Commit b18eca24 authored by Eulyeon Ko's avatar Eulyeon Ko Committed by Paul Slaughter

Remove fuzzy search for emoji

This MR refactors and partially reverts the changes made in
parent 948e03df
......@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ export class AwardsHandler {
findMatchingEmojiElements(query) {
const emojiMatches = this.emoji.searchEmoji(query, { match: 'fuzzy' }).map(({ name }) => name);
const emojiMatches = this.emoji.searchEmoji(query).map((x) =>;
const $emojiElements = $('.emoji-menu-list:not(.frequent-emojis) [data-name]');
const $matchingElements = $emojiElements.filter(
(i, elm) => emojiMatches.indexOf( >= 0,
import 'document-register-element';
import isEmojiUnicodeSupported from '../emoji/support';
import { initEmojiMap, getEmojiInfo, emojiFallbackImageSrc, emojiImageTag } from '../emoji';
import {
} from '../emoji';
class GlEmoji extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
......@@ -17,7 +23,7 @@ class GlEmoji extends HTMLElement {
if (emojiInfo) {
if (name !== {
if (emojiInfo.fallback && this.innerHTML) {
if ( === FALLBACK_EMOJI_KEY && this.innerHTML) {
return; // When fallback emoji is used, but there is a <img> provided, use the <img> instead
import fuzzaldrinPlus from 'fuzzaldrin-plus';
import { escape, minBy } from 'lodash';
import emojiAliases from 'emojis/aliases.json';
import axios from '../lib/utils/axios_utils';
import AccessorUtilities from '../lib/utils/accessor';
let emojiMap = null;
let validEmojiNames = null;
export const FALLBACK_EMOJI_KEY = 'grey_question';
export const EMOJI_VERSION = '1';
......@@ -30,23 +31,17 @@ async function loadEmoji() {
return data;
async function prepareEmojiMap() {
emojiMap = await loadEmoji();
async function loadEmojiWithNames() {
return Object.entries(await loadEmoji()).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => {
acc[key] = { ...value, name: key };
validEmojiNames = [...Object.keys(emojiMap), ...Object.keys(emojiAliases)];
return acc;
}, {});
Object.keys(emojiMap).forEach((name) => {
emojiMap[name].aliases = [];
emojiMap[name].name = name;
Object.entries(emojiAliases).forEach(([alias, name]) => {
// This check, `if (name in emojiMap)` is necessary during testing. In
// production, it shouldn't be necessary, because at no point should there
// be an entry in aliases.json with no corresponding entry in emojis.json.
// However, during testing, the endpoint for emojis.json is mocked with a
// small dataset, whereas aliases.json is always `import`ed directly.
if (name in emojiMap) emojiMap[name].aliases.push(alias);
async function prepareEmojiMap() {
emojiMap = await loadEmojiWithNames();
validEmojiNames = [...Object.keys(emojiMap), ...Object.keys(emojiAliases)];
export function initEmojiMap() {
......@@ -63,156 +58,101 @@ export function getValidEmojiNames() {
export function isEmojiNameValid(name) {
return validEmojiNames.indexOf(name) >= 0;
if (!emojiMap) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
throw new Error('The emoji map is uninitialized or initialization has not completed');
return name in emojiMap || name in emojiAliases;
export function getAllEmoji() {
return emojiMap;
* Retrieves an emoji by name or alias.
* Note: `initEmojiMap` must have been called and completed before this method
* can safely be called.
* @param {String} query The emoji name
* @param {Boolean} fallback If true, a fallback emoji will be returned if the
* named emoji does not exist. Defaults to false.
