Commit 7382b749 authored by Marcel Amirault's avatar Marcel Amirault Committed by Evan Read

Move 3 references from debug project to docs

Move rails and linux cheat sheets, and test_environment
reference docs to the docs project
parent a15a69cf
......@@ -187,13 +187,29 @@ Learn how to install, configure, update, and maintain your GitLab instance.
- [Debugging tips](troubleshooting/ Tips to debug problems when things go wrong
- [Log system]( Where to look for logs.
- [Sidekiq Troubleshooting](troubleshooting/ Debug when Sidekiq appears hung and is not processing jobs.
- Useful [diagnostics tools](troubleshooting/ that are sometimes used by the GitLab
Support team.
- [Troubleshooting ElasticSearch](troubleshooting/ Tips to troubleshoot ElasticSearch.
- [Kubernetes troubleshooting](troubleshooting/ Commands and tips useful
for troubleshooting Kubernetes-related issues.
- Useful links from the Support Team:
- [GitLab Developer Docs](
- [Repairing and recovering broken Git repositories](
- [Testing with OpenSSL](
- [Strace zine](
- [Troubleshooting ElasticSearch](troubleshooting/
### Support Team Docs
The GitLab Support Team has collected a lot of information about troubleshooting GitLab
instances. These documents are normally used by the Support Team itself, or by customers
with direct guidance from a Support Team member. GitLab administrators may find the
information useful for troubleshooting, but if you are experiencing trouble with your
GitLab instance, you should check your [support options](
before referring to these documents.
CAUTION: **Warning:**
Using the commands listed in the documentation below could result in data loss or
other damage to a GitLab instance, and should only be used by experienced administrators
who are aware of the risks.
- [Useful diagnostics tools](troubleshooting/
- [Useful Linux commands](troubleshooting/
- [Troubleshooting Kubernetes](troubleshooting/
- [Guide to test environments](troubleshooting/ (for Support Engineers)
- [GitLab rails console commands](troubleshooting/ (for Support Engineers)
- Useful links:
- [GitLab Developer Docs](../development/
- [Repairing and recovering broken Git repositories](
- [Testing with OpenSSL](
- [Strace zine](
type: reference
# GitLab Rails Console Cheat Sheet
This is the GitLab Support Team's collection of information regarding the GitLab rails
console, for use while troubleshooting. It is listed here for transparency,
and it may be useful for users with experience with these tools. If you are currently
having an issue with GitLab, it is highly recommended that you check your
[support options]( first, before attempting to use
this information.
Please note that some of these scripts could be damaging if not run correctly,
or under the right conditions. We highly recommend running them under the
guidance of a Support Engineer, or running them in a test environment with a
backup of the instance ready to be restored, just in case.
Please also note that as GitLab changes, changes to the code are inevitable,
and so some scripts may not work as they once used to. These are not kept
up-to-date as these scripts/commands were added as they were found/needed. As
mentioned above, we recommend running these scripts under the supervision of a
Support Engineer, who can also verify that they will continue to work as they
should and, if needed, update the script for the latest version of GitLab.
## Use the Rails Runner
If the script you want to run is short, you can use the Rails Runner to avoid
entering the rails console in the first place. Here's an example of its use:
gitlab-rails runner "RAILS_COMMAND"
# Example with a 2-line script
gitlab-rails runner "user = User.first; puts user.username"
## Enable debug logging on rails console
Rails.logger.level = 0
## Enable debug logging for ActiveRecord (db issues)
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
## Temporarily Disable Timeout
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute('SET statement_timeout TO 0')
