DEFAULT_OFFENSE='Boolean columns on the `%s` table should have a default. You may wish to use `add_column_with_default`.'.freeze
DEFAULT_OFFENSE='Boolean columns on the `%s` table should have a default. You may wish to use `add_column_with_default`.'
NULL_OFFENSE='Boolean columns on the `%s` table should disallow nulls.'.freeze
NULL_OFFENSE='Boolean columns on the `%s` table should disallow nulls.'
DEFAULT_AND_NULL_OFFENSE='Boolean columns on the `%s` table should have a default and should disallow nulls. You may wish to use `add_column_with_default`.'.freeze
DEFAULT_AND_NULL_OFFENSE='Boolean columns on the `%s` table should have a default and should disallow nulls. You may wish to use `add_column_with_default`.'