* @returns {Object} The matching emoji.
export function getEmoji(query, fallback = false) {
const fallbackEmoji = emojiMap.grey_question;
if (!query) {
return fallback ? fallbackEmoji : null;
if (!emojiMap) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
throw new Error('The emoji map is uninitialized or initialization has not completed');
function getAliasesMatchingQuery(query) {
return Object.keys(emojiAliases)
.filter((alias) => alias.includes(query))
.reduce((map, alias) => {
const emojiName = emojiAliases[alias];
const score = alias.indexOf(query);
const prev = map.get(emojiName);
// overwrite if we beat the previous score or we're more alphabetical
const shouldSet =
!prev ||
prev.score > score ||
(prev.score === score && prev.alias.localeCompare(alias) > 0);
if (shouldSet) {
map.set(emojiName, { score, alias });
const lowercaseQuery = query.toLowerCase();
const name = normalizeEmojiName(lowercaseQuery);
return map;
}, new Map());
if (name in emojiMap) {
return emojiMap[name];
function getUnicodeMatch(emoji, query) {
if (emoji.e === query) {
return { score: 0, field: 'e', fieldValue:, emoji };
return fallback ? fallbackEmoji : null;
return null;
const searchMatchers = {
// Fuzzy matching compares using a fuzzy matching library
fuzzy: (value, query) => {
const score = fuzzaldrinPlus.score(value, query) > 0;
return { score, success: score > 0 };
// Contains matching compares by indexOf
contains: (value, query) => {
const index = value.indexOf(query.toLowerCase());
return { index, success: index >= 0 };
// Exact matching compares by equality
exact: (value, query) => {
return { success: value === query.toLowerCase() };
const searchPredicates = {
// Search by name
name: (matcher, query) => (emoji) => {
const m = matcher(, query);
return [{ ...m, emoji, field: }];
// Search by alias
alias: (matcher, query) => (emoji) => => {
const m = matcher(alias, query);
return { ...m, emoji, field: alias };
// Search by description
description: (matcher, query) => (emoji) => {
const m = matcher(emoji.d, query);
return [{ ...m, emoji, field: emoji.d }];
// Search by unicode value (always exact)
unicode: (matcher, query) => (emoji) => {
return [{ emoji, field: emoji.e, success: emoji.e === query }];
* Searches emoji by name, aliases, description, and unicode value and returns
* an array of matches.
* Behavior is undefined if `opts.fields` is empty or if `opts.match` is fuzzy
* and the query is empty.
* Note: `initEmojiMap` must have been called and completed before this method
* can safely be called.
* @param {String} query Search query.
* @param {Object} opts Search options (optional).
* @param {String[]} opts.fields Fields to search. Choices are 'name', 'alias',
* 'description', and 'unicode' (value). Default is all (four) fields.
* @param {String} opts.match Search method to use. Choices are 'exact',
* 'contains', or 'fuzzy'. All methods are case-insensitive. Exact matching (the
* default) compares by equality. Contains matching compares by indexOf. Fuzzy
* matching compares using a fuzzy matching library.
* @param {Boolean} opts.fallback If true, a fallback emoji will be returned if
* the result set is empty. Defaults to false.
* @param {Boolean} opts.raw Returns the raw match data instead of just the
* matching emoji.
* @returns {Object[]} A list of emoji that match the query.
