Commit b1619892 authored by Patrick Bajao's avatar Patrick Bajao

Doc: Add note about URL-encoded path parameters

This adds a note about path parameters that are required to be
parent 157a4b09
......@@ -454,6 +454,12 @@ The resulting cURL call for a project with id `5` and a group id of `17` is then
curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>"
NOTE: **Note:**
Path parameters that are required to be URL-encoded must be followed. If not,
it will not match an API endpoint and respond with a 404. If there's something
in front of the API (for example, Apache), ensure that it won't decode the URL-encoded
path parameters.
## Namespaced path encoding
If using namespaced API calls, make sure that the `NAMESPACE/PROJECT_PATH` is
......@@ -470,15 +476,16 @@ A project's **path** is not necessarily the same as its **name**. A
project's path can be found in the project's URL or in the project's settings
under **General > Advanced > Change path**.
## Branches and tags name encoding
## File path, branches, and tags name encoding
If your branch or tag contains a `/`, make sure the branch/tag name is
If a file path, branch or tag contains a `/`, make sure it is URL-encoded.
For example, `/` is represented by `%2F`:
GET /api/v4/projects/1/repository/files/
GET /api/v4/projects/1/branches/my%2Fbranch/commits
GET /api/v4/projects/1/repository/tags/my%2Ftag
## Encoding API parameters of `array` and `hash` types
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