Commit 85e35360 authored by Jonathan Schafer's avatar Jonathan Schafer Committed by Matthias Käppler

Add descriptions for Alert statuses

parent 16e75b24
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module Types
description 'Alert status values'
::AlertManagement::Alert.status_names.each do |status|
value status.to_s.upcase, value: status, description: "#{status.to_s.titleize} status"
value status.to_s.upcase, value: status, description: ::AlertManagement::Alert::STATUS_DESCRIPTIONS[status]
......@@ -22,6 +22,13 @@ module AlertManagement
private_constant :STATUSES
triggered: 'Investigation has not started',
acknowledged: 'Someone is actively investigating the problem',
resolved: 'No further work is required',
ignored: 'No action will be taken on the alert'
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :issue, optional: true
belongs_to :prometheus_alert, optional: true
......@@ -13180,10 +13180,10 @@ Alert status values.
| Value | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatusacknowledged"></a>`ACKNOWLEDGED` | Acknowledged status. |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatusignored"></a>`IGNORED` | Ignored status. |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatusresolved"></a>`RESOLVED` | Resolved status. |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatustriggered"></a>`TRIGGERED` | Triggered status. |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatusacknowledged"></a>`ACKNOWLEDGED` | Someone is actively investigating the problem. |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatusignored"></a>`IGNORED` | No action will be taken on the alert. |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatusresolved"></a>`RESOLVED` | No further work is required. |
| <a id="alertmanagementstatustriggered"></a>`TRIGGERED` | Investigation has not started. |
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