export function searchEmoji(query, opts) {
if (!emojiMap) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
throw new Error('The emoji map is uninitialized or initialization has not completed');
function getDescriptionMatch(emoji, query) {
if (emoji.d.includes(query)) {
return { score: emoji.d.indexOf(query), field: 'd', fieldValue: emoji.d, emoji };
const {
fields = ['name', 'alias', 'description', 'unicode'],
match = 'exact',
fallback = false,
raw = false,
} = opts || {};
return null;
const fallbackEmoji = emojiMap.grey_question;
function getAliasMatch(emoji, matchingAliases) {
if (matchingAliases.has( {
const { score, alias } = matchingAliases.get(;
if (fallbackEmoji) {
fallbackEmoji.fallback = true;
return { score, field: 'alias', fieldValue: alias, emoji };
if (!query) {
if (fallback) {
return raw ? [{ emoji: fallbackEmoji }] : [fallbackEmoji];
return null;
return [];
function getNameMatch(emoji, query) {
if ( {
return {
field: 'name',
// optimization for an exact match in name and alias
if (match === 'exact' && new Set([...fields, 'name', 'alias']).size === 2) {
const emoji = getEmoji(query, fallback);
return emoji ? [emoji] : [];
return null;
const matcher = searchMatchers[match] || searchMatchers.exact;
const predicates = => searchPredicates[f](matcher, query));
export function searchEmoji(query) {
const lowercaseQuery = query ? `${query}`.toLowerCase() : '';
const results = Object.values(emojiMap)
.flatMap((emoji) => predicates.flatMap((predicate) => predicate(emoji)))
.filter((r) => r.success);
const matchingAliases = getAliasesMatchingQuery(lowercaseQuery);
// Fallback to question mark for unknown emojis
if (fallback && results.length === 0) {
return raw ? [{ emoji: fallbackEmoji }] : [fallbackEmoji];
return Object.values(emojiMap)
.map((emoji) => {
const matches = [
getUnicodeMatch(emoji, query),
getDescriptionMatch(emoji, lowercaseQuery),
getAliasMatch(emoji, matchingAliases),
getNameMatch(emoji, lowercaseQuery),
return minBy(matches, (x) => x.score);
return raw ? results : => r.emoji);
export function sortEmoji(items) {
// Sort results by index of and string comparison
return [...items].sort((a, b) => a.score - b.score || a.fieldValue.localeCompare(b.fieldValue));
let emojiCategoryMap;
......@@ -238,11 +178,28 @@ export function getEmojiCategoryMap() {
return emojiCategoryMap;
export function getEmojiInfo(query) {
return searchEmoji(query, {
fields: ['name', 'alias'],
fallback: true,
* Retrieves an emoji by name
* @param {String} query The emoji name
* @param {Boolean} fallback If true, a fallback emoji will be returned if the
* named emoji does not exist.
* @returns {Object} The matching emoji.
export function getEmojiInfo(query, fallback = true) {
if (!emojiMap) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @gitlab/require-i18n-strings
throw new Error('The emoji map is uninitialized or initialization has not completed');
const lowercaseQuery = query ? `${query}`.toLowerCase() : '';
const name = normalizeEmojiName(lowercaseQuery);
if (name in emojiMap) {
return emojiMap[name];
return fallback ? emojiMap[FALLBACK_EMOJI_KEY] : null;
export function emojiFallbackImageSrc(inputName) {
......@@ -262,12 +219,8 @@ export function glEmojiTag(inputName, options) {
const fallbackSpriteClass = `emoji-${name}`;
const fallbackSpriteAttribute = opts.sprite
? `data-fallback-sprite-class="${fallbackSpriteClass}"`
? `data-fallback-sprite-class="${escape(fallbackSpriteClass)}" `
: '';
return `
return `<gl-emoji ${fallbackSpriteAttribute}data-name="${escape(name)}"></gl-emoji>`;
......@@ -190,59 +190,43 @@ class GfmAutoComplete {
setupEmoji($input) {
const self = this;
const { filter, ...defaults } = this.getDefaultCallbacks();
const fetchData = this.fetchData.bind(this);
// Emoji
at: ':',
displayTpl(value) {
let tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template;
if (value && {