## Find specific methods for an object
```ruby { |m| m.to_s.include? "sing" }
## Find method source
Works for [non-instrumented methods](
# Example for when we would call project.private?
## Query an object
o = Object.where('attribute like ?', 'ex')
## View all keys in cache
## Rails console history
puts Readline::HISTORY.to_a
## Profile a page
# Before 11.6.0
logger =
admin_token = User.find_by_username('ADMIN_USERNAME').personal_access_tokens.first.token
# From 11.6.0
admin = User.find_by_username('ADMIN_USERNAME')
url = "/url/goes/here"
Gitlab::Profiler.with_user(admin) { app.get(url) }
## Using the GitLab profiler inside console (used as of 10.5)
logger =
admin = User.find_by_username('ADMIN_USERNAME')
Gitlab::Profiler.profile('URL', logger: logger, user: admin)
## Time an operation
# A single operation
Benchmark.measure { <operation> }
# A breakdown of multiple operations do |x| { <operation_1> } { <operation_2> }
## Command Line
### Check the GitLab version fast
grep -m 1 gitlab /opt/gitlab/version-manifest.txt
### Debugging SSH
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -vvv" git clone <repository>
### Debugging over HTTPS
GIT_CURL_VERBOSE=1 GIT_TRACE=1 git clone <repository>
## Projects
### Find projects
# A single project
project = Project.find_by_full_path('PROJECT_PATH')
# All projects in a particular namespace. Can be a username, a group
# ('gitlab-org'), or even include subgroups ('gitlab-org/distribution')
namespace = Namespace.find_by_full_path('NAMESPACE_PATH')
projects = namespace.all_projects
### Clear a project's cache
### Expire the .exists? cache
### Make all projects private
Project.update_all(visibility_level: 0)
### Find & remove projects that are pending deletion
# This section will list all the projects which are pending deletion
projects = Project.where(pending_delete: true)
projects.each do |p|
puts "Project name: #{}"
puts "Project name: #{}"
puts "Repository path: #{p.repository.storage_path}"
# Assign a user (the root user will do)
user = User.find_by_username('root')
# For each project listed repeat these two commands
# Find the project, update the xxx-changeme values from above
project = Project.find_by_full_path('group-changeme/project-changeme')
# Delete the project, user, {}).execute
Next, run `sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:cleanup:repos` on the command line to finish.
### Destroy a project
project = Project.find_by_full_path('')
user = User.find_by_username('')
ProjectDestroyWorker.perform_async(,, {})
# or,, {})
# or, user).execute
### Remove fork relationship manually
p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
u = User.find_by_username(''), u).execute
### Make a project read-only (can only be done in the console)
# Make a project read-only
project.repository_read_only = true;
# OR
project.update!(repository_read_only: true)
### Bulk update service integration password for _all_ projects
For example, change the Jira user's password for all projects that have the Jira
integration active:
p = Project.find_by_sql("SELECT FROM projects p LEFT JOIN services s ON = s.project_id WHERE s.type = 'JiraService' AND = true")
p.each do |project|
project.jira_service.update_attribute(:password, '<your-new-password>')
### Identify un-indexed projects
Project.find_each do |project|
puts "id #{}: #{}/#{}" if project.index_status.nil?
## Imports / Exports
# Find the project and get the error
p = Project.find_by_full_path('<username-or-group>/<project-name>')
# To finish the import on GitLab running version before 11.6
# To finish the import on GitLab running version 11.6 or after
p.import_state.mark_as_failed("Failed manually through console.")
### Rename imported repository
In a specific situation, an imported repository needed to be renamed. The Support
Team was informed of a backup restore that failed on a single repository, which created
the project with an empty repository. The project was successfully restored to a dev
instance, then exported, and imported into a new project under a different name.
The Support Team was able to transfer the incorrectly named imported project into the
correctly named empty project using the steps below.
Move the new repository to the empty repository:
mv /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/<group>/<new-project> /var/opt/gitlab/git-data/repositories/<group>/<empty-project>
Make sure the permissions are correct:
chown -R git:git <path-to-directory>.git
Clear the cache:
sudo gitlab-rake cache:clear
## Repository
### Search sequence of pushes to a repository
If it seems that a commit has gone "missing", search the sequence of pushes to a repository.
[This StackOverflow article](
describes how you can end up in this state without a force push.
