Commit b2aad714 authored by GitLab Bot's avatar GitLab Bot

Automatic merge of gitlab-org/gitlab master

parents 6072c82a 5503174e
......@@ -43,10 +43,9 @@ export default {
{{ s__('mrWidget|Merge') }}
......@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@
= f.label :title, class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= f.text_field :title, class: "form-control"
= f.text_field :title, class: "form-control gl-form-input"
= f.label :description, class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= f.text_area :description, class: "form-control", rows: 10
= f.text_area :description, class: "form-control gl-form-input", rows: 10
= parsed_with_gfm
......@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
= f.label :new_project_guidelines, class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= f.text_area :new_project_guidelines, class: "form-control", rows: 10
= f.text_area :new_project_guidelines, class: "form-control gl-form-input", rows: 10
= parsed_with_gfm
......@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
= f.label :profile_image_guidelines, class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= f.text_area :profile_image_guidelines, class: "form-control", rows: 10
= f.text_area :profile_image_guidelines, class: "form-control gl-form-input", rows: 10
= parsed_with_gfm
......@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
= form.label :header_message, _('Header message'), class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= form.text_area :header_message, placeholder: _('State your message to activate'), class: "form-control js-autosize"
= form.text_area :header_message, placeholder: _('State your message to activate'), class: "form-control gl-form-input js-autosize"
= form.label :footer_message, _('Footer message'), class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= form.text_area :footer_message, placeholder: _('State your message to activate'), class: "form-control js-autosize"
= form.text_area :footer_message, placeholder: _('State your message to activate'), class: "form-control gl-form-input js-autosize"
= form.check_box :email_header_and_footer_enabled, class: 'form-check-input'
......@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
= _('Customize colors')
= form.label :message_background_color, _('Background Color'), class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= form.color_field :message_background_color, class: "form-control"
= form.color_field :message_background_color, class: "form-control gl-form-input"
= form.label :message_font_color, _('Font Color'), class: 'col-form-label label-bold'
= form.color_field :message_font_color, class: "form-control"
= form.color_field :message_font_color, class: "form-control gl-form-input"
......@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
= label_tag :login
= text_field_tag :login, nil, class: "form-control top", title: 'Please provide your username or email address.'
= text_field_tag :login, nil, class: "form-control gl-form-input top", title: 'Please provide your username or email address.'
= label_tag :password
= password_field_tag :password, nil, class: "form-control bottom", title: 'This field is required.'
= password_field_tag :password, nil, class: "form-control gl-form-input bottom", title: 'This field is required.'
= button_tag "Sign in", class: "btn gl-button btn-success"
......@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@
- if current_action?(:edit) || current_action?(:update)
= text_field_tag 'file_path', (params[:file_path] || @path),
class: 'form-control new-file-path js-file-path-name-input'
class: 'form-control gl-form-input new-file-path js-file-path-name-input'
= render 'template_selectors'
- if current_action?(:new) || current_action?(:create)
= text_field_tag 'file_name', params[:file_name], placeholder: "File name",
required: true, class: 'form-control new-file-name js-file-path-name-input', value: params[:file_name] || (should_suggest_gitlab_ci_yml? ? '.gitlab-ci.yml' : '')
required: true, class: 'form-control gl-form-input new-file-name js-file-path-name-input', value: params[:file_name] || (should_suggest_gitlab_ci_yml? ? '.gitlab-ci.yml' : '')
= render 'template_selectors'
- if should_suggest_gitlab_ci_yml?
.js-suggest-gitlab-ci-yml{ data: { target: '#gitlab-ci-yml-selector',
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
= text_area_tag 'commit_message',
(params[:commit_message] || local_assigns[:text] || local_assigns[:placeholder]),
class: 'form-control js-commit-message', placeholder: local_assigns[:placeholder],
class: 'form-control gl-form-input js-commit-message', placeholder: local_assigns[:placeholder],
data: descriptions,
required: true, rows: (local_assigns[:rows] || 3),
id: "commit_message-#{nonce}"
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
= label_tag 'branch_name', _('Target Branch'), class: 'col-form-label col-sm-2'
= text_field_tag 'branch_name', branch_name, required: true, class: "form-control js-branch-name ref-name"
= text_field_tag 'branch_name', branch_name, required: true, class: "form-control gl-form-input js-branch-name ref-name"
= render 'shared/new_merge_request_checkbox'
title: Apply new GitLab UI for input fields in file editor
merge_request: 52461
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: other
title: Apply new GitLab UI for input field in admin/appearance
merge_request: 52409
author: Yogi (@yo)
type: other
......@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@ are already logged in or are using Git over SSH are be able to access
GitLab for up to one hour. Manually block the user in the GitLab Admin Area to
immediately block all access.
GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter supports a
[configurable sync time](#adjusting-ldap-user-sync-schedule). **(STARTER)**
GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium supports a
[configurable sync time](#adjusting-ldap-user-sync-schedule). **(PREMIUM)**
## Git password authentication **(FREE SELF)**
......@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ LDAP attributes that GitLab uses to create an account for the LDAP user. The spe
| `first_name` | LDAP attribute for user first name. Used when the attribute configured for `name` does not exist. | no | `'givenName'` |
| `last_name` | LDAP attribute for user last name. Used when the attribute configured for `name` does not exist. | no | `'sn'` |
### LDAP Sync Configuration Settings **(STARTER ONLY)**
### LDAP Sync Configuration Settings **(PREMIUM SELF)**
| Setting | Description | Required | Examples |
| ------- | ----------- | -------- | -------- |
......@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ group, you can use the following syntax:
For more information about this "LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_IN_CHAIN" filter, see the following
[Microsoft Search Filter Syntax]( document.
