1. For tests that use Capybara or PhantomJS, see this [article on how
to write reliable asynchronous tests](https://robots.thoughtbot.com/write-reliable-asynchronous-integration-tests-with-capybara).
to large changes in the MR, execute the migrations again once the review is complete.
1. Write tests for more complex migrations.
1. Merge requests **must** adhere to the [merge request performance guidelines](../merge_request_performance_guidelines.md).
1. For tests that use Capybara, read
[how to write reliable, asynchronous integration tests](https://robots.thoughtbot.com/write-reliable-asynchronous-integration-tests-with-capybara).
1. If your merge request introduces changes that require additional steps when
installing GitLab from source, add them to `doc/install/installation.md` in
the same merge request.
@@ -95,109 +95,116 @@ request is as follows:
instructions are specific to a version, add them to the "Version specific
upgrading instructions" section.
Please keep the change in a single MR **as small as possible**. If you want to
contribute a large feature think very hard what the minimum viable change is.
Can you split the functionality? Can you only submit the backend/API code? Can
you start with a very simple UI? Can you do part of the refactor? The increased
reviewability of small MRs that leads to higher code quality is more important
to us than having a minimal commit log. The smaller an MR is the more likely it
is it will be merged (quickly). After that you can send more MRs to enhance it.
The ['How to get faster PR reviews' document of Kubernetes](https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/contributors/devel/faster_reviews.md) also has some great points regarding this.
For examples of feedback on merge requests please look at already
[closed merge requests][closed-merge-requests]. If you would like quick feedback
on your merge request feel free to mention someone from the [core team] or one
of the [Merge request coaches][team].
Please ensure that your merge request meets the contribution acceptance criteria.
When having your code reviewed and when reviewing merge requests please take the
[code review guidelines](../code_review.md) into account.
is. Can you split the functionality into two smaller MRs? Can you submit only the
backend/API code? Can you start with a very simple UI? Can you do just a part of the
Small MRs which are more easily reviewed, lead to higher code quality which is
more important to GitLab than having a minimal commit log. The smaller an MR is,
the more likely it will be merged quickly. After that you can send more MRs to
enhance and expand the feature. The [How to get faster PR reviews](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/release-1.5/docs/devel/faster_reviews.md)
document from the Kubernetes team also has some great points regarding this.
### Commit messages guidelines
When writing commit messages, please follow the guidelines below:
- The commit subject must contain at least 3 words.
- The commit subject should ideally contain up to 50 characters,
and must not be longer than 72 characters.
- The commit subject must start with a capital letter.
- The commit subject must not end with a period.
- The commit subject and body must be separated by a blank line.
- The commit body must not contain more than 72 characters per line.
- Commits that change 30 or more lines across at least 3 files must
describe these changes in the commit body.
- The commit subject or body must not contain Emojis.
- Use issues and merge requests' full URLs instead of short references,
as they are displayed as plain text outside of GitLab.
- The merge request must not contain more than 10 commit messages.
If the guidelines are not met, the MR will not pass the
For more information see [How to Write a Git Commit Message](https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/).
## Contribution acceptance criteria
1. The change is as small as possible
To make sure that your merge request can be approved, please ensure that it meets
the contribution acceptance criteria below:
1. The change is as small as possible.
1. Include proper tests and make all tests pass (unless it contains a test
exposing a bug in existing code). Every new class should have corresponding
unit tests, even if the class is exercised at a higher level, such as a feature test.
1. If you suspect a failing CI build is unrelated to your contribution, you may
try and restart the failing CI job or ask a developer to fix the
aforementioned failing test
1. Your MR initially contains a single commit (please use `git rebase -i` to
squash commits)
1. Your changes can merge without problems (if not please rebase if you're the
only one working on your feature branch, otherwise, merge `master`)
1. Does not break any existing functionality
1. Fixes one specific issue or implements one specific feature (do not combine
things, send separate merge requests if needed)
1. Migrations should do only one thing (e.g., either create a table, move data
to a new table or remove an old table) to aid retrying on failure
1. Keeps the GitLab code base clean and well structured
1. Contains functionality we think other users will benefit from too
1. Doesn't add configuration options or settings options since they complicate
making and testing future changes
1. Changes do not adversely degrade performance.
- Avoid repeated polling of endpoints that require a significant amount of overhead
- Check for N+1 queries via the SQL log or [`QueryRecorder`](https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/development/merge_request_performance_guidelines.html)
- Avoid repeated access of filesystem
1. If you need polling to support real-time features, please use
[polling with ETag caching][polling-etag].