If you look at the output from the sample code below for the target branch, you will
see a discontinuity in the from/to commits as you step through the output. Each new
push should be "from" the "to" SHA of the previous push. When this discontinuity happens,
you will see two pushes with the same "from" SHA:
p = Project.find_with_namespace('u/p') do |e|
printf "%-20.20s %8s...%8s (%s)\n",[:ref],[:before],[:after],
GitLab 9.5 and above:
p = Project.find_by_full_path('u/p') do |e|
printf "%-20.20s %8s...%8s (%s)\n", e.push_event_payload[:ref], e.push_event_payload[:commit_from], e.push_event_payload[:commit_to],
## Mirrors
### Find mirrors with "bad decrypt" errors
total = 0
bad = []
ProjectImportData.find_each do |data|
total += 1
rescue => e
bad << data
puts "Bad count: #{bad.count} / #{total}"
bad.each do |repo|
puts Project.find(repo.project_id).full_path
end; bad.count
### Transfer mirror users and tokens to a single service account
Use case: If you have multiple users using their own GitHub credentials to set up
repository mirroring, mirroring breaks when people leave the company. Use this
script to migrate disparate mirroring users and tokens into a single service account:
svc_user = User.find_by(username: 'ourServiceUser')
token = 'githubAccessToken'
Project.where(mirror: true).each do |project|
import_url = project.import_url
# The url we want is https://token@project/path.git
repo_url = if import_url.include?('@')
# Case 1: The url is something like https://23423432@project/path.git
elsif import_url.include?('//')
# Case 2: The url is something like https://project/path.git
next unless repo_url
final_url = "https://#{token}@#{repo_url}"
project.mirror_user = svc_user
project.import_url = final_url
project.username_only_import_url = final_url
## Users
### Finding users
# By username
user = User.find_by(username: '')
# By primary email
user = User.find_by(email: '')
# By any email (primary or secondary)
user = User.find_by_any_email('')
# Admins
admin = User.admins.first
### Block
### Unblock
### Skip reconfirmation
user = User.find_by_username ''
### Get an admin token
# Get the first admin's first access token (no longer works on 11.9+. see:
# Get the first admin's private token (no longer works on 10.2+)
### Create personal access token
personal_access_token = User.find(123).personal_access_tokens.create(
name: 'apitoken',
impersonation: false,
scopes: [:api]
You might also want to manually set the token string:
name: 'apitoken',
token_digest: Gitlab::CryptoHelper.sha256('some-token-string-here'),
impersonation: false,
scopes: [:api]
### Disable 2FA on a user
user = User.find_by_username('username')
### Active users & Historical users
# Active users on the instance, now
# The historical max on the instance as of the past year
# Using curl and jq (up to a max 100, see [pagination](
curl --silent --header "Private-Token: ********************" "" | jq --compact-output '.[] | [.id,.name,.username]'
### Block or Delete Users that have no projects or groups
users = User.where('id NOT IN (select distinct(user_id) from project_authorizations)')
# How many users will be removed?
# If that count looks sane:
# You can either block the users:
users.each { |user| user.block! }
# Or you can delete them:
# need 'current user' (your user) for auditing purposes
current_user = User.find_by(username: '<your username>')
users.each do |user|
### Block Users that have no recent activity
days_inactive = 60
inactive_users ="last_activity_on <= ?", days_inactive.days.ago)
inactive_users.each do |user|
puts "user '#{user.username}': #{user.last_activity_on}"
### Find Max permissions for project/group
user = User.find_by_username 'username'
project = Project.find_by_full_path 'group/project'
user = User.find_by_username 'username'
group = Group.find_by_full_path 'group'
## Groups
### Count unique users in a group and sub-groups
group = Group.find_by_path_or_name("groupname")
members = []
for member in group.members_with_descendants
group = Group.find_by_path_or_name("groupname")
# Count users from subgroup and up (inherited)
# Count users from parent group and down (specific grants)
### Delete a group
GroupDestroyWorker.perform_async(group_id, user_id)
### LDAP commands in the rails console
TIP: **TIP:**
Use the rails runner to avoid entering the rails console in the first place.
