Simplify feature

parent 2be5aab4
......@@ -4,23 +4,7 @@ Feature: Admin email
Given I sign in as an admin
And I visit admin email page
Scenario: See email page
Then I see all previous email notifications
Scenario: Create a new email notification
When I click new email notification
And submit form with email notification info
Then I should be redirected to the email notification page
And I should see newly created email notification
Scenario: Adding recipients for email notification
Given email notification 'maintenance'
And I visit email notification 'maintenance'
When I submit recipients
Then I should see the reciepints
Scenario: Sending email notification
Given email notification 'maintenance' with selected recipients
And I visit email notification 'maintenance'
When I click send
Then I should see the notification has been sent
Then I should see notification about being sent
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