Commit 40664df5 authored by Bob Van Landuyt's avatar Bob Van Landuyt

Use shared protected branches views for CE-partials

parent 150e6170
- if @protected_branches.empty?
Protected branch (#{@protected_branches.size})
There are currently no protected branches, protect a branch with the form above.
- else
- can_admin_project = can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project)
- can_admin_project = can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project)
%col{ width: "25%" }
%col{ width: "30%" }
%col{ width: "25%" }
%col{ width: "20%" }
%th Protected branch (#{@protected_branches.size})
%th Last commit
%th Allowed to merge
%th Allowed to push
- if can_admin_project
= render layout: 'projects/protected_branches/shared/branches_list', locals: { can_admin_project: can_admin_project } do
= render partial: 'projects/protected_branches/protected_branch', collection: @protected_branches, locals: { can_admin_project: can_admin_project}
= paginate @protected_branches, theme: 'gitlab'
= form_for [@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, @protected_branch] do |f|
Protect a branch
= form_errors(@protected_branch)
= f.label :name, class: 'col-md-2 text-right' do
= render partial: "projects/protected_branches/dropdown", locals: { f: f }
= link_to 'Wildcards', help_page_path('user/project/protected_branches', anchor: 'wildcard-protected-branches')
such as
%code *-stable
%code production/*
are supported
%label.col-md-2.text-right{ for: 'merge_access_levels_attributes' }
Allowed to merge:
- content_for :merge_access_levels do
= dropdown_tag('Select',
options: { toggle_class: 'js-allowed-to-merge wide',
dropdown_class: 'dropdown-menu-selectable capitalize-header',
data: { field_name: 'protected_branch[merge_access_levels_attributes][0][access_level]', input_id: 'merge_access_levels_attributes' }})
%label.col-md-2.text-right{ for: 'push_access_levels_attributes' }
Allowed to push:
- content_for :push_access_levels do
= dropdown_tag('Select',
options: { toggle_class: 'js-allowed-to-push wide',
dropdown_class: 'dropdown-menu-selectable capitalize-header',
data: { field_name: 'protected_branch[push_access_levels_attributes][0][access_level]', input_id: 'push_access_levels_attributes' }})
= f.submit 'Protect', class: 'btn-create btn', disabled: true
= render 'projects/protected_branches/shared/create_protected_branch'
- expanded = Rails.env.test?
- content_for :page_specific_javascripts do
- if @project.feature_available?(:protected_refs_for_users, current_user)
= webpack_bundle_tag('ee_protected_branches')
- else
= webpack_bundle_tag('protected_branches')
= page_specific_javascript_bundle_tag('protected_branches')
Protected Branches
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
Keep stable branches secure and force developers to use merge requests.{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
By default, protected branches are designed to:
%li prevent their creation, if not already created, from everybody except Masters
%li prevent pushes from everybody except Masters
%li prevent <strong>anyone</strong> from force pushing to the branch
%li prevent <strong>anyone</strong> from deleting the branch
%p Read more about #{link_to "protected branches", help_page_path("user/project/protected_branches"), class: "underlined-link"} and #{link_to "project permissions", help_page_path("user/permissions"), class: "underlined-link"}.
- if can? current_user, :admin_project, @project
- content_for :create_protected_branch do
= render 'projects/protected_branches/create_protected_branch'
- content_for :branches_list do
= render "projects/protected_branches/branches_list"
= render 'projects/protected_branches/shared/index'
%tr.js-protected-branch-edit-form{ data: { url: project_protected_branch_path(@project, protected_branch) } }
- if @project.root_ref?(
%span.label.label-info.prepend-left-5 default
- if protected_branch.wildcard?