This is great when only a single command (such as a UserSync or GroupSync)
is needed.
# Get debug output
Rails.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
# Run a UserSync (normally performed once a day)
# Run a GroupSync for all groups (9.3-)
# Run a GroupSync for all groups (9.3+)
# Run a GroupSync for a single group (10.6-)
group = Group.find_by(name: 'my_gitlab_group')
# Run a GroupSync for a single group (10.6+)
group = Group.find_by(name: 'my_gitlab_group')
# Query an LDAP group directly (10.6-)
adapter ='ldapmain') # If `main` is the LDAP provider
ldap_group = EE::Gitlab::LDAP::Group.find_by_cn('group_cn_here', adapter)
# Query an LDAP group directly (10.6+)
adapter ='ldapmain') # If `main` is the LDAP provider
ldap_group = EE::Gitlab::Auth::LDAP::Group.find_by_cn('group_cn_here', adapter)
# Lookup a particular user (10.6+)
# This could expose potential errors connecting to and/or querying LDAP that may seem to
# fail silently in the GitLab UI
adapter ='ldapmain') # If `main` is the LDAP provider
user = Gitlab::Auth::LDAP::Person.find_by_uid('<username>',adapter)
# Query the LDAP server directly (10.6+)
## For an example, see
adapter ='ldapmain')
options = {
# the :base is required
# use adapter.config.base for the base or .group_base for the group_base
base: adapter.config.group_base,
# :filter is optional
# 'cn' looks for all "cn"s under :base
# '*' is the search string - here, it's a wildcard
filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq('cn', '*'),
# :attributes is optional
# the attributes we want to get returned
attributes: %w(dn cn memberuid member submember uniquemember memberof)
### Update user accounts when the `dn` and email change
The following will require that any accounts with the new email address are removed.
Emails have to be unique in GitLab. This is expected to work but unverified as of yet:
# Here's an example with a couple users.
# Each entry will have to include the old username and the new email
emails = {
emails.each do |username, email|
user = User.find_by_username(username) = email
# Run the UserSync to update the above users' data
## Routes
### Remove redirecting routes
See <>.
path = 'foo'
conflicting_permanent_redirects = RedirectRoute.matching_path_and_descendants(path)
# Check that conflicting_permanent_redirects is as expected
## Merge Requests
### Find Merge Request
m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: <IID>)
m = MergeRequest.find_by_title('NEEDS UNIQUE TITLE!!!')
### Close a merge request properly (if merged but still marked as open)
p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: )
u = User.find_by_username(''), u).execute(m)
### Rebase manually
p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: )
u = User.find_by_username(''), u).execute(m)
## CI
### Cancel stuck pending pipelines
See <>.
Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').count
Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').each {|p| p.cancel}
Ci::Pipeline.where(project_id: 'pending').count
### Manually modify runner minutes
Namespace.find_by_full_path("user/proj").namespace_statistics.update(shared_runners_seconds: 27360)
### Remove artifacts more than a week old
# For a single project:
project = Project.find_by_full_path('')
builds_with_artifacts = project.builds.with_artifacts_archive
# Prior to 10.6 the above line would be:
# builds_with_artifacts = project.builds.with_artifacts
# Instance-wide:
builds_with_artifacts = Ci::Build.with_artifacts
builds_to_clear = builds_with_artifacts.where("finished_at < ?", 1.week.ago)
builds_to_clear.each do |build|
build.artifacts_expire_at =
### Find reason failure (for when build trace is empty) (Introduced in 10.3.0)
See <>.
build = Ci::Build.find(78420)
build.dependencies.each do |d| { puts "status: #{d.status}, finished at: #{d.finished_at},
completed: #{d.complete?}, artifacts_expired: #{d.artifacts_expired?}, erased: #{d.erased?}" }
### Disable strict artifact checking (Introduced in GitLab 10.3.0)
See <>.
