Commit 78e34e45 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab master

parents e189d788 02fcb882
......@@ -132,9 +132,6 @@ export default {
noteable: this.noteableDisplayName,
buttonVariant() {
return this.isOpen ? 'warning' : 'default';
actionButtonClassNames() {
return {
'btn-reopen': !this.isOpen,
......@@ -422,8 +419,6 @@ export default {
:class="[actionButtonClassNames, 'btn-comment btn-comment-and-close']"
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import { ACTIVE_TAB_SHARED, ACTIVE_TAB_ARCHIVED } from '~/groups/constants';
import initInviteMembersBanner from '~/groups/init_invite_members_banner';
import initInviteMembersModal from '~/invite_members/init_invite_members_modal';
import initInviteMembersTrigger from '~/invite_members/init_invite_members_trigger';
import { getPagePath, getDashPath } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
import initNotificationsDropdown from '~/notifications';
import ProjectsList from '~/projects_list';
......@@ -26,6 +24,4 @@ export default function initGroupDetails(actionName = 'show') {
new ProjectsList();
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@ import Activities from '~/activities';
import ShortcutsNavigation from '~/behaviors/shortcuts/shortcuts_navigation';
import BlobViewer from '~/blob/viewer/index';
import { initUploadForm } from '~/blob_edit/blob_bundle';
import initInviteMembersModal from '~/invite_members/init_invite_members_modal';
import initInviteMembersTrigger from '~/invite_members/init_invite_members_trigger';
import leaveByUrl from '~/namespaces/leave_by_url';
import initVueNotificationsDropdown from '~/notifications';
import initReadMore from '~/read_more';
......@@ -43,6 +41,3 @@ leaveByUrl('project');
new ShortcutsNavigation(); // eslint-disable-line no-new
......@@ -9,10 +9,6 @@ import {
GlSafeHtmlDirective as SafeHtml,
......@@ -26,19 +22,26 @@ import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status';
import { redirectTo } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
import { s__, __, n__ } from '~/locale';
import RefsDropdown from './refs_dropdown.vue';
const i18n = {
variablesDescription: s__(
'Pipeline|Specify variable values to be used in this run. The values specified in %{linkStart}CI/CD settings%{linkEnd} will be used by default.',
defaultError: __('Something went wrong on our end. Please try again.'),
refsLoadingErrorTitle: s__('Pipeline|Branches or tags could not be loaded.'),
submitErrorTitle: s__('Pipeline|Pipeline cannot be run.'),
warningTitle: __('The form contains the following warning:'),
maxWarningsSummary: __('%{total} warnings found: showing first %{warningsDisplayed}'),
export default {
typeOptions: [
{ value: VARIABLE_TYPE, text: __('Variable') },
{ value: FILE_TYPE, text: __('File') },
variablesDescription: s__(
'Pipeline|Specify variable values to be used in this run. The values specified in %{linkStart}CI/CD settings%{linkEnd} will be used by default.',
formElementClasses: 'gl-mr-3 gl-mb-3 gl-flex-basis-quarter gl-flex-shrink-0 gl-flex-grow-0',
errorTitle: __('Pipeline cannot be run.'),
warningTitle: __('The form contains the following warning:'),
maxWarningsSummary: __('%{total} warnings found: showing first %{warningsDisplayed}'),
// this height value is used inline on the textarea to match the input field height
// it's used to prevent the overwrite if 'gl-h-7' or 'gl-h-7!' were used
textAreaStyle: { height: '32px' },
......@@ -52,12 +55,9 @@ export default {
directives: { SafeHtml },
props: {
......@@ -77,14 +77,6 @@ export default {
type: String,
required: true,
branches: {
type: Array,
required: true,
tags: {
type: Array,
required: true,
settingsLink: {
type: String,
required: true,
......@@ -111,11 +103,11 @@ export default {
data() {
return {
searchTerm: '',
refValue: {
shortName: this.refParam,
form: {},
errorTitle: null,
error: null,
warnings: [],
totalWarnings: 0,
......@@ -125,22 +117,6 @@ export default {
computed: {
lowerCasedSearchTerm() {
return this.searchTerm.toLowerCase();
filteredBranches() {
return this.branches.filter((branch) =>
filteredTags() {
return this.tags.filter((tag) =>
hasTags() {
return this.tags.length > 0;
overMaxWarningsLimit() {
return this.totalWarnings > this.maxWarnings;
......@@ -148,7 +124,7 @@ export default {
return n__('%d warning found:', '%d warnings found:', this.warnings.length);
summaryMessage() {
return this.overMaxWarningsLimit ? this.$options.maxWarningsSummary : this.warningsSummary;
return this.overMaxWarningsLimit ? i18n.maxWarningsSummary : this.warningsSummary;
shouldShowWarning() {
return this.warnings.length > 0 && !this.isWarningDismissed;
......@@ -166,6 +142,11 @@ export default {
return this.form[this.refFullName]?.descriptions ?? {};
watch: {
refValue() {
created() {
// this is needed until we add support for ref type in url query strings
// ensure default branch is called with full ref on load
......@@ -174,7 +155,7 @@ export default {
this.refValue.fullName = `refs/heads/${this.refValue.shortName}`;
methods: {
addEmptyVariable(refValue) {
......@@ -213,49 +194,47 @@ export default {
this.setVariable(refValue, type, key, value);
setRefSelected(refValue) {
this.refValue = refValue;
if (!this.form[this.refFullName]) {
this.fetchConfigVariables(this.refFullName || this.refShortName)
.then(({ descriptions, params }) => {
Vue.set(this.form, this.refFullName, {
variables: [],
// Add default variables from yml
this.setVariableParams(this.refFullName, VARIABLE_TYPE, params);
.catch(() => {
Vue.set(this.form, this.refFullName, {
variables: [],
descriptions: {},
.finally(() => {
// Add/update variables, e.g. from query string
if (this.variableParams) {
this.setVariableParams(this.refFullName, VARIABLE_TYPE, this.variableParams);
if (this.fileParams) {
this.setVariableParams(this.refFullName, FILE_TYPE, this.fileParams);
// Adds empty var at the end of the form
isSelected(ref) {
return ref.fullName === this.refValue.fullName;
removeVariable(index) {
this.variables.splice(index, 1);
canRemove(index) {
return index < this.variables.length - 1;
loadConfigVariablesForm() {
// Skip when variables already cached in `form`
if (this.form[this.refFullName]) {
this.fetchConfigVariables(this.refFullName || this.refShortName)
.then(({ descriptions, params }) => {
Vue.set(this.form, this.refFullName, {
variables: [],
// Add default variables from yml
this.setVariableParams(this.refFullName, VARIABLE_TYPE, params);
.catch(() => {
Vue.set(this.form, this.refFullName, {
variables: [],
descriptions: {},
.finally(() => {
// Add/update variables, e.g. from query string
if (this.variableParams) {
this.setVariableParams(this.refFullName, VARIABLE_TYPE, this.variableParams);
if (this.fileParams) {
this.setVariableParams(this.refFullName, FILE_TYPE, this.fileParams);
// Adds empty var at the end of the form
fetchConfigVariables(refValue) {
this.isLoading = true;
......@@ -330,11 +309,25 @@ export default {
} = err?.response?.data;
const [error] = errors;
this.error = error;
this.warnings = warnings;
this.totalWarnings = totalWarnings;
title: i18n.submitErrorTitle,
onRefsLoadingError(error) {
this.reportError({ title: i18n.refsLoadingErrorTitle });
reportError({ title = null, error = i18n.defaultError, warnings = [], totalWarnings = 0 }) {
this.errorTitle = title;
this.error = error;
this.warnings = warnings;
this.totalWarnings = totalWarnings;
......@@ -343,7 +336,7 @@ export default {
<gl-form @submit.prevent="createPipeline">
......@@ -353,7 +346,7 @@ export default {
......@@ -380,31 +373,7 @@ export default {
<gl-form-group :label="s__('Pipeline|Run for branch name or tag')">
<gl-dropdown :text="refShortName" block>
<gl-search-box-by-type v-model.trim="searchTerm" :placeholder="__('Search refs')" />
<gl-dropdown-section-header>{{ __('Branches') }}</gl-dropdown-section-header>
v-for="branch in filteredBranches"
{{ branch.shortName }}
<gl-dropdown-section-header v-if="hasTags">{{ __('Tags') }}</gl-dropdown-section-header>
v-for="tag in filteredTags"
{{ tag.shortName }}
<refs-dropdown v-model="refValue" @loadingError="onRefsLoadingError" />
<gl-loading-icon v-if="isLoading" class="gl-mb-5" size="lg" />
......@@ -465,7 +434,7 @@ export default {
<template #description
><gl-sprintf :message="$options.variablesDescription">
><gl-sprintf :message="$options.i18n.variablesDescription">
<template #link="{ content }">
<gl-link :href="settingsLink">{{ content }}</gl-link>
import { GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem, GlDropdownSectionHeader, GlSearchBoxByType } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { debounce } from 'lodash';
import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
import { BRANCH_REF_TYPE, TAG_REF_TYPE, DEBOUNCE_REFS_SEARCH_MS } from '../constants';
import formatRefs from '../utils/format_refs';
export default {
components: {
inject: ['projectRefsEndpoint'],
props: {
value: {
type: Object,
required: false,
default: () => ({}),
data() {
return {
isLoading: false,
searchTerm: '',
branches: [],
tags: [],
computed: {
lowerCasedSearchTerm() {
return this.searchTerm.toLowerCase();
refShortName() {
return this.value.shortName;
hasTags() {
return this.tags.length > 0;
watch: {
searchTerm() {
methods: {
loadRefs() {
this.isLoading = true;
.get(this.projectRefsEndpoint, {
params: {
search: this.lowerCasedSearchTerm,
.then(({ data }) => {
// Note: These keys are uppercase in API
const { Branches = [], Tags = [] } = data;
this.branches = formatRefs(Branches, BRANCH_REF_TYPE);
this.tags = formatRefs(Tags, TAG_REF_TYPE);
.catch((e) => {
this.$emit('loadingError', e);
.finally(() => {
this.isLoading = false;
debouncedLoadRefs: debounce(function debouncedLoadRefs() {
setRefSelected(ref) {
this.$emit('input', ref);
isSelected(ref) {
return ref.fullName === this.value.fullName;
<gl-dropdown :text="refShortName" block @show.once="loadRefs">
:placeholder="__('Search refs')"
<gl-dropdown-section-header>{{ __('Branches') }}</gl-dropdown-section-header>
v-for="branch in branches"
{{ branch.shortName }}
<gl-dropdown-section-header v-if="hasTags">{{ __('Tags') }}</gl-dropdown-section-header>
v-for="tag in tags"
{{ tag.shortName }}
export const VARIABLE_TYPE = 'env_var';
export const FILE_TYPE = 'file';
export const DEBOUNCE_REFS_SEARCH_MS = 250;
export const CONFIG_VARIABLES_TIMEOUT = 5000;
export const BRANCH_REF_TYPE = 'branch';
export const TAG_REF_TYPE = 'tag';
import Vue from 'vue';
import PipelineNewForm from './components/pipeline_new_form.vue';
import formatRefs from './utils/format_refs';
export default () => {
const el = document.getElementById('js-new-pipeline');
const {
// provide/inject
// props
......@@ -12,19 +15,18 @@ export default () => {
} = el?.dataset;
const variableParams = JSON.parse(varParam);
const fileParams = JSON.parse(fileParam);
const branches = formatRefs(JSON.parse(branchRefs), 'branch');
const tags = formatRefs(JSON.parse(tagRefs), 'tag');
return new Vue({
provide: {
render(createElement) {
return createElement(PipelineNewForm, {
props: {
......@@ -35,8 +37,6 @@ export default () => {
maxWarnings: Number(maxWarnings),
......@@ -196,10 +196,6 @@
@include btn-orange;
&.btn-close {
@include btn-outline($white, $orange-500, $orange-500, $orange-50, $orange-600, $orange-600, $orange-100, $orange-700, $orange-700);
&.btn-danger {
@include btn-red;
......@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
= content_for :meta_tags do
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, group_url(@group, rss_url_options), title: "#{} activity")
= content_for :invite_members_sidebar do
- if can_invite_members_for_group?(@group)
.js-invite-members-trigger{ data: { icon: 'plus', classes: 'gl-text-decoration-none! gl-shadow-none!', display_text: _('Invite team members') } }
= render partial: 'flash_messages'
= render_if_exists 'trials/banner', namespace: @group
......@@ -137,8 +137,6 @@
= _('Members')
= content_for :invite_members_sidebar
- if group_sidebar_link?(:settings)
= nav_link(path: group_settings_nav_link_paths) do
= link_to edit_group_path(@group) do
......@@ -378,8 +378,6 @@
= _('Members')
= content_for :invite_members_sidebar
- if project_nav_tab? :settings
= nav_link(path: sidebar_settings_paths) do
= link_to edit_project_path(@project) do
......@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
- max_project_topic_length = 15
- emails_disabled = @project.emails_disabled?
= render 'projects/invite_members_modal', project: @project{ class: [("empty-project" if empty_repo)] }
- return unless can_invite_members_for_project?(@project)
.js-invite-members-trigger{ data: { icon: 'plus', classes: 'gl-text-decoration-none! gl-shadow-none!', display_text: _('Invite team members') } }
......@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
- default_branch_name = @project.default_branch_or_master
- @skip_current_level_breadcrumb = true
= content_for :invite_members_sidebar do
= render partial: 'projects/invite_members_link'
= render partial: 'flash_messages', locals: { project: @project }
= render "home_panel"
......@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
#{ _('This means you can not push code until you create an empty repository or import existing one.') }
= render 'projects/invite_members_modal', project: @project
= link_to project_repository_path(@project), method: :post, class: 'btn gl-button btn-confirm' do
#{ _('Create empty repository') }
......@@ -14,8 +14,7 @@
ref_param: params[:ref] || @project.default_branch,
var_param: params[:var].to_json,
file_param: params[:file_var].to_json,
branch_refs: @project.repository.branch_names.to_json.html_safe,
tag_refs: @project.repository.tag_names.to_json.html_safe,
project_refs_endpoint: refs_project_path(@project, sort: 'updated_desc'),
settings_link: project_settings_ci_cd_path(@project),
max_warnings: ::Gitlab::Ci::Warnings::MAX_LIMIT } }
......@@ -6,9 +6,6 @@
= content_for :meta_tags do
= auto_discovery_link_tag(:atom, project_path(@project, rss_url_options), title: "#{} activity")
= content_for :invite_members_sidebar do
= render partial: 'projects/invite_members_link'
= render partial: 'flash_messages', locals: { project: @project }
= render "projects/last_push"
title: Deemphasize comment and close button
merge_request: 55075
type: other
title: Improve performance of manual pipeline form by limiting the refs loaded on page load.
merge_request: 55394
type: performance
title: Fix N+1 queries in api/v3/repos/:namespace/:project/events endpoint
merge_request: 55442
type: performance
name: api_v3_repos_events_optimization
name: new_route_ci_minutes_purchase
milestone: '13.10'
type: development
group: group::ecosystem
group: group::purchase
default_enabled: false
......@@ -17,21 +17,21 @@ full list of reference architectures, see
| Service | Nodes | Configuration | GCP | AWS | Azure |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Consul | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 8 vCPU, 30 GB memory | n1-standard-8 | `m5.2xlarge` | D8s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Redis - Cache | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| Redis - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| Redis Sentinel - Cache | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | `t3.small` | B1MS |
| Redis Sentinel - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | `t3.small` | B1MS |
| Gitaly Cluster | 3 | 16 vCPU, 60 GB memory | n1-standard-16 | `m5.4xlarge` | D16s v3 |
| Praefect | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Praefect PostgreSQL | 1+* | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 3 | 32 vCPU, 28.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-32 | `c5.9xlarge` | F32s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Consul | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 8 vCPU, 30 GB memory | n1-standard-8 | m5.2xlarge | D8s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Redis - Cache | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| Redis - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| Redis Sentinel - Cache | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | t3.small | B1MS |
| Redis Sentinel - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | t3.small | B1MS |
| Gitaly | 3 | 16 vCPU, 60 GB memory | n1-standard-16 | m5.4xlarge | D16s v3 |
| Praefect | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Praefect PostgreSQL | 1+* | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 3 | 32 vCPU, 28.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-32 | c5.9xlarge | F32s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
| Object storage | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| NFS server | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ The following list includes descriptions of each server and its assigned IP:
- ``: GitLab application 1
- ``: GitLab application 2
- ``: GitLab application 3
- ``: Prometheus
- ``: Prometheus
## Configure the external load balancer
......@@ -1927,7 +1927,7 @@ To configure the Sidekiq nodes, on each one:
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
# Rails Status for prometheus
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
### Object storage ###
......@@ -2055,8 +2055,8 @@ On each node perform the following:
# Add the monitoring node's IP address to the monitoring whitelist and allow it to
# scrape the NGINX metrics
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
nginx['status']['options']['allow'] = ['', '']
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
nginx['status']['options']['allow'] = ['', '']
### Object storage ###
......@@ -2192,7 +2192,7 @@ running [Prometheus](../monitoring/prometheus/ and
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Prometheus
- ``: Prometheus
To configure the Monitoring node:
......@@ -12,100 +12,110 @@ full list of reference architectures, see
[Available reference architectures](
> - **Supported users (approximate):** 25,000
> - **High Availability:** Yes
> - **High Availability:** Yes ([Praefect](#configure-praefect-postgresql) needs a third-party PostgreSQL solution for HA)
> - **Test requests per second (RPS) rates:** API: 500 RPS, Web: 50 RPS, Git (Pull): 50 RPS, Git (Push): 10 RPS
| Service | Nodes | Configuration | GCP | AWS | Azure |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
| Consul | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 8 vCPU, 30 GB memory | n1-standard-8 | `m5.2xlarge` | D8s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Redis - Cache | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| Redis - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| Redis Sentinel - Cache | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | `t3.small` | B1MS |
| Redis Sentinel - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | `t3.small` | B1MS |
| Gitaly | 2 (minimum) | 32 vCPU, 120 GB memory | n1-standard-32 | `m5.8xlarge` | D32s v3 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 5 | 32 vCPU, 28.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-32 | `c5.9xlarge` | F32s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
| Consul | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 16 vCPU, 60 GB memory | n1-standard-16 | m5.4xlarge | D16s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Redis - Cache | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| Redis - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| Redis Sentinel - Cache | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | t3.small | B1MS |
| Redis Sentinel - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | t3.small | B1MS |
| Gitaly | 3 | 32 vCPU, 120 GB memory | n1-standard-32 | m5.8xlarge | D32s v3 |
| Praefect | 3 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
| Praefect PostgreSQL | 1+* | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 5 | 32 vCPU, 28.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-32 | c5.9xlarge | F32s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
| Object storage | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| NFS server | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
[*] --> LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer --> ApplicationServer
ApplicationServer --> BackgroundJobs
ApplicationServer --> Gitaly
ApplicationServer --> Redis_Cache
ApplicationServer --> Redis_Queues
ApplicationServer --> PgBouncer
PgBouncer --> Database
ApplicationServer --> ObjectStorage
BackgroundJobs --> ObjectStorage
ApplicationMonitoring -->ApplicationServer
ApplicationMonitoring -->PgBouncer
ApplicationMonitoring -->Database
ApplicationMonitoring -->BackgroundJobs
ApplicationServer --> Consul
Consul --> Database
Consul --> PgBouncer
Redis_Cache --> Consul
Redis_Queues --> Consul
BackgroundJobs --> Consul
state Consul {
state Database {
state Redis_Cache {
state Redis_Queues {
state Gitaly {
state BackgroundJobs {
state ApplicationServer {
state LoadBalancer {
state ApplicationMonitoring {
state PgBouncer {
| NFS server | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
@startuml 25k
card "**External Load Balancer**" as elb #6a9be7
card "**Internal Load Balancer**" as ilb #9370DB
together {
collections "**GitLab Rails** x5" as gitlab #32CD32
collections "**Sidekiq** x4" as sidekiq #ff8dd1
together {
card "**Prometheus + Grafana**" as monitor #7FFFD4
collections "**Consul** x3" as consul #e76a9b
card "Gitaly Cluster" as gitaly_cluster {
collections "**Praefect** x3" as praefect #FF8C00
collections "**Gitaly** x3" as gitaly #FF8C00
card "**Praefect PostgreSQL***\n//Non fault-tolerant//" as praefect_postgres #FF8C00
praefect -[#FF8C00]-> gitaly
praefect -[#FF8C00]> praefect_postgres
card "Database" as database {
collections "**PGBouncer** x3" as pgbouncer #4EA7FF
card "**PostgreSQL** (Primary)" as postgres_primary #4EA7FF
collections "**PostgreSQL** (Secondary) x2" as postgres_secondary #4EA7FF
pgbouncer -[#4EA7FF]-> postgres_primary
postgres_primary .[#4EA7FF]> postgres_secondary
card "redis" as redis {
collections "**Redis Persistent** x3" as redis_persistent #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache** x3" as redis_cache #FF6347
collections "**Redis Persistent Sentinel** x3" as redis_persistent_sentinel #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache Sentinel** x3"as redis_cache_sentinel #FF6347
redis_persistent <.[#FF6347]- redis_persistent_sentinel
redis_cache <.[#FF6347]- redis_cache_sentinel
cloud "**Object Storage**" as object_storage #white
elb -[#6a9be7]-> gitlab
elb -[#6a9be7]--> monitor
gitlab -[#32CD32]> sidekiq
gitlab -[#32CD32]--> ilb
gitlab -[#32CD32]-> object_storage
gitlab -[#32CD32]---> redis
gitlab -[hidden]-> monitor
gitlab -[hidden]-> consul
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]--> ilb
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]-> object_storage
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]---> redis
sidekiq -[hidden]-> monitor
sidekiq -[hidden]-> consul
ilb -[#9370DB]-> gitaly_cluster
ilb -[#9370DB]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> gitlab
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> sidekiq
consul .[#e76a9b]> monitor
consul .[#e76a9b]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]-> gitaly_cluster
consul .[#e76a9b,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> gitlab
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> sidekiq
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> consul
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> database
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> gitaly_cluster
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> ilb
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]u--> elb
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) architectures were built and tested using the
......@@ -120,19 +130,25 @@ uploads, or artifacts), using an [object storage service](#configure-the-object-
is recommended instead of using NFS. Using an object storage service also
doesn't require you to provision and maintain a node.
