Commit 47592691 authored by Robert Speicher's avatar Robert Speicher

Merge branch 'reinstate-changes-lost-due-to-merge' into 'master'

Reinstate changes lost due to automatic merging

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!8829
parents 6e3e3bff 749ebc1c
......@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ gitlab:setup-mysql:
# Frontend-related jobs
<<: *dedicated-no-docs-and-no-qa-pull-cache-job
dependencies: []
- docker:stable-dind
......@@ -107,12 +107,6 @@ Lint/UriEscapeUnescape:
Max: 1310
# Offense count: 2
- 'lib/gitlab/import_sources.rb'
- 'lib/gitlab/ssh_public_key.rb'
# Offense count: 11
# Configuration parameters: EnforcedStyle.
# SupportedStyles: lowercase, uppercase
......@@ -287,6 +287,7 @@ gem 'webpack-rails', '~> 0.9.10'
gem 'rack-proxy', '~> 0.6.0'
gem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0.6'
gem 'sass', '~> 3.5'
gem 'uglifier', '~> 2.7.2'
gem 'addressable', '~> 2.5.2'
......@@ -1166,6 +1166,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
rufus-scheduler (~> 3.4)
rugged (~> 0.27)
sanitize (~> 4.6)
sass (~> 3.5)
sass-rails (~> 5.0.6)
scss_lint (~> 0.56.0)
seed-fu (~> 2.3.7)
......@@ -1156,6 +1156,7 @@ DEPENDENCIES
rufus-scheduler (~> 3.4)
rugged (~> 0.27)
sanitize (~> 4.6)
sass (~> 3.5)
sass-rails (~> 5.0.6)
scss_lint (~> 0.56.0)
seed-fu (~> 2.3.7)
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default {
apollo: {
issues: {
debounce: 250,
debounce: 1000,
skip() {
return this.isSearchEmpty;
......@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ export default {
if (parentElement && parentElement.classList.contains('js-vue-notes-event')) {
parentElement.addEventListener('toggleAward', event => {
const { awardName, noteId } = event.detail;
this.actionToggleAward({ awardName, noteId });
this.toggleAward({ awardName, noteId });
import $ from 'jquery';
import { s__ } from '~/locale';
import { __ } from '~/locale';
import Flash from '../../../flash';
import GLForm from '../../../gl_form';
import markdownHeader from './header.vue';
......@@ -99,11 +99,12 @@ export default {
if (text) {
this.markdownPreviewLoading = true;
this.markdownPreview = __('Loading…');
.post(this.versionedPreviewPath(), { text })
.then(resp => resp.json())
.then(data => this.renderMarkdown(data))
.catch(() => new Flash(s__('Error loading markdown preview')));
.catch(() => new Flash(__('Error loading markdown preview')));
} else {
......@@ -162,10 +163,12 @@ export default {
<div v-show="previewMarkdown" class="md md-preview-holder md-preview js-vue-md-preview">
<div ref="markdown-preview" v-html="markdownPreview"></div>
<span v-if="markdownPreviewLoading"> Loading... </span>
class="md-preview js-vue-md-preview md md-preview-holder"
<template v-if="previewMarkdown && !markdownPreviewLoading">
<div v-if="referencedCommands" class="referenced-commands" v-html="referencedCommands"></div>
<div v-if="shouldShowReferencedUsers" class="referenced-users">
......@@ -290,6 +290,10 @@
.dropdown-item {
@include dropdown-link;
.divider {
height: 1px;
margin: #{$grid-size / 2} 0;
......@@ -126,6 +126,8 @@ module IssuableCollections
sort_param = params[:sort]
sort_param ||= user_preference[issuable_sorting_field]
return sort_param if Gitlab::Database.read_only?
if user_preference[issuable_sorting_field] != sort_param
user_preference.update_attribute(issuable_sorting_field, sort_param)
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Ci
class Bridge < CommitStatus
include Importable
include AfterCommitQueue
include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize
belongs_to :project
validates :ref, presence: true
def self.retry(bridge, current_user)
raise NotImplementedError
def tags
def detailed_status(current_user)
.new(self, current_user)
def predefined_variables
raise NotImplementedError
def execute_hooks
raise NotImplementedError
......@@ -749,15 +749,9 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
return if data.nil? && credentials.nil?
project_import_data = import_data || build_import_data
if data ||= {} =
if credentials
project_import_data.credentials ||= {}
project_import_data.credentials = project_import_data.credentials.merge(credentials)
......@@ -2014,12 +2008,12 @@ class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
def create_new_pool_repository
pool = begin
create_or_find_pool_repository!(shard: Shard.by_name(repository_storage), source_project: self)
create_pool_repository!(shard: Shard.by_name(repository_storage), source_project: self)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique
pool.schedule unless pool.scheduled?