Support for nested members in the user filter should not be confused with
[group sync nested groups support](#supported-ldap-group-typesattributes). **(STARTER ONLY)**
[group sync nested groups support](#supported-ldap-group-typesattributes). **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Please note that GitLab does not support the custom filter syntax used by
OmniAuth LDAP.
......@@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ You should disable anonymous LDAP authentication and enable simple or SASL
authentication. The TLS client authentication setting in your LDAP server cannot
be mandatory and clients cannot be authenticated with the TLS protocol.
## Multiple LDAP servers **(STARTER ONLY)**
## Multiple LDAP servers **(PREMIUM SELF)**
With GitLab Enterprise Edition Starter, you can configure multiple LDAP servers
that your GitLab instance connects to.
......@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
If you configure multiple LDAP servers, use a unique naming convention for the `label` section of each entry. That label is used as the display name of the tab shown on the sign-in page.
## User sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
## User sync **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Once per day, GitLab runs a worker to check and update GitLab
users against LDAP.
......@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ The LDAP sync process:
- Updates existing users.
- Creates new users on first sign in.
### Adjusting LDAP user sync schedule **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Adjusting LDAP user sync schedule **(PREMIUM SELF)**
By default, GitLab runs a worker once per day at 01:30 a.m. server time to
check and update GitLab users against LDAP.
......@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ sync to run once every 12 hours at the top of the hour.
1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
## Group Sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
## Group Sync **(PREMIUM SELF)**
If your LDAP supports the `memberof` property, when the user signs in for the
first time GitLab triggers a sync for groups the user should be a member of.
......@@ -629,11 +629,11 @@ following.
To take advantage of group sync, group owners or maintainers need to [create one
or more LDAP group links](#adding-group-links).
### Adding group links **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Adding group links **(PREMIUM SELF)**
For information on adding group links via CNs and filters, refer to [the GitLab groups documentation](../../../user/group/
### Administrator sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Administrator sync **(PREMIUM SELF)**
As an extension of group sync, you can automatically manage your global GitLab
administrators. Specify a group CN for `admin_group` and all members of the
......@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ group, as opposed to the full DN.
1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
### Global group memberships lock **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Global group memberships lock **(PREMIUM SELF)**
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.0.
......@@ -696,7 +696,7 @@ To enable it you need to:
1. Navigate to **(admin)** **Admin Area > Settings -> Visibility and access controls**.
1. Make sure the "Lock memberships to LDAP synchronization" checkbox is enabled.
### Adjusting LDAP group sync schedule **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Adjusting LDAP group sync schedule **(PREMIUM SELF)**
By default, GitLab runs a group sync process every hour, on the hour.
The values shown are in cron format. If needed, you can use a
......@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ sync to run once every 2 hours at the top of the hour.
1. [Restart GitLab](../../ for the changes to take effect.
### External groups **(STARTER ONLY)**
### External groups **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Using the `external_groups` setting will allow you to mark all users belonging
to these groups as [external users](../../../user/
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ main: # 'main' is the GitLab 'provider ID' of this LDAP server
admin_group: 'my_admin_group'
#### Query LDAP **(STARTER ONLY)**
#### Query LDAP **(PREMIUM SELF)**
The following allows you to perform a search in LDAP using the rails console.
Depending on what you're trying to do, it may make more sense to query [a
......@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ ldapsearch -H ldaps://$host:$port -D "$bind_dn" -y bind_dn_password.txt -b "$ba
- We are assuming the password for the `bind_dn` user is in `bind_dn_password.txt`.
#### Sync all users **(STARTER ONLY)**
#### Sync all users **(PREMIUM SELF)**
The output from a manual [user sync]( can show you what happens when
GitLab tries to sync its users against LDAP. Enter the [rails console](#rails-console)
......@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
Next, [learn how to read the
##### Example console output after a user sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
##### Example console output after a user sync **(PREMIUM SELF)**
The output from a [manual user sync](#sync-all-users) will be very verbose, and a
single user's successful sync can look like this:
......@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@ adapter ='ldapmain') # If `main` is the LDAP pr
Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::Person.find_by_uid('<uid>', adapter)
### Group memberships **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Group memberships **(PREMIUM SELF)**
#### Membership(s) not granted **(STARTER ONLY)**
#### Membership(s) not granted **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Sometimes you may think a particular user should be added to a GitLab group via
LDAP group sync, but for some reason it's not happening. There are several
......@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ group sync](#sync-all-groups) in the rails console and [look through the
output](#example-console-output-after-a-group-sync) to see what happens when
GitLab syncs the `admin_group`.
