Commit 649aeb63 authored by Eulyeon Ko's avatar Eulyeon Ko

Render issues list in haml for project overview

parent 1231252b
- if Feature.enabled?(:vue_issuables_list, @project)
- is_project_overview = local_assigns.fetch(:is_project_overview, false)
- if Feature.enabled?(:vue_issuables_list, @project) && !is_project_overview
- data_endpoint = local_assigns.fetch(:data_endpoint, expose_path(api_v4_projects_issues_path(id:
- default_empty_state_meta = { create_issue_path: new_project_issue_path(@project), svg_path: image_path('illustrations/issues.svg') }
- data_empty_state_meta = local_assigns.fetch(:data_empty_state_meta, default_empty_state_meta)
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