It's also worth noting that at this time [Praefect requires its own database server](../gitaly/ and
that to achieve full High Availability a third party PostgreSQL database solution will be required.
We hope to offer a built in solutions for these restrictions in the future but in the meantime a non HA PostgreSQL server
can be set up via Omnibus GitLab, which the above specs reflect. Refer to the following issues for more information: [`omnibus-gitlab#5919`]( & [`gitaly#3398`](
## Setup components
To set up GitLab and its components to accommodate up to 25,000 users:
1. [Configure the external load balancing node](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
1. [Configure the external load balancer](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
to handle the load balancing of the GitLab application services nodes.
1. [Configure the internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
to handle the load balancing of GitLab application internal connections.
1. [Configure Consul](#configure-consul).
1. [Configure PostgreSQL](#configure-postgresql), the database for GitLab.
1. [Configure PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer).
1. [Configure the internal load balancing node](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
1. [Configure Redis](#configure-redis).
1. [Configure Gitaly](#configure-gitaly),
which provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Gitaly Cluster](#configure-gitaly-cluster),
provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Sidekiq](#configure-sidekiq).
1. [Configure the main GitLab Rails application](#configure-gitlab-rails)
to run Puma/Unicorn, Workhorse, GitLab Shell, and to serve all frontend
......@@ -178,6 +194,11 @@ The following list includes descriptions of each server and its assigned IP:
- ``: Sentinel - Queues 3
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL 1 (non HA)
- ``: Sidekiq 1
- ``: Sidekiq 2
- ``: Sidekiq 3
......@@ -185,7 +206,9 @@ The following list includes descriptions of each server and its assigned IP:
- ``: GitLab application 1
- ``: GitLab application 2
- ``: GitLab application 3
- ``: Prometheus
- ``: GitLab application 4
- ``: GitLab application 5
- ``: Prometheus
## Configure the external load balancer
......@@ -308,6 +331,71 @@ Configure DNS for an alternate SSH hostname such as ``.
## Configure the internal load balancer
The Internal Load Balancer is used to balance any internal connections the GitLab environment requires
such as connections to [PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer) and [Praefect](#configure-praefect) (Gitaly Cluster).
Note that it's a separate node from the External Load Balancer and shouldn't have any access externally.
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend pgbouncer
frontend internal-praefect-tcp-in
bind *:2305
mode tcp
option tcplog
option clitcpka
default_backend praefect
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
backend praefect
mode tcp
option tcp-check
option srvtcpka
server praefect1 check
server praefect2 check
server praefect3 check
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
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## Configure Consul
The following IPs will be used as an example:
......@@ -662,52 +750,6 @@ The following IPs will be used as an example:
### Configure the internal load balancer
If you're running more than one PgBouncer node as recommended, then at this time you'll need to set
up a TCP internal load balancer to serve each correctly.
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend pgbouncer
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
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## Configure Redis
Using [Redis]( in scalable environment is possible using a **Primary** x **Replica**
......@@ -1302,19 +1344,283 @@ To configure the Sentinel Queues server:
## Configure Gitaly
## Configure Gitaly Cluster
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ support
for the Reference Architectures is being
worked on as a [collaborative effort]( between the Quality Engineering and Gitaly teams. When this component has been verified
some Architecture specs will likely change as a result to support the new
and improved designed.
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ is a GitLab provided and recommended fault tolerant solution for storing Git repositories.
In this configuration, every Git repository is stored on every Gitaly node in the cluster, with one being designated the primary, and failover occurs automatically if the primary node goes down.
The recommended cluster setup includes the following components:
- 3 Gitaly nodes: Replicated storage of Git repositories.
- 3 Praefect nodes: Router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster.
- 1 Praefect PostgreSQL node: Database server for Praefect. A third-party solution
is required for Praefect database connections to be made highly available.
- 1 load balancer: A load balancer is required for Praefect. The
[internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer) will be used.
This section will detail how to configure the recommended standard setup in order.
For more advanced setups refer to the [standalone Gitaly Cluster documentation](../gitaly/
### Configure Praefect PostgreSQL
Praefect, the routing and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster, requires its own database server to store data on Gitaly Cluster status.
If you want to have a highly available setup, Praefect requires a third-party PostgreSQL database.
A built-in solution is being [worked on](
#### Praefect non-HA PostgreSQL standalone using Omnibus GitLab
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL
First, make sure to [install](
the Linux GitLab package in the Praefect PostgreSQL node. Following the steps,
install the necessary dependencies from step 1, and add the
GitLab package repository from step 2. When installing GitLab
in the second step, do not supply the `EXTERNAL_URL` value.
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Create a strong password to be used for the Praefect PostgreSQL user. Take note of this password as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
1. Generate the password hash for the Praefect PostgreSQL username/password pair. This assumes you will use the default
username of `praefect` (recommended). The command will request the password `<praefect_postgresql_password>`
and confirmation. Use the value that is output by this command in the next
step as the value of `<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>`:
sudo gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 praefect
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` replacing values noted in the `# START user configuration` section:
# Disable all components except PostgreSQL and Consul
roles ['postgres_role']
repmgr['enable'] = false
patroni['enable'] = false
# PostgreSQL configuration
postgresql['listen_address'] = ''
postgresql['max_connections'] = 200
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
[Gitaly](../gitaly/ server node requirements are dependent on data,
specifically the number of projects and those projects' sizes. It's recommended
that a Gitaly server node stores no more than 5 TB of data. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly server nodes.
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Replace PRAEFECT_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_HASH with a generated md5 value
postgresql['sql_user_password'] = "<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>"
# Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY with Network Address
postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = %w(
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
postgres_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../ for the changes to take effect.
1. Follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
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#### Praefect HA PostgreSQL third-party solution
[As noted](#configure-praefect-postgresql), a third-party PostgreSQL solution for
Praefect's database is recommended if aiming for full High Availability.
There are many third-party solutions for PostgreSQL HA. The solution selected must have the following to work with Praefect:
- A static IP for all connections that doesn't change on failover.
- [`LISTEN`]( SQL functionality must be supported.
Examples of the above could include [Google's Cloud SQL]( or [Amazon RDS](
Once the database is set up, follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
#### Praefect PostgreSQL post-configuration
After the Praefect PostgreSQL server has been set up, you'll then need to configure the user and database for Praefect to use.
We recommend the user be named `praefect` and the database `praefect_production`, and these can be configured as standard in PostgreSQL.
The password for the user is the same as the one you configured earlier as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
This is how this would work with a Omnibus GitLab PostgreSQL setup:
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Connect to the PostgreSQL server with administrative access.
The `gitlab-psql` user should be used here for this as it's added by default in Omnibus.
The database `template1` is used because it is created by default on all PostgreSQL servers.
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U gitlab-psql -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create the new user `praefect`, replacing `<praefect_postgresql_password>`:
CREATE ROLE praefect WITH LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD <praefect_postgresql_password>;
1. Reconnect to the PostgreSQL server, this time as the `praefect` user:
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U praefect -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create a new database `praefect_production`:
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### Configure Praefect
Praefect is the router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster and all connections to Gitaly go through
it. This section details how to configure it.
Praefect requires several secret tokens to secure communications across the Cluster:
- `<praefect_external_token>`: Used for repositories hosted on your Gitaly cluster and can only be accessed by Gitaly clients that carry this token.
- `<praefect_internal_token>`: Used for replication traffic inside your Gitaly cluster. This is distinct from `praefect_external_token` because Gitaly clients must not be able to access internal nodes of the Praefect cluster directly; that could lead to data loss.
- `<praefect_postgresql_password>`: The Praefect PostgreSQL password defined in the previous section is also required as part of this setup.
Gitaly Cluster nodes are configured in Praefect via a `virtual storage`. Each storage contains
the details of each Gitaly node that makes up the cluster. Each storage is also given a name
and this name is used in several areas of the config. In this guide, the name of the storage will be
`default`. Also, this guide is geared towards new installs, if upgrading an existing environment
to use Gitaly Cluster, you may need to use a different name.
Refer to the [Praefect documentation](../gitaly/ for more info.
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
To configure the Praefect nodes, on each one:
1. SSH in to the Praefect server.
1. [Download and install]( the Omnibus GitLab
package of your choice. Be sure to follow _only_ installation steps 1 and 2
on the page.
1. Edit the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure Praefect:
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
nginx['enable'] = false
puma['enable'] = false
unicorn['enable'] = false
sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
grafana['enable'] = false
# If you run a separate monitoring node you can disable these services
alertmanager['enable'] = false
prometheus['enable'] = false
# Praefect Configuration
praefect['enable'] = true
praefect['listen_addr'] = ''
gitlab_rails['rake_cache_clear'] = false
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Praefect External Token
# This is needed by clients outside the cluster (like GitLab Shell) to communicate with the Praefect cluster
praefect['auth_token'] = '<praefect_external_token>'
# Praefect Database Settings
praefect['database_host'] = ''
praefect['database_port'] = 5432
# `no_proxy` settings must always be a direct connection for caching
praefect['database_host_no_proxy'] = ''
praefect['database_port_no_proxy'] = 5432
praefect['database_dbname'] = 'praefect_production'
praefect['database_user'] = 'praefect'
praefect['database_password'] = '<praefect_postgresql_password>'
# Praefect Virtual Storage config
# Name of storage hash must match storage name in git_data_dirs on GitLab
# server ('praefect') and in git_data_dirs on Gitaly nodes ('gitaly-1')
praefect['virtual_storages'] = {
'default' => {
'gitaly-1' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>',
'primary' => true
'gitaly-2' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
'gitaly-3' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
praefect['prometheus_listen_addr'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
this server, add the file from your Consul server to this server.
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
### Configure Gitaly
The [Gitaly](../gitaly/ server nodes that make up the cluster have
requirements that are dependent on data, specifically the number of projects
and those projects' sizes. It's recommended that a Gitaly Cluster stores
no more than 5 TB of data on each node. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly Clusters.
Due to Gitaly having notable input and output requirements, we strongly
recommend that all Gitaly nodes use solid-state drives (SSDs). These SSDs
......@@ -1325,36 +1631,21 @@ adjusted to greater or lesser values depending on the scale of your
environment's workload. If you're running the environment on a Cloud provider,
refer to their documentation about how to configure IOPS correctly.
Be sure to note the following items:
Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support).
- The GitLab Rails application shards repositories into
[repository storage paths](../
- A Gitaly server can host one or more storage paths.
- A GitLab server can use one or more Gitaly server nodes.
- Gitaly addresses must be specified to be correctly resolvable for all Gitaly
- Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-tls-support).
For configuring Gitaly you should note the following:
The token referred to throughout the Gitaly documentation is an arbitrary
password selected by the administrator. This token is unrelated to tokens
created for the GitLab API or other similar web API tokens.
This section describes how to configure two Gitaly servers, with the following
IPs and domain names:
- ``: Gitaly 1 (`gitaly1.internal`)
- ``: Gitaly 2 (`gitaly2.internal`)
- `git_data_dirs` should be configured to reflect the storage path for the specific Gitaly node
- `auth_token` should be the same as `praefect_internal_token`
Assumptions about your servers include having the secret token be `gitalysecret`,
and that your GitLab installation has three repository storages:
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- `default` on Gitaly 1
- `storage1` on Gitaly 1
- `storage2` on Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
On each node:
......@@ -1364,21 +1655,9 @@ On each node:
1. Edit the Gitaly server node's `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure
storage paths, enable the network listener, and to configure the token:
updates to following example must also be made at
# /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the GitLab Rails application setup
gitaly['auth_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
......@@ -1407,36 +1686,42 @@ On each node:
# firewalls to restrict access to this address/port.
# Comment out following line if you only want to support TLS connections
gitaly['listen_addr'] = ""
# Gitaly Auth Token
# Should be the same as praefect_internal_token
gitaly['auth_token'] = '<praefect_internal_token>'
1. Append the following to `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` for each respective server:
- On `gitaly1.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 1:
'default' => {
'path' => '/var/opt/gitlab/git-data'
'storage1' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-1" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
- On `gitaly2.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 2:
'storage2' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-2" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
updates to following example must also be made at
- On Gitaly node 3:
"gitaly-3" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
......@@ -1444,34 +1729,44 @@ On each node:
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
### Gitaly TLS support
### Gitaly Cluster TLS support
Gitaly supports TLS encryption. To be able to communicate
with a Gitaly instance that listens for secure connections you will need to use `tls://` URL
scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry in the GitLab configuration.
Praefect supports TLS encryption. To communicate with a Praefect instance that listens
for secure connections, you must:
You will need to bring your own certificates as this isn't provided automatically.
The certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly
nodes (including the Gitaly node using the certificate) and on all client nodes
that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration](
- Use a `tls://` URL scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry
in the GitLab configuration.
- Bring your own certificates because this isn't provided automatically. The certificate
corresponding to each Praefect server must be installed on that Praefect server.
The self-signed certificate must specify the address you use to access the
Gitaly server. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by a hostname, you can
either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject Alternative
Name. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by its IP address, you must add it
as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
[gRPC does not support using an IP address as Common Name in a certificate](
Additionally the certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly servers
and on all Praefect clients that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration]( (and repeated below).
It's possible to configure Gitaly servers with both an unencrypted listening
address (`listen_addr`) and an encrypted listening address (`tls_listen_addr`)
at the same time. This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to
encrypted traffic, if necessary.
Note the following:
To configure Gitaly with TLS:
- The certificate must specify the address you use to access the Praefect server. If
addressing the Praefect server by:
1. Create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key and certificate there:
- Hostname, you can either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject
Alternative Name.
- IP address, you must add it as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
- You can configure Praefect servers with both an unencrypted listening address
`listen_addr` and an encrypted listening address `tls_listen_addr` at the same time.
This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to encrypted traffic, if
- The Internal Load Balancer will also access to the certificates and need to be configured
to allow for TLS passthrough.
Refer to the load balancers documentation on how to configure this.
To configure Praefect with TLS:
1. Create certificates for Praefect servers.
1. On the Praefect servers, create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key
and certificate there:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl
......@@ -1480,27 +1775,34 @@ To configure Gitaly with TLS:
sudo chmod 644 key.pem cert.pem
1. Copy the cert to `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs` so Gitaly will trust the cert when
calling into itself:
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
sudo cp /etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
praefect['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
praefect['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
praefect['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
1. Save the file and [reconfigure](../
updates to following example must also be made at
1. On the Praefect clients (including each Gitaly server), copy the certificates,
or their certificate authority, into `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs`:
gitaly['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
gitaly['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
gitaly['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
sudo cp cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
1. Delete `gitaly['listen_addr']` to allow only encrypted connections.
1. On the Praefect clients (except Gitaly servers), edit `git_data_dirs` in
`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` as follows:
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => 'tls://LOAD_BALANCER_SERVER_ADDRESS:2305',
"gitaly_token" => 'PRAEFECT_EXTERNAL_TOKEN'
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
......@@ -1587,12 +1889,15 @@ To configure the Sidekiq nodes, on each one:
### Gitaly ###
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Internal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'YOUR_TOKEN'
### Postgres ###
......@@ -1624,7 +1929,7 @@ To configure the Sidekiq nodes, on each one:
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
# Rails Status for prometheus
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
### Object storage ###
......@@ -1671,6 +1976,8 @@ The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: GitLab application 1
- ``: GitLab application 2
- ``: GitLab application 3
- ``: GitLab application 4
- ``: GitLab application 5
On each node perform the following:
......@@ -1690,17 +1997,14 @@ On each node perform the following:
external_url ''
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the Gitaly setup
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Internal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
## Disable components that will not be on the GitLab application server
......@@ -1755,8 +2059,8 @@ On each node perform the following:
# Add the monitoring node's IP address to the monitoring whitelist and allow it to
# scrape the NGINX metrics
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
nginx['status']['options']['allow'] = ['', '']
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
nginx['status']['options']['allow'] = ['', '']
### Object storage ###
......@@ -1779,14 +2083,15 @@ On each node perform the following:
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-tls-support), make sure the
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support), make sure the
`git_data_dirs` entry is configured with `tls` instead of `tcp`:
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly2.internal:9999' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tls://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
......@@ -1891,7 +2196,7 @@ running [Prometheus](../monitoring/prometheus/ and
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Prometheus
- ``: Prometheus
To configure the Monitoring node:
......@@ -20,78 +20,107 @@ For a full list of reference architectures, see
[Available reference architectures](
> - **Supported users (approximate):** 3,000
> - **High Availability:** Yes
> - **High Availability:** Yes ([Praefect](#configure-praefect-postgresql) needs a third-party PostgreSQL solution for HA)
> - **Test requests per second (RPS) rates:** API: 60 RPS, Web: 6 RPS, Git (Pull): 6 RPS, Git (Push): 1 RPS
| Service | Nodes | Configuration | GCP | AWS | Azure |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Redis | 3 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | `m5.large` | D2s v3 |
| Consul + Sentinel | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | `m5.large` | D2s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Gitaly | 2 (minimum) | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | `m5.large` | D2s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 3 | 8 vCPU, 7.2 GB memory | n1-highcpu-8 | `c5.2xlarge` | F8s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Redis | 3 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | m5.large | D2s v3 |
| Consul + Sentinel | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | m5.large | D2s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Gitaly | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| Praefect | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Praefect PostgreSQL | 1+* | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | m5.large | D2s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 3 | 8 vCPU, 7.2 GB memory | n1-highcpu-8 | c5.2xlarge | F8s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Object storage | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| NFS server (optional, not recommended) | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
[*] --> LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer --> ApplicationServer
ApplicationServer --> BackgroundJobs
ApplicationServer --> Gitaly
ApplicationServer --> Redis
ApplicationServer --> PgBouncer
PgBouncer --> Database
ApplicationServer --> ObjectStorage
BackgroundJobs --> ObjectStorage
ApplicationMonitoring -->ApplicationServer
ApplicationMonitoring -->Redis
ApplicationMonitoring -->PgBouncer
ApplicationMonitoring -->Database
ApplicationMonitoring -->BackgroundJobs
state Database {
state Redis {
state Gitaly {
state BackgroundJobs {
state ApplicationServer {
state LoadBalancer {
state ApplicationMonitoring {
state PgBouncer {
| NFS server (optional, not recommended) | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
@startuml 3k
card "**External Load Balancer**" as elb #6a9be7
card "**Internal Load Balancer**" as ilb #9370DB
together {
collections "**GitLab Rails** x3" as gitlab #32CD32
collections "**Sidekiq** x4" as sidekiq #ff8dd1
together {
card "**Prometheus + Grafana**" as monitor #7FFFD4
collections "**Consul** x3" as consul #e76a9b
card "Gitaly Cluster" as gitaly_cluster {
collections "**Praefect** x3" as praefect #FF8C00
collections "**Gitaly** x3" as gitaly #FF8C00
card "**Praefect PostgreSQL***\n//Non fault-tolerant//" as praefect_postgres #FF8C00
praefect -[#FF8C00]-> gitaly
praefect -[#FF8C00]> praefect_postgres
card "Database" as database {
collections "**PGBouncer** x3" as pgbouncer #4EA7FF
card "**PostgreSQL** (Primary)" as postgres_primary #4EA7FF
collections "**PostgreSQL** (Secondary) x2" as postgres_secondary #4EA7FF
pgbouncer -[#4EA7FF]-> postgres_primary
postgres_primary .[#4EA7FF]> postgres_secondary
card "redis" as redis {
collections "**Redis Persistent** x3" as redis_persistent #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache** x3" as redis_cache #FF6347
collections "**Redis Persistent Sentinel** x3" as redis_persistent_sentinel #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache Sentinel** x3"as redis_cache_sentinel #FF6347
redis_persistent <.[#FF6347]- redis_persistent_sentinel
redis_cache <.[#FF6347]- redis_cache_sentinel
cloud "**Object Storage**" as object_storage #white
elb -[#6a9be7]-> gitlab
elb -[#6a9be7]--> monitor
gitlab -[#32CD32]> sidekiq
gitlab -[#32CD32]--> ilb
gitlab -[#32CD32]-> object_storage
gitlab -[#32CD32]---> redis
gitlab -[hidden]-> monitor
gitlab -[hidden]-> consul
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]--> ilb
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]-> object_storage
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]---> redis
sidekiq -[hidden]-> monitor
sidekiq -[hidden]-> consul
ilb -[#9370DB]-> gitaly_cluster
ilb -[#9370DB]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> gitlab
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> sidekiq
consul .[#e76a9b]> monitor
consul .[#e76a9b]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]-> gitaly_cluster
consul .[#e76a9b,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> gitlab
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> sidekiq
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> consul
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> database
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> gitaly_cluster
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> ilb
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]u--> elb
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) architectures were built and tested using the
......@@ -106,19 +135,25 @@ uploads, or artifacts), using an [object storage service](#configure-the-object-
is recommended instead of using NFS. Using an object storage service also
doesn't require you to provision and maintain a node.
It's also worth noting that at this time [Praefect requires its own database server](../gitaly/ and
that to achieve full High Availability a third party PostgreSQL database solution will be required.
We hope to offer a built in solutions for these restrictions in the future but in the meantime a non HA PostgreSQL server
can be set up via Omnibus GitLab, which the above specs reflect. Refer to the following issues for more information: [`omnibus-gitlab#5919`]( & [`gitaly#3398`](
## Setup components
To set up GitLab and its components to accommodate up to 3,000 users:
1. [Configure the external load balancing node](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
1. [Configure the external load balancer](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
to handle the load balancing of the GitLab application services nodes.
1. [Configure the internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
to handle the load balancing of GitLab application internal connections.
1. [Configure Redis](#configure-redis).
1. [Configure Consul and Sentinel](#configure-consul-and-sentinel).
1. [Configure PostgreSQL](#configure-postgresql), the database for GitLab.
1. [Configure PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer).
1. [Configure the internal load balancing node](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
1. [Configure Gitaly](#configure-gitaly),
which provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Gitaly Cluster](#configure-gitaly-cluster),
provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Sidekiq](#configure-sidekiq).
1. [Configure the main GitLab Rails application](#configure-gitlab-rails)
to run Puma/Unicorn, Workhorse, GitLab Shell, and to serve all frontend
......@@ -155,6 +190,11 @@ The following list includes descriptions of each server and its assigned IP:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL 1 (non HA)
- ``: Sidekiq 1
- ``: Sidekiq 2
- ``: Sidekiq 3
......@@ -285,6 +325,71 @@ Configure DNS for an alternate SSH hostname such as ``.
