of common
tasks (which is exactly what removing sensitive information file is about).
An alternative is [BFG Repo-cleaner][bfg-repo-cleaner]. Keep in mind that these
tools are faster because they do not provide a same fully feature set as `git filter-branch`
does, but focus on specific usecases.
## Conclusion
There are various options of undoing your work with any version control system, but
because of de-centralized nature of Git, these options are multiplied (or limited)
depending on the stage of your process. Git also enables rewriting history, but that
should be avoided as it might cause problems when multiple developers are
contributing to the same codebase.
<!-- Identifiers, in alphabetical order -->
This document was moved to [another location](../../topics/git/numerous_undo_possibilities_in_git/
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ There's also a collection of repositories with [example projects](https://gitlab
### Static Application Security Testing (SAST)
- [Scan your code for vulnerabilities](
- **(EEU)** [Scan your code for vulnerabilities](
- [Scan your Docker images for vulnerabilities](
### Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST)
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ project in an easy and automatic way:
1. [Auto Code Quality](#auto-code-quality)
1. [Auto SAST (Static Application Security Testing)](#auto-sast)
1. [Auto SAST for Docker images](#auto-sast-for-docker-images)
1. [Auto DAST (Dynamic Application Security Testing)](#auto-dast)
1. [Auto Browser Performance Testing](#auto-browser-performance-testing)
1. [Auto Review Apps](#auto-review-apps)
1. [Auto Deploy](#auto-deploy)
......@@ -194,8 +195,10 @@ Auto Code Quality uses the open source
[`codeclimate` image]( to run
static analysis and other code checks on the current code. The report is
created, and is uploaded as an artifact which you can later download and check
out. In GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter, differences between the source and
target branches are
In GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter, differences between the source and
target branches are also
[shown in the merge request widget](../../user/project/merge_requests/
### Auto SAST
......@@ -208,7 +211,8 @@ analysis on the current code and checks for potential security issues. Once the
report is created, it's uploaded as an artifact which you can later download and
check out.
Any security warnings are also [shown in the merge request widget](../../user/project/merge_requests/
In GitLab Enterprise Edition Ultimate, any security warnings are also
[shown in the merge request widget](../../user/project/merge_requests/
### Auto SAST for Docker images
......@@ -223,6 +227,19 @@ check out.
In GitLab Enterprise Edition Ultimate, any security warnings are also
[shown in the merge request widget](../../user/project/merge_requests/
### Auto DAST
> Introduced in [GitLab Enterprise Edition Ultimate][ee] 10.4.
Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) uses the
popular open source tool [OWASP ZAProxy](
to perform an analysis on the current code and checks for potential security
issues. Once the report is created, it's uploaded as an artifact which you can
later download and check out.
In GitLab Enterprise Edition Ultimate, any security warnings are also
[shown in the merge request widget](../../user/project/merge_requests/
### Auto Browser Performance Testing
> Introduced in [GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium][ee] 10.4.
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ We've gathered some resources to help you to get the best from Git with GitLab.
## Troubleshooting Git
- [Numerous _undo_ possibilities in Git](../../articles/numerous_undo_possibilities_in_git/
- [Numerous _undo_ possibilities in Git](numerous_undo_possibilities_in_git/
- Learn a few [Git troubleshooting]( techniques to help you out.
## Branching strategies
# Numerous undo possibilities in Git
> **[Article Type](../../../development/** tutorial ||
> **Level:** intermediary ||
> **Author:** [Crt Mori]( ||
> **Publication date:** 2017-08-17
## Introduction
In this tutorial, we will show you different ways of undoing your work in Git, for which
we will assume you have a basic working knowledge of. Check GitLab's
[Git documentation](../ for reference.
