Commit 9e216d68 authored by Dmitriy Zaporozhets's avatar Dmitriy Zaporozhets

Reorganize packages documentation to be shared between maven and npm

Signed-off-by: default avatarDmitriy Zaporozhets <>
parent a861b36d
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ created in snippets, wikis, and repos.
- [Restrict the use of public or internal projects](../public_access/ Restrict the use of visibility levels for users when they create a project or a snippet.
- [Custom project templates](../user/admin_area/ Configure a set of projects to be used as custom templates when creating a new project. **[PREMIUM ONLY]**
- [Maven Repository]( Enable Maven Repository within GitLab.
- [NPM Registry]( Enable NPM Registry within GitLab.
### Repository settings
......@@ -16,153 +16,4 @@ Once enabled, newly created projects will have the Packages feature enabled by
default. Existing projects will need to
[explicitly enabled it](../user/project/packages/
To enable the Maven repository:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. After the installation is complete, you will have to configure the `packages`
section in `config/gitlab.yml`. Set to `true` to enable it:
enabled: true
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
## Changing the storage path
By default, the packages are stored locally, but you can change the default
local location or even use object storage.
### Changing the local storage path
The packages for Omnibus GitLab installations are stored under
`/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages/` and for source
installations under `shared/packages/` (relative to the git homedir).
To change the local storage path:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/mnt/maven"
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml`:
enabled: true
storage_path: shared/packages
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
### Using object storage
Instead of relying on the local storage, you can use an object storage to
upload the maven packages:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following lines (uncomment where
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages"
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_remote_directory'] = "packages" # The bucket name.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_direct_upload'] = false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_background_upload'] = true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_connection'] = {
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#'provider' => 'AWS',
#'region' => 'eu-west-1',
#'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
#'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#'host' => '',
#'aws_signature_version' => 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#'endpoint' => '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#'path_style' => false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml` (uncomment where necessary):
enabled: true
## The location where build packages are stored (default: shared/packages).
#storage_path: shared/packages
enabled: false
remote_directory: packages # The bucket name.
#direct_upload: false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
#background_upload: true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
#proxy_download: false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#provider: AWS
#region: us-east-1
#aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
#aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#host: '' # default:
#aws_signature_version: 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#endpoint: '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#path_style: false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
### Migrating local packages to object storage
After [configuring the object storage](#using-object-storage), you may use the
following task to migrate existing packages from the local storage to the remote one.
The processing will be done in a background worker and requires **no downtime**.
For Omnibus GitLab:
sudo gitlab-rake "gitlab:packages:migrate"
For installations from source:
RAILS_ENV=production sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:packages:migrate
[reconfigure gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
[restart gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
To enable the Maven repository you need to enable [Packages feature](./
# GitLab NPM Registry administration **[PREMIUM ONLY]**
in GitLab 11.7. To learn how to use
When the GitLab NPM Registry is enabled, every project in GitLab will have
its own space to store [NPM]( packages.
To learn how to use it, see the [user documentation](../user/project/packages/
## Enabling the NPM Registry
NOTE: **Note:**
Once enabled, newly created projects will have the Packages feature enabled by
default. Existing projects will need to
[explicitly enabled it](../user/project/packages/
To enable the NPM Registry you need to enable [Packages feature](./
# GitLab Packages administration **[PREMIUM ONLY]**
Package feature provides a support for next products:
* [Maven Repository](./maven_repository)
* [NPM Registry](./npm_registry)
## Enabling the Packages feature
To enable the Packages feature:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. After the installation is complete, you will have to configure the `packages`
section in `config/gitlab.yml`. Set to `true` to enable it:
enabled: true
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
## Changing the storage path
By default, the packages are stored locally, but you can change the default
local location or even use object storage.
### Changing the local storage path
The packages for Omnibus GitLab installations are stored under
`/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages/` and for source
installations under `shared/packages/` (relative to the git homedir).
To change the local storage path:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following line:
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/mnt/packages"
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml`:
enabled: true
storage_path: shared/packages
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
### Using object storage
Instead of relying on the local storage, you can use an object storage to
upload packages:
**Omnibus GitLab installations**
1. Edit `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and add the following lines (uncomment where
gitlab_rails['packages_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_storage_path'] = "/var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/packages"
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_remote_directory'] = "packages" # The bucket name.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_direct_upload'] = false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_background_upload'] = true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_proxy_download'] = false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
gitlab_rails['packages_object_store_connection'] = {
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#'provider' => 'AWS',
#'region' => 'eu-west-1',
#'aws_access_key_id' => 'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID',
#'aws_secret_access_key' => 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY',
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#'host' => '',
#'aws_signature_version' => 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#'endpoint' => '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#'path_style' => false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. Save the file and [reconfigure GitLab][] for the changes to take effect.
**Installations from source**
1. Edit the `packages` section in `config/gitlab.yml` (uncomment where necessary):
enabled: true
## The location where build packages are stored (default: shared/packages).
#storage_path: shared/packages
enabled: false
remote_directory: packages # The bucket name.
#direct_upload: false # Use Object Storage directly for uploads instead of background uploads if enabled (Default: false).
#background_upload: true # Temporary option to limit automatic upload (Default: true).
#proxy_download: false # Passthrough all downloads via GitLab instead of using Redirects to Object Storage.
## If the provider is AWS S3, uncomment the following
#provider: AWS
#region: us-east-1
#aws_access_key_id: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
#aws_secret_access_key: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
## If the provider is other than AWS (an S3-compatible one), uncomment the following
#host: '' # default:
#aws_signature_version: 4 # For creation of signed URLs. Set to 2 if provider does not support v4.
#endpoint: '' # Useful for S3-compliant services such as DigitalOcean Spaces.
#path_style: false # If true, use 'host/bucket_name/object' instead of ''.
1. [Restart GitLab] for the changes to take effect.
### Migrating local packages to object storage
After [configuring the object storage](#using-object-storage), you may use the
following task to migrate existing packages from the local storage to the remote one.
The processing will be done in a background worker and requires **no downtime**.
For Omnibus GitLab:
sudo gitlab-rake "gitlab:packages:migrate"
For installations from source:
RAILS_ENV=production sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:packages:migrate
[reconfigure gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
[restart gitlab]: "How to reconfigure Omnibus GitLab"
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Only [scoped]( packages are supported.
NOTE: **Note:**
This option is available only if your GitLab administrator has
[enabled Packages feature](../../../administration/
[enabled Packages feature](../../../administration/
In order to use the GitLab NPM Registry, you must enable the Packages feature.
To enable (or disable) it:
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