tmpl = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.templateFunction(;
return tmpl;
displayTpl: GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.templateFunction,
insertTpl: GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.insertTemplateFunction,
skipSpecialCharacterTest: true,
data: GfmAutoComplete.defaultLoadingData,
callbacks: {
matcher(flag, subtext) {
const regexp = new RegExp(`(?:[^${glRegexp.unicodeLetters}0-9:]|\n|^):([^:]*)$`, 'gi');
const match = regexp.exec(subtext);
return match && match.length ? match[1] : null;
filter(query, items, searchKey) {
const filtered =, query, items, searchKey);
if (query.length === 0 || GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(items)) {
return filtered;
filter(query, items) {
if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(items)) {
return items;
// map from value to "<value> is <field> of <emoji>", arranged by emoji
const emojis = {};
filtered.forEach(({ name: value }) => {
self.emojiLookup[value].forEach(({ emoji: { name }, kind }) => {
let entry = emojis[name];
if (!entry) {
entry = {};
emojis[name] = entry;
if (!(kind in entry) || value.localeCompare(entry[kind]) < 0) {
entry[kind] = value;
return GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.filter(query);
sorter(query, items) {
this.setting.highlightFirst = this.setting.alwaysHighlightFirst || query.length > 0;
if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(items)) {
this.setting.highlightFirst = false;
return items;
// collate results to list, prefering name > unicode > alias > description
const results = [];
Object.values(emojis).forEach(({ name, unicode, alias, description }) => {
results.push(name || unicode || alias || description);
if (query.length === 0) {
return items;
// return to the form atwho wants
return => ({ name }));
return GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.sorter(items);
......@@ -674,32 +658,7 @@ class GfmAutoComplete {
async loadEmojiData($input, at) {
await Emoji.initEmojiMap();
// All the emoji
const emojis = Emoji.getAllEmoji();
// Add all of the fields to atwho's database
this.loadData($input, at, [
...Object.keys(emojis), // Names
...Object.values(emojis).flatMap(({ aliases }) => aliases), // Aliases
...Object.values(emojis).map(({ e }) => e), // Unicode values
...Object.values(emojis).map(({ d }) => d), // Descriptions
// Construct a lookup that can correlate a value to "<value> is the <field> of <emoji>"
const lookup = {};
const add = (key, kind, emoji) => {
if (!(key in lookup)) {
lookup[key] = [];
lookup[key].push({ kind, emoji });
Object.values(emojis).forEach((emoji) => {
add(, 'name', emoji);
add(emoji.d, 'description', emoji);
add(emoji.e, 'unicode', emoji);
emoji.aliases.forEach((a) => add(a, 'alias', emoji));
this.emojiLookup = lookup;
this.loadData($input, at, ['loaded']);
GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag = Emoji.glEmojiTag;
......@@ -772,36 +731,38 @@ GfmAutoComplete.typesWithBackendFiltering = ['vulnerabilities'];
GfmAutoComplete.isTypeWithBackendFiltering = (type) =>
function findEmoji(name) {
return Emoji.searchEmoji(name, { match: 'contains', raw: true }).sort((a, b) => {
if (a.index !== b.index) {
return a.index - b.index;
return a.field.localeCompare(b.field);
// Emoji
GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag = null;
GfmAutoComplete.Emoji = {
insertTemplateFunction(value) {
const results = findEmoji(;
if (results.length) {
return `:${results[0]}:`;
return `:${}:`;
return `:${}:`;
templateFunction(name) {
// glEmojiTag helper is loaded on-demand in fetchData()
if (!GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag) return `<li>${name}</li>`;
templateFunction(item) {
if (GfmAutoComplete.isLoading(item)) {
return GfmAutoComplete.Loading.template;
const results = findEmoji(name);
if (!results.length) {