Also, we will only provide some general info of the commands, which is enough
to get you started for the easy cases/examples, but for anything more advanced please refer to the [Git book](
We will explain a few different techniques to undo your changes based on the stage
of the change in your current development. Also, keep in mind that [nothing in
Git is really deleted.][git-autoclean-ref]
This means that until Git automatically cleans detached commits (which cannot be
accessed by branch or tag) it will be possible to view them with `git reflog` command
and access them with direct commit-id. Read more about _[redoing the undo](#redoing-the-undo)_ on the section below.
This guide is organized depending on the [stage of development][git-basics]
where you want to undo your changes from and if they were shared with other developers
or not. Because Git is tracking changes a created or edited file is in the unstaged state
(if created it is untracked by Git). After you add it to a repository (`git add`) you put
a file into the **staged** state, which is then committed (`git commit`) to your
local repository. After that, file can be shared with other developers (`git push`).
Here's what we'll cover in this tutorial:
- [Undo local changes](#undo-local-changes) which were not pushed to remote repository
- Before you commit, in both unstaged and staged state
- After you committed
- Undo changes after they are pushed to remote repository
- [Without history modification](#undo-remote-changes-without-changing-history) (preferred way)
- [With history modification](#undo-remote-changes-with-modifying-history) (requires
coordination with team and force pushes).
- [Usecases when modifying history is generally acceptable](#where-modifying-history-is-generally-acceptable)
- [How to modify history](#how-modifying-history-is-done)
- [How to remove sensitive information from repository](#deleting-sensitive-information-from-commits)
### Branching strategy
[Git][git-official] is a de-centralized version control system, which means that beside regular
versioning of the whole repository, it has possibilities to exchange changes
with other repositories. To avoid chaos with
[multiple sources of truth][git-distributed], various
development workflows have to be followed, and it depends on your internal
workflow how certain changes or commits can be undone or changed.
[GitLab Flow][gitlab-flow] provides a good
balance between developers clashing with each other while
developing the same feature and cooperating seamlessly, but it does not enable
joined development of the same feature by multiple developers by default.
When multiple developers develop the same feature on the same branch, clashing
with every synchronization is unavoidable, but a proper or chosen Git Workflow will
prevent that anything is lost or out of sync when feature is complete. You can also
read through this blog post on [Git Tips & Tricks][gitlab-git-tips-n-tricks]
to learn how to easily **do** things in Git.
## Undo local changes
Until you push your changes to any remote repository, they will only affect you.
That broadens your options on how to handle undoing them. Still, local changes
can be on various stages and each stage has a different approach on how to tackle them.
### Unstaged local changes (before you commit)
When a change is made, but it is not added to the staged tree, Git itself
proposes a solution to discard changes to certain file.
Suppose you edited a file to change the content using your favorite editor:
vim <file>
Since you did not `git add <file>` to staging, it should be under unstaged files (or
untracked if file was created). You can confirm that with:
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: <file>
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
At this point there are 3 options to undo the local changes you have:
- Discard all local changes, but save them for possible re-use [later](#quickly-save-local-changes)
git stash
- Discarding local changes (permanently) to a file
git checkout -- <file>
- Discard all local changes to all files permanently
git reset --hard
Before executing `git reset --hard`, keep in mind that there is also a way to
just temporary store the changes without committing them using `git stash`.
This command resets the changes to all files, but it also saves them in case
you would like to apply them at some later time. You can read more about it in
[section below](#quickly-save-local-changes).
### Quickly save local changes
You are working on a feature when a boss drops by with an urgent task. Since your
feature is not complete, but you need to swap to another branch, you can use
`git stash` to save what you had done, swap to another branch, commit, push,
test, then get back to previous feature branch, do `git stash pop` and continue
where you left.
