Commit 354fcf62 authored by Timothy Andrew's avatar Timothy Andrew Committed by Alfredo Sumaran

Improve the uniqueness validation of protected branch access levels.

1. For a user-based access level, don't validate `access_level`
2. For a role-based access level, don't look at `access_level` of user-based access levels

Add tests supporting this behavior.
parent 6cf07811
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ module ProtectedBranchAccess
included do
validates_uniqueness_of :user_id, scope: :protected_branch, allow_nil: true
validates_uniqueness_of :access_level, scope: :protected_branch, unless: :user_id?
validates_uniqueness_of :access_level, scope: :protected_branch, unless: :user_id?, conditions: -> { where(user_id: nil) }
def type
......@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ describe ProtectedBranch, models: true do
describe "Uniqueness validations" do
[ProtectedBranch::MergeAccessLevel, ProtectedBranch::PushAccessLevel].each do |access_level_class|
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:factory_name) { access_level_class.to_s.underscore.sub('/', '_').to_sym }
let(:association_name) { access_level_class.to_s.underscore.sub('protected_branch/', '').pluralize.to_sym }
human_association_name = access_level_class.to_s.underscore.humanize.sub('Protected branch/', '')
context "while checking uniqueness of a role-based #{human_association_name}" do
it "allows a single #{human_association_name} for a role (per protected branch)" do
first_protected_branch = create(:protected_branch, :remove_default_access_levels)
second_protected_branch = create(:protected_branch, :remove_default_access_levels)
......@@ -28,8 +30,19 @@ describe ProtectedBranch, models: true do
expect(first_protected_branch.errors.full_messages.first).to match("access level has already been taken")
it "does not count a user-based #{human_association_name} with an `access_level` set" do
protected_branch = create(:protected_branch, :remove_default_access_levels)
protected_branch.send(association_name) << build(factory_name, user: user, access_level: Gitlab::Access::MASTER)
protected_branch.send(association_name) << build(factory_name, access_level: Gitlab::Access::MASTER)
expect(protected_branch).to be_valid
context "while checking uniqueness of a user-based #{human_association_name}" do
it "allows a single #{human_association_name} for a user (per protected branch)" do
user = create(:user)
first_protected_branch = create(:protected_branch, :remove_default_access_levels)
second_protected_branch = create(:protected_branch, :remove_default_access_levels)
......@@ -43,6 +56,16 @@ describe ProtectedBranch, models: true do
expect(first_protected_branch).to be_invalid
expect(first_protected_branch.errors.full_messages.first).to match("user has already been taken")
it "ignores the `access_level` while validating a user-based #{human_association_name}" do
protected_branch = create(:protected_branch, :remove_default_access_levels)
protected_branch.send(association_name) << build(factory_name, access_level: Gitlab::Access::MASTER)
protected_branch.send(association_name) << build(factory_name, user: user, access_level: Gitlab::Access::MASTER)
expect(protected_branch).to be_valid
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