Commit a58529a3 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

parent 991a2953
......@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ For the value of:
We have used `$CI_ENVIRONMENT_SLUG` here because it is guaranteed to be unique. If
you're using a workflow like [GitLab Flow](../topics/, collisions
are unlikely and you may prefer environment names to be more closely based on the
branch name. In that case, you could use `$CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG` in `environment:url` in
the example above: `https://$`, which would give a URL
branch name. In that case, you could use `$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME` in `environment:url` in
the example above: `https://$`, which would give a URL
of ``.
NOTE: **Note:**
......@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@ apt-get install ruby-dev
The Dpl provides support for vast number of services, including: Heroku, Cloud Foundry, AWS/S3, and more.
To use it simply define provider and any additional parameters required by the provider.
For example if you want to use it to deploy your application to heroku, you need to specify `heroku` as provider, specify `api-key` and `app`.
There's more and all possible parameters can be found here: <>.
For example if you want to use it to deploy your application to Heroku, you need to specify `heroku` as provider, specify `api-key` and `app`.
All possible parameters can be found here: <>.
......@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ content.
Restriction currently applies to:
- UI.
- API access.
- [From GitLab 12.3](, API access.
- [From GitLab 12.4](, Git actions via SSH.
To avoid accidental lock-out, admins and group owners are are able to access
......@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ GitLab supports:
- Creating a new GKE cluster using the GitLab UI.
- Providing credentials to add an [existing Kubernetes cluster](#add-existing-cluster).
Starting from [GitLab 12.4](, all the GKE clusters provisioned by GitLab are [VPC-Native](
Starting from [GitLab 12.4](, all the GKE clusters provisioned by GitLab are [VPC-native](
NOTE: **Note:**
The [Google authentication integration](../../../integration/ must
......@@ -281,6 +281,19 @@ To add an existing Kubernetes cluster to your project:
kubectl apply -f gitlab-admin-service-account.yaml
You will need the `container.clusterRoleBindings.create` permission
to create cluster-level roles. If you do not have this permission,
you can alternatively enable Basic Authentication and then run the
`kubectl apply` command as an admin:
kubectl apply -f gitlab-admin-service-account.yaml --username=admin --password=<password>
NOTE: **Note:**
Basic Authentication can be turned on and the password credentials
can be obtained using the Google Cloud Console.
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export const keyboardDownEvent = (code, metaKey = false, ctrlKey = false) => {
const e = new CustomEvent('keydown');
e.keyCode = code;
e.metaKey = metaKey;
e.ctrlKey = ctrlKey;
return e;
import $ from 'jquery';
import Vue from 'vue';
import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import Autosize from 'autosize';
import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils';
import createStore from '~/notes/stores';
import CommentForm from '~/notes/components/comment_form.vue';
import * as constants from '~/notes/constants';
import { loggedOutnoteableData, notesDataMock, userDataMock, noteableDataMock } from '../mock_data';
import { refreshUserMergeRequestCounts } from '~/commons/nav/user_merge_requests';
import { trimText } from 'helpers/text_helper';
import { keyboardDownEvent } from '../../issue_show/helpers';
import {
} from '../../notes/mock_data';
describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
let store;
let vm;
const Component = Vue.extend(CommentForm);
let mountComponent;
let wrapper;
let axiosMock;
beforeEach(() => {
store = createStore();
mountComponent = (noteableType = 'issue') =>
new Component({
const setupStore = (userData, noteableData) => {
store.dispatch('setUserData', userData);
store.dispatch('setNoteableData', noteableData);
store.dispatch('setNotesData', notesDataMock);
const mountComponent = (noteableType = 'issue') => {
wrapper = mount(CommentForm, {
propsData: {
sync: false,
beforeEach(() => {
axiosMock = new MockAdapter(axios);
store = createStore();
afterEach(() => {
describe('user is logged in', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
store.dispatch('setUserData', userDataMock);
store.dispatch('setNoteableData', noteableDataMock);
store.dispatch('setNotesData', notesDataMock);
setupStore(userDataMock, noteableDataMock);
vm = mountComponent();
it('should render user avatar with link', () => {
expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.timeline-icon .user-avatar-link').getAttribute('href')).toEqual(
expect(wrapper.find('.timeline-icon .user-avatar-link').attributes('href')).toEqual(
describe('handleSave', () => {
it('should request to save note when note is entered', () => {
vm.note = 'hello world';
spyOn(vm, 'saveNote').and.returnValue(new Promise(() => {}));
spyOn(vm, 'resizeTextarea');
spyOn(vm, 'stopPolling');
wrapper.vm.note = 'hello world';
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockReturnValue(new Promise(() => {}));
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'resizeTextarea');
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'stopPolling');
it('should toggle issue state when no note', () => {
spyOn(vm, 'toggleIssueState');
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'toggleIssueState');
it('should disable action button whilst submitting', done => {
const saveNotePromise = Promise.resolve();
vm.note = 'hello world';
spyOn(vm, 'saveNote').and.returnValue(saveNotePromise);
spyOn(vm, 'stopPolling');
wrapper.vm.note = 'hello world';
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockReturnValue(saveNotePromise);
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'stopPolling');
const actionButton = vm.$el.querySelector('.js-action-button');
const actionButton = wrapper.find('.js-action-button');
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
......@@ -93,24 +116,26 @@ describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
describe('textarea', () => {
it('should render textarea with placeholder', () => {
vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea').getAttribute('placeholder'),
).toEqual('Write a comment or drag your files here…');
expect(wrapper.find('.js-main-target-form textarea').attributes('placeholder')).toEqual(
'Write a comment or drag your files here…',
it('should make textarea disabled while requesting', done => {
const $submitButton = $(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-comment-submit-button'));
vm.note = 'hello world';
spyOn(vm, 'stopPolling');
spyOn(vm, 'saveNote').and.returnValue(new Promise(() => {}));
const $submitButton = $(wrapper.find('.js-comment-submit-button').element);
wrapper.vm.note = 'hello world';
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'stopPolling');
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'saveNote').mockReturnValue(new Promise(() => {}));
vm.$nextTick(() => {
// Wait for vm.note change triggered. It should enable $submitButton.
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
// Wait for wrapper.vm.note change triggered. It should enable $submitButton.
vm.$nextTick(() => {
// Wait for vm.isSubmitting triggered. It should disable textarea.
expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea').disabled).toBeTruthy();
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
// Wait for wrapper.isSubmitting triggered. It should disable textarea.
expect(wrapper.find('.js-main-target-form textarea').attributes('disabled')).toBe(
......@@ -118,36 +143,39 @@ describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
it('should support quick actions', () => {
.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea')
wrapper.find('.js-main-target-form textarea').attributes('data-supports-quick-actions'),
it('should link to markdown docs', () => {
const { markdownDocsPath } = notesDataMock;
it('should link to quick actions docs', () => {
const { quickActionsDocsPath } = notesDataMock;
).toEqual('quick actions');
it('should resize textarea after note discarded', done => {
spyOn(Autosize, 'update');
spyOn(vm, 'discard').and.callThrough();
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'discard');
vm.note = 'foo';
wrapper.vm.note = 'foo';
Vue.nextTick(() => {
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
......@@ -155,97 +183,104 @@ describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
describe('edit mode', () => {
it('should enter edit mode when arrow up is pressed', () => {
spyOn(vm, 'editCurrentUserLastNote').and.callThrough();
vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea').value = 'Foo';
.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea')
.dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(38, true));
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'editCurrentUserLastNote');
wrapper.find('.js-main-target-form textarea').value = 'Foo';
.find('.js-main-target-form textarea')
.element.dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(38, true));
it('inits autosave', () => {
describe('event enter', () => {
it('should save note when cmd+enter is pressed', () => {
spyOn(vm, 'handleSave').and.callThrough();
vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea').value = 'Foo';
.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea')
.dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(13, true));
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'handleSave');
wrapper.find('.js-main-target-form textarea').value = 'Foo';
.find('.js-main-target-form textarea')
.element.dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(13, true));
it('should save note when ctrl+enter is pressed', () => {
spyOn(vm, 'handleSave').and.callThrough();
vm.$el.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea').value = 'Foo';
.querySelector('.js-main-target-form textarea')
.dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(13, false, true));
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'handleSave');
wrapper.find('.js-main-target-form textarea').value = 'Foo';
.find('.js-main-target-form textarea')
.element.dispatchEvent(keyboardDownEvent(13, false, true));
describe('actions', () => {
it('should be possible to close the issue', () => {
'Close issue',
).toEqual('Close issue');
it('should render comment button as disabled', () => {
it('should enable comment button if it has note', done => {
vm.note = 'Foo';
Vue.nextTick(() => {
wrapper.vm.note = 'Foo';
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
it('should update buttons texts when it has note', done => {
vm.note = 'Foo';
Vue.nextTick(() => {
'Comment & close issue',
wrapper.vm.note = 'Foo';
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
).toEqual('Comment & close issue');
it('updates button text with noteable type', done => {
vm.noteableType = constants.MERGE_REQUEST_NOTEABLE_TYPE;
wrapper.setProps({ noteableType: constants.MERGE_REQUEST_NOTEABLE_TYPE });
Vue.nextTick(() => {
'Close merge request',
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
).toEqual('Close merge request');
describe('when clicking close/reopen button', () => {
it('should disable button and show a loading spinner', done => {
const toggleStateButton = vm.$el.querySelector('.js-action-button');
const toggleStateButton = wrapper.find('.js-action-button');;
Vue.nextTick(() => {
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
......@@ -254,13 +289,12 @@ describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
describe('when toggling state', () => {
it('should update MR count', done => {
spyOn(vm, 'closeIssue').and.returnValue(Promise.resolve());
jest.spyOn(wrapper.vm, 'closeIssue').mockResolvedValue();
const updateMrCountSpy = spyOnDependency(CommentForm, 'refreshUserMergeRequestCounts');
Vue.nextTick(() => {
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
......@@ -271,8 +305,8 @@ describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
describe('issue is confidential', () => {
it('shows information warning', done => {
store.dispatch('setNoteableData', Object.assign(noteableDataMock, { confidential: true }));
Vue.nextTick(() => {
wrapper.vm.$nextTick(() => {
......@@ -281,21 +315,17 @@ describe('issue_comment_form component', () => {
describe('user is not logged in', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
store.dispatch('setUserData', null);
store.dispatch('setNoteableData', loggedOutnoteableData);
store.dispatch('setNotesData', notesDataMock);
setupStore(null, loggedOutnoteableData);
vm = mountComponent();
it('should render signed out widget', () => {
expect(vm.$el.textContent.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim()).toEqual(
'Please register or sign in to reply',
expect(trimText(wrapper.text())).toEqual('Please register or sign in to reply');
it('should not render submission form', () => {
import createStore from '~/notes/stores';
import { shallowMount, mount, createLocalVue } from '@vue/test-utils';
import { discussionMock } from '../../../javascripts/notes/mock_data';
import { discussionMock } from '../../notes/mock_data';
import DiscussionActions from '~/notes/components/discussion_actions.vue';
import ReplyPlaceholder from '~/notes/components/discussion_reply_placeholder.vue';
import ResolveDiscussionButton from '~/notes/components/discussion_resolve_button.vue';
......@@ -8,11 +8,7 @@ import PlaceholderSystemNote from '~/vue_shared/components/notes/placeholder_sys
import SystemNote from '~/vue_shared/components/notes/system_note.vue';
import TimelineEntryItem from '~/vue_shared/components/notes/timeline_entry_item.vue';
import createStore from '~/notes/stores';
import {
} from '../../../javascripts/notes/mock_data';
import { noteableDataMock, discussionMock, notesDataMock } from '../../notes/mock_data';
const localVue = createLocalVue();
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import createStore from '~/notes/stores';
import '~/behaviors/markdown/render_gfm';
import { setTestTimeout } from 'helpers/timeout';
// TODO: use generated fixture (
import * as mockData from '../../../javascripts/notes/mock_data';
import * as mockData from '../../notes/mock_data';
// Copied to ee/spec/frontend/notes/mock_data.js
export const notesDataMock = {
discussionsPath: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/26/discussions.json',
lastFetchedAt: 1501862675,
markdownDocsPath: '/help/user/markdown',
newSessionPath: '/users/sign_in?redirect_to_referer=yes',
notesPath: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/noteable/issue/98/notes',
quickActionsDocsPath: '/help/user/project/quick_actions',
registerPath: '/users/sign_in?redirect_to_referer=yes#register-pane',
prerenderedNotesCount: 1,
closePath: '/twitter/flight/issues/9.json?issue%5Bstate_event%5D=close',
reopenPath: '/twitter/flight/issues/9.json?issue%5Bstate_event%5D=reopen',
canAwardEmoji: true,
export const userDataMock = {
avatar_url: 'mock_path',
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
path: '/root',
state: 'active',
username: 'root',
export const noteableDataMock = {
assignees: [],
author_id: 1,
branch_name: null,
confidential: false,
create_note_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes?target_id=98&target_type=issue',
created_at: '2017-02-07T10:11:18.395Z',
current_user: {
can_create_note: true,
can_update: true,
can_award_emoji: true,
description: '',
due_date: null,
human_time_estimate: null,
human_total_time_spent: null,
id: 98,
iid: 26,
labels: [],
lock_version: null,
milestone: null,
milestone_id: null,
moved_to_id: null,
preview_note_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/preview_markdown?target_id=98&target_type=Issue',
project_id: 2,
state: 'opened',
time_estimate: 0,
title: '14',
total_time_spent: 0,
noteable_note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
updated_at: '2017-08-04T09:53:01.226Z',
updated_by_id: 1,
web_url: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/26',
noteableType: 'issue',
export const lastFetchedAt = '1501862675';
export const individualNote = {
expanded: true,
id: '0fb4e0e3f9276e55ff32eb4195add694aece4edd',
individual_note: true,
notes: [
id: '1390',
attachment: {
url: null,
filename: null,
image: false,
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: 'test',
path: '/root',
created_at: '2017-08-01T17: 09: 33.762Z',
updated_at: '2017-08-01T17: 09: 33.762Z',
system: false,
noteable_id: 98,
noteable_type: 'Issue',
type: null,
human_access: 'Owner',
note: 'sdfdsaf',
note_html: "<p dir='auto'>sdfdsaf</p>",
current_user: {
can_edit: true,
can_award_emoji: true,
discussion_id: '0fb4e0e3f9276e55ff32eb4195add694aece4edd',
emoji_awardable: true,
award_emoji: [
{ name: 'baseball', user: { id: 1, name: 'Root', username: 'root' } },
{ name: 'art', user: { id: 1, name: 'Root', username: 'root' } },
toggle_award_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1390/toggle_award_emoji',
noteable_note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1390',
reply_id: '0fb4e0e3f9276e55ff32eb4195add694aece4edd',
export const note = {
id: '546',
attachment: {
url: null,
filename: null,
image: false,
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: '',
path: '/root',
created_at: '2017-08-10T15:24:03.087Z',
updated_at: '2017-08-10T15:24:03.087Z',
system: false,
noteable_id: 67,
noteable_type: 'Issue',
noteable_iid: 7,
type: null,
human_access: 'Owner',
note: 'Vel id placeat reprehenderit sit numquam.',
note_html: '<p dir="auto">Vel id placeat reprehenderit sit numquam.</p>',
current_user: {
can_edit: true,
can_award_emoji: true,
discussion_id: 'd3842a451b7f3d9a5dfce329515127b2d29a4cd0',
emoji_awardable: true,
award_emoji: [
name: 'baseball',
user: {
id: 1,
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
name: 'bath_tone3',
user: {
id: 1,
name: 'Administrator',
username: 'root',
toggle_award_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/546/toggle_award_emoji',
note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
noteable_note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/546',
export const discussionMock = {
id: '9e3bd2f71a01de45fd166e6719eb380ad9f270b1',
reply_id: '9e3bd2f71a01de45fd166e6719eb380ad9f270b1',
expanded: true,
notes: [
id: '1395',
attachment: {
url: null,
filename: null,
image: false,
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: null,