The example above shows that discarding all changes is not always a preferred option,
but Git provides a way to save them for later, while resetting the repository to state without
them. This is achieved by Git stashing command `git stash`, which in fact saves your
current work and runs `git reset --hard`, but it also has various
additional options like:
- `git stash save`, which enables including temporary commit message, which will help you identify changes, among with other options
- `git stash list`, which lists all previously stashed commits (yes, there can be more) that were not `pop`ed
- `git stash pop`, which redoes previously stashed changes and removes them from stashed list
- `git stash apply`, which redoes previously stashed changes, but keeps them on stashed list
### Staged local changes (before you commit)
Let's say you have added some files to staging, but you want to remove them from the
current commit, yet you want to retain those changes - just move them outside
of the staging tree. You also have an option to discard all changes with
`git reset --hard` or think about `git stash` [as described earlier.](#quickly-save-local-changes)
Lets start the example by editing a file, with your favorite editor, to change the
content and add it to staging
vim <file>
git add <file>
The file is now added to staging as confirmed by `git status` command:
$ git status
On branch master
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
Changes to be committed:
(use "git reset HEAD <file>..." to unstage)
new file: <file>
Now you have 4 options to undo your changes:
- Unstage the file to current commit (HEAD)
git reset HEAD <file>
- Unstage everything - retain changes
git reset
- Discard all local changes, but save them for [later](#quickly-save-local-changes)
git stash
- Discard everything permanently
git reset --hard
## Committed local changes
Once you commit, your changes are recorded by the version control system.
Because you haven't pushed to your remote repository yet, your changes are
still not public (or shared with other developers). At this point, undoing
things is a lot easier, we have quite some workaround options. Once you push
your code, you'll have less options to troubleshoot your work.
### Without modifying history
Through the development process some of the previously committed changes do not
fit anymore in the end solution, or are source of the bugs. Once you find the
commit which triggered bug, or once you have a faulty commit, you can simply
revert it with `git revert commit-id`. This command inverts (swaps) the additions and
deletions in that commit, so that it does not modify history. Retaining history
can be helpful in future to notice that some changes have been tried
unsuccessfully in the past.
In our example we will assume there are commits `A`,`B`,`C`,`D`,`E` committed in this order: `A-B-C-D-E`,
and `B` is the commit you want to undo. There are many different ways to identify commit
`B` as bad, one of them is to pass a range to `git bisect` command. The provided range includes
last known good commit (we assume `A`) and first known bad commit (where bug was detected - we will assume `E`).
git bisect A..E
Bisect will provide us with commit-id of the middle commit to test, and then guide us
through simple bisection process. You can read more about it [in official Git Tools][git-debug]
In our example we will end up with commit `B`, that introduced bug/error. We have
4 options on how to remove it (or part of it) from our repository.
- Undo (swap additions and deletions) changes introduced by commit `B`.
git revert commit-B-id
- Undo changes on a single file or directory from commit `B`, but retain them in the staged state
git checkout commit-B-id <file>
- Undo changes on a single file or directory from commit `B`, but retain them in the unstaged state
git reset commit-B-id <file>
- There is one command we also must not forget: **creating a new branch**
from the point where changes are not applicable or where the development has hit a
dead end. For example you have done commits `A-B-C-D` on your feature-branch
and then you figure `C` and `D` are wrong. At this point you either reset to `B`
and do commit `F` (which will cause problems with pushing and if forced pushed also with other developers)
since branch now looks `A-B-F`, which clashes with what other developers have locally (you will
[change history](#with-history-modification)), or you simply checkout commit `B` create
a new branch and do commit `F`. In the last case, everyone else can still do their work while you
have your new way to get it right and merge it back in later. Alternatively, with GitLab,
you can [cherry-pick](../../../user/project/merge_requests/
that commit into a new merge request.
![Create a new branch to avoid clashing](img/branching.png)
git checkout commit-B-id
git checkout -b new-path-of-feature
# Create <commit F>
git commit -a
### With history modification
There is one command for history modification and that is `git rebase`. Command
provides interactive mode (`-i` flag) which enables you to:
- **reword** commit messages (there is also `git commit --amend` for editing
last commit message)
- **edit** the commit content (changes introduced by commit) and message
- **squash** multiple commits into a single one, and have a custom or aggregated
commit message
- **drop** commits - simply delete them
- and few more options
Let us check few examples. Again there are commits `A-B-C-D` where you want to
delete commit `B`.
