Commit 95739038 authored by Miguel Rincon's avatar Miguel Rincon

Decode square brackets with "queryToObject"

This change ensure that URL-encoded square brackets are decoded by
"queryToObject" when such encoding is used in the URL.

Prevents edge cases in which clients send encoded square brackets to
define arrays in their URL parameters.

Changelog: fixed
parent 54e345fb
......@@ -474,19 +474,17 @@ export function queryToObject(query, { gatherArrays = false, legacySpacesDecode
const decodedValue = legacySpacesDecode ? decodeURIComponent(value) : decodeUrlParameter(value);
const decodedKey = legacySpacesDecode ? decodeURIComponent(key) : decodeUrlParameter(key);
if (gatherArrays && key.endsWith('[]')) {
const decodedKey = legacySpacesDecode
? decodeURIComponent(key.slice(0, -2))
: decodeUrlParameter(key.slice(0, -2));
if (gatherArrays && decodedKey.endsWith('[]')) {
const decodedArrayKey = decodedKey.slice(0, -2);
if (!Array.isArray(accumulator[decodedKey])) {
accumulator[decodedKey] = [];
if (!Array.isArray(accumulator[decodedArrayKey])) {
accumulator[decodedArrayKey] = [];
} else {
const decodedKey = legacySpacesDecode ? decodeURIComponent(key) : decodeUrlParameter(key);
} else {
accumulator[decodedKey] = decodedValue;
......@@ -683,6 +683,8 @@ describe('URL utility', () => {
${'ignores plus symbols when gathering arrays'} | ${'?search[]=a+b'} | ${{ gatherArrays: true, legacySpacesDecode: true }} | ${{ search: ['a+b'] }}
${'replaces plus symbols with spaces'} | ${'?search=a+b'} | ${undefined} | ${{ search: 'a b' }}
${'replaces plus symbols in keys with spaces'} | ${'?search+term=a'} | ${undefined} | ${{ 'search term': 'a' }}
${'preserves square brackets in array params'} | ${'?search[]=a&search[]=b'} | ${{ gatherArrays: true }} | ${{ search: ['a', 'b'] }}
${'decodes encoded square brackets in array params'} | ${'?search%5B%5D=a&search%5B%5D=b'} | ${{ gatherArrays: true }} | ${{ search: ['a', 'b'] }}
${'replaces plus symbols when gathering arrays'} | ${'?search[]=a+b'} | ${{ gatherArrays: true }} | ${{ search: ['a b'] }}
${'replaces plus symbols when gathering arrays for values with same key'} | ${'?search[]=a+b&search[]=c+d'} | ${{ gatherArrays: true }} | ${{ search: ['a b', 'c d'] }}
`('$case', ({ query, options, result }) => {
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