## Configure the internal load balancer
The Internal Load Balancer is used to balance any internal connections the GitLab environment requires
such as connections to [PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer) and [Praefect](#configure-praefect) (Gitaly Cluster).
Note that it's a separate node from the External Load Balancer and shouldn't have any access externally.
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend pgbouncer
frontend internal-praefect-tcp-in
bind *:2305
mode tcp
option tcplog
option clitcpka
default_backend praefect
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
backend praefect
mode tcp
option tcp-check
option srvtcpka
server praefect1 check
server praefect2 check
server praefect3 check
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
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## Configure Redis
Using [Redis]( in scalable environment is possible using a **Primary** x **Replica**
......@@ -925,45 +1030,96 @@ The following IPs will be used as an example:
### Configure the internal load balancer
## Configure Gitaly Cluster
If you're running more than one PgBouncer node as recommended, then at this time you'll need to set
up a TCP internal load balancer to serve each correctly.
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ is a GitLab provided and recommended fault tolerant solution for storing Git repositories.
In this configuration, every Git repository is stored on every Gitaly node in the cluster, with one being designated the primary, and failover occurs automatically if the primary node goes down.
The following IP will be used as an example:
The recommended cluster setup includes the following components:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
- 3 Gitaly nodes: Replicated storage of Git repositories.
- 3 Praefect nodes: Router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster.
- 1 Praefect PostgreSQL node: Database server for Praefect. A third-party solution
is required for Praefect database connections to be made highly available.
- 1 load balancer: A load balancer is required for Praefect. The
[internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer) will be used.
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
This section will detail how to configure the recommended standard setup in order.
For more advanced setups refer to the [standalone Gitaly Cluster documentation](../gitaly/
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
### Configure Praefect PostgreSQL
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
Praefect, the routing and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster, requires its own database server to store data on Gitaly Cluster status.
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
If you want to have a highly available setup, Praefect requires a third-party PostgreSQL database.
A built-in solution is being [worked on](
default_backend pgbouncer
#### Praefect non-HA PostgreSQL standalone using Omnibus GitLab
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
The following IPs will be used as an example:
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
First, make sure to [install](
the Linux GitLab package in the Praefect PostgreSQL node. Following the steps,
install the necessary dependencies from step 1, and add the
GitLab package repository from step 2. When installing GitLab
in the second step, do not supply the `EXTERNAL_URL` value.
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Create a strong password to be used for the Praefect PostgreSQL user. Take note of this password as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
1. Generate the password hash for the Praefect PostgreSQL username/password pair. This assumes you will use the default
username of `praefect` (recommended). The command will request the password `<praefect_postgresql_password>`
and confirmation. Use the value that is output by this command in the next
step as the value of `<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>`:
sudo gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 praefect
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` replacing values noted in the `# START user configuration` section:
# Disable all components except PostgreSQL and Consul
roles ['postgres_role']
repmgr['enable'] = false
patroni['enable'] = false
# PostgreSQL configuration
postgresql['listen_address'] = ''
postgresql['max_connections'] = 200
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Replace PRAEFECT_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_HASH with a generated md5 value
postgresql['sql_user_password'] = "<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>"
# Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY with Network Address
postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = %w(
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
postgres_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../ for the changes to take effect.
1. Follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
<div align="right">
<a type="button" class="btn btn-default" href="#setup-components">
......@@ -971,19 +1127,186 @@ Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
## Configure Gitaly
#### Praefect HA PostgreSQL third-party solution
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ support
for the Reference Architectures is being
worked on as a [collaborative effort]( between the Quality Engineering and Gitaly teams. When this component has been verified
some Architecture specs will likely change as a result to support the new
and improved designed.
[As noted](#configure-praefect-postgresql), a third-party PostgreSQL solution for
Praefect's database is recommended if aiming for full High Availability.
There are many third-party solutions for PostgreSQL HA. The solution selected must have the following to work with Praefect:
- A static IP for all connections that doesn't change on failover.
- [`LISTEN`]( SQL functionality must be supported.
Examples of the above could include [Google's Cloud SQL]( or [Amazon RDS](
Once the database is set up, follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
#### Praefect PostgreSQL post-configuration
After the Praefect PostgreSQL server has been set up, you'll then need to configure the user and database for Praefect to use.
We recommend the user be named `praefect` and the database `praefect_production`, and these can be configured as standard in PostgreSQL.
The password for the user is the same as the one you configured earlier as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
This is how this would work with a Omnibus GitLab PostgreSQL setup:
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Connect to the PostgreSQL server with administrative access.
The `gitlab-psql` user should be used here for this as it's added by default in Omnibus.
The database `template1` is used because it is created by default on all PostgreSQL servers.
[Gitaly](../gitaly/ server node requirements are dependent on data,
specifically the number of projects and those projects' sizes. It's recommended
that a Gitaly server node stores no more than 5 TB of data. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly server nodes.
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U gitlab-psql -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create the new user `praefect`, replacing `<praefect_postgresql_password>`:
CREATE ROLE praefect WITH LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD <praefect_postgresql_password>;
1. Reconnect to the PostgreSQL server, this time as the `praefect` user:
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U praefect -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create a new database `praefect_production`:
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### Configure Praefect
Praefect is the router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster and all connections to Gitaly go through
it. This section details how to configure it.
Praefect requires several secret tokens to secure communications across the Cluster:
- `<praefect_external_token>`: Used for repositories hosted on your Gitaly cluster and can only be accessed by Gitaly clients that carry this token.
- `<praefect_internal_token>`: Used for replication traffic inside your Gitaly cluster. This is distinct from `praefect_external_token` because Gitaly clients must not be able to access internal nodes of the Praefect cluster directly; that could lead to data loss.
- `<praefect_postgresql_password>`: The Praefect PostgreSQL password defined in the previous section is also required as part of this setup.
Gitaly Cluster nodes are configured in Praefect via a `virtual storage`. Each storage contains
the details of each Gitaly node that makes up the cluster. Each storage is also given a name
and this name is used in several areas of the config. In this guide, the name of the storage will be
`default`. Also, this guide is geared towards new installs, if upgrading an existing environment
to use Gitaly Cluster, you may need to use a different name.
Refer to the [Praefect documentation](../gitaly/ for more info.
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
To configure the Praefect nodes, on each one:
1. SSH in to the Praefect server.
1. [Download and install]( the Omnibus GitLab
package of your choice. Be sure to follow _only_ installation steps 1 and 2
on the page.
1. Edit the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure Praefect:
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
nginx['enable'] = false
puma['enable'] = false
unicorn['enable'] = false
sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
grafana['enable'] = false
# If you run a separate monitoring node you can disable these services
alertmanager['enable'] = false
prometheus['enable'] = false
# Praefect Configuration
praefect['enable'] = true
praefect['listen_addr'] = ''
gitlab_rails['rake_cache_clear'] = false
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Praefect External Token
# This is needed by clients outside the cluster (like GitLab Shell) to communicate with the Praefect cluster
praefect['auth_token'] = '<praefect_external_token>'
# Praefect Database Settings
praefect['database_host'] = ''
praefect['database_port'] = 5432
# `no_proxy` settings must always be a direct connection for caching
praefect['database_host_no_proxy'] = ''
praefect['database_port_no_proxy'] = 5432
praefect['database_dbname'] = 'praefect_production'
praefect['database_user'] = 'praefect'
praefect['database_password'] = '<praefect_postgresql_password>'
# Praefect Virtual Storage config
# Name of storage hash must match storage name in git_data_dirs on GitLab
# server ('praefect') and in git_data_dirs on Gitaly nodes ('gitaly-1')
praefect['virtual_storages'] = {
'default' => {
'gitaly-1' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>',
'primary' => true
'gitaly-2' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
'gitaly-3' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
praefect['prometheus_listen_addr'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
this server, add the file from your Consul server to this server.
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
### Configure Gitaly
The [Gitaly](../gitaly/ server nodes that make up the cluster have
requirements that are dependent on data, specifically the number of projects
and those projects' sizes. It's recommended that a Gitaly Cluster stores
no more than 5 TB of data on each node. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly Clusters.
Due to Gitaly having notable input and output requirements, we strongly
recommend that all Gitaly nodes use solid-state drives (SSDs). These SSDs
......@@ -994,36 +1317,21 @@ adjusted to greater or lesser values depending on the scale of your
environment's workload. If you're running the environment on a Cloud provider,
refer to their documentation about how to configure IOPS correctly.
Be sure to note the following items:
Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support).
- The GitLab Rails application shards repositories into
[repository storage paths](../
- A Gitaly server can host one or more storage paths.
- A GitLab server can use one or more Gitaly server nodes.
- Gitaly addresses must be specified to be correctly resolvable for all Gitaly
- Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-tls-support).
The token referred to throughout the Gitaly documentation is an arbitrary
password selected by the administrator. This token is unrelated to tokens
created for the GitLab API or other similar web API tokens.
For configuring Gitaly you should note the following:
This section describes how to configure two Gitaly servers, with the following
IPs and domain names:
- `git_data_dirs` should be configured to reflect the storage path for the specific Gitaly node
- `auth_token` should be the same as `praefect_internal_token`
- ``: Gitaly 1 (`gitaly1.internal`)
- ``: Gitaly 2 (`gitaly2.internal`)
Assumptions about your servers include having the secret token be `gitalysecret`,
and that your GitLab installation has three repository storages:
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- `default` on Gitaly 1
- `storage1` on Gitaly 1
- `storage2` on Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
On each node:
......@@ -1033,21 +1341,9 @@ On each node:
1. Edit the Gitaly server node's `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure
storage paths, enable the network listener, and to configure the token:
updates to following example must also be made at
# /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the GitLab Rails application setup
gitaly['auth_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
......@@ -1057,7 +1353,6 @@ On each node:
sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
grafana['enable'] = false
gitlab_exporter['enable'] = false
# If you run a separate monitoring node you can disable these services
alertmanager['enable'] = false
......@@ -1078,101 +1373,86 @@ On each node:
# Comment out following line if you only want to support TLS connections
gitaly['listen_addr'] = ""
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['enable'] = true
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
gitaly['prometheus_listen_addr'] = ""
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
gitlab_rails['prometheus_address'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# Gitaly Auth Token
# Should be the same as praefect_internal_token
gitaly['auth_token'] = '<praefect_internal_token>'
1. Append the following to `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` for each respective server:
- On `gitaly1.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 1:
'default' => {
'path' => '/var/opt/gitlab/git-data'
'storage1' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-1" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
- On `gitaly2.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 2:
'storage2' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-2" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
updates to following example must also be made at
- On Gitaly node 3:
"gitaly-3" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
this server, add the file from your Consul server to this server.
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
1. Confirm that Gitaly can perform callbacks to the internal API:
sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitaly-hooks check /var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/config.toml
### Gitaly Cluster TLS support
1. Verify the GitLab services are running:
Praefect supports TLS encryption. To communicate with a Praefect instance that listens
for secure connections, you must:
sudo gitlab-ctl status
- Use a `tls://` URL scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry
in the GitLab configuration.
- Bring your own certificates because this isn't provided automatically. The certificate
corresponding to each Praefect server must be installed on that Praefect server.
The output should be similar to the following:
Additionally the certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly servers
and on all Praefect clients that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration]( (and repeated below).
run: consul: (pid 30339) 77006s; run: log: (pid 29878) 77020s
run: gitaly: (pid 30351) 77005s; run: log: (pid 29660) 77040s
run: logrotate: (pid 7760) 3213s; run: log: (pid 29782) 77032s
run: node-exporter: (pid 30378) 77004s; run: log: (pid 29812) 77026s
Note the following:
### Gitaly TLS support
- The certificate must specify the address you use to access the Praefect server. If
addressing the Praefect server by:
Gitaly supports TLS encryption. To be able to communicate
with a Gitaly instance that listens for secure connections you will need to use `tls://` URL
scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry in the GitLab configuration.
- Hostname, you can either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject
Alternative Name.
- IP address, you must add it as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
You will need to bring your own certificates as this isn't provided automatically.
The certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly
nodes (including the Gitaly node using the certificate) and on all client nodes
that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration](
- You can configure Praefect servers with both an unencrypted listening address
`listen_addr` and an encrypted listening address `tls_listen_addr` at the same time.
This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to encrypted traffic, if
The self-signed certificate must specify the address you use to access the
Gitaly server. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by a hostname, you can
either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject Alternative
Name. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by its IP address, you must add it
as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
[gRPC does not support using an IP address as Common Name in a certificate](
- The Internal Load Balancer will also access to the certificates and need to be configured
to allow for TLS passthrough.
Refer to the load balancers documentation on how to configure this.
It's possible to configure Gitaly servers with both an unencrypted listening
address (`listen_addr`) and an encrypted listening address (`tls_listen_addr`)
at the same time. This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to
encrypted traffic, if necessary.
To configure Praefect with TLS:
To configure Gitaly with TLS:
1. Create certificates for Praefect servers.
1. Create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key and certificate there:
1. On the Praefect servers, create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key
and certificate there:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl
......@@ -1181,27 +1461,35 @@ To configure Gitaly with TLS:
sudo chmod 644 key.pem cert.pem
1. Copy the cert to `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs` so Gitaly will trust the cert when
calling into itself:
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
sudo cp /etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
praefect['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
praefect['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
praefect['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
1. Save the file and [reconfigure](../
updates to following example must also be made at
1. On the Praefect clients (including each Gitaly server), copy the certificates,
or their certificate authority, into `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs`:
sudo cp cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
1. On the Praefect clients (except Gitaly servers), edit `git_data_dirs` in
`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` as follows:
gitaly['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
gitaly['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
gitaly['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => 'tls://LOAD_BALANCER_SERVER_ADDRESS:2305',
"gitaly_token" => 'PRAEFECT_EXTERNAL_TOKEN'
1. Delete `gitaly['listen_addr']` to allow only encrypted connections.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
<div align="right">
......@@ -1272,17 +1560,20 @@ To configure the Sidekiq nodes, one each one:
### Gitaly ###
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Internal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'YOUR_TOKEN'
### Postgres ###
gitlab_rails['db_host'] = '' # internal load balancer IP
gitlab_rails['db_host'] = '' # internal load balancer IP
gitlab_rails['db_port'] = 6432
gitlab_rails['db_password'] = '<postgresql_user_password>'
gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = 'postgresql'
......@@ -1401,17 +1692,14 @@ On each node perform the following:
external_url ''
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the Gitaly setup
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Interal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
## Disable components that will not be on the GitLab application server
......@@ -1499,14 +1787,15 @@ On each node perform the following:
gitlab_rails['object_store']['objects']['terraform_state']['bucket'] = "<gcp-terraform-state-bucket-name>"
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-tls-support), make sure the
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support), make sure the
`git_data_dirs` entry is configured with `tls` instead of `tcp`:
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly2.internal:9999' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tls://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
......@@ -12,100 +12,110 @@ full list of reference architectures, see
[Available reference architectures](
> - **Supported users (approximate):** 50,000
> - **High Availability:** Yes
> - **High Availability:** Yes ([Praefect](#configure-praefect-postgresql) needs a third-party PostgreSQL solution for HA)
> - **Test requests per second (RPS) rates:** API: 1000 RPS, Web: 100 RPS, Git (Pull): 100 RPS, Git (Push): 20 RPS
| Service | Nodes | Configuration | GCP | AWS | Azure |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 8 vCPU, 7.2 GB memory | n1-highcpu-8 | `c5.2xlarge` | F8s v2 |
| Consul | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 16 vCPU, 60 GB memory | n1-standard-16 | `m5.4xlarge` | D16s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 8 vCPU, 7.2 GB memory | n1-highcpu-8 | `c5.2xlarge` | F8s v2 |
| Redis - Cache | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| Redis - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| Redis Sentinel - Cache | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | `t3.small` | B1MS |
| Redis Sentinel - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | `t3.small` | B1MS |
| Gitaly | 2 (minimum) | 64 vCPU, 240 GB memory | n1-standard-64 | `m5.16xlarge` | D64s v3 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | `m5.xlarge` | D4s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 12 | 32 vCPU, 28.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-32 | `c5.9xlarge` | F32s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 8 vCPU, 7.2 GB memory | n1-highcpu-8 | c5.2xlarge | F8s v2 |
| Consul | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 32 vCPU, 120 GB memory | n1-standard-32 | m5.8xlarge | D32s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 8 vCPU, 7.2 GB memory | n1-highcpu-8 | c5.2xlarge | F8s v2 |
| Redis - Cache | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| Redis - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| Redis Sentinel - Cache | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | t3.small | B1MS |
| Redis Sentinel - Queues / Shared State | 3 | 1 vCPU, 1.7 GB memory | g1-small | t3.small | B1MS |
| Gitaly | 3 | 64 vCPU, 240 GB memory | n1-standard-64 | m5.16xlarge | D64s v3 |
| Praefect | 3 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
| Praefect PostgreSQL | 1+* | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 12 | 32 vCPU, 28.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-32 | c5.9xlarge | F32s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
| Object storage | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| NFS server | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
[*] --> LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer --> ApplicationServer
ApplicationServer --> BackgroundJobs
ApplicationServer --> Gitaly
ApplicationServer --> Redis_Cache
ApplicationServer --> Redis_Queues
ApplicationServer --> PgBouncer
PgBouncer --> Database
ApplicationServer --> ObjectStorage
BackgroundJobs --> ObjectStorage
ApplicationMonitoring -->ApplicationServer
ApplicationMonitoring -->PgBouncer
ApplicationMonitoring -->Database
ApplicationMonitoring -->BackgroundJobs
ApplicationServer --> Consul
Consul --> Database
Consul --> PgBouncer
Redis_Cache --> Consul
Redis_Queues --> Consul
BackgroundJobs --> Consul
state Consul {
state Database {
state Redis_Cache {
state Redis_Queues {
state Gitaly {
state BackgroundJobs {
state ApplicationServer {
state LoadBalancer {
state ApplicationMonitoring {
state PgBouncer {
| NFS server | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
@startuml 50k
card "**External Load Balancer**" as elb #6a9be7
card "**Internal Load Balancer**" as ilb #9370DB
together {
collections "**GitLab Rails** x12" as gitlab #32CD32
collections "**Sidekiq** x4" as sidekiq #ff8dd1
together {
card "**Prometheus + Grafana**" as monitor #7FFFD4
collections "**Consul** x3" as consul #e76a9b
card "Gitaly Cluster" as gitaly_cluster {
collections "**Praefect** x3" as praefect #FF8C00
collections "**Gitaly** x3" as gitaly #FF8C00
card "**Praefect PostgreSQL***\n//Non fault-tolerant//" as praefect_postgres #FF8C00
praefect -[#FF8C00]-> gitaly
praefect -[#FF8C00]> praefect_postgres
card "Database" as database {
collections "**PGBouncer** x3" as pgbouncer #4EA7FF
card "**PostgreSQL** (Primary)" as postgres_primary #4EA7FF
collections "**PostgreSQL** (Secondary) x2" as postgres_secondary #4EA7FF
pgbouncer -[#4EA7FF]-> postgres_primary
postgres_primary .[#4EA7FF]> postgres_secondary
card "redis" as redis {
collections "**Redis Persistent** x3" as redis_persistent #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache** x3" as redis_cache #FF6347
collections "**Redis Persistent Sentinel** x3" as redis_persistent_sentinel #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache Sentinel** x3"as redis_cache_sentinel #FF6347
redis_persistent <.[#FF6347]- redis_persistent_sentinel
redis_cache <.[#FF6347]- redis_cache_sentinel
cloud "**Object Storage**" as object_storage #white
elb -[#6a9be7]-> gitlab
elb -[#6a9be7]--> monitor
gitlab -[#32CD32]> sidekiq
gitlab -[#32CD32]--> ilb
gitlab -[#32CD32]-> object_storage
gitlab -[#32CD32]---> redis
gitlab -[hidden]-> monitor
gitlab -[hidden]-> consul
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]--> ilb
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]-> object_storage
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]---> redis
sidekiq -[hidden]-> monitor
sidekiq -[hidden]-> consul
ilb -[#9370DB]-> gitaly_cluster
ilb -[#9370DB]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> gitlab
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> sidekiq
consul .[#e76a9b]> monitor
consul .[#e76a9b]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]-> gitaly_cluster
consul .[#e76a9b,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> gitlab
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> sidekiq
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> consul
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> database
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> gitaly_cluster
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> ilb
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]u--> elb
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) architectures were built and tested using the
......@@ -120,19 +130,25 @@ uploads, or artifacts), using an [object storage service](#configure-the-object-
is recommended instead of using NFS. Using an object storage service also
doesn't require you to provision and maintain a node.
It's also worth noting that at this time [Praefect requires its own database server](../gitaly/ and
that to achieve full High Availability a third party PostgreSQL database solution will be required.
We hope to offer a built in solutions for these restrictions in the future but in the meantime a non HA PostgreSQL server
can be set up via Omnibus GitLab, which the above specs reflect. Refer to the following issues for more information: [`omnibus-gitlab#5919`]( & [`gitaly#3398`](
## Setup components
To set up GitLab and its components to accommodate up to 50,000 users:
1. [Configure the external load balancing node](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
1. [Configure the external load balancer](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
to handle the load balancing of the GitLab application services nodes.
1. [Configure the internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
to handle the loa
1. [Configure Consul](#configure-consul).
1. [Configure PostgreSQL](#configure-postgresql), the database for GitLab.
1. [Configure PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer).
1. [Configure the internal load balancing node](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
1. [Configure Redis](#configure-redis).
1. [Configure Gitaly](#configure-gitaly),
which provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Gitaly Cluster](#configure-gitaly-cluster),
provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Sidekiq](#configure-sidekiq).
1. [Configure the main GitLab Rails application](#configure-gitlab-rails)
to run Puma/Unicorn, Workhorse, GitLab Shell, and to serve all frontend
......@@ -178,6 +194,11 @@ The following list includes descriptions of each server and its assigned IP:
- ``: Sentinel - Queues 3
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL 1 (non HA)
- ``: Sidekiq 1
- ``: Sidekiq 2
- ``: Sidekiq 3
......@@ -185,7 +206,16 @@ The following list includes descriptions of each server and its assigned IP:
- ``: GitLab application 1
- ``: GitLab application 2
- ``: GitLab application 3
- ``: Prometheus
- ``: GitLab application 4
- ``: GitLab application 5
- ``: GitLab application 6
- ``: GitLab application 7
- ``: GitLab application 8
- ``: GitLab application 9
- ``: GitLab application 10
- ``: GitLab application 11
- ``: GitLab application 12
- ``: Prometheus
## Configure the external load balancer
......@@ -308,6 +338,71 @@ Configure DNS for an alternate SSH hostname such as ``.