return `<li>${name} ${GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag(name)}</li>`;
const escapedFieldValue = escape(item.fieldValue);
if (!GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag) {
return `<li>${escapedFieldValue}</li>`;
const { field, emoji } = results[0];
return `<li>${field} ${GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag(}</li>`;
return `<li>${escapedFieldValue} ${GfmAutoComplete.glEmojiTag(}</li>`;
filter(query) {
if (query.length === 0) {
return Object.values(Emoji.getAllEmoji())
.map((emoji) => ({
.slice(0, 20);
return Emoji.searchEmoji(query);
sorter(items) {
return Emoji.sortEmoji(items);
// Team Members
title: Remove fuzzy search for awards emoji and refactor GFM autocomplete emoji support
merge_request: 51972
author: Ethan Reesor (@firelizzard)
type: other
......@@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ export const emojiFixtureMap = {
unicodeVersion: '6.0',
description: 'white question mark ornament',
// used for regression tests
// black_heart MUST come before heart
// custard MUST come before star
black_heart: {
moji: '🖤',
unicodeVersion: '1.1',
......@@ -55,34 +51,18 @@ export const emojiFixtureMap = {
Object.keys(emojiFixtureMap).forEach((k) => {
emojiFixtureMap[k].name = k;
if (!emojiFixtureMap[k].aliases) {
emojiFixtureMap[k].aliases = [];
export const mockEmojiData = Object.keys(emojiFixtureMap).reduce((acc, k) => {
const { moji: e, unicodeVersion: u, category: c, description: d } = emojiFixtureMap[k];
acc[k] = { name: k, e, u, c, d };
export async function initEmojiMock() {
const emojiData = Object.fromEntries(
Object.values(emojiFixtureMap).map((m) => {
const { name: n, moji: e, unicodeVersion: u, category: c, description: d } = m;
return [n, { c, e, d, u }];
return acc;
}, {});
export async function initEmojiMock(mockData = mockEmojiData) {
const mock = new MockAdapter(axios);
mock.onGet(`/-/emojis/${EMOJI_VERSION}/emojis.json`).reply(200, JSON.stringify(emojiData));
mock.onGet(`/-/emojis/${EMOJI_VERSION}/emojis.json`).reply(200, JSON.stringify(mockData));
await initEmojiMap();
return mock;
export function describeEmojiFields(label, tests) {
field | accessor
${'name'} | ${(e) =>}
${'alias'} | ${(e) => e.aliases[0]}
${'description'} | ${(e) => e.description}
`(label, tests);
......@@ -53,6 +53,12 @@ describe('AwardsHandler', () => {
d: 'smiling face with sunglasses',
u: '6.0',
grey_question: {
c: 'symbols',
e: '',
d: 'white question mark ornament',
u: '6.0',
......@@ -285,16 +291,6 @@ describe('AwardsHandler', () => {
it('should fuzzy filter the emoji', async () => {
await openAndWaitForEmojiMenu();
it('should filter by emoji description', async () => {
await openAndWaitForEmojiMenu();
import { trimText } from 'helpers/text_helper';
import { emojiFixtureMap, initEmojiMock, describeEmojiFields } from 'helpers/emoji';
import { glEmojiTag, searchEmoji, getEmoji } from '~/emoji';
import { emojiFixtureMap, mockEmojiData, initEmojiMock } from 'helpers/emoji';
import { glEmojiTag, searchEmoji, getEmojiInfo, sortEmoji } from '~/emoji';
import isEmojiUnicodeSupported, {
......@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ const emptySupportMap = {
1.1: false,
describe('gl_emoji', () => {
describe('emoji', () => {
let mock;
beforeEach(async () => {
......@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ describe('gl_emoji', () => {
describe('glEmojiTag', () => {
it('bomb emoji', () => {
const emojiKey = 'bomb';
const markup = glEmojiTag(emojiFixtureMap[emojiKey].name);
const markup = glEmojiTag(emojiKey);
`"<gl-emoji data-name=\\"bomb\\"></gl-emoji>"`,
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ describe('gl_emoji', () => {
it('bomb emoji with sprite fallback readiness', () => {
const emojiKey = 'bomb';
const markup = glEmojiTag(emojiFixtureMap[emojiKey].name, {
const markup = glEmojiTag(emojiKey, {
sprite: true,
......@@ -352,125 +352,272 @@ describe('gl_emoji', () => {
describe('getEmoji', () => {
const { grey_question } = emojiFixtureMap;
describe('when query is undefined', () => {
it('should return null by default', () => {
it('should return fallback emoji when fallback is true', () => {
expect(getEmoji(undefined, true).name).toEqual(;
describe('searchEmoji', () => {
const { atom, grey_question } = emojiFixtureMap;
const search = (query, opts) => searchEmoji(query, opts).map(({ name }) => name);
const mangle = (str) => str.slice(0, 1) + str.slice(-1);
const partial = (str) => str.slice(0, 2);
describe('with default options', () => {
const subject = (query) => search(query);
describeEmojiFields('with $field', ({ accessor }) => {
it(`should match by lower case: ${accessor(atom)}`, () => {
describe('getEmojiInfo', () => {
it.each(['atom', 'five', 'black_heart'])("should return a correct emoji for '%s'", (name) => {
it(`should match by upper case: ${accessor(atom).toUpperCase()}`, () => {
it(`should not match by partial: ${mangle(accessor(atom))}`, () => {
it('should return fallback emoji by default', () => {
it(`should match by unicode value: ${atom.moji}`, () => {
it('should return null when fallback is false', () => {
expect(getEmojiInfo('atjs', false)).toBe(null);
it('should not return a fallback value', () => {
expect(subject('foo bar baz')).toHaveLength(0);
it('should not return a fallback value when query is falsey', () => {
describe('with fuzzy match', () => {
const subject = (query) => search(query, { match: 'fuzzy' });
describeEmojiFields('with $field', ({ accessor }) => {
it(`should match by lower case: ${accessor(atom)}`, () => {
it(`should match by upper case: ${accessor(atom).toUpperCase()}`, () => {
describe('when query is undefined', () => {
it('should return fallback emoji by default', () => {
it(`should match by partial: ${mangle(accessor(atom))}`, () => {
it('should return null when fallback is false', () => {
expect(getEmojiInfo(undefined, false)).toBe(null);
describe('with contains match', () => {
const subject = (query) => search(query, { match: 'contains' });
describeEmojiFields('with $field', ({ accessor }) => {
it(`should match by lower case: ${accessor(atom)}`, () => {
it(`should match by upper case: ${accessor(atom).toUpperCase()}`, () => {
it(`should match by partial: ${partial(accessor(atom))}`, () => {
describe('searchEmoji', () => {
const emojiFixture = Object.keys(mockEmojiData).reduce((acc, k) => {
const { name, e, u, d } = mockEmojiData[k];
acc[k] = { name, e, u, d };
return acc;
}, {});
it.each([undefined, null, ''])("should return all emoji when the input is '%s'", (input) => {
const search = searchEmoji(input);
const expected = [
].map((name) => {
return {
emoji: emojiFixture[name],
field: 'd',
fieldValue: emojiFixture[name].d,
score: 0,
it(`should not match by mangled: ${mangle(accessor(atom))}`, () => {
describe('with fallback', () => {
const subject = (query) => search(query, { fallback: true });
${'foo bar baz'} | ${undefined}
`('should return a fallback value when given $query', ({ query }) => {
describe('with name and alias fields', () => {
const subject = (query) => search(query, { fields: ['name', 'alias'] });
it(`should match by name: ${}`, () => {
'searching by unicode value',
name: 'atom',
field: 'e',
fieldValue: 'atom',
score: 0,
'searching by partial alias',
name: 'atom',
field: 'alias',
fieldValue: 'atom_symbol',
score: 4,
'searching by full alias',
name: 'atom',
field: 'alias',
fieldValue: 'atom_symbol',
score: 0,
])('should return a correct result when %s', (_, query, searchResult) => {
const expected = => {
const { field, score, fieldValue, name } = item;
return {
emoji: emojiFixture[name],
it(`should match by alias: ${atom.aliases[0]}`, () => {
it(`should not match by description: ${atom.description}`, () => {
['searching with a non-existing emoji name', 'asdf', []],
'searching by full name',
name: 'atom',
field: 'd',
score: 0,
'searching by full description',
'atom symbol',
name: 'atom',
field: 'd',
score: 0,
'searching by partial name',
name: 'grey_question',
field: 'name',
score: 5,
'searching by partial description',
name: 'grey_question',
field: 'd',
score: 24,
'searching with query "heart"',
name: 'black_heart',
field: 'd',
score: 6,
name: 'heart',
field: 'name',
score: 0,
'searching with query "HEART"',
name: 'black_heart',
field: 'd',
score: 6,
name: 'heart',
field: 'name',
score: 0,
'searching with query "star"',
name: 'custard',
field: 'd',
score: 2,
name: 'star',
field: 'name',
score: 0,
])('should return a correct result when %s', (_, query, searchResult) => {
const expected = => {
const { field, score, name } = item;
return {
emoji: emojiFixture[name],
fieldValue: emojiFixture[name][field],
it(`should not match by unicode value: ${atom.moji}`, () => {
describe('sortEmoji', () => {
const testCases = [
'should correctly sort by score',
{ score: 10, fieldValue: '', emoji: { name: 'a' } },
{ score: 5, fieldValue: '', emoji: { name: 'b' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: '', emoji: { name: 'c' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: '', emoji: { name: 'c' } },
{ score: 5, fieldValue: '', emoji: { name: 'b' } },
{ score: 10, fieldValue: '', emoji: { name: 'a' } },
'should correctly sort by fieldValue',
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'y', emoji: { name: 'b' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'x', emoji: { name: 'a' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'z', emoji: { name: 'c' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'x', emoji: { name: 'a' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'y', emoji: { name: 'b' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'z', emoji: { name: 'c' } },
'should correctly sort by score and then by fieldValue (in order)',
{ score: 5, fieldValue: 'y', emoji: { name: 'c' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'z', emoji: { name: 'a' } },
{ score: 5, fieldValue: 'x', emoji: { name: 'b' } },
{ score: 0, fieldValue: 'z', emoji: { name: 'a' } },
{ score: 5, fieldValue: 'x', emoji: { name: 'b' } },
{ score: 5, fieldValue: 'y', emoji: { name: 'c' } },
it.each(testCases)('%s', (_, scoredItems, expected) => {
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
import $ from 'jquery';
import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter';
import { emojiFixtureMap, initEmojiMock, describeEmojiFields } from 'helpers/emoji';
import { initEmojiMock } from 'helpers/emoji';
import '~/lib/utils/jquery_at_who';
import GfmAutoComplete, { membersBeforeSave } from 'ee_else_ce/gfm_auto_complete';
import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants';
......@@ -714,16 +714,20 @@ describe('GfmAutoComplete', () => {
describe('emoji', () => {
const { atom, heart, star } = emojiFixtureMap;
const assertInserted = ({ input, subject, emoji }) =>
expect(subject).toBe(`:${emoji?.name || input}:`);
const assertTemplated = ({ input, subject, emoji, field }) =>
expect(subject.replace(/\s+/g, ' ')).toBe(
`<li>${field || input} <gl-emoji data-name="${emoji?.name || input}"></gl-emoji> </li>`,
let mock;
const mockItem = {
'atwho-at': ':',
emoji: {
c: 'symbols',
d: 'negative squared ab',
e: '🆎',
name: 'ab',
u: '6.0',
fieldValue: 'ab',
beforeEach(async () => {
mock = await initEmojiMock();
......@@ -735,90 +739,22 @@ describe('GfmAutoComplete', () => {
name | inputFormat | assert
${'insertTemplateFunction'} | ${(name) => ({ name })} | ${assertInserted}
${'templateFunction'} | ${(name) => name} | ${assertTemplated}
`('Emoji.$name', ({ name, inputFormat, assert }) => {
const execute = (accessor, input, emoji) =>
field: accessor && accessor(emoji),
subject: GfmAutoComplete.Emoji[name](inputFormat(input)),
