Commit 60cb91d4 authored by Filipa Lacerda's avatar Filipa Lacerda

Merge branch...

Merge branch 'ee-46750-ci-empty-environment-is-created-even-when-a-job-isn-t-run-when-manual' into 'master'

Port "Sort Environments by Last Updated"

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ee!9581
parents f4bbf8e5 1ca43312
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
* Render environments table.
import { GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui';
import _ from 'underscore';
import environmentItem from './environment_item.vue'; // eslint-disable-line import/order
// ee-only start
......@@ -60,6 +61,15 @@ export default {
// ee-only end
computed: {
sortedEnvironments() {
return this.sortEnvironments(this.environments).map(env =>
? { ...env, children: this.sortEnvironments(env.children) }
: env,
methods: {
folderUrl(model) {
return `${window.location.pathname}/folders/${model.folderName}`;
......@@ -67,6 +77,30 @@ export default {
shouldRenderFolderContent(env) {
return env.isFolder && env.isOpen && env.children && env.children.length > 0;
sortEnvironments(environments) {
* The sorting algorithm should sort in the following priorities:
* 1. folders first,
* 2. last updated descending,
* 3. by name ascending,
* the sorting algorithm must:
* 1. Sort by name ascending,
* 2. Reverse (sort by name descending),
* 3. Sort by last deployment ascending,
* 4. Reverse (last deployment descending, name ascending),
* 5. Put folders first.
return _.chain(environments)
.sortBy(env => (env.isFolder ? env.folderName :
.sortBy(env => (env.last_deployment ? env.last_deployment.created_at : '0000'))
.sortBy(env => (env.isFolder ? -1 : 1))
// ee-only start
shouldShowCanaryCallout(env) {
return env.showCanaryCallout && this.showCanaryDeploymentCallout;
......@@ -94,7 +128,7 @@ export default {
{{ s__('Environments|Updated') }}
<template v-for="(model, i) in environments" :model="model">
<template v-for="(model, i) in sortedEnvironments" :model="model">
title: Sort Environments by Last Updated
merge_request: 25260
type: added
import Vue from 'vue';
import environmentTableComp from '~/environments/components/environments_table.vue';
import eventHub from '~/environments/event_hub';
import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper';
import { deployBoardMockData } from 'spec/environments/mock_data';
describe('Environment table', () => {
let Component;
let vm;
beforeEach(() => {
Component = Vue.extend(environmentTableComp);
afterEach(() => {
it('Should render a table', () => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
folderName: 'review',
size: 3,
isFolder: true,
environment_path: 'url',
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
it('should render deploy board container when data is provided', () => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
size: 1,
environment_path: 'url',
id: 1,
hasDeployBoard: true,
deployBoardData: deployBoardMockData,
isDeployBoardVisible: true,
isLoadingDeployBoard: false,
isEmptyDeployBoard: false,
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canCreateDeployment: false,
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
it('should toggle deploy board visibility when arrow is clicked', done => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
size: 1,
environment_path: 'url',
id: 1,
hasDeployBoard: true,
deployBoardData: {
instances: [{ status: 'ready', tooltip: 'foo' }],
abort_url: 'url',
rollback_url: 'url',
completion: 100,
is_completed: true,
isDeployBoardVisible: false,
eventHub.$on('toggleDeployBoard', env => {
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
// ee-only start
it('should render canary callout', () => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
folderName: 'review',
size: 3,
isFolder: true,
environment_path: 'url',
showCanaryCallout: true,
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canCreateDeployment: false,
canReadEnvironment: true,
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
import Vue from 'vue';
import environmentTableComp from '~/environments/components/environments_table.vue';
import eventHub from '~/environments/event_hub';
import mountComponent from 'spec/helpers/vue_mount_component_helper';
import { deployBoardMockData } from './mock_data';
describe('Environment table', () => {
let Component;
let vm;
// ee-only start
let eeOnlyProps;
// ee-only end
beforeEach(() => {
Component = Vue.extend(environmentTableComp);
// ee-only start
eeOnlyProps = {
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
afterEach(() => {
......@@ -19,117 +29,256 @@ describe('Environment table', () => {
it('Should render a table', () => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
folderName: 'review',
size: 3,
isFolder: true,
environment_path: 'url',
latest: {
environment_path: 'url',
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
it('should render deploy board container when data is provided', () => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
size: 1,
environment_path: 'url',
id: 1,
hasDeployBoard: true,
deployBoardData: deployBoardMockData,
isDeployBoardVisible: true,
isLoadingDeployBoard: false,
isEmptyDeployBoard: false,
describe('sortEnvironments', () => {