#### Sync all groups **(STARTER ONLY)**
#### Sync all groups **(PREMIUM SELF)**
To sync all groups manually when debugging is unnecessary, [use the Rake
......@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
Next, [learn how to read the
##### Example console output after a group sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
##### Example console output after a group sync **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Like the output from the user sync, the output from the [manual group
sync](#sync-all-groups) will also be very verbose. However, it contains lots
......@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ stating as such:
No `admin_group` configured for 'ldapmain' provider. Skipping
#### Sync one group **(STARTER ONLY)**
#### Sync one group **(PREMIUM SELF)**
[Syncing all groups](#sync-all-groups) can produce a lot of noise in the output, which can be
distracting when you're only interested in troubleshooting the memberships of
......@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ EE::Gitlab::Auth::Ldap::Sync::Group.execute_all_providers(group)
The output will be similar to
[that you'd get from syncing all groups](#example-console-output-after-a-group-sync).
#### Query a group in LDAP **(STARTER ONLY)**
#### Query a group in LDAP **(PREMIUM SELF)**
When you'd like to confirm that GitLab can read a LDAP group and see all its members,
you can run the following:
......@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ emails.each do |username, email|
You can then [run a UserSync](#sync-all-users) **(STARTER ONLY)** to sync the latest DN
You can then [run a UserSync](#sync-all-users) **(PREMIUM SELF)** to sync the latest DN
for each of these users.
## Debugging Tools
......@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ limit by passing a number to the check task:
rake gitlab:ldap:check[50]
## Run a group sync **(STARTER ONLY)**
## Run a group sync **(PREMIUM SELF)**
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Starter]( 12.2.
......@@ -764,8 +764,8 @@ Parameters:
| `request_access_enabled` | boolean | no | Allow users to request member access. |
| `parent_id` | integer | no | The parent group ID for creating nested group. |
| `default_branch_protection` | integer | no | See [Options for `default_branch_protection`](#options-for-default_branch_protection). Default to the global level default branch protection setting. |
| `shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(STARTER ONLY)** Pipeline minutes quota for this group (included in plan). Can be `nil` (default; inherit system default), `0` (unlimited) or `> 0` |
| `extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(STARTER ONLY)** Extra pipeline minutes quota for this group (purchased in addition to the minutes included in the plan). |
| `shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(PREMIUM SELF)** Pipeline minutes quota for this group (included in plan). Can be `nil` (default; inherit system default), `0` (unlimited) or `> 0` |
| `extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(PREMIUM SELF)** Extra pipeline minutes quota for this group (purchased in addition to the minutes included in the plan). |
### Options for `default_branch_protection`
......@@ -838,8 +838,8 @@ PUT /groups/:id
| `request_access_enabled` | boolean | no | Allow users to request member access. |
| `default_branch_protection` | integer | no | See [Options for `default_branch_protection`](#options-for-default_branch_protection). |
| `file_template_project_id` | integer | no | **(PREMIUM)** The ID of a project to load custom file templates from. |
| `shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(STARTER ONLY)** Pipeline minutes quota for this group (included in plan). Can be `nil` (default; inherit system default), `0` (unlimited) or `> 0` |
| `extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(STARTER ONLY)** Extra pipeline minutes quota for this group (purchased in addition to the minutes included in the plan). |
| `shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(PREMIUM SELF)** Pipeline minutes quota for this group (included in plan). Can be `nil` (default; inherit system default), `0` (unlimited) or `> 0` |
| `extra_shared_runners_minutes_limit` | integer | no | **(PREMIUM SELF)** Extra pipeline minutes quota for this group (purchased in addition to the minutes included in the plan). |
| `prevent_forking_outside_group` | boolean | no | **(PREMIUM)** When enabled, users can **not** fork projects from this group to external namespaces
| `shared_runners_setting` | string | no | See [Options for `shared_runners_setting`](#options-for-shared_runners_setting). Enable or disable shared runners for a group's subgroups and projects. |
......@@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ DELETE /groups/:id/hooks/:hook_id
Group audit events can be accessed via the [Group Audit Events API](
## Sync group with LDAP **(STARTER ONLY)**
## Sync group with LDAP **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Syncs the group with its linked LDAP group. Only available to group owners and administrators.
......@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ Please consult the [Group Members]( documentation.
List, add, and delete LDAP group links.
### List LDAP group links **(STARTER ONLY)**
### List LDAP group links **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Lists LDAP group links.
......@@ -1167,7 +1167,7 @@ GET /groups/:id/ldap_group_links
| --------- | -------------- | -------- | ----------- |
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the group]( |
### Add LDAP group link with CN or filter **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Add LDAP group link with CN or filter **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Adds an LDAP group link using a CN or filter. Adding a group link by filter is only supported in the Premium tier and above.
......@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@ POST /groups/:id/ldap_group_links
To define the LDAP group link, provide either a `cn` or a `filter`, but not both.
### Delete LDAP group link **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Delete LDAP group link **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Deletes an LDAP group link. Deprecated. Scheduled for removal in a future release.
......@@ -1211,7 +1211,7 @@ DELETE /groups/:id/ldap_group_links/:provider/:cn
| `cn` | string | yes | The CN of an LDAP group |
| `provider` | string | yes | LDAP provider for the LDAP group link |
### Delete LDAP group link with CN or filter **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Delete LDAP group link with CN or filter **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Deletes an LDAP group link using a CN or filter. Deleting by filter is only supported in the Premium tier and above.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ info: "To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated
type: reference, how-to
# Kerberos integration **(STARTER ONLY)**
# Kerberos integration **(PREMIUM SELF)**
GitLab can integrate with [Kerberos]( as an authentication mechanism.