......@@ -24,4 +24,12 @@ class ProjectImportData < ActiveRecord::Base
# bang doesn't work here - attr_encrypted makes it not to work
self.credentials = self.credentials.deep_symbolize_keys unless self.credentials.blank?
def merge_data(hash) = data.to_h.merge(hash) unless hash.empty?
def merge_credentials(hash)
self.credentials = credentials.to_h.merge(hash) unless hash.empty?
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
= link_to project_tree_path(@project, @commit), class: "btn btn-default append-right-10 d-none d-sm-none d-md-inline" do
#{ _('Browse files') }
%a.btn.btn-default.dropdown-toggle{ data: { toggle: "dropdown" } }{ data: { toggle: "dropdown" } }
%span= _('Options')
= icon('caret-down')
......@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
#{ _('Download') }
- unless @commit.parents.length > 1
%li= link_to s_("DownloadCommit|Email Patches"), project_commit_path(@project, @commit, format: :patch)
%li= link_to s_("DownloadCommit|Plain Diff"), project_commit_path(@project, @commit, format: :diff)
%li= link_to s_("DownloadCommit|Email Patches"), project_commit_path(@project, @commit, format: :patch), class: "qa-email-patches"
%li= link_to s_("DownloadCommit|Plain Diff"), project_commit_path(@project, @commit, format: :diff), class: "qa-plain-diff"
.commit-box{ data: { project_path: project_path(@project) } }
title: Update GitLab Workhorse to v8.0.0
merge_request: 23740
type: other
title: Remove unnecessary div from MarkdownField to apply list styles correctly
merge_request: 23733
type: fixed
......@@ -228,6 +228,7 @@ stages:
- package
stage: test
- make test
......@@ -55,27 +55,27 @@ A job is defined by a list of parameters that define the job behavior.
| Keyword | Required | Description |
| script | yes | Defines a shell script which is executed by Runner |
| extends | no | Defines a configuration entry that this job is going to inherit from |
| image | no | Use docker image, covered in [Using Docker Images](../docker/ |
| services | no | Use docker services, covered in [Using Docker Images](../docker/ |
| stage | no | Defines a job stage (default: `test`) |
| [script](#script) | yes | Defines a shell script which is executed by Runner |
| [extends](#extends) | no | Defines a configuration entry that this job is going to inherit from |
| [image](#image-and-services) | no | Use docker image, covered in [Using Docker Images](../docker/ |
| [services](#image-and-services) | no | Use docker services, covered in [Using Docker Images](../docker/ |
| [stage](#stage) | no | Defines a job stage (default: `test`) |
| type | no | Alias for `stage` |
| variables | no | Define job variables on a job level |
| only | no | Defines a list of git refs for which job is created |
| except | no | Defines a list of git refs for which job is not created |
| tags | no | Defines a list of tags which are used to select Runner |
| allow_failure | no | Allow job to fail. Failed job doesn't contribute to commit status |
| when | no | Define when to run job. Can be `on_success`, `on_failure`, `always` or `manual` |
| dependencies | no | Define other jobs that a job depends on so that you can pass artifacts between them|
| artifacts | no | Define list of [job artifacts](#artifacts) |
| cache | no | Define list of files that should be cached between subsequent runs |
| before_script | no | Override a set of commands that are executed before job |
| after_script | no | Override a set of commands that are executed after job |
| environment | no | Defines a name of environment to which deployment is done by this job |
| coverage | no | Define code coverage settings for a given job |
| retry | no | Define when and how many times a job can be auto-retried in case of a failure |
| parallel | no | Defines how many instances of a job should be run in parallel |
| [variables](#variables) | no | Define job variables on a job level |
| [only](#only-and-except-simplified) | no | Defines a list of git refs for which job is created |
| [except](#only-and-except-simplified) | no | Defines a list of git refs for which job is not created |
| [tags](#tags) | no | Defines a list of tags which are used to select Runner |
| [allow_failure](#allow_failure) | no | Allow job to fail. Failed job doesn't contribute to commit status |
| [when](#when) | no | Define when to run job. Can be `on_success`, `on_failure`, `always` or `manual` |
| [dependencies](#dependencies) | no | Define other jobs that a job depends on so that you can pass artifacts between them|
| [artifacts](#artifacts) | no | Define list of [job artifacts](#artifacts) |
| [cache](#cache) | no | Define list of files that should be cached between subsequent runs |
| [before_script](#before_script-and-after_script) | no | Override a set of commands that are executed before job |
| [after_script](#before_script-and-after_script) | no | Override a set of commands that are executed after job |
| [environment](#environment) | no | Defines a name of environment to which deployment is done by this job |
| [coverage](#coverage) | no | Define code coverage settings for a given job |
| [retry](#retry) | no | Define when and how many times a job can be auto-retried in case of a failure |
| [parallel](#parallel) | no | Defines how many instances of a job should be run in parallel |
### `extends`
# Automatic CE->EE merge
Whenever a commit is pushed to the CE `master` branch, it is automatically
merged into the EE `master` branch. If the commit produces any conflicts, it is
instead reverted from CE `master`. When this happens, a merge request will be
set up automatically that can be used to reinstate the changes. This merge
request will be assigned to the author of the conflicting commit, or the merge
request author if the commit author could not be associated with a GitLab user.
