Commit 931ad1c6 authored by Mikołaj Wawrzyniak's avatar Mikołaj Wawrzyniak

Merge branch '294403-add-all-metrics-from-event-dictionary-to-metric-yml-files' into 'master'

Add all metrics from event dictionary to metric yml files for Product Intelligence group

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!51974
parents 0930f3ec 658f5b78
key_path: counts_monthly.deployments
description: Total deployments count for recent 28 days
value_type: integer
product_section: ops
product_stage: release
product_group: group::ops release
value_type: number
status: data_available
milestone: 13.2
product_group: 'group::ops release'
time_frame: 28d
data_source: database
distribution: [ee, ce]
tier: ['free', 'starter', 'premium', 'ultimate', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold']
- ee
- ce
- free
- premium
- ultimate
key_path: redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.g_project_management_issue_title_changed_weekly
description: Distinct users count that changed issue title in a group for last recent week
value_type: integer
product_category: issue_tracking
product_stage: plan
product_group: group::project management
product_category: issue_tracking
value_type: number
status: data_available
milestone: 13.6
product_group: 'group::project management'
time_frame: 7d
data_source: redis_hll
distribution: [ee, ce]
tier: ['free', 'starter', 'premium', 'ultimate', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold']
- ee
- ce
- free
- premium
- ultimate
key_path: counts.deployments
description: Total deployments count
value_type: integer
product_section: ops
product_stage: release
product_group: group::ops release
value_type: number
status: data_available
milestone: 8.12
product_group: 'group::ops release'
time_frame: all
data_source: database
distribution: [ee, ce]
tier: ['free', 'starter', 'premium', 'ultimate', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold']
- ee
- ce
- free
- premium
- ultimate
key_path: gitaly.servers
description: Total Gitalty Servers
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: number
status: data_available
time_frame: all
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: gitaly.clusters
description: Total GitLab Managed clusters both enabled and disabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: number
status: data_available
time_frame: all
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: recorded_at
description: When the Usage Ping computation was started
value_type: string
product_category: collection
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
milestone: 8.10
product_group: group::product intelligence
time_frame: none
data_source: ruby
distribution: [ee, ce]
tier: ['free', 'starter', 'premium', 'ultimate', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold']
- ee
- ce
- free
- premium
- ultimate
key_path: uuid
description: GitLab instance unique identifier
value_type: string
product_category: collection
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
milestone: 9.1
product_group: group::product intelligence
time_frame: none
data_source: database
distribution: [ee, ce]
tier: ['free', 'starter', 'premium', 'ultimate', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold']
- ee
- ce
- free
- premium
- ultimate
key_path: hostname
description: Host name of GitLab instance
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ce
- ee
- free
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: active_user_count
description: This is named the instance_user_count in the Versions application.
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
data_source: database
- ce
- ee
- free
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: counts.license_management_jobs
description: Name on the GitLab license
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: number
status: data_available
time_frame: none
data_source: database
distribution: []
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_trial_ends_on
description: Date the license ends on
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: gitaly.version
description: Version of Gitaly
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: gitlab_pages.version
description: The version number of GitLab Pages
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: recording_ce_finished_at
description: When the core features were computed
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ce
- ee
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: database.adapter
description: This metric only returns a value of PostgreSQL in supported versions of GitLab. It could be removed from the usage ping. Historically MySQL was also supported.
value_type: string
product_section: enablement
product_stage: enablement
product_group: group::enablement distribution
product_category: collection
product_stage: growth
value_type: string
status: data_available
product_group: group::enablement distribution
time_frame: none
data_source: database
distribution: [ee, ce]
tier: ['free', 'starter', 'premium', 'ultimate', 'bronze', 'silver', 'gold']
- ee
- ce
- free
- premium
- ultimate
key_path: instance_auto_devops_enabled
description: Whether auto DevOps is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: container_registry_enabled
description: Whether container registry is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: dependency_proxy_enabled
description: Whether dependency proxy is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: gitlab_shared_runners_enabled
description: Whether shared runners is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: gravatar_enabled
description: Whether gravatar is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: ldap_enabled
description: Whether LDAP is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: mattermost_enabled
description: Whether Mattermost is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: omniauth_enabled
description: Whether OmniAuth is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: prometheus_enabled
description: Whether the bundled Prometheus is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: prometheus_metrics_enabled
description: Whether Prometheus Metrics endpoint is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: reply_by_email_enabled
description: Whether incoming email is setup
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: signup_enabled
description: Whether public signup is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: web_ide_clientside_preview_enabled
description: Whether web ide clientside preview is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: grafana_link_enabled
description: Whether Grafana is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: elasticsearch_enabled
description: Whether Elasticsearch is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: gitlab_pages.enabled
description: Whether GitLab Pages is enabled
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
distribution: []
tier: []
skip_validation: true
......@@ -29,130 +29,859 @@ The Metrics Dictionary is based on the following metrics definition YAML files:
Each table includes a `milestone`, which corresponds to the GitLab version when the metric
was released.