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ The name of the attribute can be anything you like, but it must contain the grou
to which a user belongs. In order to tell GitLab where to find these groups, you need
to add a `groups_attribute:` element to your SAML settings.
### Required groups **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Required groups **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Your IdP passes Group Information to the SP (GitLab) in the SAML Response. You need to configure GitLab to identify:
......@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ Example:
} }
### External Groups **(STARTER ONLY)**
### External groups **(PREMIUM SELF)**
SAML login supports automatic identification on whether a user should be considered an [external](../user/ user. This is based on the user's group membership in the SAML identity provider.
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ SAML login supports automatic identification on whether a user should be conside
} }
### Admin Groups **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Admin groups **(PREMIUM SELF)**
The requirements are the same as the previous settings, your IdP needs to pass Group information to GitLab, you need to tell
GitLab where to look for the groups in the SAML response, and which group(s) should be
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ considered admin users.
} }
### Auditor Groups **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Auditor groups **(PREMIUM SELF)**
> Introduced in [GitLab Starter]( 11.4.
......@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ A group's **Details** page includes tabs for:
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab [Starter]( 12.10 as
a [beta feature](
The group details view also shows the number of the following items created in the last 90 days: **(STARTER)**
The group details view also shows the number of the following items created in the last 90 days: **(PREMIUM)**
- Merge requests.
- Issues.
......@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ To share a given group, for example, 'Frontend' with another group, for example,
All the members of the 'Engineering' group will have been added to 'Frontend'.
## Manage group memberships via LDAP **(STARTER ONLY)**
## Manage group memberships via LDAP **(PREMIUM SELF)**
Group syncing allows LDAP groups to be mapped to GitLab groups. This provides more control over per-group user management. To configure group syncing edit the `group_base` **DN** (`'OU=Global Groups,OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org'`). This **OU** contains all groups that will be associated with GitLab groups.
......@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ For more information on the administration of LDAP and group sync, refer to the
If an LDAP user is a group member when LDAP Synchronization is added, and they are not part of the LDAP group, they will be removed from the group.
### Creating group links via CN **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Creating group links via CN **(PREMIUM SELF)**
To create group links via CN:
......@@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ To create group links via filter:
![Creating group links via filter](img/ldap_sync_filter_v13_1.png)
### Overriding user permissions **(STARTER ONLY)**
### Overriding user permissions **(PREMIUM SELF)**
In GitLab [8.15]( and later, LDAP user permissions can now be manually overridden by an admin user. To override a user's permissions:
......@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ To enable this feature, navigate to the group settings page. Select
![Checkbox for share with group lock](img/share_with_group_lock.png)
#### Member Lock **(STARTER)**
#### Member Lock **(PREMIUM)**
Member lock lets a group owner prevent any new project membership to all of the
projects within a group, allowing tighter control over project membership.
......@@ -814,11 +814,11 @@ To enable prevent project forking:
- **Webhooks**: Configure [webhooks](../project/integrations/ for your group.
- **Kubernetes cluster integration**: Connect your GitLab group with [Kubernetes clusters](clusters/
- **Audit Events**: View [Audit Events](../../administration/
for the group. **(STARTER ONLY)**
for the group. **(PREMIUM SELF)**
- **Pipelines quota**: Keep track of the [pipeline quota](../admin_area/settings/ for the group.
- **Integrations**: Configure [integrations](../admin_area/settings/ for your group.
#### Group push rules **(STARTER)**
#### Group push rules **(PREMIUM)**
> - [Introduced]( in [GitLab Starter]( 12.8.
> - [Feature flag removed]( in GitLab 13.4.
......@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ When set, new subgroups have push rules set for them based on either:
For information about setting a maximum artifact size for a group, see
[Maximum artifacts size](../admin_area/settings/
## User contribution analysis **(STARTER)**
## User contribution analysis **(PREMIUM)**
With [GitLab Contribution Analytics](contribution_analytics/,
you have an overview of the contributions (pushes, merge requests,
......@@ -7,9 +7,8 @@ type: reference
# Code Owners **(STARTER)**
> - [Introduced](
in [GitLab Starter]( 11.3.
> - Code Owners for Merge Request approvals was [introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 11.9.
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 11.3.
> - Code Owners for Merge Request approvals was [introduced]( in GitLab Premium 11.9.
## Introduction
......@@ -18,7 +17,7 @@ to find out who should review or approve merge requests.
Additionally, if you have a question over a specific file or
code block, it may be difficult to know who to find the answer from.
GitLab Code Owners is a feature to define who owns specific
The GitLab Code Owners feature defines who owns specific
files or paths in a repository, allowing other users to understand
who is responsible for each file or path.
......@@ -32,7 +31,7 @@ the process of finding the right reviewers and approvers for a given
merge request.
In larger organizations or popular open source projects, Code Owners
can also be useful to understand who to contact if you have
can help you understand who to contact if you have
a question that may not be related to code review or a merge request
......@@ -49,12 +48,12 @@ You can choose to add the `CODEOWNERS` file in three places:
- Inside the `docs/` directory
The `CODEOWNERS` file is valid for the branch where it lives. For example, if you change the code owners
in a feature branch, they won't be valid in the main branch until the feature branch is merged.
in a feature branch, the changes aren't valid in the main branch until the feature branch is merged.