If no author could be found, the merge request is assigned to a random member of
the Delivery team. It is then up to this team member to figure out who to assign
the merge request to.
Because some commits can not be reverted if new commits depend on them, we also
run a job periodically that processes a range of commits and tries to merge or
revert them. This should ensure that all commits are either merged into EE
`master`, or reverted, instead of just being left behind in CE.
Commits pushed to CE `master` are automatically merged into EE `master` roughly
every 5 minutes. Changes are merged using the `ours` merge strategy in the
context of EE. This means that any merge conflicts are resolved by taking the EE
changes and discarding the CE changes. This removes the need for resolving
conflicts or reverting changes, at the cost of **absolutely requiring** EE merge
requests to be created whenever a CE merge request causes merge conflicts.
Failing to do so can result in changes not making their way into EE.
## Always create an EE merge request if there are conflicts
In CI there is a job called `ee_compat_check`, which checks if a CE MR causes
merge conflicts with EE. If this job reports conflicts, you **must** create an
EE merge request. If you are an external contributor you can ask the reviewer to
do this for you.
## Always merge EE merge requests before their CE counterparts
**In order to avoid conflicts in the CE->EE merge, you should always merge the
EE version of your CE merge request first, if present.**
The rationale for this is that as CE->EE merges are done automatically, it can
happen that:
1. A CE merge request that needs EE-specific changes is merged.
1. The automatic CE->EE merge happens.
1. Conflicts due to the CE merge request occur since its EE merge request isn't
merged yet.
1. The CE changes are reverted.
Failing to do so will lead to CE changes being discarded when merging into EE,
if they cause merge conflicts.
## Avoiding CE->EE merge conflicts beforehand
......@@ -45,76 +39,184 @@ detect if the current branch's changes will conflict during the CE->EE merge.
The job reports what files are conflicting and how to set up a merge request
against EE.
## How to reinstate changes
When a commit is reverted, the corresponding merge request to reinstate the
changes will include all the details necessary to ensure the changes make it
back into CE and EE. However, you still need to manually set up an EE merge
request that resolves the conflicts.
#### How the job works
1. Generates the diff between your branch and current CE `master`
1. Tries to apply it to current EE `master`
1. If it applies cleanly, the job succeeds, otherwise...
1. Detects a branch with the `ee-` prefix or `-ee` suffix in EE
1. If it exists, generate the diff between this branch and current EE `master`
1. Tries to apply it to current EE `master`
1. If it applies cleanly, the job succeeds
In the case where the job fails, it means you should create an `ee-<ce_branch>`
or `<ce_branch>-ee` branch, push it to EE and open a merge request against EE
At this point if you retry the failing job in your CE merge request, it should
now pass.
- This task is not a silver-bullet, its current goal is to bring awareness to
developers that their work needs to be ported to EE.
- Community contributors shouldn't be required to submit merge requests against
EE, but reviewers should take actions by either creating such EE merge request
or asking a GitLab developer to do it **before the merge request is merged**.
- If you branch is too far behind `master`, the job will fail. In that case you
should rebase your branch upon latest `master`.
- Code reviews for merge requests often consist of multiple iterations of
feedback and fixes. There is no need to update your EE MR after each
iteration. Instead, create an EE MR as soon as you see the
`ee_compat_check` job failing. After you receive the final approval
from a Maintainer (but **before the CE MR is merged**) update the EE MR.
This helps to identify significant conflicts sooner, but also reduces the
number of times you have to resolve conflicts.
- Please remember to
[always have your EE merge request merged before the CE version](#always-merge-ee-merge-requests-before-their-ce-counterparts).