## counts.deployments
## `active_user_count`
This is named the instance_user_count in the Versions application.
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`active_user_count`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ce, ee |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `container_registry_enabled`
Whether container registry is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`container_registry_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `counts.deployments`
Total deployments count
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **counts.deployments** |
| `value_type` | integer |
| `key_path` | **`counts.deployments`** |
| `product_section` | ops |
| `product_stage` | release |
| `product_group` | `group::ops release` |
| `value_type` | number |
| `status` | data_available |
| `milestone` | 8.12 |
| `introduced_by_url` | [Introduced by]( |
| `product_group` | `group::ops release` |
| `time_frame` | all |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ee, ce |
| `tier` | free, starter, premium, ultimate, bronze, silver, gold |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
## counts.geo_nodes
## `counts.geo_nodes`
Total number of sites in a Geo deployment
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **counts.geo_nodes** |
| `value_type` | integer |
| `product_category` | disaster_recovery |
| `key_path` | **`counts.geo_nodes`** |
| `product_section` | enablement |
| `product_stage` | enablement |
| `product_group` | `group::geo` |
| `product_category` | disaster_recovery |
| `value_type` | integer |
| `status` | data_available |
| `milestone` | 11.2 |
| `product_group` | `group::geo` |
| `time_frame` | all |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
## counts_monthly.deployments
## `counts.license_management_jobs`
Name on the GitLab license
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`counts.license_management_jobs`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | number |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `counts_monthly.deployments`
Total deployments count for recent 28 days
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **counts_monthly.deployments** |
| `value_type` | integer |
| `key_path` | **`counts_monthly.deployments`** |
| `product_section` | ops |
| `product_stage` | release |
| `product_group` | `group::ops release` |
| `product_category` | |
| `value_type` | number |
| `status` | data_available |
| `milestone` | 13.2 |
| `introduced_by_url` | [Introduced by]( |
| `product_group` | `group::ops release` |
| `time_frame` | 28d |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ee, ce |
| `tier` | free, starter, premium, ultimate, bronze, silver, gold |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
## database.adapter
## `database.adapter`
This metric only returns a value of PostgreSQL in supported versions of GitLab. It could be removed from the usage ping. Historically MySQL was also supported.
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **database.adapter** |
| `key_path` | **`database.adapter`** |
| `product_section` | enablement |
| `product_stage` | enablement |
| `product_group` | `group::enablement distribution` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ee, ce |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
## `dependency_proxy_enabled`
Whether dependency proxy is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`dependency_proxy_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `elasticsearch_enabled`
Whether Elasticsearch is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`elasticsearch_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `gitaly.clusters`
Total GitLab Managed clusters both enabled and disabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`gitaly.clusters`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | number |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | all |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `gitaly.servers`
Total Gitalty Servers
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`gitaly.servers`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | number |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | all |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `gitaly.version`
Version of Gitaly
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`gitaly.version`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `gitlab_pages.enabled`
Whether GitLab Pages is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`gitlab_pages.enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `gitlab_pages.version`
The version number of GitLab Pages
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`gitlab_pages.version`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `gitlab_shared_runners_enabled`
Whether shared runners is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`gitlab_shared_runners_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `grafana_link_enabled`
Whether Grafana is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`grafana_link_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `gravatar_enabled`
Whether gravatar is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`gravatar_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `historical_max_users`
The maximum active user count. Active is defined in UsersStatistics model.
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`historical_max_users`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `hostname`
Host name of GitLab instance
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`hostname`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ce, ee |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `instance_auto_devops_enabled`
Whether auto DevOps is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`instance_auto_devops_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `ldap_enabled`
Whether LDAP is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`ldap_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_expires_at`
The date the license ends
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_expires_at`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_id`
The ID of the license
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_id`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_md5`
The license key of the GitLab instance
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_md5`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_plan`
The plan of the GitLab license
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_plan`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_starts_at`
The date the license starts
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_starts_at`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_subscription_id`
Licese zuora_subscription_id
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_subscription_id`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_trial`
Whether this is a trial license or not
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_trial`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_trial_ends_on`
Date the license ends on
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_trial_ends_on`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `license_user_count`
The number of users included in the license
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`license_user_count`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `product_group` | `group::enablement distribution` |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ee, ce |
| `tier` | free, starter, premium, ultimate, bronze, silver, gold |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## recorded_at
## `licensee.Company`
When the Usage Ping computation was started
Company on the GitLab license
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **recorded_at** |
