Commit b0fad54c authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab-ce master

parents 0460fd85 60701f5c
......@@ -4,11 +4,10 @@ module LabelsHelper
extend self
include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper
def show_label_issuables_link?(label, issuables_type, current_user: nil, project: nil)
def show_label_issuables_link?(label, issuables_type, current_user: nil)
return true unless label.project_label?
return true unless project
project.feature_available?(issuables_type, current_user)
label.project.feature_available?(issuables_type, current_user)
# Link to a Label
# frozen_string_literal: true
class ProjectAutoDevops < ApplicationRecord
include IgnorableColumn
ignore_column :domain
belongs_to :project, inverse_of: :auto_devops
enum deploy_strategy: {
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
= merge_path_description(@merge_request, 'to')
Author #{@merge_request.author_name}
Author: #{@merge_request.author_name}
= assignees_label(@merge_request)
- force_priority = local_assigns.fetch(:force_priority, false)
- subject_or_group_defined = defined?(@project) || defined?(@group)
- show_label_issues_link = subject_or_group_defined && show_label_issuables_link?(label, :issues, project: @project)
- show_label_merge_requests_link = subject_or_group_defined && show_label_issuables_link?(label, :merge_requests, project: @project)
- show_label_issues_link = subject_or_group_defined && show_label_issuables_link?(label, :issues)
- show_label_merge_requests_link = subject_or_group_defined && show_label_issuables_link?(label, :merge_requests)
= render_label(label, tooltip: false)
......@@ -3,10 +3,8 @@ require 'spec_helper'
describe LabelsHelper do
describe '#show_label_issuables_link?' do
shared_examples 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?' do |issuables_type, when_enabled = true, when_disabled = false|
let(:context_project) { project }
context "when asking for a #{issuables_type} link" do
subject { show_label_issuables_link?(label.present(issuable_subject: nil), issuables_type, project: context_project) }
subject { show_label_issuables_link?(label.present(issuable_subject: nil), issuables_type) }
context "when #{issuables_type} are enabled for the project" do
let(:project) { create(:project, "#{issuables_type}_access_level": ProjectFeature::ENABLED) }
......@@ -39,28 +37,12 @@ describe LabelsHelper do
let(:label) { create(:group_label, group: group, title: 'bug') }
context 'when asking for an issue link' do
context 'in the context of a project' do
it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :issues, true, true
context 'in the context of a group' do
let(:context_project) { nil }
it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :issues, true, true
context 'when asking for a merge requests link' do
context 'in the context of a project' do
it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :merge_requests, true, true
context 'in the context of a group' do
let(:context_project) { nil }
it_behaves_like 'a valid response to show_label_issuables_link?', :merge_requests, true, true
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ describe ProjectAutoDevops do
it { respond_to(:updated_at) }
describe '#predefined_variables' do
let(:auto_devops) { build_stubbed(:project_auto_devops, project: project, domain: domain) }
let(:auto_devops) { build_stubbed(:project_auto_devops, project: project) }
context 'when deploy_strategy is manual' do
let(:auto_devops) { build_stubbed(:project_auto_devops, :manual_deployment, project: project) }
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