optional:min_access_level,type: Integer,values: Gitlab::Access.all_values,desc: 'Limit by minimum access level of authenticated user'
optional:min_access_level,type: Integer,values: Gitlab::Access.all_values,desc: 'Limit by minimum access level of authenticated user'
optional:id_after,type: Integer,desc: 'Limit results to projects with IDs greater than the specified ID'
optional:id_after,type: Integer,desc: 'Limit results to projects with IDs greater than the specified ID'
optional:id_before,type: Integer,desc: 'Limit results to projects with IDs less than the specified ID'
optional:id_before,type: Integer,desc: 'Limit results to projects with IDs less than the specified ID'
optional:last_activity_after,type: DateTime,desc: 'Limit results to projects with last_activity after specified time. Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'
optional:last_activity_before,type: DateTime,desc: 'Limit results to projects with last_activity before specified time. Format: ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ'