Commit ac13afbc authored by Kushal Pandya's avatar Kushal Pandya

Move New node form to separate route, update page layout and design

parent 8059bea3
- page_title 'Geo nodes'
- @content_class = "geo-admin-container"
Geo Nodes
= link_to "New node", new_admin_geo_node_path, class: 'btn btn-create pull-right'
With #{link_to 'GitLab Geo', help_page_path('gitlab-geo/README'), class: 'vlink'} you can install a special
read-only and replicated instance anywhere.
Before you add nodes, follow the
......@@ -11,16 +15,6 @@
%strong exact order
they appear.
- if Gitlab::Geo.license_allows?
= form_for [:admin, @node], as: :geo_node, url: admin_geo_nodes_path, html: { class: 'form-horizontal js-geo-node-form' } do |f|
= render partial: 'form', locals: { form: f, geo_node: @node }
= f.submit 'Add Node', class: 'btn btn-create'
- if @nodes.any?
......@@ -38,59 +32,84 @@ Primary node
- else
= status_loading_icon
- if node.restricted_project_ids
Namespaces to replicate:
= node_selected_namespaces_to_replicate(node)
.js-geo-node-status{ style: 'display: none' }
- if node.enabled?
Health Status:
Repositories synced:
Repositories failed:
LFS objects synced:
LFS objects failed:
Attachments synced:
Attachments failed:
Not available
LFS objects:
Not available
Not available
Sync settings:
Database replication lag:
Last event ID seen from primary:
Last event ID processed by cursor:
%span> Advanced
= icon('angle-down')
= sprite_icon('angle-down', css_class: 's16')
- if Gitlab::Database.read_write?
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