- matching_branches = protected_branch.matching(repository.branches)
= link_to pluralize(matching_branches.count, "matching branch"), project_protected_branch_path(@project, protected_branch)
- else
- if commit = protected_branch.commit
= link_to(commit.short_id, project_commit_path(@project,, class: 'commit-sha')
= time_ago_with_tooltip(commit.committed_date)
- else
(branch was removed from repository)
= render layout: 'projects/protected_branches/shared/protected_branch', locals: { protected_branch: protected_branch } do
= render partial: 'projects/protected_branches/ee/fallback_update_protected_branch', locals: { protected_branch: protected_branch }
- if can_admin_project
= link_to 'Unprotect', [@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, protected_branch], data: { confirm: 'Branch will be writable for developers. Are you sure?' }, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-warning'
- if @protected_branches.empty?
Protected branch (#{@protected_branches.size})
There are currently no protected branches, protect a branch with the form above.
- else
%col{ width: "20%" }
%col{ width: "20%" }
%col{ width: "20%" }
%col{ width: "20%" }
- if can_admin_project
%th Protected branch (#{@protected_branches.size})
%th Last commit
%th Allowed to merge
%th Allowed to push
- if can_admin_project
= yield
= paginate @protected_branches, theme: 'gitlab'
= form_for [@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, @protected_branch] do |f|
Protect a branch
= form_errors(@protected_branch)
= f.label :name, class: 'col-md-2 text-right' do
= render partial: "projects/protected_branches/shared/dropdown", locals: { f: f }
= link_to 'Wildcards', help_page_path('user/project/protected_branches', anchor: 'wildcard-protected-branches')
such as
%code *-stable
%code production/*
are supported
%label.col-md-2.text-right{ for: 'merge_access_levels_attributes' }
Allowed to merge:
= yield :merge_access_levels
%label.col-md-2.text-right{ for: 'push_access_levels_attributes' }
Allowed to push:
= yield :push_access_levels
= f.submit 'Protect', class: 'btn-create btn', disabled: true
- expanded = Rails.env.test?
Protected Branches
= expanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'
Keep stable branches secure and force developers to use merge requests.{ class: ('expanded' if expanded) }
By default, protected branches are designed to:
%li prevent their creation, if not already created, from everybody except Masters
%li prevent pushes from everybody except Masters
%li prevent <strong>anyone</strong> from force pushing to the branch
%li prevent <strong>anyone</strong> from deleting the branch
%p Read more about #{link_to "protected branches", help_page_path("user/project/protected_branches"), class: "underlined-link"} and #{link_to "project permissions", help_page_path("user/permissions"), class: "underlined-link"}.
- if can? current_user, :admin_project, @project
= content_for :create_protected_branch
= content_for :branches_list
- can_admin_project = can?(current_user, :admin_project, @project)
%tr.js-protected-branch-edit-form{ data: { url: namespace_project_protected_branch_path(@project.namespace, @project, protected_branch) } }
- if @project.root_ref?(
%span.label.label-info.prepend-left-5 default
- if protected_branch.wildcard?
- matching_branches = protected_branch.matching(repository.branches)
= link_to pluralize(matching_branches.count, "matching branch"), namespace_project_protected_branch_path(@project.namespace, @project, protected_branch)
- else
- if commit = protected_branch.commit
= link_to(commit.short_id, namespace_project_commit_path(@project.namespace, @project,, class: 'commit-sha')
= time_ago_with_tooltip(commit.committed_date)
- else
(branch was removed from repository)
= yield
- if can_admin_project
= link_to 'Unprotect', [@project.namespace.becomes(Namespace), @project, protected_branch], data: { confirm: 'Branch will be writable for developers. Are you sure?' }, method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-warning'
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
%th Last commit
- @matching_refs.each do |matching_branch|
= render partial: "matching_branch", object: matching_branch
= render partial: "projects/protected_branches/shared/matching_branch", object: matching_branch
- else
Couldn't find any matching branches.
......@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
= render "projects/push_rules/index"
= render "projects/mirrors/show"
-# Protected branches & tags use a lot of nested partials.
-# The shared parts of the views can be found in the `shared` directory.
-# Those are used throughout the actual views. These `shared` views are then
-# reused in EE.
- if @project.feature_available?(:protected_refs_for_users, current_user)
= render "projects/protected_branches/ee/index"
= render "projects/protected_tags/ee/index"
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