- Rebase the range from current commit D to A:
git rebase -i A
- Command opens your favorite editor where you write `drop` in front of commit
`B`, but you leave default `pick` with all other commits. Save and exit the
editor to perform a rebase. Remember: if you want to cancel delete whole
file content before saving and exiting the editor
In case you want to modify something introduced in commit `B`.
- Rebase the range from current commit D to A:
git rebase -i A
- Command opens your favorite text editor where you write `edit` in front of commit
`B`, but leave default `pick` with all other commits. Save and exit the editor to
perform a rebase
- Now do your edits and commit changes:
git commit -a
You can find some more examples in [below section where we explain how to modify
### Redoing the Undo
Sometimes you realize that the changes you undid were useful and you want them
back. Well because of first paragraph you are in luck. Command `git reflog`
enables you to *recall* detached local commits by referencing or applying them
via commit-id. Although, do not expect to see really old commits in reflog, because
Git regularly [cleans the commits which are *unreachable* by branches or tags][git-autoclean-ref].
To view repository history and to track older commits you can use below command:
$ git reflog show
# Example output:
b673187 HEAD@{4}: merge 6e43d5987921bde189640cc1e37661f7f75c9c0b: Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy.
eb37e74 HEAD@{5}: rebase -i (finish): returning to refs/heads/master
eb37e74 HEAD@{6}: rebase -i (pick): Commit C
97436c6 HEAD@{7}: rebase -i (start): checkout 97436c6eec6396c63856c19b6a96372705b08b1b
88f1867 HEAD@{12}: commit: Commit D
97436c6 HEAD@{13}: checkout: moving from 97436c6eec6396c63856c19b6a96372705b08b1b to test
97436c6 HEAD@{14}: checkout: moving from master to 97436c6
05cc326 HEAD@{15}: commit: Commit C
6e43d59 HEAD@{16}: commit: Commit B
Output of command shows repository history. In first column there is commit-id,
in following column, number next to `HEAD` indicates how many commits ago something
was made, after that indicator of action that was made (commit, rebase, merge, ...)
and then on end description of that action.
## Undo remote changes without changing history
This topic is roughly same as modifying committed local changes without modifying
history. **It should be the preferred way of undoing changes on any remote repository
or public branch.** Keep in mind that branching is the best solution when you want
to retain the history of faulty development, yet start anew from certain point. Branching
enables you to include the existing changes in new development (by merging) and
it also provides a clear timeline and development structure.
![Use revert to keep branch flowing](img/revert.png)
If you want to revert changes introduced in certain `commit-id` you can simply
revert that `commit-id` (swap additions and deletions) in newly created commit:
You can do this with
git revert commit-id
or creating a new branch:
git checkout commit-id
git checkout -b new-path-of-feature
## Undo remote changes with modifying history
This is useful when you want to *hide* certain things - like secret keys,
passwords, SSH keys, etc. It is and should not be used to hide mistakes, as
it will make it harder to debug in case there are some other bugs. The main
reason for this is that you loose the real development progress. **Also keep in
mind that, even with modified history, commits are just detached and can still be
accessed through commit-id** - at least until all repositories perform
the cleanup of detached commits (happens automatically).
![Modifying history causes problems on remote branch](img/rebase_reset.png)
### Where modifying history is generally acceptable
Modified history breaks the development chain of other developers, as changed
history does not have matching commits'ids. For that reason it should not
be used on any public branch or on branch that *might* be used by other
developers. When contributing to big open source repositories (e.g. [GitLab CE][gitlab-ce]),
it is acceptable to *squash* commits into a single one, to present
a nicer history of your contribution.