If you introduce new files to your repository and you want to identify the code owners for that file,
you have to update `CODEOWNERS` accordingly. If you update the code owners when you are adding the files (in the same
branch), GitLab will count the owners as soon as the branch is merged. If
you don't, you can do that later, but your new files will not belong to anyone until you update your
you must update `CODEOWNERS` accordingly. If you update the code owners when you are adding the files (in the same
branch), GitLab counts the owners as soon as the branch is merged. If
you don't, you can do that later, but your new files don't belong to anyone until you update your
`CODEOWNERS` file in the TARGET branch.
When a file matches multiple entries in the `CODEOWNERS` file,
......@@ -73,29 +72,32 @@ The user that would show for `` would be `@user2`.
## Approvals by Code Owners
Once you've added Code Owners to a project, you can configure it to
After you've added Code Owners to a project, you can configure it to
be used for merge request approvals:
- As [merge request eligible approvers](merge_requests/
- As required approvers for [protected branches]( **(PREMIUM)**
Developer or higher [permissions](../ are required in order to
Developer or higher [permissions](../ are required to
approve a merge request.
Once set, Code Owners are displayed in merge requests widgets:
After it's set, Code Owners are displayed in merge request widgets:
![MR widget - Code Owners](img/code_owners_mr_widget_v12_4.png)
While the `CODEOWNERS` file can be used in addition to Merge Request [Approval Rules](merge_requests/,
it can also be used as the sole driver of merge request approvals
(without using [Approval Rules](merge_requests/
To do so, create the file in one of the three locations specified above and
set the code owners as required approvers for [protected branches](
Use [the syntax of Code Owners files](
to specify the actual owners and granular permissions.
While you can use the `CODEOWNERS` file in addition to Merge Request
[Approval Rules](merge_requests/,
you can also use it as the sole driver of merge request approvals
without using [Approval Rules](merge_requests/
1. Create the file in one of the three locations specified above.
1. Set the code owners as required approvers for
[protected branches](
1. Use [the syntax of Code Owners files](
to specify the actual owners and granular permissions.
Using Code Owners in conjunction with [Protected Branches](
will prevent any user who is not specified in the `CODEOWNERS` file from pushing
prevents any user who is not specified in the `CODEOWNERS` file from pushing
changes for the specified files/paths, except those included in the
**Allowed to push** column. This allows for a more inclusive push strategy, as
administrators don't have to restrict developers from pushing directly to the
......@@ -114,13 +116,13 @@ in the `.gitignore` file followed by one or more of:
- The `@name` of one or more groups that should be owners of the file.
- Lines starting with `#` are ignored.
The order in which the paths are defined is significant: the last pattern that
matches a given path will be used to find the code owners.
The path definition order is significant: the last pattern
matching a given path is used to find the code owners.
### Groups as Code Owners
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab Starter 12.1.
> - Group and subgroup hierarchy support was [introduced]( in [GitLab Starter]( 13.0.
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.1.
> - Group and subgroup hierarchy support was [introduced]( in GitLab 13.0.
Groups and subgroups members are inherited as eligible Code Owners to a
project, as long as the hierarchy is respected.
......@@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ suppose you have a project called "Project A" within the group and a
"Project B" within the subgroup.
The eligible Code Owners to Project B are both the members of the Group X and
the Subgroup Y. And the eligible Code Owners to the Project A are just the
the Subgroup Y. The eligible Code Owners to the Project A are just the
members of the Group X, given that Project A doesn't belong to the Subgroup Y:
![Eligible Code Owners](img/code_owners_members_v13_4.png)
......@@ -142,9 +144,9 @@ Code Owners:
![Invite subgroup members to become eligible Code Owners](img/code_owners_invite_members_v13_4.png)
Once invited, any member (`@user`) of the group or subgroup can be set
as Code Owner to files of the Project A or B, as well as the entire Group X
(`@group-x`) or Subgroup Y (`@group-x/subgroup-y`), as exemplified below:
After being invited, any member (`@user`) of the group or subgroup can be set
as Code Owner to files of the Project A or B, and the entire Group X
(`@group-x`) or Subgroup Y (`@group-x/subgroup-y`), as follows:
# A member of the group or subgroup as Code Owner to a file
......@@ -162,7 +164,7 @@ @group-x @group-x/subgroup-y
### Code Owners Sections **(PREMIUM)**
> - [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 13.2 behind a feature flag, enabled by default.
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab Premium 13.2 behind a feature flag, enabled by default.
> - [Feature flag removed]( in GitLab 13.4.
Code Owner rules can be grouped into named sections. This allows for better
......@@ -185,8 +187,8 @@ changes, to set their own independent patterns by specifying discrete sections i
teams can be added as reviewers.
Sections can be added to `CODEOWNERS` files as a new line with the name of the
section inside square brackets. Every entry following it is assigned to that
section. The following example would create 2 Code Owner rules for the "README
section inside square brackets. Every entry following is assigned to that
section. The following example would create two Code Owner rules for the "README
Owners" section:
......@@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ internal/ @user2
Multiple sections can be used, even with matching file or directory patterns.