## Configure the internal load balancer
The Internal Load Balancer is used to balance any internal connections the GitLab environment requires
such as connections to [PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer) and [Praefect](#configure-praefect) (Gitaly Cluster).
Note that it's a separate node from the External Load Balancer and shouldn't have any access externally.
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend pgbouncer
frontend internal-praefect-tcp-in
bind *:2305
mode tcp
option tcplog
option clitcpka
default_backend praefect
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
backend praefect
mode tcp
option tcp-check
option srvtcpka
server praefect1 check
server praefect2 check
server praefect3 check
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
<div align="right">
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## Configure Consul
The following IPs will be used as an example:
......@@ -662,52 +757,6 @@ The following IPs will be used as an example:
### Configure the internal load balancer
If you're running more than one PgBouncer node as recommended, then at this time you'll need to set
up a TCP internal load balancer to serve each correctly.
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend pgbouncer
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
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## Configure Redis
Using [Redis]( in scalable environment is possible using a **Primary** x **Replica**
......@@ -1302,19 +1351,283 @@ To configure the Sentinel Queues server:
## Configure Gitaly
## Configure Gitaly Cluster
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ support
for the Reference Architectures is being
worked on as a [collaborative effort]( between the Quality Engineering and Gitaly teams. When this component has been verified
some Architecture specs will likely change as a result to support the new
and improved designed.
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ is a GitLab provided and recommended fault tolerant solution for storing Git repositories.
In this configuration, every Git repository is stored on every Gitaly node in the cluster, with one being designated the primary, and failover occurs automatically if the primary node goes down.
The recommended cluster setup includes the following components:
- 3 Gitaly nodes: Replicated storage of Git repositories.
- 3 Praefect nodes: Router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster.
- 1 Praefect PostgreSQL node: Database server for Praefect. A third-party solution
is required for Praefect database connections to be made highly available.
- 1 load balancer: A load balancer is required for Praefect. The
[internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer) will be used.
This section will detail how to configure the recommended standard setup in order.
For more advanced setups refer to the [standalone Gitaly Cluster documentation](../gitaly/
### Configure Praefect PostgreSQL
Praefect, the routing and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster, requires its own database server to store data on Gitaly Cluster status.
If you want to have a highly available setup, Praefect requires a third-party PostgreSQL database.
A built-in solution is being [worked on](
#### Praefect non-HA PostgreSQL standalone using Omnibus GitLab
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL
First, make sure to [install](
the Linux GitLab package in the Praefect PostgreSQL node. Following the steps,
install the necessary dependencies from step 1, and add the
GitLab package repository from step 2. When installing GitLab
in the second step, do not supply the `EXTERNAL_URL` value.
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Create a strong password to be used for the Praefect PostgreSQL user. Take note of this password as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
1. Generate the password hash for the Praefect PostgreSQL username/password pair. This assumes you will use the default
username of `praefect` (recommended). The command will request the password `<praefect_postgresql_password>`
and confirmation. Use the value that is output by this command in the next
step as the value of `<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>`:
sudo gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 praefect
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` replacing values noted in the `# START user configuration` section:
# Disable all components except PostgreSQL and Consul
roles ['postgres_role']
repmgr['enable'] = false
patroni['enable'] = false
# PostgreSQL configuration
postgresql['listen_address'] = ''
postgresql['max_connections'] = 200
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
[Gitaly](../gitaly/ server node requirements are dependent on data,
specifically the number of projects and those projects' sizes. It's recommended
that a Gitaly server node stores no more than 5 TB of data. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly server nodes.
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Replace PRAEFECT_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_HASH with a generated md5 value
postgresql['sql_user_password'] = "<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>"
# Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY with Network Address
postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = %w(
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
postgres_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../ for the changes to take effect.
1. Follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
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#### Praefect HA PostgreSQL third-party solution
[As noted](#configure-praefect-postgresql), a third-party PostgreSQL solution for
Praefect's database is recommended if aiming for full High Availability.
There are many third-party solutions for PostgreSQL HA. The solution selected must have the following to work with Praefect:
- A static IP for all connections that doesn't change on failover.
- [`LISTEN`]( SQL functionality must be supported.
Examples of the above could include [Google's Cloud SQL]( or [Amazon RDS](
Once the database is set up, follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
#### Praefect PostgreSQL post-configuration
After the Praefect PostgreSQL server has been set up, you'll then need to configure the user and database for Praefect to use.
We recommend the user be named `praefect` and the database `praefect_production`, and these can be configured as standard in PostgreSQL.
The password for the user is the same as the one you configured earlier as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
This is how this would work with a Omnibus GitLab PostgreSQL setup:
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Connect to the PostgreSQL server with administrative access.
The `gitlab-psql` user should be used here for this as it's added by default in Omnibus.
The database `template1` is used because it is created by default on all PostgreSQL servers.
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U gitlab-psql -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create the new user `praefect`, replacing `<praefect_postgresql_password>`:
CREATE ROLE praefect WITH LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD <praefect_postgresql_password>;
1. Reconnect to the PostgreSQL server, this time as the `praefect` user:
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U praefect -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create a new database `praefect_production`:
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### Configure Praefect
Praefect is the router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster and all connections to Gitaly go through
it. This section details how to configure it.
Praefect requires several secret tokens to secure communications across the Cluster:
- `<praefect_external_token>`: Used for repositories hosted on your Gitaly cluster and can only be accessed by Gitaly clients that carry this token.
- `<praefect_internal_token>`: Used for replication traffic inside your Gitaly cluster. This is distinct from `praefect_external_token` because Gitaly clients must not be able to access internal nodes of the Praefect cluster directly; that could lead to data loss.
- `<praefect_postgresql_password>`: The Praefect PostgreSQL password defined in the previous section is also required as part of this setup.
Gitaly Cluster nodes are configured in Praefect via a `virtual storage`. Each storage contains
the details of each Gitaly node that makes up the cluster. Each storage is also given a name
and this name is used in several areas of the config. In this guide, the name of the storage will be
`default`. Also, this guide is geared towards new installs, if upgrading an existing environment
to use Gitaly Cluster, you may need to use a different name.
Refer to the [Praefect documentation](../gitaly/ for more info.
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
To configure the Praefect nodes, on each one:
1. SSH in to the Praefect server.
1. [Download and install]( the Omnibus GitLab
package of your choice. Be sure to follow _only_ installation steps 1 and 2
on the page.
1. Edit the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure Praefect:
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
nginx['enable'] = false
puma['enable'] = false
unicorn['enable'] = false
sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
grafana['enable'] = false
# If you run a separate monitoring node you can disable these services
alertmanager['enable'] = false
prometheus['enable'] = false
# Praefect Configuration
praefect['enable'] = true
praefect['listen_addr'] = ''
gitlab_rails['rake_cache_clear'] = false
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Praefect External Token
# This is needed by clients outside the cluster (like GitLab Shell) to communicate with the Praefect cluster
praefect['auth_token'] = '<praefect_external_token>'
# Praefect Database Settings
praefect['database_host'] = ''
praefect['database_port'] = 5432
# `no_proxy` settings must always be a direct connection for caching
praefect['database_host_no_proxy'] = ''
praefect['database_port_no_proxy'] = 5432
praefect['database_dbname'] = 'praefect_production'
praefect['database_user'] = 'praefect'
praefect['database_password'] = '<praefect_postgresql_password>'
# Praefect Virtual Storage config
# Name of storage hash must match storage name in git_data_dirs on GitLab
# server ('praefect') and in git_data_dirs on Gitaly nodes ('gitaly-1')
praefect['virtual_storages'] = {
'default' => {
'gitaly-1' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>',
'primary' => true
'gitaly-2' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
'gitaly-3' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
praefect['prometheus_listen_addr'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
this server, add the file from your Consul server to this server.
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
### Configure Gitaly
The [Gitaly](../gitaly/ server nodes that make up the cluster have
requirements that are dependent on data, specifically the number of projects
and those projects' sizes. It's recommended that a Gitaly Cluster stores
no more than 5 TB of data on each node. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly Clusters.
Due to Gitaly having notable input and output requirements, we strongly
recommend that all Gitaly nodes use solid-state drives (SSDs). These SSDs
......@@ -1325,36 +1638,21 @@ adjusted to greater or lesser values depending on the scale of your
environment's workload. If you're running the environment on a Cloud provider,
refer to their documentation about how to configure IOPS correctly.
Be sure to note the following items:
Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support).
- The GitLab Rails application shards repositories into
[repository storage paths](../
- A Gitaly server can host one or more storage paths.
- A GitLab server can use one or more Gitaly server nodes.
- Gitaly addresses must be specified to be correctly resolvable for all Gitaly
- Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-tls-support).
For configuring Gitaly you should note the following:
The token referred to throughout the Gitaly documentation is an arbitrary
password selected by the administrator. This token is unrelated to tokens
created for the GitLab API or other similar web API tokens.
This section describes how to configure two Gitaly servers, with the following
IPs and domain names:
- ``: Gitaly 1 (`gitaly1.internal`)
- ``: Gitaly 2 (`gitaly2.internal`)
- `git_data_dirs` should be configured to reflect the storage path for the specific Gitaly node
- `auth_token` should be the same as `praefect_internal_token`
Assumptions about your servers include having the secret token be `gitalysecret`,
and that your GitLab installation has three repository storages:
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- `default` on Gitaly 1
- `storage1` on Gitaly 1
- `storage2` on Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
On each node:
......@@ -1364,21 +1662,9 @@ On each node:
1. Edit the Gitaly server node's `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure
storage paths, enable the network listener, and to configure the token:
updates to following example must also be made at
# /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the GitLab Rails application setup
gitaly['auth_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
......@@ -1407,36 +1693,42 @@ On each node:
# firewalls to restrict access to this address/port.
# Comment out following line if you only want to support TLS connections
gitaly['listen_addr'] = ""
# Gitaly Auth Token
# Should be the same as praefect_internal_token
gitaly['auth_token'] = '<praefect_internal_token>'
1. Append the following to `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` for each respective server:
- On `gitaly1.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 1:
'default' => {
'path' => '/var/opt/gitlab/git-data'
'storage1' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-1" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
- On `gitaly2.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 2:
'storage2' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-2" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
updates to following example must also be made at
- On Gitaly node 3:
"gitaly-3" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
......@@ -1444,34 +1736,44 @@ On each node:
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
### Gitaly TLS support
### Gitaly Cluster TLS support
Gitaly supports TLS encryption. To be able to communicate
with a Gitaly instance that listens for secure connections you will need to use `tls://` URL
scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry in the GitLab configuration.
Praefect supports TLS encryption. To communicate with a Praefect instance that listens
for secure connections, you must:
You will need to bring your own certificates as this isn't provided automatically.
The certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly
nodes (including the Gitaly node using the certificate) and on all client nodes
that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration](
- Use a `tls://` URL scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry
in the GitLab configuration.
- Bring your own certificates because this isn't provided automatically. The certificate
corresponding to each Praefect server must be installed on that Praefect server.
The self-signed certificate must specify the address you use to access the
Gitaly server. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by a hostname, you can
either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject Alternative
Name. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by its IP address, you must add it
as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
[gRPC does not support using an IP address as Common Name in a certificate](
Additionally the certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly servers
and on all Praefect clients that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration]( (and repeated below).
It's possible to configure Gitaly servers with both an unencrypted listening
address (`listen_addr`) and an encrypted listening address (`tls_listen_addr`)
at the same time. This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to
encrypted traffic, if necessary.
Note the following:
To configure Gitaly with TLS:
- The certificate must specify the address you use to access the Praefect server. If
addressing the Praefect server by:
1. Create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key and certificate there:
- Hostname, you can either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject
Alternative Name.
- IP address, you must add it as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
- You can configure Praefect servers with both an unencrypted listening address
`listen_addr` and an encrypted listening address `tls_listen_addr` at the same time.
This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to encrypted traffic, if
- The Internal Load Balancer will also access to the certificates and need to be configured
to allow for TLS passthrough.
Refer to the load balancers documentation on how to configure this.
To configure Praefect with TLS:
1. Create certificates for Praefect servers.
1. On the Praefect servers, create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key
and certificate there:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl
......@@ -1480,27 +1782,34 @@ To configure Gitaly with TLS:
sudo chmod 644 key.pem cert.pem
1. Copy the cert to `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs` so Gitaly will trust the cert when
calling into itself:
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
sudo cp /etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
praefect['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
praefect['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
praefect['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
1. Save the file and [reconfigure](../
updates to following example must also be made at
1. On the Praefect clients (including each Gitaly server), copy the certificates,
or their certificate authority, into `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs`:
gitaly['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
gitaly['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
gitaly['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
sudo cp cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
1. Delete `gitaly['listen_addr']` to allow only encrypted connections.
1. On the Praefect clients (except Gitaly servers), edit `git_data_dirs` in
`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` as follows:
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => 'tls://LOAD_BALANCER_SERVER_ADDRESS:2305',
"gitaly_token" => 'PRAEFECT_EXTERNAL_TOKEN'
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
......@@ -1587,12 +1896,15 @@ To configure the Sidekiq nodes, on each one:
### Gitaly ###
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Internal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'YOUR_TOKEN'
### Postgres ###
......@@ -1624,7 +1936,7 @@ To configure the Sidekiq nodes, on each one:
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
# Rails Status for prometheus
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
### Object storage ###
......@@ -1671,6 +1983,15 @@ The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: GitLab application 1
- ``: GitLab application 2
- ``: GitLab application 3
- ``: GitLab application 4
- ``: GitLab application 5
- ``: GitLab application 6
- ``: GitLab application 7
- ``: GitLab application 8
- ``: GitLab application 9
- ``: GitLab application 10
- ``: GitLab application 11
- ``: GitLab application 12
On each node perform the following:
......@@ -1690,17 +2011,14 @@ On each node perform the following:
external_url ''
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the Gitaly setup
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Interal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
## Disable components that will not be on the GitLab application server
......@@ -1755,8 +2073,8 @@ On each node perform the following:
# Add the monitoring node's IP address to the monitoring whitelist and allow it to
# scrape the NGINX metrics
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
nginx['status']['options']['allow'] = ['', '']
gitlab_rails['monitoring_whitelist'] = ['', '']
nginx['status']['options']['allow'] = ['', '']
### Object storage ###
......@@ -1779,14 +2097,15 @@ On each node perform the following:
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-tls-support), make sure the
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support), make sure the
`git_data_dirs` entry is configured with `tls` instead of `tcp`:
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly2.internal:9999' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tls://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
......@@ -1891,7 +2210,7 @@ running [Prometheus](../monitoring/prometheus/ and
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Prometheus
- ``: Prometheus
To configure the Monitoring node:
......@@ -19,79 +19,107 @@ costly-to-operate environment by using the
[2,000-user reference architecture](
> - **Supported users (approximate):** 5,000
> - **High Availability:** Yes
> - **High Availability:** Yes ([Praefect](#configure-praefect-postgresql) needs a third-party PostgreSQL solution for HA)
> - **Test requests per second (RPS) rates:** API: 100 RPS, Web: 10 RPS, Git (Pull): 10 RPS, Git (Push): 2 RPS
| Service | Nodes | Configuration | GCP | AWS | Azure |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Redis | 3 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | `m5.large` | D2s v3 |
| Consul + Sentinel | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | `m5.large` | D2s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| Gitaly | 2 (minimum) | 8 vCPU, 30 GB memory | n1-standard-8 | `m5.2xlarge` | D8s v3 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | `m5.large` | D2s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 3 | 16 vCPU, 14.4 GB memory | n1-highcpu-16 | `c5.4xlarge` | F16s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | `c5.large` | F2s v2 |
| External load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Redis | 3 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | m5.large | D2s v3 |
| Consul + Sentinel | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| PostgreSQL | 3 | 4 vCPU, 15 GB memory | n1-standard-4 | m5.xlarge | D4s v3 |
| PgBouncer | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Internal load balancing node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Gitaly | 3 | 8 vCPU, 30 GB memory | n1-standard-8 | m5.2xlarge | D8s v3 |
| Praefect | 3 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Praefect PostgreSQL | 1+* | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Sidekiq | 4 | 2 vCPU, 7.5 GB memory | n1-standard-2 | m5.large | D2s v3 |
| GitLab Rails | 3 | 16 vCPU, 14.4 GB memory | n1-highcpu-16 | c5.4xlarge | F16s v2 |
| Monitoring node | 1 | 2 vCPU, 1.8 GB memory | n1-highcpu-2 | c5.large | F2s v2 |
| Object storage | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
| NFS server (optional, not recommended) | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | `c5.xlarge` | F4s v2 |
[*] --> LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer --> ApplicationServer
ApplicationServer --> BackgroundJobs
ApplicationServer --> Gitaly
ApplicationServer --> Redis
ApplicationServer --> PgBouncer
PgBouncer --> Database
ApplicationServer --> ObjectStorage
BackgroundJobs --> ObjectStorage
ApplicationMonitoring -->ApplicationServer
ApplicationMonitoring -->Redis
ApplicationMonitoring -->PgBouncer
ApplicationMonitoring -->Database
ApplicationMonitoring -->BackgroundJobs
state Database {
state Redis {
state Gitaly {
state BackgroundJobs {
state ApplicationServer {
state LoadBalancer {
state ApplicationMonitoring {
state PgBouncer {
| NFS server (optional, not recommended) | 1 | 4 vCPU, 3.6 GB memory | n1-highcpu-4 | c5.xlarge | F4s v2 |
@startuml 5k
card "**External Load Balancer**" as elb #6a9be7
card "**Internal Load Balancer**" as ilb #9370DB
together {
collections "**GitLab Rails** x3" as gitlab #32CD32
collections "**Sidekiq** x4" as sidekiq #ff8dd1
together {
card "**Prometheus + Grafana**" as monitor #7FFFD4
collections "**Consul** x3" as consul #e76a9b
card "Gitaly Cluster" as gitaly_cluster {
collections "**Praefect** x3" as praefect #FF8C00
collections "**Gitaly** x3" as gitaly #FF8C00
card "**Praefect PostgreSQL***\n//Non fault-tolerant//" as praefect_postgres #FF8C00
praefect -[#FF8C00]-> gitaly
praefect -[#FF8C00]> praefect_postgres
card "Database" as database {
collections "**PGBouncer** x3" as pgbouncer #4EA7FF
card "**PostgreSQL** (Primary)" as postgres_primary #4EA7FF
collections "**PostgreSQL** (Secondary) x2" as postgres_secondary #4EA7FF
pgbouncer -[#4EA7FF]-> postgres_primary
postgres_primary .[#4EA7FF]> postgres_secondary
card "redis" as redis {
collections "**Redis Persistent** x3" as redis_persistent #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache** x3" as redis_cache #FF6347
collections "**Redis Persistent Sentinel** x3" as redis_persistent_sentinel #FF6347
collections "**Redis Cache Sentinel** x3"as redis_cache_sentinel #FF6347
redis_persistent <.[#FF6347]- redis_persistent_sentinel
redis_cache <.[#FF6347]- redis_cache_sentinel
cloud "**Object Storage**" as object_storage #white
elb -[#6a9be7]-> gitlab
elb -[#6a9be7]--> monitor
gitlab -[#32CD32]> sidekiq
gitlab -[#32CD32]--> ilb
gitlab -[#32CD32]-> object_storage
gitlab -[#32CD32]---> redis
gitlab -[hidden]-> monitor
gitlab -[hidden]-> consul
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]--> ilb
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]-> object_storage
sidekiq -[#ff8dd1]---> redis
sidekiq -[hidden]-> monitor
sidekiq -[hidden]-> consul
ilb -[#9370DB]-> gitaly_cluster
ilb -[#9370DB]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> gitlab
consul .[#e76a9b]u-> sidekiq
consul .[#e76a9b]> monitor
consul .[#e76a9b]-> database
consul .[#e76a9b]-> gitaly_cluster
consul .[#e76a9b,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> gitlab
monitor .[#7FFFD4]u-> sidekiq
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> consul
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> database
monitor .[#7FFFD4]-> gitaly_cluster
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]--> redis
monitor .[#7FFFD4]> ilb
monitor .[#7FFFD4,norank]u--> elb
The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) architectures were built and tested using the
......@@ -106,19 +134,25 @@ uploads, or artifacts), using an [object storage service](#configure-the-object-
is recommended instead of using NFS. Using an object storage service also
doesn't require you to provision and maintain a node.
It's also worth noting that at this time [Praefect requires its own database server](../gitaly/ and
that to achieve full High Availability a third party PostgreSQL database solution will be required.
We hope to offer a built in solutions for these restrictions in the future but in the meantime a non HA PostgreSQL server
can be set up via Omnibus GitLab, which the above specs reflect. Refer to the following issues for more information: [`omnibus-gitlab#5919`]( & [`gitaly#3398`](
## Setup components
To set up GitLab and its components to accommodate up to 5,000 users:
1. [Configure the external load balancing node](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
1. [Configure the external load balancer](#configure-the-external-load-balancer)
to handle the load balancing of the GitLab application services nodes.
1. [Configure the internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
to handle the load balancing of GitLab application internal connections.
1. [Configure Redis](#configure-redis).
1. [Configure Consul and Sentinel](#configure-consul-and-sentinel).
1. [Configure PostgreSQL](#configure-postgresql), the database for GitLab.
1. [Configure PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer).
1. [Configure the internal load balancing node](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer).
1. [Configure Gitaly](#configure-gitaly),
which provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Gitaly Cluster](#configure-gitaly-cluster),
provides access to the Git repositories.
1. [Configure Sidekiq](#configure-sidekiq).
1. [Configure the main GitLab Rails application](#configure-gitlab-rails)
to run Puma/Unicorn, Workhorse, GitLab Shell, and to serve all frontend
......@@ -155,6 +189,11 @@ The following list includes descriptions of each server and its assigned IP:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL 1 (non HA)
- ``: Sidekiq 1
- ``: Sidekiq 2
- ``: Sidekiq 3
......@@ -285,6 +324,71 @@ Configure DNS for an alternate SSH hostname such as ``.