### Remove CI traces older than 6 months
current_user = User.find_by_email('')
Ci::Build.where("finished_at < ?", 6.months.ago.to_date).each {|b| puts; b.erase(erased_by: current_user) if b.erasable?};nil
### Try CI service
p = Project.find_by_full_path('')
m = project.merge_requests.find_by(iid: )
### Disable AutoDevOps on Existing Projects
Project.all.each do |p|
## License
### See license plan name (since v9.3.0-ee)
### Check if a project feature is available on the instance
Features listed in <>.
### Check if a project feature is available in a project
Features listed in <>.
p = Project.find_by_full_path('<group>/<project>')
### Add a license through the console
key = "<key>"
license = key)
License.current # check to make sure it applied
## Unicorn
From [Zendesk ticket #91083]( (internal)
### Poll unicorn requests by seconds
require 'rubygems'
require 'unicorn'
# Usage for this program
def usage
puts "ruby unicorn_status.rb <path to unix socket> <poll interval in seconds>"
puts "Polls the given Unix socket every interval in seconds. Will not allow you to drop below 3 second poll intervals."
puts "Example: /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/ruby poll_unicorn.rb /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sockets/gitlab.socket 10"
# Look for required args. Throw usage and exit if they don't exist.
if ARGV.count < 2
exit 1
# Get the socket and threshold values.
socket = ARGV[0]
threshold = (ARGV[1]).to_i
# Check threshold - is it less than 3? If so, set to 3 seconds. Safety first!
if threshold.to_i < 3
threshold = 3
# Check - does that socket exist?
unless File.exist?(socket)
puts "Socket file not found: #{socket}"
exit 1
# Poll the given socket every THRESHOLD seconds as specified above.
puts "Running infinite loop. Use CTRL+C to exit."
puts "------------------------------------------"
loop do
Raindrops::Linux.unix_listener_stats([socket]).each do |addr, stats|
puts + " Active: " + + " Queued: " + stats.queued.to_s
sleep threshold
## Sidekiq
### Size of a queue
### Kill a worker's Sidekiq jobs
queue ='repository_import')
queue.each { |job| job.delete if <condition>}
### Enable debug logging of Sidekiq
gitlab_rails['env'] = {
Then `gitlab-ctl reconfigure; gitlab-ctl restart sidekiq`. The Sidekiq logs will now include additional data for troubleshooting.
### Sidekiq kill signals
See <>.
## Redis
### Connect to redis (omnibus)
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -s /var/opt/gitlab/redis/redis.socket
### Connect to redis (HA)
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/redis-cli -h <host ip> -a <password>
## LFS
### Get info about LFS objects and associated project
o=LfsObject.find_by(oid: "<oid>")
You can then delete these records from the database with:
You would also want to combine this with deleting the LFS file in the LFS storage
area on disk. It remains to be seen exactly how or whether the deletion is useful, however.
## Decryption Problems
### Bad Decrypt Script (for encrypted variables)
See <>.
This script will go through all the encrypted variables and count how many are not able
to be decrypted. Might be helpful to run on multiple nodes to see which `gitlab-secrets.json`
file is most up to date:
wget -O /tmp/bad-decrypt.rb
gitlab-rails runner /tmp/bad-decrypt.rb
If `ProjectImportData Bad count:` is detected and the decision is made to delete the
encrypted credentials to allow manual reentry:
# Find the ids of the corrupt ProjectImportData objects
total = 0
bad = []
ProjectImportData.find_each do |data|
total += 1
rescue => e
bad <<
puts "Bad count: #{bad.count} / #{total}"
# See the bad ProjectImportData ids
# Remove the corrupted credentials
import_data = ProjectImportData.where(id: bad)
import_data.each do |data|
data.update_columns({ encrypted_credentials: nil, encrypted_credentials_iv: nil, encrypted_credentials_salt: nil})
If `User OTP Secret Bad count:` is detected. For each user listed disable/enable
two-factor authentication.