Reusing the same section name will group the results together under the same
Reusing the same section name groups the results together under the same
section, with the most specific rule or last matching pattern being used. For
example, consider the following entries in a `CODEOWNERS` file:
......@@ -213,7 +215,7 @@ model/db @gl-database @gl-docs
This will result in 3 entries under the "Documentation" section header, and 2
This results in three entries under the "Documentation" section header, and two
entries under "Database". Case is not considered when combining sections, so in
this example, entries defined under the sections "Documentation" and
"DOCUMENTATION" would be combined into one, using the case of the first instance
......@@ -227,9 +229,10 @@ the rules for "Groups" and "Documentation" sections:
#### Optional Code Owners Sections **(PREMIUM)**
> - [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 13.8 behind a feature flag, enabled by default.
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab Premium 13.8 behind a feature flag, enabled by default.
When you want to make a certain section optional, you can do so by adding a code owners section prepended with the caret `^` character. Approvals from owners listed in the section will **not** be required. For example:
To make a certain section optional, add a code owners section prepended with the
caret `^` character. Approvals from owners listed in the section are **not** required. For example:
......@@ -242,13 +245,13 @@ When you want to make a certain section optional, you can do so by adding a code
*.go @root
The optional code owners section will be displayed in merge requests under the **Approval Rules** area:
The optional code owners section displays in merge requests under the **Approval Rules** area:
![MR widget - Optional Code Owners Sections](img/optional_code_owners_sections_v13_8.png)
If a section is duplicated in the file, and one of them is marked as optional and the other isn't, the requirement prevails.
If a section is duplicated in the file, and one of them is marked as optional and the other isn't, the requirement prevails.
For example, the code owners of the "Documentation" section below will still be required to approve merge requests:
For example, the code owners of the "Documentation" section below is still required to approve merge requests:
......@@ -264,12 +267,12 @@ For example, the code owners of the "Documentation" section below will still be
*.txt @root
Optional sections in the code owners file are currently treated as optional only
when changes are submitted via merge requests. If a change is submitted directly
to the protected branch, approval from code owners will still be required, even if the
section is marked as optional. We plan to change this in a
Optional sections in the code owners file are treated as optional only
when changes are submitted by using merge requests. If a change is submitted directly
to the protected branch, approval from code owners is still required, even if the
section is marked as optional. We plan to change this behavior in a
[future release](,
where direct pushes to the protected branch will be allowed for sections marked as optional.
and allow direct pushes to the protected branch for sections marked as optional.
## Example `CODEOWNERS` file
......@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ type: reference
# Syntax Highlighting
GitLab provides syntax highlighting on all files through the [Rouge]( Ruby gem. It will try to guess what language to use based on the file extension, which most of the time is sufficient.
GitLab provides syntax highlighting on all files through the [Rouge]( Ruby gem. It attempts to guess what language to use based on the file extension, which most of the time is sufficient.
The [Web IDE](web_ide/ and [Snippets](../ use [Monaco Editor](
......@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@ you can add the following to your `.gitattributes` file:
<!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = NO -->
When you check in and push that change, all `*.pl` files in your project will be highlighted as Prolog.
When you check in and push that change, all `*.pl` files in your project are highlighted as Prolog.
<!-- vale gitlab.Spelling = YES -->
The paths here are simply Git's built-in [`.gitattributes` interface]( So, if you were to invent a file format called a `Nicefile` at the root of your project that used Ruby syntax, all you need is:
The paths here are Git's built-in [`.gitattributes` interface]( So, if you were to invent a file format called a `Nicefile` at the root of your project that used Ruby syntax, all you need is:
``` conf
/Nicefile gitlab-language=ruby
......@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ To disable highlighting entirely, use `gitlab-language=text`. Lots more fun shen
/other-file gitlab-language=text?token=Error
Please note that these configurations will only take effect when the `.gitattributes` file is in your default branch (usually `master`).
Please note that these configurations only take effect when the `.gitattributes`
file is in your default branch (usually `master`).
The Web IDE does not support `.gitattribute` files, but it's [planned for a future release](
......@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ the number of private projects you create.
## Project features
When you create a project in GitLab, you'll have access to a large number of
When you create a project in GitLab, you receive access to a large number of
- [Issue tracker](issues/ Discuss implementations with your team within issues
- [Issue tracker](issues/ Discuss implementations with your team in issues
- [Issue Boards]( Organize and prioritize your workflow
- [Multiple Issue Boards]( Allow your teams to create their own workflows (Issue Boards) for the same project
- [Repositories](repository/ Host your code in a fully
......@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ When you create a project in GitLab, you'll have access to a large number of
**Issues and merge requests:**
- [Issue tracker](issues/ Discuss implementations with your team within issues
- [Issue tracker](issues/ Discuss implementations with your team in issues
- [Issue Boards]( Organize and prioritize your workflow
- [Multiple Issue Boards]( Allow your teams to create their own workflows (Issue Boards) for the same project
- [Merge Requests](merge_requests/ Apply your branching
strategy and get reviewed by your team
- [Merge Request Approvals](merge_requests/ Ask for approval before
implementing a change **(STARTER)**
implementing a change
- [Fix merge conflicts from the UI](merge_requests/
Your Git diff tool right from the GitLab UI
- [Review Apps](../../ci/review_apps/ Live preview the results
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ When you create a project in GitLab, you'll have access to a large number of
- [Conan packages](../packages/conan_repository/ your private Conan repository in GitLab.
