1. Although Gradle with Java 8 is supported, there are other issues such that Android project builds are not supported at this time. Please see the backlog issue [Android support for Dependency Scanning (gemnasium-maven)](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/336866) for more details.
Although Gradle with Java 8 is supported, there are other issues such that Android project builds are not supported at this time.
Please see the backlog issue <ahref="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/336866">Android support for Dependency
1. The presence of a `Pipfile.lock` file alone will _not_ trigger the analyzer; the presence of a `Pipfile` is still required in order
Scanning (gemnasium-maven)</a> for more details.
for the analyzer to be executed. However, if a `Pipfile.lock` file is found, it will be used by `Gemnasium` to scan the exact package
versions listed in this file.
Support for `Pipfile.lock` files without requiring the presence of a `Pipfile` will be implemented in the following upcoming issue:
1.[Running a package manager or build tool to generate a dependency information file which is then parsed.](#obtaining-dependendency-information-by-running-a-package-manager-to-generate-a-parsable-file)
#### Obtaining dependendency information by parsing lockfiles
The following package managers use lockfiles that GitLab analyzers are capable of parsing directly:
The installed version of <code>Bundler</code> is only used for the <ahref="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/bundler-audit">bundler-audit</a> analyzer, and is not used for <ahref="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/gemnasium">gemnasium</a>
This test confirms that if a <code>Pipfile.lock</code> file is found, it will be used by <ahref="https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/security-products/analyzers/gemnasium">Gemnasium</a> to scan the exact package versions listed in this file.