### Decrypt Script for encrypted tokens
This script will search for all encrypted tokens that are causing decryption errors,
and update or reset as needed:
wget -O /tmp/encrypted-tokens.rb
gitlab-rails runner /tmp/encrypted-tokens.rb
## Geo
### Artifacts
#### Find failed artifacts
#### Download artifact
```ruby, <artifact_id>).execute
#### Get a count of the synced artifacts
#### Find `ID` of synced artifacts that are missing on primary
### Repository verification failures
#### Get the number of verification failed repositories
#### Find the verification failed repositories
### Find repositories that failed to sync
### Resync repositories
#### Queue up all repositories for resync. Sidekiq will handle each sync
Geo::ProjectRegistry.update_all(resync_repository: true, resync_wiki: true)
#### Sync individual repository now
project = Project.find_by_full_path('<group/project>')
type: reference
# Linux Cheat Sheet
This is the GitLab Support Team's collection of information regarding Linux, that they
sometimes use while troubleshooting. It is listed here for transparency,
and it may be useful for users with experience with Linux. If you are currently
having an issue with GitLab, you may want to check your [support options](
first, before attempting to use this information.
If you are administering GitLab you are expected to know these commands for your distribution
of choice. If you are a GitLab Support Engineer, consider this a cross-reference to
translate `yum` -> `apt-get` and the like.
Note: **Note:**
Most of the commands below have not been labeled as to which distribution they work
on. Contributions are welcome to help add them.
## System Commands
### Distro Information
# Debian/Ubuntu
uname -a
lsb_release -a
# CentOS/RedHat
cat /etc/centos-release
cat /etc/redhat-release
# This will provide a lot more information
cat /etc/os-release
### Shut down or Reboot
shutdown -h now
### Permissions
# change the user:group ownership of a file/dir
chown root:git <file_or_dir>
# make a file executable
chmod u+x <file>
### Files & Dirs
# create a new directory and all subdirectories
mkdir -p dir/dir2/dir3
# Send a command's output to file.txt, no STDOUT
ls > file.txt
# Send a command's output to file.txt AND see it in STDOUT
ls | tee /tmp/file.txt
# Search and Replace within a file
sed -i 's/original-text/new-text/g' <filename>
### See all set environment variables
## Searching
### File names
# search for a file in a filesystem
find . -name 'filename.rb' -print
# locate a file
locate <filename>
# see command history
# search CLI history
### File contents
# -B/A = show 2 lines before/after search_term
grep -B 2 -A 2 search_term <filename>
# -<number> shows both before and after
grep -2 search_term <filename>
# Search on all files in directory (recursively)
grep -r search_term <directory>
# search through *.gz files is the same except with zgrep
zgrep search_term <filename>
# Fast grep printing lines containing a string pattern
fgrep -R string_pattern <filename or directory>
### CLI
# View command history
# Run last command that started with 'his' (3 letters min)
# Search through command history
# Execute last command with sudo
sudo !!
## Managing resources
### Memory, Disk, & CPU usage
# disk space info. The '-h' gives the data in human-readable values
df -h
# size of each file/dir and its contents in the current dir
du -hd 1
# or alternative
du -h --max-depth=1
# find files greater than certain size(k, M, G) and list them in order
# get rid of the + for exact, - for less than
find / -type f -size +100M -print0 | xargs -0 du -hs | sort -h
# Find free memory on a system
free -m
# Find what processes are using memory/CPU and organize by it
# Load average is 1/CPU for 1, 5, and 15 minutes
top -o %MEM
top -o %CPU
### Strace
# strace a process
strace -tt -T -f -y -s 1024 -p <pid>
# -tt print timestamps with microsecond accuracy
# -T print the time spent in each syscall
# -f also trace any child processes that forked
# -y print the path associated with file handles
# -s max string length to print for an event
# -o output file
# run strace on all unicorn processes
ps auwx | grep unicorn | awk '{ print " -p " $2}' | xargs strace -tt -T -f -y -s 1024 -o /tmp/unicorn.txt
See the [strace zine]( for a quick walkthrough.