Keep in mind that this also removes the comments attached to certain commits
in merge requests, so if you need to retain traceability in GitLab, then
modifying history is not acceptable.
A feature-branch of a merge request is a public branch and might be used by
other developers, but project process and rules might allow or require
you to use `git rebase` (command that changes history) to reduce number of
displayed commits on target branch after reviews are done (for example
GitLab). There is a `git merge --squash` command which does exactly that
(squashes commits on feature-branch to a single commit on target branch
at merge).
Never modify the commit history of `master` or shared branch
### How modifying history is done
After you know what you want to modify (how far in history or how which range of
old commits), use `git rebase -i commit-id`. This command will then display all the commits from
current version to chosen commit-id and allow modification, squashing, deletion
of that commits.
$ git rebase -i commit1-id..commit3-id
pick <commit1-id> <commit1-commit-message>
pick <commit2-id> <commit2-commit-message>
pick <commit3-id> <commit3-commit-message>
# Rebase commit1-id..commit3-id onto <commit4-id> (3 command(s))
# Commands:
# p, pick = use commit
# r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
# e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
# s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
# f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
# x, exec = run command (the rest of the line) using shell
# d, drop = remove commit
# These lines can be re-ordered; they are executed from top to bottom.
# If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
# However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.
# Note that empty commits are commented out
It is important to notice that comment from the output clearly states that, if
you decide to abort, then do not just close your editor (as that will in-fact
modify history), but remove all uncommented lines and save.
That is one of the reasons why `git rebase` should be used carefully on
shared and remote branches. But don't worry, there will be nothing broken until
you push back to the remote repository (so you can freely explore the
different outcomes locally).
# Modify history from commit-id to HEAD (current commit)
git rebase -i commit-id
### Deleting sensitive information from commits
Git also enables you to delete sensitive information from your past commits and
it does modify history in the progress. That is why we have included it in this
section and not as a standalone topic. To do so, you should run the
`git filter-branch`, which enables you to rewrite history with
[certain filters][git-filters-manual].
This command uses rebase to modify history and if you want to remove certain
file from history altogether use:
git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm filename' HEAD
Since `git filter-branch` command might be slow on big repositories, there are
tools that can use some of Git specifics to enable faster execution of common
tasks (which is exactly what removing sensitive information file is about).
An alternative is [BFG Repo-cleaner][bfg-repo-cleaner]. Keep in mind that these
tools are faster because they do not provide a same fully feature set as `git filter-branch`
does, but focus on specific usecases.
## Conclusion
There are various options of undoing your work with any version control system, but
because of de-centralized nature of Git, these options are multiplied (or limited)
depending on the stage of your process. Git also enables rewriting history, but that
should be avoided as it might cause problems when multiple developers are
contributing to the same codebase.
<!-- Identifiers, in alphabetical order -->
......@@ -11,25 +11,26 @@ by implicitly using [Auto DAST](../../../topics/autodevops/
that is provided by [Auto DevOps](../../../topics/autodevops/
Going a step further, GitLab can show the vulnerability list right in the merge
request widget area:
request widget area.
![DAST Widget](img/dast-all.png)
By clicking on vlunerability you will be able to see details and url affected:
By clicking on vulnerability you will be able to see the details and the URL(s)
![DAST Widget Clicked](img/dast-single.png)
## Use cases
It helps you automatically find security vulnerabilities in your web applications
while you are developing and testing your applications
while you are developing and testing your applications.
## How it works
In order for the report to show in the merge request, you need to specify a
`dast` job (exact name) that will analyze the running application and upload the resulting
`gl-dast-report.json` file as an artifact. GitLab will then check this file and
show the information inside the merge request.
`dast` job (exact name) that will analyze the running application and upload the
resulting `gl-dast-report.json` file (exact filename) as an artifact. GitLab
will then check this file and show the information inside the merge request.
This JSON file needs to be the only artifact file for the job. If you try
to also include other files, it will break the vulnerability display in the
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