Commit 734ca1eb authored by James Lopez's avatar James Lopez

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parent 9ac49271
- page_title "LDAP Groups"
- page_title 'LDAP Syncrhonizations' Linked LDAP groups
= render 'ldap_group_links/form', group: @group
= render 'ldap_group_links/ldap_group_links', group: @group
......@@ -6,16 +6,44 @@
LDAP Server
= :provider, ldap_server_select_options, {}, class: 'form-control'
= f.label :cn, class: 'control-label' do
Sync method
= label_tag :ldap_group do
= radio_button_tag :sync_method, :group, true
LDAP Group cn
= label_tag :ldap_filter do
= radio_button_tag :sync_method, :filter
LDAP user filter
= f.label :cn, class: 'control-label' do
LDAP Group cn
= f.hidden_field :cn, placeholder: "Ex. QA group", class: "xxlarge ajax-ldap-groups-select input-mn-300"
= f.hidden_field :cn, placeholder: 'Ex. QA group', class: 'xxlarge ajax-ldap-groups-select input-mn-300'
Synchronize #{}'s members with this LDAP group.
If you select an LDAP group you do not belong to you will lose ownership of #{}.
= f.label :filter, class: 'control-label' do
LDAP User filter
= f.text_field :filter, placeholder: 'Ex. (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=developer))', class: 'form-control xxlarge input-mn-300'
- ldap_link = link_to 'LDAP Search Filter Syntax', ''
This query must use valid #{ldap_link}. Synchronize #{}'s members with this LDAP user filter.
If you do not belong to this LDAP user filter you will lose ownership of #{}.
= f.label :group_access, class: 'control-label' do
LDAP Access
......@@ -27,4 +55,4 @@
You can manage permission levels for individual group members in the Members tab.
= f.submit 'Add synchronization', class: "btn btn-create"
= f.submit 'Add synchronization', class: 'btn btn-create'
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
= link_to group_ldap_group_link_path(group, ldap_group_link), method: :delete, class: 'btn btn-danger btn-sm' do
= fa_icon('unlink', text: 'unlink')
%strong= ? "Group: #{}" : "Filter: #{ldap_group_link.filter}"
- if ldap_group_link.config
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