- You can use [`git rerere`](
to avoid resolving the same conflicts multiple times.
### Cherry-picking from CE to EE
For avoiding merge conflicts, we use a method of creating equivalent branches
for CE and EE. If the `ee-compat-check` job fails, this process is required.
This method only requires that you have cloned both CE and EE into your computer.
If you don't have them yet, please go ahead and clone them:
- Clone CE repo: `git clone`
- Clone EE repo: `git clone`
And the only additional setup we need is to add CE as remote of EE and vice-versa:
- Open two terminal windows, one in CE, and another one in EE:
- In EE: `git remote add ce`
- In CE: `git remote add ee`
That's all setup we need, so that we can cherry-pick a commit from CE to EE, and
from EE to CE.
Now, every time you create an MR for CE and EE:
1. Open two terminal windows, one in CE, and another one in EE
1. In the CE terminal:
1. Create the CE branch, e.g., `branch-example`
1. Make your changes and push a commit (commit A)
1. Create the CE merge request in GitLab
1. In the EE terminal:
1. Create the EE-equivalent branch ending with `-ee`, e.g.,
`git checkout -b branch-example-ee`
1. Fetch the CE branch: `git fetch ce branch-example`
1. Cherry-pick the commit A: `git cherry-pick commit-A-SHA`
1. If Git prompts you to fix the conflicts, do a `git status`
to check which files contain conflicts, fix them, save the files
1. Add the changes with `git add .` but **DO NOT commit** them
1. Continue cherry-picking: `git cherry-pick --continue`
1. Push to EE: `git push origin branch-example-ee`
1. Create the EE-equivalent MR and link to the CE MR from the
description "Ports [CE-MR-LINK] to EE"
1. Once all the jobs are passing in both CE and EE, you've addressed the
feedback from your own team, and got them approved, the merge requests can be merged.
1. When both MRs are ready, the EE merge request will be merged first, and the
CE-equivalent will be merged next.
**Important notes:**
- The commit SHA can be easily found from the GitLab UI. From a merge request,
open the tab **Commits** and click the copy icon to copy the commit SHA.
- To cherry-pick a **commit range**, such as [A > B > C > D] use:
git cherry-pick "oldest-commit-SHA^..newest-commit-SHA"
For example, suppose the commit A is the oldest, and its SHA is `4f5e4018c09ed797fdf446b3752f82e46f5af502`,
and the commit D is the newest, and its SHA is `80e1c9e56783bd57bd7129828ec20b252ebc0538`.
The cherry-pick command will be:
git cherry-pick "4f5e4018c09ed797fdf446b3752f82e46f5af502^..80e1c9e56783bd57bd7129828ec20b252ebc0538"
- To cherry-pick a **merge commit**, use the flag `-m 1`. For example, suppose that the
merge commit SHA is `138f5e2f20289bb376caffa0303adb0cac859ce1`:
git cherry-pick -m 1 138f5e2f20289bb376caffa0303adb0cac859ce1
- To cherry-pick multiple commits, such as B and D in a range [A > B > C > D], use:
git cherry-pick commmit-B-SHA commit-D-SHA
For example, suppose commit B SHA = `4f5e4018c09ed797fdf446b3752f82e46f5af502`,
and the commit D SHA = `80e1c9e56783bd57bd7129828ec20b252ebc0538`.
The cherry-pick command will be:
git cherry-pick 4f5e4018c09ed797fdf446b3752f82e46f5af502 80e1c9e56783bd57bd7129828ec20b252ebc0538
This case is particularly useful when you have a merge commit in a sequence of
commits and you want to cherry-pick all but the merge commit.
- If you push more commits to the CE branch, you can safely repeat the procedure
to cherry-pick them to the EE-equivalent branch. You can do that as many times as
necessary, using the same CE and EE branches.
- If you submitted the merge request to the CE repo and the `ee-compat-check` job passed,
you are not required to submit the EE-equivalent MR, but it's still recommended. If the
job failed, you are required to submit the EE MR so that you can fix the conflicts in EE
before merging your changes into CE.
[Return to Development documentation](
Each merge request used to reinstate changes will have the "reverted" label
applied. Please do not remove this label, as it will be used to determine how
many times commits are reverted and how long it takes to reinstate the changes.
An example merge request can be found in [CE merge request
## FAQ
## How it works
### How does automatic merging work?
The automatic merging is performed using a project called [Merge
Train]( For every commit to merge or
revert, we generate patches using `git format-patch` which we then try to apply
using `git am --3way`. If this succeeds we push the changes to EE, if this fails
we decide what to do based on the failure reason:
1. If the patch could not be applied because it was already applied, we just
skip it.