path: '/root',
created_at: '2017-08-02T10:51:58.559Z',
updated_at: '2017-08-02T10:51:58.559Z',
system: false,
noteable_id: 98,
noteable_type: 'Issue',
type: 'DiscussionNote',
human_access: 'Owner',
note_html: "<p dir='auto'>THIS IS A DICUSSSION!</p>",
current_user: {
can_edit: true,
can_award_emoji: true,
can_resolve: true,
discussion_id: '9e3bd2f71a01de45fd166e6719eb380ad9f270b1',
emoji_awardable: true,
award_emoji: [],
noteable_note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
toggle_award_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1395/toggle_award_emoji',
path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1395',
id: '1396',
attachment: {
url: null,
filename: null,
image: false,
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: null,
path: '/root',
created_at: '2017-08-02T10:56:50.980Z',
updated_at: '2017-08-03T14:19:35.691Z',
system: false,
noteable_id: 98,
noteable_type: 'Issue',
type: 'DiscussionNote',
human_access: 'Owner',
note: 'sadfasdsdgdsf',
note_html: "<p dir='auto'>sadfasdsdgdsf</p>",
last_edited_at: '2017-08-03T14:19:35.691Z',
last_edited_by: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: null,
path: '/root',
current_user: {
can_edit: true,
can_award_emoji: true,
can_resolve: true,
discussion_id: '9e3bd2f71a01de45fd166e6719eb380ad9f270b1',
emoji_awardable: true,
award_emoji: [],
toggle_award_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1396/toggle_award_emoji',
noteable_note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1396',
id: '1437',
attachment: {
url: null,
filename: null,
image: false,
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: null,
path: '/root',
created_at: '2017-08-03T18:11:18.780Z',
updated_at: '2017-08-04T09:52:31.062Z',
system: false,
noteable_id: 98,
noteable_type: 'Issue',
type: 'DiscussionNote',
human_access: 'Owner',
note: 'adsfasf Should disappear',
note_html: "<p dir='auto'>adsfasf Should disappear</p>",
last_edited_at: '2017-08-04T09:52:31.062Z',
last_edited_by: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: null,
path: '/root',
current_user: {
can_edit: true,
can_award_emoji: true,
can_resolve: true,
discussion_id: '9e3bd2f71a01de45fd166e6719eb380ad9f270b1',
emoji_awardable: true,
award_emoji: [],
noteable_note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
toggle_award_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1437/toggle_award_emoji',
path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes/1437',
individual_note: false,
resolvable: true,
active: true,
export const loggedOutnoteableData = {
id: '98',
iid: 26,
author_id: 1,
description: '',
lock_version: 1,
milestone_id: null,
state: 'opened',
title: 'asdsa',
updated_by_id: 1,
created_at: '2017-02-07T10:11:18.395Z',
updated_at: '2017-08-08T10:22:51.564Z',
time_estimate: 0,
total_time_spent: 0,
human_time_estimate: null,
human_total_time_spent: null,
milestone: null,
labels: [],
branch_name: null,
confidential: false,
assignees: [
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: null,
web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root',
due_date: null,
moved_to_id: null,
project_id: 2,
web_url: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/issues/26',
current_user: {
can_create_note: false,
can_update: false,
noteable_note_url: '/group/project/merge_requests/1#note_1',
create_note_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/notes?target_id=98&target_type=issue',
preview_note_path: '/gitlab-org/gitlab-foss/preview_markdown?target_id=98&target_type=Issue',
export const collapseNotesMock = [
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id: '0fb4e0e3f9276e55ff32eb4195add694aece4edd',
individual_note: true,
notes: [
id: '1390',
attachment: null,
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
avatar_url: 'test',
path: '/root',
created_at: '2018-02-26T18:07:41.071Z',
updated_at: '2018-02-26T18:07:41.071Z',
system: true,
system_note_icon_name: 'pencil',
noteable_id: 98,
noteable_type: 'Issue',
type: null,
human_access: 'Owner',
note: 'changed the description',
note_html: '<p dir="auto">changed the description</p>',
current_user: { can_edit: false },
discussion_id: 'b97fb7bda470a65b3e009377a9032edec0a4dd05',
emoji_awardable: false,
path: '/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/notes/1057',
expanded: true,
id: 'ffde43f25984ad7f2b4275135e0e2846875336c0',
individual_note: true,
notes: [
id: '1391',
attachment: null,
author: {
id: 1,
name: 'Root',
username: 'root',
state: 'active',
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import Vue from 'vue';
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