## Configure the internal load balancer
The Internal Load Balancer is used to balance any internal connections the GitLab environment requires
such as connections to [PgBouncer](#configure-pgbouncer) and [Praefect](#configure-praefect) (Gitaly Cluster).
Note that it's a separate node from the External Load Balancer and shouldn't have any access externally.
The following IP will be used as an example:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
default_backend pgbouncer
frontend internal-praefect-tcp-in
bind *:2305
mode tcp
option tcplog
option clitcpka
default_backend praefect
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
backend praefect
mode tcp
option tcp-check
option srvtcpka
server praefect1 check
server praefect2 check
server praefect3 check
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
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## Configure Redis
Using [Redis]( in scalable environment is possible using a **Primary** x **Replica**
......@@ -924,45 +1028,96 @@ The following IPs will be used as an example:
### Configure the internal load balancer
## Configure Gitaly Cluster
If you're running more than one PgBouncer node as recommended, then at this time you'll need to set
up a TCP internal load balancer to serve each correctly.
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ is a GitLab provided and recommended fault tolerant solution for storing Git repositories.
In this configuration, every Git repository is stored on every Gitaly node in the cluster, with one being designated the primary, and failover occurs automatically if the primary node goes down.
The following IP will be used as an example:
The recommended cluster setup includes the following components:
- ``: Internal Load Balancer
- 3 Gitaly nodes: Replicated storage of Git repositories.
- 3 Praefect nodes: Router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster.
- 1 Praefect PostgreSQL node: Database server for Praefect. A third-party solution
is required for Praefect database connections to be made highly available.
- 1 load balancer: A load balancer is required for Praefect. The
[internal load balancer](#configure-the-internal-load-balancer) will be used.
Here's how you could do it with [HAProxy](
This section will detail how to configure the recommended standard setup in order.
For more advanced setups refer to the [standalone Gitaly Cluster documentation](../gitaly/
log /dev/log local0
log localhost local1 notice
log stdout format raw local0
### Configure Praefect PostgreSQL
log global
default-server inter 10s fall 3 rise 2
balance leastconn
Praefect, the routing and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster, requires its own database server to store data on Gitaly Cluster status.
frontend internal-pgbouncer-tcp-in
bind *:6432
mode tcp
option tcplog
If you want to have a highly available setup, Praefect requires a third-party PostgreSQL database.
A built-in solution is being [worked on](
default_backend pgbouncer
#### Praefect non-HA PostgreSQL standalone using Omnibus GitLab
backend pgbouncer
mode tcp
option tcp-check
The following IPs will be used as an example:
server pgbouncer1 check
server pgbouncer2 check
server pgbouncer3 check
- ``: Praefect PostgreSQL
Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
First, make sure to [install](
the Linux GitLab package in the Praefect PostgreSQL node. Following the steps,
install the necessary dependencies from step 1, and add the
GitLab package repository from step 2. When installing GitLab
in the second step, do not supply the `EXTERNAL_URL` value.
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Create a strong password to be used for the Praefect PostgreSQL user. Take note of this password as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
1. Generate the password hash for the Praefect PostgreSQL username/password pair. This assumes you will use the default
username of `praefect` (recommended). The command will request the password `<praefect_postgresql_password>`
and confirmation. Use the value that is output by this command in the next
step as the value of `<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>`:
sudo gitlab-ctl pg-password-md5 praefect
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` replacing values noted in the `# START user configuration` section:
# Disable all components except PostgreSQL and Consul
roles ['postgres_role']
repmgr['enable'] = false
patroni['enable'] = false
# PostgreSQL configuration
postgresql['listen_address'] = ''
postgresql['max_connections'] = 200
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Replace PRAEFECT_POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD_HASH with a generated md5 value
postgresql['sql_user_password'] = "<praefect_postgresql_password_hash>"
# Replace XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY with Network Address
postgresql['trust_auth_cidr_addresses'] = %w(
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
postgres_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. [Reconfigure GitLab](../ for the changes to take effect.
1. Follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
<div align="right">
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......@@ -970,19 +1125,186 @@ Refer to your preferred Load Balancer's documentation for further guidance.
## Configure Gitaly
#### Praefect HA PostgreSQL third-party solution
[Gitaly Cluster](../gitaly/ support
for the Reference Architectures is being
worked on as a [collaborative effort]( between the Quality Engineering and Gitaly teams. When this component has been verified
some Architecture specs will likely change as a result to support the new
and improved designed.
[As noted](#configure-praefect-postgresql), a third-party PostgreSQL solution for
Praefect's database is recommended if aiming for full High Availability.
There are many third-party solutions for PostgreSQL HA. The solution selected must have the following to work with Praefect:
- A static IP for all connections that doesn't change on failover.
- [`LISTEN`]( SQL functionality must be supported.
Examples of the above could include [Google's Cloud SQL]( or [Amazon RDS](
Once the database is set up, follow the [post configuration](#praefect-postgresql-post-configuration).
#### Praefect PostgreSQL post-configuration
After the Praefect PostgreSQL server has been set up, you'll then need to configure the user and database for Praefect to use.
We recommend the user be named `praefect` and the database `praefect_production`, and these can be configured as standard in PostgreSQL.
The password for the user is the same as the one you configured earlier as `<praefect_postgresql_password>`.
This is how this would work with a Omnibus GitLab PostgreSQL setup:
1. SSH in to the Praefect PostgreSQL node.
1. Connect to the PostgreSQL server with administrative access.
The `gitlab-psql` user should be used here for this as it's added by default in Omnibus.
The database `template1` is used because it is created by default on all PostgreSQL servers.
[Gitaly](../gitaly/ server node requirements are dependent on data,
specifically the number of projects and those projects' sizes. It's recommended
that a Gitaly server node stores no more than 5 TB of data. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly server nodes.
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U gitlab-psql -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create the new user `praefect`, replacing `<praefect_postgresql_password>`:
CREATE ROLE praefect WITH LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD <praefect_postgresql_password>;
1. Reconnect to the PostgreSQL server, this time as the `praefect` user:
/opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/psql -U praefect -d template1 -h POSTGRESQL_SERVER_ADDRESS
1. Create a new database `praefect_production`:
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### Configure Praefect
Praefect is the router and transaction manager for Gitaly Cluster and all connections to Gitaly go through
it. This section details how to configure it.
Praefect requires several secret tokens to secure communications across the Cluster:
- `<praefect_external_token>`: Used for repositories hosted on your Gitaly cluster and can only be accessed by Gitaly clients that carry this token.
- `<praefect_internal_token>`: Used for replication traffic inside your Gitaly cluster. This is distinct from `praefect_external_token` because Gitaly clients must not be able to access internal nodes of the Praefect cluster directly; that could lead to data loss.
- `<praefect_postgresql_password>`: The Praefect PostgreSQL password defined in the previous section is also required as part of this setup.
Gitaly Cluster nodes are configured in Praefect via a `virtual storage`. Each storage contains
the details of each Gitaly node that makes up the cluster. Each storage is also given a name
and this name is used in several areas of the config. In this guide, the name of the storage will be
`default`. Also, this guide is geared towards new installs, if upgrading an existing environment
to use Gitaly Cluster, you may need to use a different name.
Refer to the [Praefect documentation](../gitaly/ for more info.
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: Praefect 1
- ``: Praefect 2
- ``: Praefect 3
To configure the Praefect nodes, on each one:
1. SSH in to the Praefect server.
1. [Download and install]( the Omnibus GitLab
package of your choice. Be sure to follow _only_ installation steps 1 and 2
on the page.
1. Edit the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure Praefect:
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
nginx['enable'] = false
puma['enable'] = false
unicorn['enable'] = false
sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
grafana['enable'] = false
# If you run a separate monitoring node you can disable these services
alertmanager['enable'] = false
prometheus['enable'] = false
# Praefect Configuration
praefect['enable'] = true
praefect['listen_addr'] = ''
gitlab_rails['rake_cache_clear'] = false
gitlab_rails['auto_migrate'] = false
# Configure the Consul agent
consul['enable'] = true
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# START user configuration
# Please set the real values as explained in Required Information section
# Praefect External Token
# This is needed by clients outside the cluster (like GitLab Shell) to communicate with the Praefect cluster
praefect['auth_token'] = '<praefect_external_token>'
# Praefect Database Settings
praefect['database_host'] = ''
praefect['database_port'] = 5432
# `no_proxy` settings must always be a direct connection for caching
praefect['database_host_no_proxy'] = ''
praefect['database_port_no_proxy'] = 5432
praefect['database_dbname'] = 'praefect_production'
praefect['database_user'] = 'praefect'
praefect['database_password'] = '<praefect_postgresql_password>'
# Praefect Virtual Storage config
# Name of storage hash must match storage name in git_data_dirs on GitLab
# server ('praefect') and in git_data_dirs on Gitaly nodes ('gitaly-1')
praefect['virtual_storages'] = {
'default' => {
'gitaly-1' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>',
'primary' => true
'gitaly-2' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
'gitaly-3' => {
'address' => 'tcp://',
'token' => '<praefect_internal_token>'
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
praefect['prometheus_listen_addr'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# END user configuration
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
this server, add the file from your Consul server to this server.
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
### Configure Gitaly
The [Gitaly](../gitaly/ server nodes that make up the cluster have
requirements that are dependent on data, specifically the number of projects
and those projects' sizes. It's recommended that a Gitaly Cluster stores
no more than 5 TB of data on each node. Depending on your
repository storage requirements, you may require additional Gitaly Clusters.
Due to Gitaly having notable input and output requirements, we strongly
recommend that all Gitaly nodes use solid-state drives (SSDs). These SSDs
......@@ -993,36 +1315,21 @@ adjusted to greater or lesser values depending on the scale of your
environment's workload. If you're running the environment on a Cloud provider,
refer to their documentation about how to configure IOPS correctly.
Be sure to note the following items:
Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support).
- The GitLab Rails application shards repositories into
[repository storage paths](../
- A Gitaly server can host one or more storage paths.
- A GitLab server can use one or more Gitaly server nodes.
- Gitaly addresses must be specified to be correctly resolvable for all Gitaly
- Gitaly servers must not be exposed to the public internet, as Gitaly's network
traffic is unencrypted by default. The use of a firewall is highly recommended
to restrict access to the Gitaly server. Another option is to
[use TLS](#gitaly-tls-support).
The token referred to throughout the Gitaly documentation is an arbitrary
password selected by the administrator. This token is unrelated to tokens
created for the GitLab API or other similar web API tokens.
For configuring Gitaly you should note the following:
This section describes how to configure two Gitaly servers, with the following
IPs and domain names:
- `git_data_dirs` should be configured to reflect the storage path for the specific Gitaly node
- `auth_token` should be the same as `praefect_internal_token`
- ``: Gitaly 1 (`gitaly1.internal`)
- ``: Gitaly 2 (`gitaly2.internal`)
Assumptions about your servers include having the secret token be `gitalysecret`,
and that your GitLab installation has three repository storages:
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- `default` on Gitaly 1
- `storage1` on Gitaly 1
- `storage2` on Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 1
- ``: Gitaly 2
- ``: Gitaly 3
On each node:
......@@ -1032,21 +1339,9 @@ On each node:
1. Edit the Gitaly server node's `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` file to configure
storage paths, enable the network listener, and to configure the token:
updates to following example must also be made at
# /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the GitLab Rails application setup
gitaly['auth_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# Avoid running unnecessary services on the Gitaly server
postgresql['enable'] = false
redis['enable'] = false
......@@ -1056,7 +1351,6 @@ On each node:
sidekiq['enable'] = false
gitlab_workhorse['enable'] = false
grafana['enable'] = false
gitlab_exporter['enable'] = false
# If you run a separate monitoring node you can disable these services
alertmanager['enable'] = false
......@@ -1077,101 +1371,86 @@ On each node:
# Comment out following line if you only want to support TLS connections
gitaly['listen_addr'] = ""
## Enable service discovery for Prometheus
consul['enable'] = true
consul['monitoring_service_discovery'] = true
# Set the network addresses that the exporters will listen on for monitoring
gitaly['prometheus_listen_addr'] = ""
node_exporter['listen_address'] = ''
gitlab_rails['prometheus_address'] = ''
## The IPs of the Consul server nodes
## You can also use FQDNs and intermix them with IPs
consul['configuration'] = {
retry_join: %w(,
# Gitaly Auth Token
# Should be the same as praefect_internal_token
gitaly['auth_token'] = '<praefect_internal_token>'
1. Append the following to `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` for each respective server:
- On `gitaly1.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 1:
'default' => {
'path' => '/var/opt/gitlab/git-data'
'storage1' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-1" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
- On `gitaly2.internal`:
- On Gitaly node 2:
'storage2' => {
'path' => '/mnt/gitlab/git-data'
"gitaly-2" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
updates to following example must also be made at
- On Gitaly node 3:
"gitaly-3" => {
"path" => "/var/opt/gitlab/git-data"
1. Copy the `/etc/gitlab/gitlab-secrets.json` file from your Consul server, and
then replace the file of the same name on this server. If that file isn't on
this server, add the file from your Consul server to this server.
1. Save the file, and then [reconfigure GitLab](../
1. Confirm that Gitaly can perform callbacks to the internal API:
sudo /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin/gitaly-hooks check /var/opt/gitlab/gitaly/config.toml
### Gitaly Cluster TLS support
1. Verify the GitLab services are running:
Praefect supports TLS encryption. To communicate with a Praefect instance that listens
for secure connections, you must:
sudo gitlab-ctl status
- Use a `tls://` URL scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry
in the GitLab configuration.
- Bring your own certificates because this isn't provided automatically. The certificate
corresponding to each Praefect server must be installed on that Praefect server.
The output should be similar to the following:
Additionally the certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly servers
and on all Praefect clients that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration]( (and repeated below).
run: consul: (pid 30339) 77006s; run: log: (pid 29878) 77020s
run: gitaly: (pid 30351) 77005s; run: log: (pid 29660) 77040s
run: logrotate: (pid 7760) 3213s; run: log: (pid 29782) 77032s
run: node-exporter: (pid 30378) 77004s; run: log: (pid 29812) 77026s
Note the following:
### Gitaly TLS support
- The certificate must specify the address you use to access the Praefect server. If
addressing the Praefect server by:
Gitaly supports TLS encryption. To be able to communicate
with a Gitaly instance that listens for secure connections you will need to use `tls://` URL
scheme in the `gitaly_address` of the corresponding storage entry in the GitLab configuration.
- Hostname, you can either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject
Alternative Name.
- IP address, you must add it as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
You will need to bring your own certificates as this isn't provided automatically.
The certificate, or its certificate authority, must be installed on all Gitaly
nodes (including the Gitaly node using the certificate) and on all client nodes
that communicate with it following the procedure described in
[GitLab custom certificate configuration](
- You can configure Praefect servers with both an unencrypted listening address
`listen_addr` and an encrypted listening address `tls_listen_addr` at the same time.
This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to encrypted traffic, if
The self-signed certificate must specify the address you use to access the
Gitaly server. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by a hostname, you can
either use the Common Name field for this, or add it as a Subject Alternative
Name. If you are addressing the Gitaly server by its IP address, you must add it
as a Subject Alternative Name to the certificate.
[gRPC does not support using an IP address as Common Name in a certificate](
- The Internal Load Balancer will also access to the certificates and need to be configured
to allow for TLS passthrough.
Refer to the load balancers documentation on how to configure this.
It's possible to configure Gitaly servers with both an unencrypted listening
address (`listen_addr`) and an encrypted listening address (`tls_listen_addr`)
at the same time. This allows you to do a gradual transition from unencrypted to
encrypted traffic, if necessary.
To configure Praefect with TLS:
To configure Gitaly with TLS:
1. Create certificates for Praefect servers.
1. Create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key and certificate there:
1. On the Praefect servers, create the `/etc/gitlab/ssl` directory and copy your key
and certificate there:
sudo mkdir -p /etc/gitlab/ssl
......@@ -1180,27 +1459,35 @@ To configure Gitaly with TLS:
sudo chmod 644 key.pem cert.pem
1. Copy the cert to `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs` so Gitaly will trust the cert when
calling into itself:
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
sudo cp /etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
praefect['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
praefect['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
praefect['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add:
1. Save the file and [reconfigure](../
updates to following example must also be made at
1. On the Praefect clients (including each Gitaly server), copy the certificates,
or their certificate authority, into `/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs`:
sudo cp cert.pem /etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/
1. On the Praefect clients (except Gitaly servers), edit `git_data_dirs` in
`/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` as follows:
gitaly['tls_listen_addr'] = ""
gitaly['certificate_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/cert.pem"
gitaly['key_path'] = "/etc/gitlab/ssl/key.pem"
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => 'tls://LOAD_BALANCER_SERVER_ADDRESS:2305',
"gitaly_token" => 'PRAEFECT_EXTERNAL_TOKEN'
1. Delete `gitaly['listen_addr']` to allow only encrypted connections.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab](../
<div align="right">
......@@ -1269,17 +1556,20 @@ To configure the Sidekiq nodes, one each one:
### Gitaly ###
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Internal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'YOUR_TOKEN'
### Postgres ###
gitlab_rails['db_host'] = '' # internal load balancer IP
gitlab_rails['db_host'] = '' # internal load balancer IP
gitlab_rails['db_port'] = 6432
gitlab_rails['db_password'] = '<postgresql_user_password>'
gitlab_rails['db_adapter'] = 'postgresql'
......@@ -1397,17 +1687,14 @@ On each node perform the following:
external_url ''
# Gitaly and GitLab use two shared secrets for authentication, one to authenticate gRPC requests
# to Gitaly, and a second for authentication callbacks from GitLab-Shell to the GitLab internal API.
# The following two values must be the same as their respective values
# of the Gitaly setup
gitlab_rails['gitaly_token'] = 'gitalysecret'
gitlab_shell['secret_token'] = 'shellsecret'
# git_data_dirs get configured for the Praefect virtual storage
# Address is Interal Load Balancer for Praefect
# Token is praefect_external_token
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly1.internal:8075' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tcp://gitaly2.internal:8075' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tcp://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
## Disable components that will not be on the GitLab application server
......@@ -1495,14 +1782,15 @@ On each node perform the following:
#registry['gid'] = 9002
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-tls-support), make sure the
1. If you're using [Gitaly with TLS support](#gitaly-cluster-tls-support), make sure the
`git_data_dirs` entry is configured with `tls` instead of `tcp`:
'default' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage1' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly1.internal:9999' },
'storage2' => { 'gitaly_address' => 'tls://gitaly2.internal:9999' },
"default" => {
"gitaly_address" => "tls://", # internal load balancer IP
"gitaly_token" => '<praefect_external_token>'
......@@ -137,10 +137,10 @@ To execute a pipeline manually:
1. Navigate to your project's **CI/CD > Pipelines**.
1. Select the **Run Pipeline** button.
1. On the **Run Pipeline** page:
1. Select the branch to run the pipeline for in the **Create for** field.
1. Select the branch or tag to run the pipeline for in the **Run for branch name or tag** field.
1. Enter any [environment variables](../variables/ required for the pipeline run.
You can set specific variables to have their [values prefilled in the form](#prefill-variables-in-manual-pipelines).
1. Click the **Create pipeline** button.
1. Click the **Run pipeline** button.
The pipeline now executes the jobs as configured.
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ The keywords available for jobs are:
| [`only`](#onlyexcept-basic) | Limit when jobs are created. |
| [`pages`](#pages) | Upload the result of a job to use with GitLab Pages. |
| [`parallel`](#parallel) | How many instances of a job should be run in parallel. |
| [`release`](#release) | Instructs the runner to generate a [Release](../../user/project/releases/ object. |
| [`release`](#release) | Instructs the runner to generate a [release](../../user/project/releases/ object. |
| [`resource_group`](#resource_group) | Limit job concurrency. |
| [`retry`](#retry) | When and how many times a job can be auto-retried in case of a failure. |
| [`rules`](#rules) | List of conditions to evaluate and determine selected attributes of a job, and whether or not it's created. |
......@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ You can't use these keywords as job names:
You can set global defaults for some keywords. Jobs that do not define one or more
of the listed keywords use the value defined in the `default:` section.
The following job keywords can be defined inside a `default:` section:
These job keywords can be defined inside a `default:` section:
- [`after_script`](#after_script)
- [`artifacts`](#artifacts)
......@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The following job keywords can be defined inside a `default:` section:
- [`tags`](#tags)
- [`timeout`](#timeout)
This example sets the `ruby:2.5` image as the default for all jobs in the pipeline.
The following example sets the `ruby:2.5` image as the default for all jobs in the pipeline.
The `rspec 2.6` job does not use the default, because it overrides the default with
a job-specific `image:` section:
......@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ the [`needs`](#needs) keyword.
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.5
The top-level `workflow:` keyword determines whether or not a pipeline is created.
It accepts a single `rules:` keyword that is similar to [`rules:` defined in jobs](#rules).
Use it to define what can trigger a new pipeline.
Use `workflow:` to determine whether or not a pipeline is created.
Define this keyword at the top level, with a single `rules:` keyword that
is similar to [`rules:` defined in jobs](#rules).
You can use the [`workflow:rules` templates](#workflowrules-templates) to import
a preconfigured `workflow: rules` entry.
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ Some example `if` clauses for `workflow: rules`:
See the [common `if` clauses for `rules`](#common-if-clauses-for-rules) for more examples.
For example, in the following configuration, pipelines run for all `push` events (changes to
In the following example, pipelines run for all `push` events (changes to
branches and new tags). Pipelines for push events with `-draft` in the commit message
don't run, because they are set to `when: never`. Pipelines for schedules or merge requests
don't run either, because no rules evaluate to true for them:
......@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ If your rules match both branch pipelines and merge request pipelines,
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.0.
We provide templates that set up `workflow: rules`
GitLab provides templates that set up `workflow: rules`
for common scenarios. These templates help prevent duplicate pipelines.
The [`Branch-Pipelines` template](
......@@ -234,12 +234,12 @@ makes your pipelines run for branches and tags.
Branch pipeline status is displayed in merge requests that use the branch
as a source. However, this pipeline type does not support any features offered by
[Merge Request Pipelines](../merge_request_pipelines/), like
[Pipelines for Merge Results](../merge_request_pipelines/#pipelines-for-merged-results)
or [Merge Trains](../merge_request_pipelines/pipelines_for_merged_results/merge_trains/).
Use this template if you are intentionally avoiding those features.
[merge request pipelines](../merge_request_pipelines/), like
[pipelines for merge results](../merge_request_pipelines/#pipelines-for-merged-results)
or [merge trains](../merge_request_pipelines/pipelines_for_merged_results/merge_trains/).