1. If the patch caused conflicts, we revert the source commits.
Commits are reverted in reverse order, ensuring that if commit B depends on A,
and both conflict, we first revert B followed by reverting A.
Train]( This project will clone CE
and EE master, and merge CE master into EE master using `git merge
--strategy=ours`. This process runs roughly every 5 minutes.
## FAQ
### Why?
For more information on the exact implementation you can refer to the source
We want to work towards being able to deploy continuously, but this requires
that `master` is always stable and has all the changes we need. If CE `master`
can not be merged into EE `master` due to merge conflicts, this prevents _any_
change from CE making its way into EE. Since runs on EE, this
effectively prevents us from deploying changes.
### Why merge automatically?
Past experiences and data have shown that periodic CE to EE merge requests do
not scale, and often take a very long time to complete. For example, [in this
As we work towards continuous deployments and a single repository for both CE
and EE, we need to first make sure that all CE changes make their way into CE as
fast as possible. Past experiences and data have shown that periodic CE to EE
merge requests do not scale, and often take a very long time to complete. For
example, [in this
we determined that the average time to close an upstream merge request is around
5 hours, with peaks up to several days. Periodic merge requests are also
frustrating to work with, because they often include many changes unrelated to
your own changes.
Automatically merging or reverting commits allows us to keep merging changes
from CE into EE, as we never have to wait hours for somebody to resolve a set of
merge conflicts.
### Does the CE to EE merge take into account merge commits?
No. When merging CE changes into EE, merge commits are ignored.
To resolve these problems, we now merge changes using the `ours` strategy to
automatically resolve merge conflicts. This removes the need for resolving
conflicts in a periodic merge request, and allows us to merge changes from CE
into EE much faster.
### My changes are reverted, but I set up an EE MR to resolve conflicts
### My CE merge request caused conflicts after it was merged. What do I do?
Most likely the automatic merge job ran before the EE merge request was merged.
If this keeps happening, consider reporting a bug in the [Merge Train issue
If you notice this, you should set up an EE merge request that resolves these
conflicts as **soon as possible**. Failing to do so can lead to your changes not
being available in EE, which may break tests. This in turn would prevent us from
being able to deploy.
### My changes keep getting reverted, and this is really annoying!
### Won't this setup be risky?
This is understandable, but the solution to this is fairly straightforward:
simply set up an EE merge request for every CE merge request, and resolve your
conflicts before the changes are reverted.
### Will we allow certain people to still merge changes, even if they conflict?
No, not if there is an EE merge request for every CE merge request that causes
conflicts _and_ that EE merge request is merged first. In the past we may have
been a bit more relaxed when it comes to enforcing EE merge requests, but to
enable automatic merging have to start requiring such merge requests even for
the smallest conflicts.
### Some files I work with often conflict, how can I best deal with this?
......@@ -123,11 +225,3 @@ so that the EE specific changes are not intertwined with CE code. For Ruby code
you can do this by moving the EE code to a separate module, which can then be
injected into the appropriate classes or modules. See [Guidelines for
implementing Enterprise Edition features]( for more information.
### Will changelog entries be reverted automatically?
Only if the changelog was added in the commit that was reverted. If a changelog
entry was added in a separate commit, it is possible for it to be left behind.
Since changelog entries are related to the changes in question, there is no real
reason to commit the changelog separately, and as such this should not be a big
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ code is effective, understandable, maintainable, and secure.
## Getting your merge request reviewed, approved, and merged
You are strongly encouraged to get your code **reviewed** by a
[reviewer]( as soon as
[reviewer]( as soon as
there is any code to review, to get a second opinion on the chosen solution and
implementation, and an extra pair of eyes looking for bugs, logic problems, or
uncovered edge cases. The reviewer can be from a different team, but it is
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ If you need assistance with security scans or comments, feel free to include the
Security Team (`@gitlab-com/gl-security`) in the review.