describeEmojiFields('for $field', ({ accessor }) => {
it('should work with lowercase', () => {
execute(accessor, accessor(atom), atom);
it('should work with uppercase', () => {
execute(accessor, accessor(atom).toUpperCase(), atom);
it('should work with partial value', () => {
execute(accessor, accessor(atom).slice(1), atom);
it('should work with unicode value', () => {
execute(null, atom.moji, atom);
describe('Emoji.templateFunction', () => {
it('should return a correct template', () => {
const actual = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.templateFunction(mockItem);
const glEmojiTag = `<gl-emoji data-name="${}"></gl-emoji>`;
const expected = `<li>${mockItem.fieldValue} ${glEmojiTag}</li>`;
it('should pass through unknown value', () => {
execute(null, 'foo bar baz');
const expectEmojiOrder = (first, second) => {
const keys = Object.keys(emojiFixtureMap);
const firstIndex = keys.indexOf(first);
const secondIndex = keys.indexOf(second);
describe('Emoji.insertTemplateFunction', () => {
it('should map ":heart" to :heart: [regression]', () => {
// the bug mapped heart to black_heart because the latter sorted first
expectEmojiOrder('black_heart', 'heart');
const item = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.insertTemplateFunction({ name: 'heart' });
it('should map ":star" to :star: [regression]', () => {
// the bug mapped star to custard because the latter sorted first
expectEmojiOrder('custard', 'star');
const item = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.insertTemplateFunction({ name: 'star' });
describe('Emoji.templateFunction', () => {
it('should map ":heart" to ❤ [regression]', () => {
// the bug mapped heart to black_heart because the latter sorted first
expectEmojiOrder('black_heart', 'heart');
const item = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.templateFunction('heart')
.replace(/(<gl-emoji)\s+(data-name)/, '$1 $2')
.replace(/>\s+|\s+</g, (s) => s.trim());
`<li>${}<gl-emoji data-name="${}"></gl-emoji></li>`,
it('should map ":star" to ⭐ [regression]', () => {
// the bug mapped star to custard because the latter sorted first
expectEmojiOrder('custard', 'star');
it('should return a correct template', () => {
const actual = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.insertTemplateFunction(mockItem);
const expected = `:${}:`;
const item = GfmAutoComplete.Emoji.templateFunction('star')
.replace(/(<gl-emoji)\s+(data-name)/, '$1 $2')
.replace(/>\s+|\s+</g, (s) => s.trim());
expect(item).toEqual(`<li>${}<gl-emoji data-name="${}"></gl-emoji></li>`);
......@@ -18,13 +18,9 @@ exports[`vue_shared/components/awards_list default matches snapshot 1`] = `
......@@ -52,13 +48,9 @@ exports[`vue_shared/components/awards_list default matches snapshot 1`] = `
......@@ -86,13 +78,9 @@ exports[`vue_shared/components/awards_list default matches snapshot 1`] = `
......@@ -120,13 +108,9 @@ exports[`vue_shared/components/awards_list default matches snapshot 1`] = `
......@@ -154,13 +138,9 @@ exports[`vue_shared/components/awards_list default matches snapshot 1`] = `
......@@ -188,13 +168,9 @@ exports[`vue_shared/components/awards_list default matches snapshot 1`] = `
......@@ -222,13 +198,9 @@ exports[`vue_shared/components/awards_list default matches snapshot 1`] = `
// Jest Snapshot v1,
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils emojis config shows the emoji name and icon in the menu item 1`] = `
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils emojis config shows the emoji name and icon in the menu item 1`] = `"raised_hands <gl-emoji data-name=\\"raised_hands\\"></gl-emoji>"`;
exports[`gfm_autocomplete/utils issues config shows the iid and title in the menu item within a project context 1`] = `"<small>123456</small> Project context issue title &lt;script&gt;alert(&#39;hi&#39;)&lt;/script&gt;"`;
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