# The regex is needed to ensure a period (e.g. agpl-3.0)
# isn't confused with a format type. We also need to allow encoded
# values (e.g. C%2B%2B for C++), so allow % and + as well.
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ module API
requires:id,type: String,desc: 'The ID of a project'
requires:type,type: String,values: TEMPLATE_TYPES,desc: 'The type (dockerfiles|gitignores|gitlab_ci_ymls|gitlab_ci_syntax_ymls|licenses|metrics_dashboard_ymls|issues|merge_requests) of the template'
requires:type,type: String,values: TEMPLATE_TYPES,desc: 'The type (dockerfiles|gitignores|gitlab_ci_ymls|licenses|metrics_dashboard_ymls|issues|merge_requests) of the template'