Depending on the areas your merge request touches, it must be **approved** by one
or more [maintainers](
or more [maintainers](
For approvals, we use the approval functionality found in the merge request
widget. Reviewers can add their approval by [approving additionally](
......@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ By following this pattern we guarantee:
#### Dispatching actions
To dispatch an action from a component, use the `mapActions` helper:
import { mapActions } from 'vuex';
......@@ -204,6 +205,7 @@ export const getUsersWithPets = (state, getters) => {
To access a getter from a component, use the `mapGetters` helper:
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex';
......@@ -226,6 +228,7 @@ export const ADD_USER = 'ADD_USER';
### How to include the store in your application
The store should be included in the main component of your application:
// app.vue
import store from 'store'; // it will include the index.js file
......@@ -364,7 +367,8 @@ Because we're currently using [`babel-plugin-rewire`](
`[vuex] actions should be function or object with "handler" function`
To prevent this error from happening, you need to export an empty function as `default`:
// getters.js or actions.js
// prevent babel-plugin-rewire from generating an invalid default during karma tests
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ If you're not sure if Kubernetes is for you, our
[Omnibus GitLab packages](../
are mature, scalable, support [high availability](../../administration/high_availability/
and are used today on
It is not necessary to have GitLab installed on Kubernetes in order to use [GitLab Kubernetes integration](
## Introduction
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ If you're not sure if Kubernetes is for you, our
[Omnibus GitLab packages](../
are mature, scalable, support [high availability](../../administration/high_availability/
and are used today on
It is not necessary to have GitLab installed on Kubernetes in order to use [GitLab Kubernetes integration](
The easiest method to deploy GitLab on [Kubernetes]( is
to take advantage of GitLab's Helm charts. [Helm](
......@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@ to confirm that a real user, not a bot, is attempting to create an account.
To use reCAPTCHA, first you must create a site and private key.
1. Go to the URL: <>.
1. Fill out the form necessary to obtain reCAPTCHA keys.
1. Login to your GitLab server, with administrator credentials.
1. Go to Applications Settings on Admin Area (`admin/application_settings`).
1. Fill out the form necessary to obtain reCAPTCHA v2 keys.
1. Log in to your GitLab server, with administrator credentials.
1. Go to Reporting Applications Settings in the Admin Area (`admin/application_settings/reporting`).
1. Fill all recaptcha fields with keys from previous steps.
1. Check the `Enable reCAPTCHA` checkbox.
1. Save the configuration.
......@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ Rack Attack offers IP whitelisting, blacklisting, Fail2ban style filtering and
**Note:** Starting with 11.2, Rack Attack is disabled by default. To continue
using this feature, please enable it in your `gitlab.rb` by setting
`gitlab_rails['rack_attack_git_basic_auth'] = true`.
using this feature, please enable it by [configuring `gitlab.rb` as described in Settings](#settings).
By default, user sign-in, user sign-up (if enabled), and user password reset is
limited to 6 requests per minute. After trying for 6 times, the client will
......@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@
> Otherwise, a supplementary comment is left to mention the original author and
> the MRs, notes or issues will be owned by the importer.
> - Control project Import/Export with the [API](../../../api/
> - If an imported project contains merge requests originated from forks,
> then new branches associated with such merge requests will be created
> within a project during the import/export. Thus, the number of branches
> in the exported project could be bigger than in the original project.
Existing projects running on any GitLab instance or can be exported
with all their related data and be moved into a new GitLab instance.
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ if (process.env.CI) {
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-commonjs
module.exports = {
testMatch: ['<rootDir>/spec/frontend/**/*_spec.js'],
moduleFileExtensions: ['js', 'json', 'vue'],
moduleNameMapper: {
'^~(.*)$': '<rootDir>/app/assets/javascripts$1',
'^helpers(.*)$': '<rootDir>/spec/frontend/helpers$1',
......@@ -26,4 +27,8 @@ module.exports = {
setupTestFrameworkScriptFile: '<rootDir>/spec/frontend/test_setup.js',
restoreMocks: true,
transform: {
'^.+\\.js$': 'babel-jest',
'^.+\\.vue$': 'vue-jest',
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
module Ci
module Status
module Bridge
module Common
def label
def has_details?
def has_action?