it('should sort environments by last updated', () => {
const mockItems = [
name: 'old',
size: 3,
isFolder: false,
last_deployment: {
created_at: new Date(2019, 0, 5).toISOString(),
name: 'new',
size: 3,
isFolder: false,
last_deployment: {
created_at: new Date(2019, 1, 5).toISOString(),
name: 'older',
size: 3,
isFolder: false,
last_deployment: {
created_at: new Date(2018, 0, 5).toISOString(),
name: 'an environment with no deployment',
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canCreateDeployment: false,
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: mockItems,
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
// ee-only end
const [old, newer, older, noDeploy] = mockItems;
expect(vm.sortEnvironments(mockItems)).toEqual([newer, old, older, noDeploy]);
it('should push environments with no deployments to the bottom', () => {
const mockItems = [
name: 'production',
size: 1,
id: 2,
state: 'available',
external_url: '',
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: null,
has_stop_action: false,
environment_path: '/Commit451/lab-coat/environments/2',
stop_path: '/Commit451/lab-coat/environments/2/stop',
folder_path: '/Commit451/lab-coat/environments/folders/production',
created_at: '2019-01-17T16:26:10.064Z',
updated_at: '2019-01-17T16:27:37.717Z',
can_stop: true,
name: 'review/225addcibuildstatus',
size: 2,
isFolder: true,
isLoadingFolderContent: false,
folderName: 'review',
isOpen: false,
children: [],
id: 12,
state: 'available',
external_url: '',
environment_type: 'review',
last_deployment: null,
has_stop_action: false,
environment_path: '/Commit451/lab-coat/environments/12',
stop_path: '/Commit451/lab-coat/environments/12/stop',
folder_path: '/Commit451/lab-coat/environments/folders/review',
created_at: '2019-01-17T16:27:37.877Z',
updated_at: '2019-01-17T16:27:37.883Z',
can_stop: true,
name: 'staging',
size: 1,
id: 1,
state: 'available',
external_url: '',
environment_type: null,
last_deployment: {
created_at: '2019-01-17T16:26:15.125Z',
scheduled_actions: [],
it('should toggle deploy board visibility when arrow is clicked', done => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
size: 1,
environment_path: 'url',
id: 1,
hasDeployBoard: true,
deployBoardData: {
instances: [{ status: 'ready', tooltip: 'foo' }],
abort_url: 'url',
rollback_url: 'url',
completion: 100,
is_completed: true,
isDeployBoardVisible: false,
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: mockItems,
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
// ee-only end
const [prod, review, staging] = mockItems;
eventHub.$on('toggleDeployBoard', env => {
expect(vm.sortEnvironments(mockItems)).toEqual([review, staging, prod]);
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
// ee-only end
it('should sort environments by folder first', () => {
const mockItems = [
name: 'old',
size: 3,
isFolder: false,
last_deployment: {
created_at: new Date(2019, 0, 5).toISOString(),
name: 'new',
size: 3,
isFolder: false,
last_deployment: {
created_at: new Date(2019, 1, 5).toISOString(),
name: 'older',
size: 3,
isFolder: true,
children: [],
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: mockItems,
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
// ee-only end
const [old, newer, older] = mockItems;
expect(vm.sortEnvironments(mockItems)).toEqual([older, newer, old]);
it('should break ties by name', () => {
const mockItems = [
name: 'old',
isFolder: false,
name: 'new',
isFolder: false,
folderName: 'older',
isFolder: true,
// ee-only start
it('should render canary callout', () => {
const mockItem = {
name: 'review',
folderName: 'review',
size: 3,
isFolder: true,
environment_path: 'url',
showCanaryCallout: true,
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: mockItems,
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
// ee-only end
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: [mockItem],
canCreateDeployment: false,
canReadEnvironment: true,
canaryDeploymentFeatureId: 'canary_deployment',
showCanaryDeploymentCallout: true,
userCalloutsPath: '/callouts',
lockPromotionSvgPath: '/assets/illustrations/lock-promotion.svg',
helpCanaryDeploymentsPath: 'help/canary-deployments',
const [old, newer, older] = mockItems;
expect(vm.sortEnvironments(mockItems)).toEqual([older, newer, old]);
describe('sortedEnvironments', () => {
it('it should sort children as well', () => {
const mockItems = [
name: 'production',
last_deployment: null,
name: 'review/225addcibuildstatus',
isFolder: true,
folderName: 'review',
isOpen: true,
children: [
name: 'review/225addcibuildstatus',
last_deployment: {
created_at: '2019-01-17T16:26:15.125Z',
name: 'review/master',
last_deployment: {
created_at: '2019-02-17T16:26:15.125Z',
name: 'staging',
last_deployment: {
created_at: '2019-01-17T16:26:15.125Z',
const [production, review, staging] = mockItems;
const [addcibuildstatus, master] = mockItems[1].children;
vm = mountComponent(Component, {
environments: mockItems,
canReadEnvironment: true,
// ee-only start
// ee-only end
expect( =>[,,,
expect(vm.sortedEnvironments[0].children).toEqual([master, addcibuildstatus]);
// ee-only end
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