This template intentionally avoids those features.
It is [included](#include) as follows:
To [include](#include) it:
......@@ -249,10 +249,9 @@ include:
The [`MergeRequest-Pipelines` template](
makes your pipelines run for the default branch, tags, and
all types of merge request pipelines. Use this template if you use any of the
the [Pipelines for Merge Requests features](../merge_request_pipelines/), as mentioned
the [pipelines for merge requests features](../merge_request_pipelines/).
It is [included](#include) as follows:
To [include](#include) it:
......@@ -317,7 +316,7 @@ does not block triggered pipelines.
> - Available for Starter, Premium, and Ultimate in GitLab 10.6 and later.
> - [Moved]( to GitLab Free in 11.4.
Use the `include` keyword to include external YAML files in your CI/CD configuration.
Use `include` to include external YAML files in your CI/CD configuration.
You can break down one long `gitlab-ci.yml` file into multiple files to increase readability,
or reduce duplication of the same configuration in multiple places.
......@@ -339,11 +338,11 @@ YAML files, use [`!reference` tags](#reference-tags) or the [`extends` keyword](
| [`remote`](#includeremote) | Include a file from a remote URL. Must be publicly accessible. |
| [`template`](#includetemplate) | Include templates that are provided by GitLab. |
The `.gitlab-ci.yml` file configuration included by all methods is evaluated when the pipeline is created.
The configuration is a snapshot in time and persisted in the database. Any changes to
the referenced `.gitlab-ci.yml` file configuration is not reflected in GitLab until the next pipeline is created.
When the pipeline starts, the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file configuration included by all methods is evaluated.
The configuration is a snapshot in time and persists in the database. GitLab does not reflect any changes to
the referenced `.gitlab-ci.yml` file configuration until the next pipeline starts.
The files defined by `include` are:
The `include` files are:
- Deep merged with those in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
- Always evaluated first and merged with the content of the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file,
......@@ -367,13 +366,13 @@ include:
file: '.compliance-gitlab-ci.yml'
For an example of how you can include these predefined variables, and their impact on CI jobs,
see the following [CI/CD variable demo](
For an example of how you can include these predefined variables, and the variables' impact on CI/CD jobs,
see this [CI/CD variable demo](
#### `include:local`
`include:local` includes a file that is in the same repository as the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
It's referenced with full paths relative to the root directory (`/`).
Use `include:local` to include a file that is in the same repository as the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
Use a full path relative to the root directory (`/`).
If you use `include:local`, make sure that both the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file and the local file
are on the same branch.
......@@ -390,7 +389,7 @@ include:
- local: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'
This can be defined as a short local include:
You can also use shorter syntax to define the path:
include: '.gitlab-ci-production.yml'
......@@ -404,8 +403,9 @@ Use local includes instead of symbolic links.
To include files from another private project on the same GitLab instance,
use `include:file`. You can use `include:file` in combination with `include:project` only.
Use a full path, relative to the root directory (`/`).
The included file is referenced with a full path, relative to the root directory (`/`). For example:
For example:
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ include:
file: '/templates/.gitlab-ci-template.yml'
You can also specify a `ref`. If not specified, it defaults to the `HEAD` of the project:
You can also specify a `ref`. If you do not specify a value, the ref defaults to the `HEAD` of the project:
......@@ -502,15 +502,15 @@ to resolve all files is 30 seconds.
#### Additional `includes` examples
There is a list of [additional `includes` examples]( available.
View [additional `includes` examples](
## Keyword details
The following are detailed explanations for keywords used to configure CI/CD pipelines.
The following topics explain how to use keywords to configure CI/CD pipelines.
### `image`
Used to specify [a Docker image](../docker/ to use for the job.
Use `image` to specify [a Docker image](../docker/ to use for the job.
......@@ -531,13 +531,13 @@ For more information, see [Available settings for `image`](../docker/using_docke
#### `services`
Used to specify a [service Docker image](../docker/, linked to a base image specified in [`image`](#image).
Use `services` to specify a [service Docker image](../docker/, linked to a base image specified in [`image`](#image).
- Usage examples, see [Define `image` and `services` from `.gitlab-ci.yml`](../docker/
- Detailed usage information, refer to [Docker integration](../docker/ documentation.
- For example services, see [GitLab CI/CD Services](../services/
- Example services, see [GitLab CI/CD Services](../services/
##### `services:name`
......@@ -565,8 +565,11 @@ For more information, see [Available settings for `services`](../docker/using_do
### `script`
`script` is the only required keyword that a job needs. It's a shell script
that is executed by the runner. For example:
Use `script` to specify a shell script for the runner to execute.
All jobs except [trigger jobs](#trigger) require a `script` keyword.
For example:
......@@ -575,7 +578,7 @@ job:
You can use [YAML anchors with `script`](#yaml-anchors-for-scripts).
This keyword can also contain several commands in an array:
The `script` keyword can also contain several commands in an array:
......@@ -609,7 +612,7 @@ job:
You can verify the syntax is valid with the [CI Lint](../ tool.
Be careful when using these special characters as well:
Be careful when using these characters as well:
- `{`, `}`, `[`, `]`, `,`, `&`, `*`, `#`, `?`, `|`, `-`, `<`, `>`, `=`, `!`, `%`, `@`, `` ` ``.
......@@ -629,10 +632,10 @@ job:
Use `before_script` to define an array of commands that should run before each job,
but after [artifacts](#artifacts) are restored.
Scripts specified in `before_script` are concatenated with any scripts specified
in the main [`script`](#script), and executed together in a single shell.
Scripts you specify in `before_script` are concatenated with any scripts you specify
in the main [`script`](#script). The combine scripts execute together in a single shell.
It's possible to overwrite a globally defined `before_script` if you define it in a job:
You can overwrite a globally-defined `before_script` if you define it in a job:
......@@ -657,11 +660,11 @@ You can use [YAML anchors with `before_script`](#yaml-anchors-for-scripts).
Use `after_script` to define an array of commands that run after each job,
including failed jobs.
If a job times out or is cancelled, the `after_script` commands are not executed.
Support for executing `after_script` commands for timed-out or cancelled jobs
[is planned](
If a job times out or is cancelled, the `after_script` commands do not execute.
An [issue]( exists to support
executing `after_script` commands for timed-out or cancelled jobs.
Scripts specified in `after_script` are executed in a new shell, separate from any
Scripts you specify in `after_script` execute in a new shell, separate from any
`before_script` or `script` scripts. As a result, they:
- Have a current working directory set back to the default.
......@@ -694,7 +697,7 @@ You can use [YAML anchors with `after_script`](#yaml-anchors-for-scripts).
#### Script syntax
You can use special syntax in [`script`]( sections to:
You can use syntax in [`script`]( sections to:
- [Split long commands]( into multiline commands.
- [Use color codes]( to make job logs easier to review.
......@@ -703,9 +706,19 @@ You can use special syntax in [`script`]( sections to:
### `stage`
`stage` is defined per-job and relies on [`stages`](#stages), which is defined
globally. Use `stage` to define which stage a job runs in, and jobs of the same
`stage` are executed in parallel (subject to [certain conditions](#use-your-own-runners)). For example:
Use `stage` to define which stage a job runs in. Jobs in the same
`stage` can execute in parallel (subject to [certain conditions](#use-your-own-runners)).
Jobs without a `stage` entry use the `test` stage by default. If [`stages`](#stages)
is not defined in the pipeline, you can use the 5 default stages, which execute in
this order:
- [`.pre`](#pre-and-post)
- `build`
- `test`
- `deploy`
- [`.post`](#pre-and-post)
For example:
......@@ -751,45 +764,39 @@ is greater than `1`.
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.4.
The following stages are available to every pipeline:
Use `pre` and `post` for jobs that need to run first or last in a pipeline.
- `.pre`, which is guaranteed to always be the first stage in a pipeline.
- `.post`, which is guaranteed to always be the last stage in a pipeline.
- `.pre` is guaranteed to always be the first stage in a pipeline.
- `.post` is guaranteed to always be the last stage in a pipeline.
User-defined stages are executed after `.pre` and before `.post`.
A pipeline is not created if all jobs are in `.pre` or `.post` stages.
The order of `.pre` and `.post` can't be changed, even if defined out of order in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
For example, the following are equivalent configuration:
- Configured in order:
You must have a job in at least one stage other than `.pre` or `.post`.
- .pre
- a
- b
- .post
- Configured out of order:
You can't change the order of `.pre` and `.post`, even if you define them out of order in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
For example, the following configurations are equivalent:
- a
- .pre
- b
- .post
- .pre
- a
- b
- .post
- Not explicitly configured:
- a
- .pre
- b
- .post
- a
- b
- a
- b
### `extends`
......@@ -799,7 +806,7 @@ Use `extends` to reuse configuration sections. It's an alternative to [YAML anch
and is a little more flexible and readable. You can use `extends` to reuse configuration
from [included configuration files](#use-extends-and-include-together).
In this example, the `rspec` job uses the configuration from the `.tests` template job.
In the following example, the `rspec` job uses the configuration from the `.tests` template job.
- Performs a reverse deep merge based on the keys.
......@@ -870,8 +877,8 @@ In GitLab 12.0 and later, it's also possible to use multiple parents for
#### Merge details
`extends` is able to merge hashes but not arrays.
The algorithm used for merge is "closest scope wins", so
You can use `extends` to merge hashes but not arrays.
The algorithm used for merge is "closest scope wins," so
keys from the last member always override anything defined on other
levels. For example:
......@@ -923,7 +930,7 @@ rspec:
- rake rspec
Note that in the example above:
In this example:
- The `variables` sections merge, but `URL: "http://docker-url.internal"` overwrites `URL: "http://my-url.internal"`.
- `tags: ['docker']` overwrites `tags: ['production']`.
......@@ -935,8 +942,8 @@ Note that in the example above:
To reuse configuration from different configuration files,
combine `extends` and [`include`](#include).
In this example, a `script` is defined in the `included.yml` file.
Then, in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, you use `extends` to refer
In the following example, a `script` is defined in the `included.yml` file.
Then, in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, `extends` refers
to the contents of the `script`:
- `included.yml`:
......@@ -961,11 +968,11 @@ to the contents of the `script`:
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.3.
Use the `rules` keyword to include or exclude jobs in pipelines.
Use `rules` to include or exclude jobs in pipelines.
Rules are evaluated *in order* until the first match. When matched, the job
Rules are evaluated *in order* until the first match. When a match is found, the job
is either included or excluded from the pipeline, depending on the configuration.
If included, the job also has [certain attributes](#rules-attributes)
The job can also have [certain attributes](#rules-attributes)
added to it.
`rules` replaces [`only/except`](#onlyexcept-basic) and they can't be used together
......@@ -1024,7 +1031,7 @@ The job is not added to the pipeline:
`when: always`.
- If a rule matches, and has `when: never` as the attribute.
This example uses `if` to strictly limit when jobs run:
The following example uses `if` to strictly limit when jobs run:
......@@ -1101,7 +1108,7 @@ other pipelines, including **both** push (branch) and merge request pipelines. W
this configuration, every push to an open merge request's source branch
causes duplicated pipelines.
There are multiple ways to avoid duplicate pipelines:
To avoid duplicate pipelines, you can:
- Use [`workflow`](#workflow) to specify which types of pipelines
can run.
......@@ -1164,12 +1171,11 @@ runs in all cases except merge requests.
#### `rules:if`
`rules:if` clauses determine whether or not jobs are added to a pipeline by evaluating
an `if` statement. If the `if` statement is true, the job is either included
or excluded from a pipeline. In plain English, `if` rules can be interpreted as one of:
Use `rules:if` clauses to specify when to add a job to a pipeline:
- "If this rule evaluates to true, add the job" (default).
- "If this rule evaluates to true, do not add the job" (by adding `when: never`).
- If an `if` statement is true, add the job to the pipeline.
- If an `if` statement is true, but it's combined with `when: never`, do not add the job to the pipeline.
- If no `if` statements are true, do not add the job to the pipeline.
`rules:if` differs slightly from `only:variables` by accepting only a single
expression string per rule, rather than an array of them. Any set of expressions to be
......@@ -1227,7 +1233,9 @@ check the value of the `$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE` variable:
| `web` | For pipelines created by using **Run pipeline** button in the GitLab UI, from the project's **CI/CD > Pipelines** section. |
| `webide` | For pipelines created by using the [WebIDE](../../user/project/web_ide/ |
For example:
The following example runs the job as a manual job in scheduled pipelines or in push
pipelines (to branches or tags), with `when: on_success` (default). It does not
add the job to any other pipeline type.
......@@ -1239,11 +1247,8 @@ job:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "push"'
This example runs the job as a manual job in scheduled pipelines or in push
pipelines (to branches or tags), with `when: on_success` (default). It does not
add the job to any other pipeline type.
Another example:
The following example runs the job as a `when: on_success` job in [merge request pipelines](../merge_request_pipelines/
and scheduled pipelines. It does not run in any other pipeline type.
......@@ -1253,9 +1258,6 @@ job:
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"'
This example runs the job as a `when: on_success` job in [merge request pipelines](../merge_request_pipelines/
and scheduled pipelines. It does not run in any other pipeline type.
Other commonly used variables for `if` clauses:
- `if: $CI_COMMIT_TAG`: If changes are pushed for a tag.
......@@ -1272,11 +1274,11 @@ Other commonly used variables for `if` clauses:
#### `rules:changes`
`rules:changes` determines whether or not to add jobs to a pipeline by checking for
Use `rules:changes` to specify when to add a job to a pipeline by checking for
changes to specific files.
`rules: changes` works exactly the same way as [`only: changes` and `except: changes`](#onlychangesexceptchanges),
accepting an array of paths. It's recommended to only use `rules: changes` with branch
`rules: changes` works the same way as [`only: changes` and `except: changes`](#onlychangesexceptchanges).
It accepts an array of paths. You should use `rules: changes` only with branch
pipelines or merge request pipelines. For example, it's common to use `rules: changes`
with merge request pipelines:
......@@ -1299,7 +1301,7 @@ In this example:
- If `Dockerfile` has not changed, do not add job to any pipeline (same as `when: never`).
To use `rules: changes` with branch pipelines instead of merge request pipelines,
change the `if:` clause in the example above to:
change the `if:` clause in the previous example to:
......@@ -1321,7 +1323,7 @@ if there is no `if:` statement that limits the job to branch or merge request pi
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.6.
> - [Feature flag removed]( in GitLab 13.7.
CI/CD variables can be used in `rules:changes` expressions to determine when
You can use CI/CD variables in `rules:changes` expressions to determine when
to add jobs to a pipeline:
......@@ -1334,7 +1336,7 @@ docker build:
You can use The `$` character for both variables and paths. For example, if the
You can use the `$` character for both variables and paths. For example, if the
`$DOCKERFILES_DIR` variable exists, its value is used. If it does not exist, the
`$` is interpreted as being part of a path.
......@@ -1342,10 +1344,10 @@ You can use The `$` character for both variables and paths. For example, if the
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.4.
`exists` accepts an array of paths and matches if any of these paths exist
as files in the repository.
Use `exists` to run a job when certain files exist in the repository.
You can use an array of paths.
In this example, `job` runs if a `Dockerfile` exists anywhere in the repository:
In the following example, `job` runs if a `Dockerfile` exists anywhere in the repository:
......@@ -1378,11 +1380,11 @@ For performance reasons, GitLab matches a maximum of 10,000 `exists` patterns. A
You can use [`allow_failure: true`](#allow_failure) in `rules:` to allow a job to fail, or a manual job to
wait for action, without stopping the pipeline itself. All jobs that use `rules:` default to `allow_failure: false`
if `allow_failure:` is not defined.
if you do not define `allow_failure:`.
The rule-level `rules:allow_failure` option overrides the job-level
[`allow_failure`](#allow_failure) option, and is only applied when the job is
triggered by the particular rule.
[`allow_failure`](#allow_failure) option, and is only applied when
the particular rule triggers the job.
......@@ -1400,7 +1402,7 @@ In this example, if the first rule matches, then the job has `when: manual` and
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.7.
> - [Feature flag removed]( in GitLab 13.10.
You can use [`variables`](#variables) in `rules:` to define variables for specific conditions.
Use [`variables`](#variables) in `rules:` to define variables for specific conditions.
For example:
......@@ -1476,14 +1478,14 @@ to add jobs to pipelines, use [`rules`](#rules).
1. `except` defines the names of branches and tags the job does
**not** run for.
There are a few rules that apply to the usage of job policy:
A few rules apply to the usage of job policy:
- `only` and `except` are inclusive. If both `only` and `except` are defined
in a job specification, the ref is filtered by `only` and `except`.
- `only` and `except` can use regular expressions ([supported regexp syntax](#supported-onlyexcept-regexp-syntax)).
- `only` and `except` can specify a repository path to filter jobs for forks.
In addition, `only` and `except` can use special keywords:
In addition, `only` and `except` can use these keywords:
| **Value** | **Description** |
......@@ -1504,8 +1506,8 @@ Scheduled pipelines run on specific branches, so jobs configured with `only: bra
run on scheduled pipelines too. Add `except: schedules` to prevent jobs with `only: branches`
from running on scheduled pipelines.
In the example below, `job` runs only for refs that start with `issue-`,
whereas all branches are skipped:
In the following example, `job` runs only for refs that start with `issue-`.
All branches are skipped:
......@@ -1517,8 +1519,8 @@ job:
- branches
Pattern matching is case-sensitive by default. Use `i` flag modifier, like
`/pattern/i` to make a pattern case-insensitive:
Pattern matching is case-sensitive by default. Use the `i` flag modifier, like
`/pattern/i`, to make a pattern case-insensitive:
......@@ -1530,8 +1532,8 @@ job:
- branches
In this example, `job` runs only for refs that are tagged, or if a build is
explicitly requested by an API trigger or a [Pipeline Schedule](../pipelines/
In the following example, `job` runs only for refs that are tagged, or if a build is
explicitly requested by an API trigger or a [pipeline schedule](../pipelines/
......@@ -1542,8 +1544,7 @@ job:
- schedules
Use the repository path to have jobs executed only for the parent
repository and not forks:
To execute jobs only for the parent repository and not forks:
......@@ -1554,11 +1555,11 @@ job:
- /^release/.*$/@gitlab-org/gitlab
The above example runs `job` for all branches on `gitlab-org/gitlab`,
except `master` and those with names prefixed with `release/`.
This example runs `job` for all branches on `gitlab-org/gitlab`,
except `master` and branches that start with `release/`.
If a job does not have an `only` rule, `only: ['branches', 'tags']` is set by
default. If it does not have an `except` rule, it's empty.
default. If the job does not have an `except` rule, it's empty.
For example, `job1` and `job2` are essentially the same:
......@@ -1634,7 +1635,7 @@ the pipeline if the following is true:
- `(any listed refs are true) AND (any listed variables are true) AND (any listed changes are true) AND (any chosen Kubernetes status matches)`
In the example below, the `test` job is `only` created when **all** of the following are true:
In the following example, the `test` job is `only` created when **all** of the following are true:
- The pipeline is [scheduled](../pipelines/ **or** runs for `master`.
- The `variables` keyword matches.
......@@ -1657,7 +1658,7 @@ added if the following is true:
- `(any listed refs are true) OR (any listed variables are true) OR (any listed changes are true) OR (a chosen Kubernetes status matches)`
In the example below, the `test` job is **not** created when **any** of the following are true:
In the following example, the `test` job is **not** created when **any** of the following are true:
- The pipeline runs for the `master` branch.
- There are changes to the `` file in the root directory of the repository.
......@@ -1679,7 +1680,7 @@ test:
The `refs` strategy can take the same values as the
[simplified only/except configuration](#onlyexcept-basic).
In the example below, the `deploy` job is created only when the
In the following example, the `deploy` job is created only when the
pipeline is [scheduled](../pipelines/ or runs for the `master` branch:
......@@ -1696,7 +1697,7 @@ deploy:
The `kubernetes` strategy accepts only the `active` keyword.
In the example below, the `deploy` job is created only when the
In the following example, the `deploy` job is created only when the
Kubernetes service is active in the project:
......@@ -1767,7 +1768,7 @@ In pipelines with [sources other than the three above](../variables/predefined_v
You can configure jobs to use `only: changes` with other `only: refs` keywords. However,
those jobs ignore the changes and always run.
In this example, when you push commits to an existing branch, the `docker build` job
In the following example, when you push commits to an existing branch, the `docker build` job
runs only if any of these files change:
- The `Dockerfile` file.
......@@ -1864,7 +1865,7 @@ docker build service one:
- service-one/**/*
In the example above, the pipeline might fail because of changes to a file in `service-one/**/*`.
In this example, the pipeline might fail because of changes to a file in `service-one/**/*`.
A later commit that doesn't have changes in `service-one/**/*`
but does have changes to the `Dockerfile` can pass. The job
......@@ -1898,13 +1899,22 @@ All files are considered to have changed when a scheduled pipeline runs.
> - In GitLab 12.3, maximum number of jobs in `needs` array raised from five to 50.
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.8, `needs: []` lets jobs start immediately.
Use the `needs:` keyword to execute jobs out-of-order. Relationships between jobs
Use `needs:` to execute jobs out-of-order. Relationships between jobs
that use `needs` can be visualized as a [directed acyclic graph](../directed_acyclic_graph/
You can ignore stage ordering and run some jobs without waiting for others to complete.
Jobs in multiple stages can run concurrently.
Let's consider the following example:
The following example creates four paths of execution:
- Linter: the `lint` job runs immediately without waiting for the `build` stage
to complete because it has no needs (`needs: []`).
- Linux path: the `linux:rspec` and `linux:rubocop` jobs runs as soon as the `linux:build`
job finishes without waiting for `mac:build` to finish.
- macOS path: the `mac:rspec` and `mac:rubocop` jobs runs as soon as the `mac:build`
job finishes, without waiting for `linux:build` to finish.
- The `production` job runs as soon as all previous jobs finish; in this case:
`linux:build`, `linux:rspec`, `linux:rubocop`, `mac:build`, `mac:rspec`, `mac:rubocop`.
......@@ -1937,20 +1947,6 @@ production:
stage: deploy
This example creates four paths of execution:
- Linter: the `lint` job runs immediately without waiting for the `build` stage to complete because it has no needs (`needs: []`).