def details_path
raise NotImplementedError
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Gitlab
module Ci
module Status
module Bridge
class Factory < Status::Factory
def self.common_helpers
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ module Gitlab
ImportSource =, :title, :importer)
# We exclude `bare_repository` here as it has no import class associated
ImportTable = [
IMPORT_TABLE = ['github', 'GitHub', Gitlab::GithubImport::ParallelImporter),'bitbucket', 'Bitbucket Cloud', Gitlab::BitbucketImport::Importer),'bitbucket_server', 'Bitbucket Server', Gitlab::BitbucketServerImport::Importer),
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ module Gitlab
def import_table
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Gitlab
class SSHPublicKey
Technology =, :key_class, :supported_sizes)
Technologies = [
TECHNOLOGIES = [, OpenSSL::PKey::RSA, [1024, 2048, 3072, 4096]),, OpenSSL::PKey::DSA, [1024, 2048, 3072]),, OpenSSL::PKey::EC, [256, 384, 521]),
......@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ module Gitlab
Technologies.find { |tech| == name.to_s }
TECHNOLOGIES.find { |tech| == name.to_s }
def self.technology_for_key(key)
Technologies.find { |tech| key.is_a?(tech.key_class) }
TECHNOLOGIES.find { |tech| key.is_a?(tech.key_class) }
def self.supported_sizes(name)
......@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ module Gitlab
GL_USERNAME: user&.username,
ShowAllRefs: show_all_refs,
Repository: repository.gitaly_repository.to_h,
RepoPath: 'ignored but not allowed to be empty in gitlab-workhorse',
GitConfigOptions: [],
GitalyServer: {
address: Gitlab::GitalyClient.address(project.repository_storage),
......@@ -5165,6 +5165,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Loading..."
msgstr ""
msgid "Loading…"
msgstr ""
msgid "Lock"
msgstr ""
......@@ -159,6 +159,10 @@
"karma-webpack": "^4.0.0-beta.0",
"nodemon": "^1.18.4",
"prettier": "1.15.2",
"vue-jest": "^3.0.1",
"webpack-dev-server": "^3.1.10"
"engines": {
"yarn": "^1.10.0"
......@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ module QA
autoload :Activity, 'qa/page/project/activity'
autoload :Menu, 'qa/page/project/menu'
module Commit
autoload :Show, 'qa/page/project/commit/show'
module Import
autoload :Github, 'qa/page/project/import/github'
# frozen_string_literal: true
module QA
module Page
module Project
module Commit
class Show < Page::Base
view 'app/views/projects/commit/_commit_box.html.haml' do
element :options_button
element :email_patches
element :plain_diff
def select_email_patches
click_element :options_button
click_element :email_patches
def select_plain_diff
click_element :options_button
click_element :plain_diff
......@@ -74,9 +74,14 @@ module QA
def go_to_commit(commit_msg)
within_element(:file_tree) do
click_on commit_msg
def go_to_new_issue
click_element :new_menu_toggle
click_link 'New issue'
......@@ -58,7 +58,10 @@ module QA
populate(:target, :source)
Page::Project::Show.perform do |project|
Page::MergeRequest::New.perform do |page|
# frozen_string_literal: true
module QA
context 'Create' do
describe 'Commit data' do
before(:context) do
Runtime::Browser.visit(:gitlab, Page::Main::Login)
@project = Resource::Repository::ProjectPush.fabricate! do |push|
push.file_name = ''
push.file_content = '# This is a test project'
push.commit_message = 'Add'
# first file added has no parent commit, thus no diff data
# add second file to repo to enable diff from initial commit
@commit_message = 'Add second file'
Page::File::Form.perform do |f|
f.add_content('second file content')
def view_commit
Page::Project::Show.perform do |page|
def raw_content
it 'user views raw email patch' do
expect(page).to have_content('From: Administrator <>')
expect(page).to have_content('Subject: [PATCH] Add second file')
expect(page).to have_content('diff --git a/second b/second')
it 'user views raw commit diff' do
expect(raw_content).to start_with('diff --git a/second b/second')
expect(page).to have_content('+second file content')
......@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ describe Projects::IssuesController do
it_behaves_like "issuables list meta-data", :issue
it_behaves_like 'set sort order from user preference'
it "returns index" do
get :index, namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project
......@@ -160,6 +160,8 @@ describe Projects::MergeRequestsController do
it_behaves_like "issuables list meta-data", :merge_request
it_behaves_like 'set sort order from user preference'
context 'when page param' do
let(:last_page) { }
let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request_with_diffs, target_project: project, source_project: project) }
FactoryBot.define do
factory :ci_bridge, class: Ci::Bridge do
name ' bridge'
stage 'test'
stage_idx 0
ref 'master'
tag false
created_at 'Di 29. Okt 09:50:00 CET 2013'
status :success
pipeline factory: :ci_pipeline
after(:build) do |bridge, evaluator|
bridge.project ||= bridge.pipeline.project
......@@ -4,11 +4,14 @@ describe 'Merge request > User awards emoji', :js do
let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) }
let(:user) { project.creator }
