@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ This rule enforces the defined actions based on the information provided.
| `scanners` | `array` of `string` | `sast`, `secret_detection`, `dependency_scanning`, `container_scanning`, `dast`, `coverage_fuzzing`, `api_fuzzing` | The security scanners for this rule to consider. |
| `vulnerabilities_allowed` | `integer` | Greater than or equal to zero | Number of vulnerabilities allowed before this rule is considered. |
| `severity_levels` | `array` of `string` | `info`, `unknown`, `low`, `medium`, `high`, `critical`| The severity levels for this rule to consider. |
| `vulnerability_states` | `array` of `string` | `newly_detected`, `detected`, `confirmed`, `resolved`, `dismissed` | The vulnerability states for this rule to consider when the target branch is set to the default branch. |
| `vulnerability_states` | `array` of `string` | `newly_detected`, `detected`, `confirmed`, `resolved`, `dismissed` | The vulnerability states for this rule to consider when the target branch is set to the default branch. The `newly_detected` state considers all newly detected vulnerabilities regardless of their status or dismissal. The other states consider findings that match the selected state and already exist in the default branch. |