- Linux path: the `linux:rspec` and `linux:rubocop` jobs runs as soon
as the `linux:build` job finishes without waiting for `mac:build` to finish.
- macOS path: the `mac:rspec` and `mac:rubocop` jobs runs as soon
as the `mac:build` job finishes, without waiting for `linux:build` to finish.
- The `production` job runs as soon as all previous jobs
finish; in this case: `linux:build`, `linux:rspec`, `linux:rubocop`,
`mac:build`, `mac:rspec`, `mac:rubocop`.
#### Requirements and limitations
- If `needs:` is set to point to a job that is not instantiated
......@@ -1967,7 +1963,7 @@ This example creates four paths of execution:
- `needs:` is similar to `dependencies:` in that it must use jobs from prior stages,
meaning it's impossible to create circular dependencies. Depending on jobs in the
current stage is not possible either, but support [is planned](
- Related to the above, stages must be explicitly defined for all jobs
- Stages must be explicitly defined for all jobs
that have the keyword `needs:` or are referred to by one.
##### Changing the `needs:` job limit **(FREE SELF)**
......@@ -1990,7 +1986,7 @@ To disable directed acyclic graphs (DAG), set the limit to `0`.
Use `artifacts: true` (default) or `artifacts: false` to control when artifacts are
downloaded in jobs that use `needs`.
In this example, the `rspec` job downloads the `build_job` artifacts, but the
In the following example, the `rspec` job downloads the `build_job` artifacts, but the
`rubocop` job does not:
......@@ -2013,7 +2009,7 @@ rubocop:
artifacts: false
In this example, the `rspec` job downloads the artifacts from all three `build_jobs`.
In the following example, the `rspec` job downloads the artifacts from all three `build_jobs`.
`artifacts` is:
- Set to true for `build_job_1`.
......@@ -2064,7 +2060,7 @@ The user running the pipeline must have at least `reporter` access to the group
Use `needs` to download artifacts from different pipelines in the current project.
Set the `project` keyword as the current project's name, and specify a ref.
In this example, `build_job` downloads the artifacts for the latest successful
In the following example, `build_job` downloads the artifacts for the latest successful
`build-1` job with the `other-ref` ref:
......@@ -2153,7 +2149,7 @@ available for the project.
When you register a runner, you can specify the runner's tags, for
example `ruby`, `postgres`, `development`.
In this example, the job is run by a runner that
In the following example, the job is run by a runner that
has both `ruby` and `postgres` tags defined.
......@@ -2202,7 +2198,7 @@ Assuming all other jobs are successful, the job's stage and its pipeline
show the same orange warning. However, the associated commit is marked as
"passed", without warnings.
In the example below, `job1` and `job2` run in parallel, but if `job1`
In the following example, `job1` and `job2` run in parallel. If `job1`
fails, it doesn't stop the next stage from running, because it's marked with
`allow_failure: true`:
......@@ -2269,7 +2265,12 @@ The valid values of `when` are:
- With [`rules`](#rules), don't execute job.
- With [`workflow`](#workflow), don't run pipeline.
For example:
In the following example, the script:
1. Executes `cleanup_build_job` only when `build_job` fails.
1. Always executes `cleanup_job` as the last step in pipeline regardless of
success or failure.
1. Executes `deploy_job` when you run it manually in the GitLab UI.
......@@ -2308,13 +2309,6 @@ cleanup_job:
when: always
The above script:
1. Executes `cleanup_build_job` only when `build_job` fails.
1. Always executes `cleanup_job` as the last step in pipeline regardless of
success or failure.
1. Executes `deploy_job` when you run it manually in the GitLab UI.
#### `when:manual`
A manual job is a type of job that is not executed automatically and must be explicitly
......@@ -2377,7 +2371,7 @@ To protect a manual job:
1. In the [protected environments settings](../environments/,
select the environment (`production` in the example above) and add the users, roles or groups
select the environment (`production` in this example) and add the users, roles or groups
that are authorized to trigger the manual job to the **Allowed to Deploy** list. Only those in
this list can trigger this manual job, as well as GitLab administrators
who are always able to use protected environments.
......@@ -2670,7 +2664,7 @@ as Review Apps. You can see an example that uses Review Apps at
### `cache`
Use the `cache` keyword to specify a list of files and directories to
Use `cache` to specify a list of files and directories to
cache between jobs. You can only use paths that are in the local working copy.
If `cache` is defined outside the scope of jobs, it's set
......@@ -2771,7 +2765,7 @@ to download cache that's tagged with `test`.
If a cache with this tag is not found, you can use `CACHE_FALLBACK_KEY` to
specify a cache to use when none exists.
In this example, if the `$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` is not found, the job uses the key defined
In the following example, if the `$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` is not found, the job uses the key defined
by the `CACHE_FALLBACK_KEY` variable:
......@@ -2808,7 +2802,7 @@ cache:
- node_modules
In this example we're creating a cache for Ruby and Node.js dependencies that
This example creates a cache for Ruby and Node.js dependencies that
is tied to current versions of the `Gemfile.lock` and `package.json` files. Whenever one of
these files changes, a new cache key is computed and a new cache is created. Any future
job runs that use the same `Gemfile.lock` and `package.json` with `cache:key:files`
......@@ -2942,7 +2936,7 @@ To do so, add `policy: push` to the job.
### `artifacts`
Use the `artifacts` keyword to specify a list of files and directories that are
Use `artifacts` to specify a list of files and directories that are
attached to the job when it [succeeds, fails, or always](#artifactswhen).
The artifacts are sent to GitLab after the job finishes. They are
......@@ -3422,7 +3416,7 @@ If `retry` is set to `2`, and a job succeeds in a second run (first retry), it i
The `retry` value must be a positive integer, from `0` to `2`
(two retries maximum, three runs in total).
This example retries all failure cases:
The following example retries all failure cases:
......@@ -3584,7 +3578,7 @@ deploystacks:
STACK: [data, processing]
This example generates 10 parallel `deploystacks` jobs, each with different values
The following example generates 10 parallel `deploystacks` jobs, each with different values
for `PROVIDER` and `STACK`:
......@@ -3769,6 +3763,10 @@ To force the `trigger` job to wait for the downstream (multi-project or child) p
pipeline completes. At that point, the `trigger` job completes and displays the same status as
the downstream job.
This setting can help keep your pipeline execution linear. In the following example, jobs from
subsequent stages wait for the triggered pipeline to successfully complete before
starting, which reduces parallelization.
......@@ -3776,10 +3774,6 @@ trigger_job:
strategy: depend
This setting can help keep your pipeline execution linear. In the example above, jobs from
subsequent stages wait for the triggered pipeline to successfully complete before
starting, which reduces parallelization.
#### Trigger a pipeline by API call
To force a rebuild of a specific branch, tag, or commit, you can use an API call
......@@ -3806,7 +3800,12 @@ When enabled, a pipeline is immediately canceled when a new pipeline starts on t
Set jobs as interruptible that can be safely canceled once started (for instance, a build job).
For example:
In the following example, a new pipeline run causes an existing running pipeline to be:
- Canceled, if only `step-1` is running or pending.
- Not canceled, once `step-2` starts running.
After an uninterruptible job starts running, the pipeline cannot be canceled.
......@@ -3832,13 +3831,6 @@ step-3:
interruptible: true
In the example above, a new pipeline run causes an existing running pipeline to be:
- Canceled, if only `step-1` is running or pending.
- Not canceled, once `step-2` starts running.
When an uninterruptible job is running, the pipeline cannot be canceled, regardless of the final job's state.
### `resource_group`
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.7.
......@@ -3885,7 +3877,7 @@ executions. The [`trigger` keyword](#trigger) can trigger downstream pipelines.
[`resource_group` keyword](#resource_group) can co-exist with it. This is useful to control the
concurrency for deployment pipelines, while running non-sensitive jobs concurrently.
This example has two pipeline configurations in a project. When a pipeline starts running,
The following example has two pipeline configurations in a project. When a pipeline starts running,
non-sensitive jobs are executed first and aren't affected by concurrent executions in other
pipelines. However, GitLab ensures that there are no other deployment pipelines running before
triggering a deployment (child) pipeline. If other deployment pipelines are running, GitLab waits
......@@ -3926,7 +3918,7 @@ deployment:
script: echo "Deploying..."
Note that you must define [`strategy: depend`](#linking-pipelines-with-triggerstrategy)
You must define [`strategy: depend`](#linking-pipelines-with-triggerstrategy)
with the `trigger` keyword. This ensures that the lock isn't released until the downstream pipeline
......@@ -3934,7 +3926,7 @@ finishes.
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.2.
`release` indicates that the job creates a [Release](../../user/project/releases/
Use `release` to create a [release](../../user/project/releases/
These keywords are supported:
......@@ -3945,18 +3937,18 @@ These keywords are supported:
- [`milestones`](#releasemilestones) (optional)
- [`released_at`](#releasereleased_at) (optional)
The Release is created only if the job processes without error. If the Rails API
returns an error during Release creation, the `release` job fails.
The release is created only if the job processes without error. If the Rails API
returns an error during release creation, the `release` job fails.
#### `release-cli` Docker image
The Docker image to use for the `release-cli` must be specified, using the following directive:
You must specify the Docker image to use for the `release-cli`:
#### Script
#### `script`
All jobs except [trigger](#trigger) jobs must have the `script` keyword. A `release`
job can use the output from script commands, but you can use a placeholder script if
......@@ -3989,11 +3981,12 @@ android-release:
#### `release:tag_name`
The `tag_name` must be specified. It can refer to an existing Git tag or can be specified by the user.
You must specify a `tag_name` for the release. The tag can refer to an existing Git tag or
you can specify a new tag.
When the specified tag doesn't exist in the repository, a new tag is created from the associated SHA of the pipeline.
For example, when creating a Release from a Git tag:
For example, when creating a release from a Git tag:
......@@ -4012,17 +4005,17 @@ job:
description: 'Release description'
- The Release is created only if the job's main script succeeds.
- If the Release already exists, it is not updated and the job with the `release` keyword fails.
- The release is created only if the job's main script succeeds.
- If the release already exists, it is not updated and the job with the `release` keyword fails.
- The `release` section executes after the `script` tag and before the `after_script`.
#### `release:name`
The Release name. If omitted, it is populated with the value of `release: tag_name`.
The release name. If omitted, it is populated with the value of `release: tag_name`.
#### `release:description`
Specifies the long description of the Release. You can also specify a file that contains the
Specifies the long description of the release. You can also specify a file that contains the
##### Read description from a file
......@@ -4060,8 +4053,7 @@ released_at: '2021-03-15T08:00:00Z'
#### Complete example for `release`
Combining the individual examples given above for `release` results in the following
code snippets. There are two options, depending on how you generate the
If you combine the previous examples for `release`, you get two options, depending on how you generate the
tags. You can't use these options together, so choose one:
- To create a release when you push a Git tag, or when you add a Git tag
......@@ -4145,7 +4137,7 @@ The entries under the `release` node are transformed into a `bash` command line
to the Docker container, which contains the [release-cli](
You can also call the `release-cli` directly from a `script` entry.
For example, using the YAML described above:
For example, if you use the YAML described previously:
release-cli create --name "Release $CI_COMMIT_SHA" --description "Created using the release-cli $EXTRA_DESCRIPTION" --tag-name "v${MAJOR}.${MINOR}.${REVISION}" --ref "$CI_COMMIT_SHA" --released-at "2020-07-15T08:00:00Z" --milestone "m1" --milestone "m2" --milestone "m3"
......@@ -4155,7 +4147,7 @@ release-cli create --name "Release $CI_COMMIT_SHA" --description "Created using
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.4.
`secrets` indicates the [CI/CD Secrets](../secrets/ this job needs. It should be a hash,
Use `secrets` to specify the [CI/CD Secrets](../secrets/ the job needs. It should be a hash,
and the keys should be the names of the variables that are made available to the job.
The value of each secret is saved in a temporary file. This file's path is stored in these
......@@ -4164,7 +4156,8 @@ variables.
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.4.
`vault` keyword specifies secrets provided by [Hashicorp's Vault](
Use `vault` to specify secrets provided by [Hashicorp's Vault](
This syntax has multiple forms. The shortest form assumes the use of the
[KV-V2]( secrets engine,
mounted at the default path `kv-v2`. The last part of the secret's path is the
......@@ -4202,14 +4195,13 @@ job:
### `pages`
`pages` is a special job that uploads static content to GitLab that
is then published as a website. It has a special syntax, so the two
requirements below must be met:
Use `pages` to upload static content to GitLab. The content
is then published as a website. You must:
- Any static content must be placed under a `public/` directory.
- `artifacts` with a path to the `public/` directory must be defined.
- Place any static content in a `public/` directory.
- Define [`artifacts`](#artifacts) with a path to the `public/` directory.
The example below moves all files from the root of the project to the
The following example moves all files from the root of the project to the
`public/` directory. The `.public` workaround is so `cp` does not also copy
`public/` to itself in an infinite loop:
......@@ -4227,14 +4219,14 @@ pages:
- master
Read more on [GitLab Pages user documentation](../../user/project/pages/
View the [GitLab Pages user documentation](../../user/project/pages/
### `inherit`
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.9.
You can disable inheritance of globally defined defaults
and variables with the `inherit:` keyword.
Use `inherit:` to control inheritance of globally-defined defaults
and variables.
To enable or disable the inheritance of all `default:` or `variables:` keywords, use:
......@@ -4263,7 +4255,7 @@ inherit:
In the example below:
In the following example:
- `rubocop`:
- inherits: Nothing.
......@@ -4367,7 +4359,7 @@ You can use [YAML anchors for variables](#yaml-anchors-for-variables).
> [Introduced in]( GitLab 13.7.
You can use the `value` and `description` keywords to define [variables that are prefilled](../pipelines/
Use the `value` and `description` keywords to define [variables that are prefilled](../pipelines/
when [running a pipeline manually](../pipelines/
......@@ -4379,7 +4371,7 @@ variables:
### Configure runner behavior with variables
You can use [CI/CD variables](../variables/ to configure runner Git behavior:
You can use [CI/CD variables](../variables/ to configure how the runner processes Git requests:
- [`GIT_STRATEGY`](../runners/
- [`GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY`](../runners/
......@@ -4395,16 +4387,16 @@ You can use [CI/CD variables](../variables/ to configure runner Git be
You can also use variables to configure how many times a runner
[attempts certain stages of job execution](../runners/
## Special YAML features
## YAML-specific features
It's possible to use special YAML features like anchors (`&`), aliases (`*`)
In your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, you can use YAML-specific features like anchors (`&`), aliases (`*`),
and map merging (`<<`). Use these features to reduce the complexity
of the code in the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file.
Read more about the various [YAML features](
In most cases, the [`extends` keyword](#extends) is more user friendly and should
be used over these special YAML features.
In most cases, the [`extends` keyword](#extends) is more user friendly and you should
use it when possible.
You can use YAML anchors to merge YAML arrays.
......@@ -4445,8 +4437,8 @@ test2:
`&` sets up the name of the anchor (`job_configuration`), `<<` means "merge the
given hash into the current one", and `*` includes the named anchor
(`job_configuration` again). The expanded version of the example above is:
given hash into the current one," and `*` includes the named anchor
(`job_configuration` again). The expanded version of this example is:
......@@ -4586,7 +4578,7 @@ Use [YAML anchors](#anchors) with `variables` to repeat assignment
of variables across multiple jobs. You can also use YAML anchors when a job
requires a specific `variables` block that would otherwise override the global variables.
In the example below, we override the `GIT_STRATEGY` variable without affecting
The following example shows how override the `GIT_STRATEGY` variable without affecting
the use of the `SAMPLE_VARIABLE` variable:
......@@ -4606,7 +4598,7 @@ job_no_git_strategy:
### Hide jobs
If you want to temporarily 'disable' a job, rather than commenting out all the
If you want to temporarily disable a job, rather than commenting out all the
lines where the job is defined:
......@@ -4625,7 +4617,7 @@ GitLab CI/CD. In the following example, `.hidden_job` is ignored:
Use this feature to ignore jobs, or use the
[special YAML features](#special-yaml-features) and transform the hidden jobs
[YAML-specific features](#yaml-specific-features) and transform the hidden jobs
into templates.
### `!reference` tags
......@@ -4637,7 +4629,7 @@ sections and reuse it in the current section. Unlike [YAML anchors](#anchors), y
use `!reference` tags to reuse configuration from [included](#include) configuration
files as well.
In this example, a `script` and an `after_script` from two different locations are
In the following example, a `script` and an `after_script` from two different locations are
reused in the `test` job:
- `setup.yml`:
......@@ -4666,7 +4658,7 @@ reused in the `test` job:
- !reference [.teardown, after_script]
In this example, `test-vars-1` reuses the all the variables in `.vars`, while `test-vars-2`
In the following example, `test-vars-1` reuses the all the variables in `.vars`, while `test-vars-2`
selects a specific variable and reuses it as a new `MY_VAR` variable.
import mountSubscriptionsApplication from 'ee/subscriptions/buy_minutes';
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import RemediatedBadge from 'ee/vulnerabilities/components/remediated_badge.vue'
import { VULNERABILITY_STATES } from 'ee/vulnerabilities/constants';
import { formatDate } from '~/lib/utils/datetime_utility';
import { convertToSnakeCase } from '~/lib/utils/text_utility';
import { s__, __, sprintf } from '~/locale';
import { s__, __ } from '~/locale';
import LocalStorageSync from '~/vue_shared/components/local_storage_sync.vue';
import { VULNERABILITIES_PER_PAGE } from '../store/constants';
import IssuesBadge from './issues_badge.vue';
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ export default {
if (file && startLine) {
return `${file} ${sprintf(__('(line: %{startLine})'), { startLine })}`;
return `${file}:${startLine}`;
if (path) {
......@@ -248,6 +248,16 @@ export default {
extraIdentifierCount(identifiers) {
return identifiers?.length - 1;
fileUrl(vulnerability) {
const { startLine: start, endLine: end, blobPath } = vulnerability.location;
const lineNumber = end > start ? `${start}-${end}` : start;
if (!blobPath) {
return '';
return `${blobPath}${lineNumber ? `#L${lineNumber}` : ''}`;
primaryIdentifier(identifiers) {
return getPrimaryIdentifier(identifiers, 'externalType');
......@@ -421,8 +431,11 @@ export default {
<div v-if="shouldShowProjectNamespace">
{{ item.project.nameWithNamespace }}
<div v-if="shouldShowVulnerabilityPath(item)" class="monospace">
<gl-truncate :text="createLocationString(item.location)" position="middle" />
<div v-if="shouldShowVulnerabilityPath(item)">
<gl-link v-if="item.location.blobPath" :href="fileUrl(item)">
<gl-truncate :text="createLocationString(item.location)" position="middle" />
<gl-truncate v-else :text="createLocationString(item.location)" position="middle" />
......@@ -27,13 +27,16 @@ fragment Vulnerability on Vulnerability {
... on VulnerabilityLocationDependencyScanning {
... on VulnerabilityLocationSast {
... on VulnerabilityLocationSecretDetection {
import StepOrderApp from 'ee/vue_shared/components/step_order_app.vue';
export default {
components: {
<template #checkout></template>
<template #order-summary></template>
import Vue from 'vue';
import App from './components/app.vue';
export default () => {
const el = document.getElementById('js-buy-minutes');
return new Vue({
components: {
render(createElement) {
return createElement(App);
import StepOrderApp from 'ee/vue_shared/components/step_order_app.vue';
import Checkout from './checkout.vue';
import OrderSummary from './order_summary.vue';
export default {
components: {
<template #checkout>
<checkout />
<template #order-summary>
<order-summary />
import Vue from 'vue';
import Checkout from './components/checkout.vue';
import OrderSummary from './components/order_summary.vue';
import App from './components/app.vue';
import createStore from './store';
export default () => {
const checkoutEl = document.getElementById('checkout');
const summaryEl = document.getElementById('summary');
const store = createStore(checkoutEl.dataset);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Vue({
el: checkoutEl,
render(createElement) {
return createElement(Checkout);
const el = document.getElementById('js-new-subscription');
const store = createStore(el.dataset);
return new Vue({
el: summaryEl,
components: {
render(createElement) {
return createElement(OrderSummary);
return createElement(App);
class="row gl-flex-grow-1 gl-flex-direction-column flex-nowrap gl-lg-flex-direction-row flex-xl-row flex-lg-wrap flex-xl-wrap"
class="checkout-pane gl-px-3 gl-align-items-center gl-bg-gray-10 col-lg-7 gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-column gl-flex-grow-1"
<slot name="checkout"></slot>
class="gl-pb-3 gl-px-3 px-lg-7 col-lg-5 gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-row gl-justify-content-center"
<slot name="order-summary"></slot>
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
class SubscriptionsController < ApplicationController
layout 'checkout'
skip_before_action :authenticate_user!, only: :new
skip_before_action :authenticate_user!, only: [:new, :buy_minutes]
feature_category :purchase
......@@ -24,10 +24,12 @@ class SubscriptionsController < ApplicationController
def new
return if current_user
store_location_for :user, request.fullpath
redirect_to new_user_registration_path(redirect_from: 'checkout')
def buy_minutes
render_404 unless Feature.enabled?(:new_route_ci_minutes_purchase, default_enabled: :yaml)
def payment_form
......@@ -90,4 +92,11 @@ class SubscriptionsController < ApplicationController
def customer_portal_new_subscription_url
def redirect_unauthenticated_user(from = action_name)
return if current_user
store_location_for :user, request.fullpath
redirect_to new_user_registration_path(redirect_from: from)
......@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ module Security
return by_find_params if by_find_params
Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_exception(e, find_params: find_params, uuid: finding.uuid)
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e
rescue ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError => e
Gitlab::ErrorTracking.track_and_raise_exception(e, create_params: create_params&.dig(:raw_metadata))
- page_title _('Buy CI Minutes')
#js-buy-minutes{ data: subscription_data }
- page_title _('Checkout')
#checkout{ data: subscription_data }
#js-new-subscription{ data: subscription_data }
title: Make vulnerability file path linkable in the vulnerability list
merge_request: 55356
type: changed
# frozen_string_literal: true
resource :subscriptions, only: [:new, :create] do
get :buy_minutes
get :payment_form
get :payment_method
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ module Gitlab
# Returns true if load balancing is to be enabled.
def self.enable?
return false if program_name == 'rake' || Gitlab::Runtime.sidekiq?
return false if Gitlab::Runtime.rake? || Gitlab::Runtime.sidekiq?
return false unless self.configured?