- [Maven packages](../packages/maven_repository/ your private Maven repository in GitLab.
- [NPM packages](../packages/npm_registry/ your private NPM package registry in GitLab.
- [Code owners]( specify code owners for certain files **(STARTER)**
- [Code owners]( specify code owners for certain files
- [License Compliance](../compliance/license_compliance/ approve and deny licenses for projects. **(ULTIMATE)**
- [Dependency List](../application_security/dependency_list/ view project dependencies. **(ULTIMATE)**
- [Requirements](requirements/ Requirements allow you to create criteria to check your products against. **(ULTIMATE)**
......@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ To delete a project, first navigate to the home page for that project.
1. Click **Delete project**
1. Confirm this action by typing in the expected text.
Projects in personal namespaces are deleted immediately on request. For information on delayed deletion of projects within a group, please see [Enabling delayed project removal](../group/
Projects in personal namespaces are deleted immediately on request. For information on delayed deletion of projects in a group, please see [Enabling delayed project removal](../group/
## CI/CD for external repositories **(PREMIUM)**
......@@ -214,11 +214,11 @@ filtered by **Push events**, **Merge events**, **Issue events**, **Comments**,
### Leave a project
**Leave project** will only display on the project's dashboard
**Leave project** only displays on the project's dashboard
when a project is part of a group (under a
[group namespace](../group/
If you choose to leave a project you will no longer be a project
member, therefore, unable to contribute.
If you choose to leave a project you are no longer a project
member, and cannot contribute.
## Project's landing page
......@@ -230,15 +230,15 @@ with [permissions to view the project's code](../
- The content of a
[`README` or an index file](repository/#repository-readme-and-index-files)
is displayed (if any), followed by the list of directories within the
is displayed (if any), followed by the list of directories in the
project's repository.
- If the project doesn't contain either of these files, the
visitor will see the list of files and directories of the repository.
visitor sees the list of files and directories of the repository.
For users without permissions to view the project's code:
For users without permissions to view the project's code, GitLab displays:
- The wiki homepage is displayed, if any.
- The list of issues within the project is displayed.
- The wiki homepage, if any.
- The list of issues in the project.
## GitLab Workflow - VS Code extension
......@@ -259,15 +259,15 @@ Depending on the situation, different things apply.
When [renaming a user](../profile/,
[changing a group path](../group/ or [renaming a repository](settings/
- Existing web URLs for the namespace and anything under it (e.g., projects) will
- Existing web URLs for the namespace and anything under it (such as projects) will
redirect to the new URLs.
- Starting with GitLab 10.3, existing Git remote URLs for projects under the
namespace will redirect to the new remote URL. Every time you push/pull to a
namespace redirect to the new remote URL. Every time you push/pull to a
repository that has changed its location, a warning message to update
your remote will be displayed instead of rejecting your action.
This means that any automation scripts, or Git clients will continue to
your remote is displayed instead of rejecting your action.
This means that any automation scripts, or Git clients continue to
work after a rename, making any transition a lot smoother.
- The redirects will be available as long as the original path is not claimed by
- The redirects are available as long as the original path is not claimed by
another group, user or project.
## Use your project as a Go package
......@@ -278,11 +278,11 @@ and `` discovery requests, including the
[`go-source`]( meta tags.
Private projects, including projects in subgroups, can be used as a Go package,
but may require configuration to work correctly. GitLab will respond correctly
but may require configuration to work correctly. GitLab responds correctly
to `go get` discovery requests for projects that *are not* in subgroups,
regardless of authentication or authorization.
[Authentication](#authenticate-go-requests) is required to use a private project
in a subgroup as a Go package. Otherwise, GitLab will truncate the path for
in a subgroup as a Go package. Otherwise, GitLab truncates the path for
private projects in subgroups to the first two segments, causing `go get` to
......@@ -302,10 +302,10 @@ queries), and [`GONOSUMDB`](../../development/go_guide/
`GOPRIVATE`, `GONOPROXY`, and `GONOSUMDB` are comma-separated lists of Go
modules and Go module prefixes. For example,
`` will disable queries for that
one project, but `` will disable queries for *all*
projects on Go will not query module proxies if the module name or a
prefix of it appears in `GOPRIVATE` or `GONOPROXY`. Go will not query checksum
`` disables queries for that
one project, but `` disables queries for *all*
projects on Go does not query module proxies if the module name or a
prefix of it appears in `GOPRIVATE` or `GONOPROXY`. Go does not query checksum
databases if the module name or a prefix of it appears in `GONOPRIVATE` or
......@@ -315,8 +315,8 @@ To authenticate requests to private projects made by Go, use a [`.netrc`
file]( and a [personal access
token](../profile/ in the password field. **This only
works if your GitLab instance can be accessed with HTTPS.** The `go` command
will not transmit credentials over insecure connections. This will authenticate
all HTTPS requests made directly by Go but will not authenticate requests made
does not transmit credentials over insecure connections. This authenticates
all HTTPS requests made directly by Go, but does not authenticate requests made
through Git.
For example:
......@@ -332,16 +332,18 @@ On Windows, Go reads `~/_netrc` instead of `~/.netrc`.