Brendan Gregg has a more detailed explanation of [how to use strace](
Be aware that strace can have major impacts to system performance when it is running.
### The Strace Parser tool
Our [strace-parser tool]( can be used to
provide a high level summary of the `strace` output. It is similar to `strace -C`,
but provides much more detailed statistics.
MacOS and Linux binaries [are available](,
or you can build it from source if you have the Rust compiler.
#### How to use the tool
First run the tool with no arguments other than the strace output file name to get
a summary of the top processes sorted by time spent actively performing tasks. You
can also sort based on total time, # of syscalls made, PID #, and # of child processes
using the `-S` or `--sort` flag. The number of results defaults to 25 processes, but
can be changed using the `-c`/`--count` option. See `--help` for full details.
$ ./strace-parser strace.txt
Top 25 PIDs
pid active (ms) wait (ms) total (ms) % active syscalls
---------- ---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
8795 689.072 45773.832 46462.902 16.89% 23018
13408 679.432 55910.891 56590.320 16.65% 28593
6423 554.822 13175.485 13730.308 13.60% 13735
Based on the summary, you can then view the details of syscalls made by one or more
procsses using the `-p`/`--pid` for a specific process, or `-s`/`--stats` flags for
a sorted list. `--stats` takes the same sorting and count options as summary.
$ ./strace-parse strace.text -p 6423
PID 6423
13735 syscalls, active time: 554.822ms, total time: 13730.308ms
syscall count total max avg min errors
(ms) (ms) (ms) (ms)
--------------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------
epoll_wait 628 13175.485 21.259 20.980 0.020
clock_gettime 7326 199.500 0.249 0.027 0.013
stat 2101 110.768 19.056 0.053 0.017 ENOENT: 2076
Parent PID: 495
Child PIDs: 8383, 8418, 8419, 8420, 8421
Slowest file access times for PID 6423:
open (ms) timestamp error file name
----------- --------------- --------------- ----------
29.818 10:53:11.528954 /srv/gitlab-data/builds/2018_08/6174/954448.log
12.309 10:53:46.708274 /srv/gitlab-data/builds/2018_08/5342/954186.log
0.039 10:53:49.222110 /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/app/views/events/event/_note.html.haml
0.035 10:53:49.125115 /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/app/views/events/event/_push.html.haml
In the example above, we can see that file opening times on `/srv/gitlab-data` are
extremely slow, about 100X slower than `/opt/gitlab`.
When nothing stands out in the results, a good way to get more context is to run `strace`
on your own GitLab instance while performing the action performed by the customer,
then compare summaries of both results and dive into the differences.
#### Stats for the open syscall
Rough numbers for calls to `open` and `openat` (used to access files) on various configurations.
Slow storage can cause the dreaded `DeadlineExceeded` error in Gitaly.
Also [see this entry](
in the handbook for quick tests customers can perform to check their filesystem performance.
Keep in mind that timing information from `strace` is often somewhat inaccurate, so
small differences should not be considered significant.
|Setup | access times |
| EFS | 10 - 30ms |
| Local Storage | 0.01 - 1ms |
## Networking
### Ports
# Find the programs that are listening on ports
netstat -plnt
ss -plnt
lsof -i -P | grep <port>
### Internet/DNS
# Show domain IP address
dig +short
# Check DNS using specific nameserver
# = google, = cloudflare, = opendns
dig @
# Find host provider
whois <ip_address> | grep -i "orgname\|netname"
# Curl headers with redirect
curl --head --location
## Package Management
# Debian/Ubuntu
# List packages
dpkg -l
apt list --installed
# Find an installed package
dpkg -l | grep <package>
apt list --installed | grep <package>
# Install a package
dpkg -i <package_name>.deb
apt-get install <package>
apt install <package>
# CentOS/RedHat
# Install a package
yum install <package>
dnf install <package> # RHEL/CentOS 8+
rpm -ivh <package_name>.rpm
# Find an installed package
rpm -qa | grep <package>
## Logs
# Print last lines in log file where 'n'
# is the number of lines to print
tail -n /path/to/log/file
type: reference
# Apps for a Testing Environment
This is the GitLab Support Team's collection of information regarding testing environments,
for use while troubleshooting. It is listed here for transparency, and it may be useful
for users with experience with these tools. If you are currently having an issue with
GitLab, you may want to check your [support options](
first, before attempting to use this information.