......@@ -5,21 +5,39 @@ require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe SubscriptionsController do
let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
describe 'GET #new' do
subject { get :new, params: { plan_id: 'bronze_id' } }
shared_examples 'unauthenticated subscription request' do |redirect_from|
it { have_gitlab_http_status(:redirect) }
it { redirect_to new_user_registration_path(redirect_from: redirect_from) }
context 'with unauthenticated user' do
it { have_gitlab_http_status(:redirect) }
it { redirect_to new_user_registration_path(redirect_from: 'checkout') }
it 'stores subscription URL for later' do
it 'stores subscription URL for later' do
expected_subscription_path = new_subscriptions_path(plan_id: 'bronze_id') if redirect_from == 'checkout'
expected_subscription_path = buy_minutes_subscriptions_path(plan_id: 'bronze_id') if redirect_from == 'buy_minutes'
expected_subscription_path = new_subscriptions_path(plan_id: 'bronze_id')
expect(controller.stored_location_for(:user)).to eq(expected_subscription_path)
expect(controller.stored_location_for(:user)).to eq(expected_subscription_path)
describe 'GET #new' do
subject { get :new, params: { plan_id: 'bronze_id' } }
it_behaves_like 'unauthenticated subscription request', 'checkout'
context 'with authenticated user' do
before do
it { render_template 'layouts/checkout' }
it { render_template :new }
describe 'GET #buy_minutes' do
subject { get :buy_minutes, params: { plan_id: 'bronze_id' } }
it_behaves_like 'unauthenticated subscription request', 'buy_minutes'
context 'with authenticated user' do
before do
......@@ -27,7 +45,16 @@ RSpec.describe SubscriptionsController do
it { render_template 'layouts/checkout' }
it { render_template :new }
it { render_template :buy_minutes }
context 'with :new_route_ci_minutes_purchase disabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(new_route_ci_minutes_purchase: false)
it { have_gitlab_http_status(:not_found) }
......@@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ export const generateVulnerabilities = () => [
location: {
file: 'src/main/java/com/gitlab/security_products/tests/',
startLine: '1337',
project: {
nameWithNamespace: 'Administrator / Vulnerability reports',
......@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ describe('Vulnerability list component', () => {
const locationText = ({ file, startLine }) => `${file}:${startLine}`;
const findTable = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlTable);
const findSortableColumn = () => wrapper.find('[aria-sort="descending"]');
const findCell = (label) => wrapper.find(`.js-${label}`);
......@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@ describe('Vulnerability list component', () => {
const findDataCell = (label) => wrapper.findByTestId(label);
const findDataCells = (label) => wrapper.findAll(`[data-testid="${label}"]`);
const findLocationCell = (id) => wrapper.findByTestId(`location-${id}`);
const findLocationTextWrapper = (cell) => cell.find(GlTruncate);
const findFiltersProducedNoResults = () => wrapper.findComponent(FiltersProducedNoResults);
const findDashboardHasNoVulnerabilities = () =>
......@@ -232,7 +234,7 @@ describe('Vulnerability list component', () => {
it('should display the vulnerability locations for images', () => {
const { id, project, location } = newVulnerabilities[0];
const cell = findDataCell(`location-${id}`);
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
text: location.image,
......@@ -242,17 +244,17 @@ describe('Vulnerability list component', () => {
it('should display the vulnerability locations for code', () => {
const { id, project, location } = newVulnerabilities[1];
const cell = findDataCell(`location-${id}`);
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
text: `${location.file} (line: ${location.startLine})`,
text: locationText(location),
position: 'middle',
it('should display the vulnerability locations for code with no line data', () => {
const { id, project, location } = newVulnerabilities[2];
const cell = findDataCell(`location-${id}`);
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
text: location.file,
......@@ -262,14 +264,14 @@ describe('Vulnerability list component', () => {
it('should not display the vulnerability locations for vulnerabilities without a location', () => {
const { id, project } = newVulnerabilities[4];
const cellText = findDataCell(`location-${id}`).text();
const cellText = findLocationCell(id).text();
expect(cellText).not.toContain('(line: ');
it('should display the vulnerability locations for path', () => {
const { id, project, location } = newVulnerabilities[5];
const cell = findDataCell(`location-${id}`);
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
text: location.path,
......@@ -293,7 +295,7 @@ describe('Vulnerability list component', () => {
it('should not display the vulnerability group/project locations for images', () => {
const { id, project, location } = newVulnerabilities[0];
const cell = findDataCell(`location-${id}`);
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
text: location.image,
......@@ -310,17 +312,29 @@ describe('Vulnerability list component', () => {
it('should display the vulnerability locations for code', () => {
const { id, project, location } = newVulnerabilities[1];
const cell = findDataCell(`location-${id}`);
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
text: `${location.file} (line: ${location.startLine})`,
text: locationText(location),
position: 'middle',
it('should make the file path linkable', () => {
const { id, location } = newVulnerabilities[1];
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
it('should not make the file path linkable if blobPath is missing', () => {
const { id } = newVulnerabilities[0];
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
it('should not display the vulnerability group/project locations for code with no line data', () => {
const { id, project, location } = newVulnerabilities[2];
const cell = findDataCell(`location-${id}`);
const cell = findLocationCell(id);
text: location.file,
......@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Database::LoadBalancing do
it 'returns false when running inside a Rake task' do
expect(described_class).to receive(:program_name).and_return('rake')
allow(Gitlab::Runtime).to receive(:rake?).and_return(true)
expect(described_class.enable?).to eq(false)
# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.shared_examples_for 'subscription form data' do |js_selector|
before do
allow(view).to receive(:subscription_data).and_return(
setup_for_company: 'true',
full_name: 'First Last',
plan_data: '[{"id":"bronze_id","code":"bronze","price_per_year":48.0}]',
plan_id: 'bronze_id'
subject { render }
it { have_selector("#{js_selector}[data-setup-for-company='true']") }
it { have_selector("#{js_selector}[data-full-name='First Last']") }
it { have_selector("#{js_selector}[data-plan-data='[{\"id\":\"bronze_id\",\"code\":\"bronze\",\"price_per_year\":48.0}]']") }
it { have_selector("#{js_selector}[data-plan-id='bronze_id']") }
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'subscriptions/buy_minutes' do
it_behaves_like 'subscription form data', '#js-buy-minutes'
......@@ -3,19 +3,5 @@
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'subscriptions/new' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:subscription_data).and_return(
setup_for_company: 'true',
full_name: 'First Last',
plan_data: '[{"id":"bronze_id","code":"bronze","price_per_year":48.0}]',
plan_id: 'bronze_id'
subject { render }
it { have_selector("#checkout[data-setup-for-company='true']") }
it { have_selector("#checkout[data-full-name='First Last']") }
it { have_selector("#checkout[data-plan-data='[{\"id\":\"bronze_id\",\"code\":\"bronze\",\"price_per_year\":48.0}]']") }
it { have_selector("#checkout[data-plan-id='bronze_id']") }
it_behaves_like 'subscription form data', '#js-new-subscription'
......@@ -199,10 +199,7 @@ module API
user_project = find_project_with_access(params)
merge_requests = authorized_merge_requests_for_project(user_project)
if Feature.enabled?(:api_v3_repos_events_optimization, user_project)
merge_requests = merge_requests.preload(:author, :assignees, :metrics, source_project: :namespace, target_project: :namespace)
merge_requests = merge_requests.preload(:author, :assignees, :metrics, source_project: :namespace, target_project: :namespace)
present paginate(merge_requests), with: ::API::Github::Entities::PullRequestEvent
......@@ -1031,9 +1031,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "(deleted)"
msgstr ""
msgid "(line: %{startLine})"
msgstr ""
msgid "(max size 15 MB)"
msgstr ""
......@@ -5202,6 +5199,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Busy"
msgstr ""
msgid "Buy CI Minutes"
msgstr ""
msgid "Buy License"
msgstr ""
......@@ -16546,9 +16546,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Invite members"
msgstr ""
msgid "Invite team members"
msgstr ""
msgid "Invite your team"
msgstr ""
......@@ -22031,9 +22028,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline Schedules"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline cannot be run."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline minutes quota"
msgstr ""
......@@ -22292,6 +22286,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline|Branch name"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline|Branches or tags could not be loaded."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline|Canceled"
msgstr ""
......@@ -22352,6 +22349,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline|Pipeline %{idStart}#%{idEnd} %{statusStart}%{statusEnd} for %{commitStart}%{commitEnd}"
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline|Pipeline cannot be run."
msgstr ""
msgid "Pipeline|Pipelines"
msgstr ""
......@@ -474,16 +474,4 @@ describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
describe('close/reopen button variants', () => {
[constants.OPENED, 'warning'],
[constants.REOPENED, 'warning'],
[constants.CLOSED, 'default'],
])('when %s, the variant of the btn is %s', (state, expected) => {
mountComponent({ noteableData: { ...noteableDataMock, state } });
import { GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem, GlForm, GlSprintf, GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { GlForm, GlSprintf, GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { mount, shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises';
......@@ -6,34 +6,26 @@ import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status';
import { redirectTo } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
import PipelineNewForm from '~/pipeline_new/components/pipeline_new_form.vue';
import {
} from '../mock_data';
import RefsDropdown from '~/pipeline_new/components/refs_dropdown.vue';
import { mockQueryParams, mockPostParams, mockProjectId, mockError, mockRefs } from '../mock_data';
jest.mock('~/lib/utils/url_utility', () => ({
redirectTo: jest.fn(),
const projectRefsEndpoint = '/root/project/refs';
const pipelinesPath = '/root/project/-/pipelines';
const configVariablesPath = '/root/project/-/pipelines/config_variables';
const postResponse = { id: 1 };
const newPipelinePostResponse = { id: 1 };
const defaultBranch = 'master';
describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
let wrapper;
let mock;
const dummySubmitEvent = {
preventDefault() {},
let dummySubmitEvent;
const findForm = () => wrapper.find(GlForm);
const findDropdown = () => wrapper.find(GlDropdown);
const findDropdownItems = () => wrapper.findAll(GlDropdownItem);
const findRefsDropdown = () => wrapper.findComponent(RefsDropdown);
const findSubmitButton = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="run_pipeline_button"]');
const findVariableRows = () => wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="ci-variable-row"]');
const findRemoveIcons = () => wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="remove-ci-variable-row"]');
......@@ -44,33 +36,42 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
const findWarningAlertSummary = () => findWarningAlert().find(GlSprintf);
const findWarnings = () => wrapper.findAll('[data-testid="run-pipeline-warning"]');
const findLoadingIcon = () => wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon);
const getExpectedPostParams = () => JSON.parse([0].data);
const changeRef = (i) => findDropdownItems().at(i).vm.$emit('click');
const getFormPostParams = () => JSON.parse([0].data);
const selectBranch = (branch) => {
// Select a branch in the dropdown
findRefsDropdown().vm.$emit('input', {
shortName: branch,
fullName: `refs/heads/${branch}`,
const createComponent = (term = '', props = {}, method = shallowMount) => {
const createComponent = (props = {}, method = shallowMount) => {
wrapper = method(PipelineNewForm, {
provide: {
propsData: {
projectId: mockProjectId,
branches: mockBranches,
tags: mockTags,
defaultBranch: 'master',
refParam: defaultBranch,
settingsLink: '',
maxWarnings: 25,
data() {
return {
searchTerm: term,
beforeEach(() => {
mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
mock.onGet(configVariablesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, {});
mock.onGet(projectRefsEndpoint).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, mockRefs);
dummySubmitEvent = {
preventDefault: jest.fn(),
afterEach(() => {
......@@ -80,38 +81,17 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
describe('Dropdown with branches and tags', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
mock.onPost(pipelinesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, postResponse);
it('displays dropdown with all branches and tags', () => {
const refLength = mockBranches.length + mockTags.length;
it('when user enters search term the list is filtered', () => {
describe('Form', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
createComponent('', mockParams, mount);
createComponent(mockQueryParams, mount);
mock.onPost(pipelinesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, postResponse);
mock.onPost(pipelinesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, newPipelinePostResponse);
await waitForPromises();
it('displays the correct values for the provided query params', async () => {
expect(findRefsDropdown().props('value')).toEqual({ shortName: 'tag-1' });
......@@ -152,11 +132,19 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
describe('Pipeline creation', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
mock.onPost(pipelinesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, postResponse);
mock.onPost(pipelinesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, newPipelinePostResponse);
await waitForPromises();
it('does not submit the native HTML form', async () => {
findForm().vm.$emit('submit', dummySubmitEvent);
it('disables the submit button immediately after submitting', async () => {
......@@ -171,19 +159,15 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
it('creates pipeline with full ref and variables', async () => {
findForm().vm.$emit('submit', dummySubmitEvent);
await waitForPromises();
it('creates a pipeline with short ref and variables', async () => {
// query params are used
createComponent('', mockParams);
it('creates a pipeline with short ref and variables from the query params', async () => {
await waitForPromises();
......@@ -191,19 +175,19 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
await waitForPromises();
describe('When the ref has been changed', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
createComponent('', {}, mount);
createComponent({}, mount);
await waitForPromises();
it('variables persist between ref changes', async () => {
changeRef(0); // change to master
await waitForPromises();
......@@ -213,7 +197,7 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();
changeRef(1); // change to branch-1
await waitForPromises();
......@@ -223,14 +207,14 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
await wrapper.vm.$nextTick();
changeRef(0); // change back to master
await waitForPromises();
changeRef(1); // change back to branch-1
await waitForPromises();
......@@ -248,7 +232,7 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
const mockYmlDesc = 'A var from yml.';
it('loading icon is shown when content is requested and hidden when received', async () => {
createComponent('', mockParams, mount);
createComponent(mockQueryParams, mount);
mock.onGet(configVariablesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, {
[mockYmlKey]: {
......@@ -265,7 +249,7 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
it('multi-line strings are added to the value field without removing line breaks', async () => {
createComponent('', mockParams, mount);
createComponent(mockQueryParams, mount);
mock.onGet(configVariablesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, {
[mockYmlKey]: {
......@@ -281,7 +265,7 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
describe('with description', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
createComponent('', mockParams, mount);
createComponent(mockQueryParams, mount);
mock.onGet(configVariablesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, {
[mockYmlKey]: {
......@@ -323,7 +307,7 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
describe('without description', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
createComponent('', mockParams, mount);
createComponent(mockQueryParams, mount);
mock.onGet(configVariablesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, {
[mockYmlKey]: {
......@@ -346,6 +330,21 @@ describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
describe('when the refs cannot be loaded', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
.onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { search: '' } })
it('shows both an error alert', () => {
describe('when the error response can be handled', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
mock.onPost(pipelinesPath).reply(httpStatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST, mockError);
import { GlDropdown, GlDropdownItem, GlSearchBoxByType } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { shallowMount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import waitForPromises from 'helpers/wait_for_promises';
import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
import httpStatusCodes from '~/lib/utils/http_status';
import RefsDropdown from '~/pipeline_new/components/refs_dropdown.vue';
import { mockRefs, mockFilteredRefs } from '../mock_data';
const projectRefsEndpoint = '/root/project/refs';
const refShortName = 'master';
const refFullName = 'refs/heads/master';
describe('Pipeline New Form', () => {
let wrapper;
let mock;
const findDropdown = () => wrapper.find(GlDropdown);
const findRefsDropdownItems = () => wrapper.findAll(GlDropdownItem);
const findSearchBox = () => wrapper.findComponent(GlSearchBoxByType);
const createComponent = (props = {}, mountFn = shallowMount) => {
wrapper = mountFn(RefsDropdown, {
provide: {
propsData: {
value: {
shortName: refShortName,
fullName: refFullName,
beforeEach(() => {
mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
mock.onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { search: '' } }).reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, mockRefs);
afterEach(() => {
wrapper = null;
beforeEach(() => {
it('displays empty dropdown initially', async () => {
await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show');
it('does not make requests immediately', async () => {
describe('when user opens dropdown', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show');
await waitForPromises();
it('requests unfiltered tags and branches', async () => {
expect(mock.history.get[0].params).toEqual({ search: '' });
it('displays dropdown with branches and tags', async () => {
const refLength = mockRefs.Tags.length + mockRefs.Branches.length;
it('displays the names of refs', () => {
// Branches
// Tags (appear after branches)
const firstTag = mockRefs.Branches.length;
it('when user shows dropdown a second time, only one request is done', () => {
describe('when user selects a value', () => {
const selectedIndex = 1;
beforeEach(async () => {
await findRefsDropdownItems().at(selectedIndex).vm.$emit('click');
it('component emits @input', () => {
const inputs = wrapper.emitted('input');
expect(inputs[0]).toEqual([{ shortName: 'branch-1', fullName: 'refs/heads/branch-1' }]);
describe('when user types searches for a tag', () => {
const mockSearchTerm = 'my-search';
beforeEach(async () => {
.onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { search: mockSearchTerm } })
.reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, mockFilteredRefs);
await findSearchBox().vm.$emit('input', mockSearchTerm);
await waitForPromises();
it('requests filtered tags and branches', async () => {
search: mockSearchTerm,
it('displays dropdown with branches and tags', async () => {
const filteredRefLength = mockFilteredRefs.Tags.length + mockFilteredRefs.Branches.length;
describe('when user has selected a value', () => {
const selectedIndex = 1;
const mockShortName = mockRefs.Branches[selectedIndex];
const mockFullName = `refs/heads/${mockShortName}`;
beforeEach(async () => {
.onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, {
params: { ref: mockFullName },
.reply(httpStatusCodes.OK, mockRefs);
value: {
shortName: mockShortName,
fullName: mockFullName,
await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show');
await waitForPromises();
it('branch is checked', () => {
describe('when server returns an error', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
.onGet(projectRefsEndpoint, { params: { search: '' } })
await findDropdown().vm.$emit('show');
await waitForPromises();
it('loading error event is emitted', () => {
export const mockBranches = [
{ shortName: 'master', fullName: 'refs/heads/master' },
{ shortName: 'branch-1', fullName: 'refs/heads/branch-1' },
{ shortName: 'branch-2', fullName: 'refs/heads/branch-2' },
export const mockRefs = {
Branches: ['master', 'branch-1', 'branch-2'],
Tags: ['1.0.0', '1.1.0', '1.2.0'],
export const mockTags = [
{ shortName: '1.0.0', fullName: 'refs/tags/1.0.0' },
{ shortName: '1.1.0', fullName: 'refs/tags/1.1.0' },
{ shortName: '1.2.0', fullName: 'refs/tags/1.2.0' },
export const mockFilteredRefs = {
Branches: ['branch-1'],
Tags: ['1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
export const mockParams = {
export const mockQueryParams = {
refParam: 'tag-1',
variableParams: {
test_var: 'test_var_val',
......@@ -187,23 +187,6 @@ RSpec.describe API::V3::Github do
expect { jira_get v3_api(events_path, user) }.not_to exceed_all_query_limit(control_count)
context 'with `api_v3_repos_events_optimization` feature flag disabled' do
before do
stub_feature_flags(api_v3_repos_events_optimization: false)
it 'falls back to less optimal query performance' do
create(:merge_request, source_project: project)
source_project = fork_project(project, nil, repository: true)
control_count = false) { jira_get v3_api(events_path, user) }.count
create_list(:merge_request, 2, :unique_branches, source_project: source_project, target_project: project)
expect { jira_get v3_api(events_path, user) }.to exceed_all_query_limit(control_count)
context 'if there are more merge requests' do
let!(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, id: 10000, source_project: project, target_project: project, author: user) }
let!(:merge_request2) { create(:merge_request, id: 10001, source_project: project, source_branch: generate(:branch), target_project: project, author: user) }
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'groups/show.html.haml' do
let_it_be(:user) { build(:user) }
let_it_be(:group) { create(:group) }
before do
assign(:group, group)
context 'when rendering with the layout' do
subject(:render_page) { render template: 'groups/show.html.haml', layout: 'layouts/group' }
describe 'invite team members' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:session).and_return({})
allow(view).to receive(:current_user_mode).and_return(
allow(view).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
allow(view).to receive(:experiment_enabled?).and_return(false)
allow(view).to receive(:group_path).and_return('')
allow(view).to receive(:group_shared_path).and_return('')
allow(view).to receive(:group_archived_path).and_return('')
context 'when invite team members is not available in sidebar' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can_invite_members_for_group?).and_return(false)
it 'does not display the js-invite-members-trigger' do
expect(rendered).not_to have_selector('.js-invite-members-trigger')
context 'when invite team members is available' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can_invite_members_for_group?).and_return(true)
it 'includes the div for js-invite-members-trigger' do
expect(rendered).to have_selector('.js-invite-members-trigger')
......@@ -79,41 +79,4 @@ RSpec.describe 'projects/empty' do
it_behaves_like 'no invite member info'
context 'when rendering with the layout' do
subject(:render_page) { render template: 'projects/empty.html.haml', layout: 'layouts/project' }
describe 'invite team members' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:session).and_return({})
allow(view).to receive(:current_user_mode).and_return(
allow(view).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
allow(view).to receive(:experiment_enabled?).and_return(false)
context 'when invite team members is not available in sidebar' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can_invite_members_for_project?).and_return(false)
it 'does not display the js-invite-members-trigger' do
expect(rendered).not_to have_selector('.js-invite-members-trigger')
context 'when invite team members is available' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can_invite_members_for_project?).and_return(true)
it 'includes the div for js-invite-members-trigger' do
expect(rendered).to have_selector('.js-invite-members-trigger')
# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe 'projects/show.html.haml' do
let_it_be(:user) { build(:user) }
let_it_be(:project) {, :repository), current_user: user) }
before do
assign(:project, project)
context 'when rendering with the layout' do
subject(:render_page) { render template: 'projects/show.html.haml', layout: 'layouts/project' }
describe 'invite team members' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:event_filter_link)
allow(view).to receive(:session).and_return({})
allow(view).to receive(:current_user_mode).and_return(
allow(view).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
allow(view).to receive(:experiment_enabled?).and_return(false)
allow(view).to receive(:add_page_startup_graphql_call)
context 'when invite team members is not available in sidebar' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can_invite_members_for_project?).and_return(false)
it 'does not display the js-invite-members-trigger' do
expect(rendered).not_to have_selector('.js-invite-members-trigger')
context 'when invite team members is available' do
before do
allow(view).to receive(:can_invite_members_for_project?).and_return(true)
it 'includes the div for js-invite-members-trigger' do
expect(rendered).to have_selector('.js-invite-members-trigger')
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