let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, author: create(:user)) }
let!(:note) { create(:note, noteable: merge_request, project: merge_request.project) }
describe 'logged in' do
before do
visit project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request)
it 'adds award to merge request' do
......@@ -36,6 +39,15 @@ describe 'Merge request > User awards emoji', :js do
expect(page).to have_selector('.emoji-menu', count: 1)
it 'adds awards to note' do
first('.emoji-menu .js-emoji-btn').click
expect(page).to have_selector('.js-awards-block')
describe 'the project is archived' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository, :archived) }
it('does nothing', () => {});
......@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ describe('note_app', () => {
$('body').attr('data-page', 'projects:merge_requests:show');
setFixtures('<div class="js-vue-notes-event"><div id="app"></div></div>');
const IssueNotesApp = Vue.extend(notesApp);
store = createStore();
......@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ describe('note_app', () => {
return mountComponentWithStore(IssueNotesApp, {
el: document.getElementById('app'),
......@@ -283,4 +286,24 @@ describe('note_app', () => {
}, 0);
describe('emoji awards', () => {
it('dispatches toggleAward after toggleAward event', () => {
const toggleAwardEvent = new CustomEvent('toggleAward', {
detail: {
awardName: 'test',
noteId: 1,
spyOn(vm.$store, 'dispatch');
expect(vm.$store.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith('toggleAward', {
awardName: 'test',
noteId: 1,
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ describe('Markdown field component', () => {;
Vue.nextTick(() => {
......@@ -246,7 +246,6 @@ describe Gitlab::Workhorse do
GL_ID: "user-#{}",
GL_USERNAME: user.username,
GL_REPOSITORY: "project-#{}",
RepoPath: repo_path,
ShowAllRefs: false
......@@ -261,7 +260,6 @@ describe Gitlab::Workhorse do
GL_ID: "user-#{}",
GL_USERNAME: user.username,
GL_REPOSITORY: "wiki-#{}",
RepoPath: repo_path,
ShowAllRefs: false
require 'spec_helper'
describe Ci::Bridge do
set(:project) { create(:project) }
set(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project) }
let(:bridge) do
create(:ci_bridge, pipeline: pipeline)
describe '#tags' do
it 'only has a bridge tag' do
expect(bridge.tags).to eq [:bridge]
describe '#detailed_status' do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:status) { bridge.detailed_status(user) }
it 'returns detailed status object' do
expect(status).to be_a Gitlab::Ci::Status::Success
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
describe ProjectImportData do
describe '#merge_data' do
it 'writes the Hash to the attribute if it is nil' do
row =
row.merge_data('number' => 10)
expect( eq({ 'number' => 10 })
it 'merges the Hash into an existing Hash if one was present' do
row = { 'number' => 10 })
row.merge_data('foo' => 'bar')
expect( eq({ 'number' => 10, 'foo' => 'bar' })
describe '#merge_credentials' do
it 'writes the Hash to the attribute if it is nil' do
row =
row.merge_credentials('number' => 10)
expect(row.credentials).to eq({ 'number' => 10 })
it 'merges the Hash into an existing Hash if one was present' do
row =
row.credentials = { 'number' => 10 }
row.merge_credentials('foo' => 'bar')
expect(row.credentials).to eq({ 'number' => 10, 'foo' => 'bar' })
......@@ -4406,6 +4406,29 @@ describe Project do
describe '#object_pool_params' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :public) }
subject { project.object_pool_params }
before do
stub_application_setting(hashed_storage_enabled: true)
context 'when the objects cannot be pooled' do
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, :private) }
it { be_empty }
context 'when a pool is created' do
it 'returns that pool repository' do
expect(subject).not_to be_empty
expect(subject[:pool_repository]).to be_persisted
describe '#git_objects_poolable?' do
subject { project }
shared_examples 'set sort order from user preference' do
describe '#set_sort_order_from_user_preference' do
# There is no issuable_sorting_field defined in any CE controllers yet,
# however any other field present in user_preferences table can be used for testing.
let(:sorting_field) { :issue_notes_filter }
let(:sorting_param) { 'any' }
before do
allow(controller).to receive(:issuable_sorting_field).and_return(sorting_field)
context 'when database is in read-only mode' do
it 'it does not update user preference' do
allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:read_only?).and_return(true)
expect_any_instance_of(UserPreference).not_to receive(:update_attribute).with(sorting_field, sorting_param)
get :index, namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, sort: sorting_param
context 'when database is not in read-only mode' do
it 'updates user preference' do
allow(Gitlab::Database).to receive(:read_only?).and_return(false)
expect_any_instance_of(UserPreference).to receive(:update_attribute).with(sorting_field, sorting_param)
get :index, namespace_id: project.namespace, project_id: project, sort: sorting_param
......@@ -706,6 +706,16 @@
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