NOTE: **Note:**
This page was initially written for Support Engineers, so some of the links
are only available internally at GitLab.
## Docker
The following were tested on docker containers running in the cloud. Support Engineers,
please see [these docs](
on how to run Docker containers on `dev-resources`. Other setups haven't been tested,
but contributions are welcome.
### GitLab
Please see [our Docker test environment docs](
for how to run GitLab on Docker. When spinning this up with `docker-machine`, ensure
you change a few things:
1. Update the name of the `docker-machine` host. You can see a list of hosts
with `docker-machine ls`.
1. Expose the necessary ports using the `-p` flag. Docker normally doesn't
allow access to any ports it uses outside of the container, so they must be
explicitly exposed.
1. Add any necessary `gitlab.rb` configuration to the
For example, when the `docker-machine` host we want to use is `do-docker`:
docker run --detach --name gitlab \
--env GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG="external_url 'http://$(docker-machine ip do-docker)'; gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 2222;" \
--hostname $(docker-machine ip do-docker) \
-p 80:80 -p 2222:22 \
### SAML
#### SAML for Authentication
We can use the [test-saml-idp Docker image](
to do the work for us:
docker run --name gitlab_saml -p 8080:8080 -p 8443:8443 \
-d jamedjo/test-saml-idp
The following will also need to go in your `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb`. See [our SAML docs](
for more, as well as the list of [default usernames, passwords, and emails](
gitlab_rails['omniauth_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['omniauth_allow_single_sign_on'] = ['saml']
gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_email_from_provider'] = 'saml'
gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_profile_from_provider'] = ['saml']
gitlab_rails['omniauth_sync_profile_attributes'] = ['email']
gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_sign_in_with_provider'] = 'saml'
gitlab_rails['omniauth_block_auto_created_users'] = false
gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_ldap_user'] = false
gitlab_rails['omniauth_auto_link_saml_user'] = true
gitlab_rails['omniauth_providers'] = [
"name" => "saml",
"label" => "SAML",
"args" => {
assertion_consumer_service_url: '<GITLAB_IP_OR_DOMAIN>/users/auth/saml/callback',
idp_cert_fingerprint: '119b9e027959cdb7c662cfd075d9e2ef384e445f',
idp_sso_target_url: '<SAML_IP_OR_DOMAIN>:8080/simplesaml/saml2/idp/SSOService.php',
issuer: '<GITLAB_IP_OR_DOMAIN>',
name_identifier_format: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent'
#### GroupSAML for
See [the GDK SAML documentation](
### ElasticSearch
docker run -d --name elasticsearch \
-p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 \
-e "discovery.type=single-node" \
Then confirm it works in the browser at `curl http://<IP_ADDRESS>:9200/_cat/health`.
ElasticSearch's default username is `elastic` and password is `changeme`.
### PlantUML
See [our PlantUML docs](../integration/
on running PlantUML in Docker.
### Jira
docker run -d -p 8081:8080 cptactionhank/atlassian-jira:latest
Then go to `<IP_ADDRESS>:8081` in the browser to set it up. This requires a
Jira license.
### Grafana
docker run -d --name grafana -e "GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORD=gitlab" -p 3000:3000 grafana/grafana
Access it at `<IP_ADDRESS>:3000`.
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