| `key_path` | **`licensee.Company`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `licensee.Email`
Email on the GitLab license
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`licensee.Email`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `licensee.Name`
Name on the GitLab license
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`licensee.Name`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | premium, ultimate |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `mattermost_enabled`
Whether Mattermost is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`mattermost_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `omniauth_enabled`
Whether OmniAuth is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`omniauth_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `prometheus_enabled`
Whether the bundled Prometheus is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`prometheus_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `prometheus_metrics_enabled`
Whether Prometheus Metrics endpoint is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`prometheus_metrics_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `recorded_at`
When the Usage Ping computation was started
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`recorded_at`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `milestone` | 8.1 |
| `introduced_by_url` | [Introduced by]( |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | Ruby |
| `distribution` | ee, ce |
| `tier` | free, starter, premium, ultimate, bronze, silver, gold |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
## `recording_ce_finished_at`
When the core features were computed
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`recording_ce_finished_at`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ce, ee |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.g_project_management_issue_title_changed_weekly
## `recording_ee_finished_at`
When the EE-specific features were computed
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`recording_ee_finished_at`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | ee |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.g_project_management_issue_title_changed_weekly`
Distinct users count that changed issue title in a group for last recent week
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.g_project_management_issue_title_changed_weekly** |
| `value_type` | integer |
| `product_category` | issue_tracking |
| `key_path` | **`redis_hll_counters.issues_edit.g_project_management_issue_title_changed_weekly`** |
| `product_stage` | plan |
| `product_group` | `group::project management` |
| `product_category` | issue_tracking |
| `value_type` | number |
| `status` | data_available |
| `milestone` | 13.6 |
| `introduced_by_url` | [Introduced by]( |
| `product_group` | `group::project management` |
| `time_frame` | 7d |
| `data_source` | Redis_hll |
| `distribution` | ee, ce |
| `tier` | free, starter, premium, ultimate, bronze, silver, gold |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
## uuid
## `reply_by_email_enabled`
GitLab instance unique identifier
Whether incoming email is setup
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **uuid** |
| `value_type` | string |
| `key_path` | **`reply_by_email_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `signup_enabled`
Whether public signup is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`signup_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
## `uuid`
GitLab instance unique identifier
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`uuid`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | string |
| `status` | data_available |
| `milestone` | 9.1 |
| `introduced_by_url` | [Introduced by]( |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | Database |
| `distribution` | ee, ce |
| `tier` | free, starter, premium, ultimate, bronze, silver, gold |
| `tier` | free, premium, ultimate |
## `web_ide_clientside_preview_enabled`
Whether web ide clientside preview is enabled
| field | value |
| --- | --- |
| `key_path` | **`web_ide_clientside_preview_enabled`** |
| `product_section` | growth |
| `product_stage` | growth |
| `product_group` | `group::product intelligence` |
| `product_category` | collection |
| `value_type` | boolean |
| `status` | data_available |
| `time_frame` | none |
| `data_source` | |
| `distribution` | |
| `tier` | |
| `skip_validation` | true |
key_path: counts.geo_nodes
description: Total number of sites in a Geo deployment
value_type: integer
product_category: disaster_recovery
product_section: enablement
product_stage: enablement
product_group: group::geo
product_category: disaster_recovery
value_type: integer
status: data_available
milestone: 11.2
product_group: 'group::geo'
time_frame: all
data_source: database
distribution: [ee]
tier: ['premium', 'ultimate']
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
key_path: license_md5
description: The license key of the GitLab instance
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- free
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_id
description: The ID of the license
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: historical_max_users
description: The maximum active user count. Active is defined in UsersStatistics model.
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: licensee.Name
description: Name on the GitLab license
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: licensee.Email
description: Email on the GitLab license
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: licensee.Company
description: Company on the GitLab license
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_user_count
description: The number of users included in the license
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
data_source: database
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_starts_at
description: The date the license starts
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_expires_at
description: The date the license ends
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_plan
description: The plan of the GitLab license
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_subscription_id
description: Licese zuora_subscription_id
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
key_path: recording_ee_finished_at
description: When the EE-specific features were computed
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: string
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
tier: []
skip_validation: true
key_path: license_trial
description: Whether this is a trial license or not
product_section: growth
product_stage: growth
product_group: group::product intelligence
product_category: collection
value_type: boolean
status: data_available
time_frame: none
- ee
- premium
- ultimate
skip_validation: true
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Gitlab
def render_name(name)
"## #{name}\n"
"## `#{name}`\n"
def render_description(object)
......@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ module Gitlab
def self.format(key, value)
case key
when :key_path
when :data_source
when :product_group
when :introduced_by_url
......@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Usage::Docs::Renderer do
.select { |metric_doc| metric_doc.level == 2 && !metric_doc.text.start_with?('info:') }
.map { |text| text.sub('<code>', '').sub('</code>', '') }
expect(generated_dictionary_keys).to match_array(items.keys)
......@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ RSpec.describe Gitlab::Usage::Docs::ValueFormatter do
:introduced_by_url | '' | '[Introduced by]('
:tier | %w(gold premium) | 'gold, premium'
:distribution | %w(ce ee) | 'ce, ee'
:key_path | 'key.path' | '**key.path**'
:key_path | 'key.path' | '**`key.path`**'
:milestone | '13.4' | '13.4'
:status | 'data_available' | 'data_available'
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