1. Changes after submitting the merge request should be in separate commits
(no squashing).
1. It conforms to the [style guides](style_guides.md) and the following:
- If your change touches a line that does not follow the style, modify the
entire line to follow it. This prevents linting tools from generating warnings.
- Don't touch neighbouring lines. As an exception, automatic mass
refactoring modifications may leave style non-compliant.
1. If the merge request adds any new libraries (gems, JavaScript libraries,
etc.), they should conform to our [Licensing guidelines][license-finder-doc].
See the instructions in that document for help if your MR fails the
"license-finder" test with a "Dependencies that need approval" error.
1. The merge request meets the [definition of done](#definition-of-done).
- If a failing CI build seems to be unrelated to your contribution, you can try
restarting the failing CI job, rebasing from master to bring in updates that
may resolve the failure, or if it has not been fixed yet, ask a developer to
help you fix the test.
1. The MR initially contains a few logically organized commits.
1. The changes can merge without problems. If not, you should rebase if you're the
only one working on your feature branch, otherwise merge `master`.
1. Only one specific issue is fixed or one specific feature is implemented. Do not
combine things; send separate merge requests for each issue or feature.
1. Migrations should do only one thing (e.g., create a table, move data to a new
table, or remove an old table) to aid retrying on failure.
1. Contains functionality that other users will benefit from.
1. Doesn't add configuration options or settings options since they complicate making
and testing future changes.
1. Changes do not degrade performance:
- Avoid repeated polling of endpoints that require a significant amount of overhead.
- Check for N+1 queries via the SQL log or [`QueryRecorder`](../merge_request_performance_guidelines.md).
- Avoid repeated access of the filesystem.
- Use [polling with ETag caching](../polling.md) if needed to support real-time features.
1. If the merge request adds any new libraries (gems, JavaScript libraries, etc.),
they should conform to our [Licensing guidelines](../licensing.md). See those
instructions for help if the "license-finder" test fails with a
`Dependencies that need approval` error.
1. The merge request meets the [definition of done](#definition-of-done), below.
## Definition of done
If you contribute to GitLab please know that changes involve more than just
code. We have the following [definition of done][definition-of-done]. Please ensure you support
the feature you contribute through all of these steps.
1. Description explaining the relevancy (see following item)
1. Working and clean code that is commented where needed
1.[Unit, integration, and system tests][testing] that pass on the CI server
1. Performance/scalability implications have been considered, addressed, and tested
1.[Documented][doc-guidelines] in the `/doc` directory
1.[Changelog entry added][changelog], if necessary
1. Reviewed by UX/FE/BE and any concerns are addressed
1. Merged by a project maintainer
1. Added to the release blog article, if relevant
1. Added to [the website](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/), if relevant
1. Community questions answered
1. Answers to questions radiated (in docs/wiki/support etc.)
1.[Black-box tests/end-to-end tests](../testing_guide/testing_levels.md#black-box-tests-at-the-system-level-aka-end-to-end-tests) added if required. Please contact [the quality team](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/quality/#teams) with any questions
code. We use the following [definition of done](https://www.agilealliance.org/glossary/definition-of-done).
Your contribution is not *done* until you have made sure it meets all of these
1. Clear Description explaining the relevancy of the contribution.
1. Working and clean code that is commented where needed.
1.[Unit, integration, and system tests](../testing_guide/index.md) that all pass
on the CI server.
1. Performance/scalability implications have been considered, addressed, and tested.
1.[Documented](../documentation/index.md) in the `/doc` directory.
1.[Changelog entry added](../changelog.md), if necessary.
1. Reviewed by relevant UX/FE/BE teams and any concerns are addressed.
1. Merged by a project maintainer.
1. Added to the [release post](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/marketing/blog/release-posts/),
if relevant.
1. Added to [the website](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/www-gitlab-com/blob/master/data/features.yml), if relevant.