### Authenticate Git fetches
If a module cannot be fetched from a proxy, Go will fall back to using Git (for
GitLab projects). Git will use `.netrc` to authenticate requests. Alternatively,
Git can be configured to embed specific credentials in the request URL, or to
use SSH instead of HTTPS (as Go always uses HTTPS to fetch Git repositories):
If a module cannot be fetched from a proxy, Go falls back to using Git (for
GitLab projects). Git uses `.netrc` to authenticate requests. You can also
configure Git to either:
- Embed specific credentials in the request URL.
- Use SSH instead of HTTPS, as Go always uses HTTPS to fetch Git repositories.
# embed credentials in any request to
# Embed credentials in any request to
git config --global url."https://${user}:${personal_access_token}".insteadOf ""
# use SSH instead of HTTPS:
# Use SSH instead of HTTPS:
git config --global url."".insteadOf ""
......@@ -354,7 +356,7 @@ visit the `/projects/:id` URL in your browser or other tool accessing the projec
## Project aliases **(PREMIUM SELF)**
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 12.1.
> [Introduced]( in GitLab Premium 12.1.
When migrating repositories to GitLab and they are being accessed by other systems,
it's very useful to be able to access them using the same name especially when
......@@ -369,9 +371,9 @@ A project alias can be only created via API and only by GitLab administrators.
Follow the [Project Aliases API documentation](../../api/ for
more details.
Once an alias has been created for a project (e.g., an alias `gitlab` for the
project ``), the repository can be cloned
using the alias (e.g `git clone` instead of
After an alias has been created for a project (such as an alias `gitlab` for the
project ``), you can clone the repository
with the alias (e.g `git clone` instead of
`git clone`).
## Project activity analytics overview **(ULTIMATE SELF)**
......@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ further restrictions on certain branches, they can be protected.
## Overview
By default, a protected branch does four simple things:
By default, a protected branch does these things:
- It prevents its creation, if not already created, from everybody except users
with Maintainer permission.
......@@ -30,49 +30,47 @@ The default branch protection level is set in the [Admin Area](../admin_area/set
## Configuring protected branches
To protect a branch, you need to have at least Maintainer permission level. Note
that the `master` branch is protected by default.
To protect a branch, you need to have at least Maintainer permission level.
The `master` branch is protected by default.
1. Navigate to your project's **Settings ➔ Repository**
1. In your project, go to **Settings > Repository**.
1. Scroll to find the **Protected branches** section.
1. From the **Branch** dropdown menu, select the branch you want to protect and
click **Protect**. In the screenshot below, we chose the `develop` branch.
![Protected branches page](img/protected_branches_page_v12_3.png)
1. Once done, the protected branch will appear in the "Protected branches" list.
1. Once done, the protected branch displays in the **Protected branches** list.
![Protected branches list](img/protected_branches_list_v12_3.png)
## Using the Allowed to merge and Allowed to push settings
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 8.11.
In GitLab 8.11 and later, we added another layer of branch protection which provides
more granular management of protected branches. The "Developers can push"
option was replaced by an "Allowed to push" setting which can be set to
allow/prohibit Maintainers and/or Developers to push to a protected branch.
more granular management of protected branches. The **Developers can push**
option was replaced by **Allowed to push**. You can set this value to allow
or prohibit Maintainers and/or Developers to push to a protected branch.
Using the "Allowed to push" and "Allowed to merge" settings, you can control
Using the **Allowed to push** and **Allowed to merge** settings, you can control
the actions that different roles can perform with the protected branch.
For example, you could set "Allowed to push" to "No one", and "Allowed to merge"
to "Developers + Maintainers", to require _everyone_ to submit a merge request for
For example, you could set **Allowed to push** to "No one", and **Allowed to merge**
to "Developers + Maintainers", to require everyone to submit a merge request for
changes going into the protected branch. This is compatible with workflows like
the [GitLab workflow](../../topics/
However, there are workflows where that is not needed, and only protecting from
force pushes and branch removal is useful. For those workflows, you can allow
everyone with write access to push to a protected branch by setting
"Allowed to push" to "Developers + Maintainers".
**Allowed to push** to "Developers + Maintainers".
You can set the "Allowed to push" and "Allowed to merge" options while creating
You can set the **Allowed to push** and **Allowed to merge** options while creating
a protected branch or afterwards by selecting the option you want from the
dropdown list in the "Already protected" area.
dropdown list in the **Already protected** area.
![Developers can push](img/protected_branches_devs_can_push_v12_3.png)
If you don't choose any of those options while creating a protected branch,
they are set to "Maintainers" by default.
they are set to Maintainers by default.
### Allow Deploy Keys to push to a protected branch
......@@ -88,7 +86,7 @@ Deploy keys can be selected in the **Allowed to push** dropdown when:
- Defining a protected branch.
- Updating an existing branch.
Select a deploy key to allow the owner of the key to push to the chosen protected branch,
Select a deploy key to allow the key's owner to push to the chosen protected branch,
even if they aren't a member of the related project. The owner of the selected deploy
key must have at least read access to the given project.
......@@ -103,24 +101,20 @@ Deploy Keys are not available in the **Allowed to merge** dropdown.
## Restricting push and merge access to certain users **(STARTER)**
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Starter]( 8.11.
With GitLab Enterprise Edition you can restrict access to protected branches
by choosing a role (Maintainers, Developers) as well as certain users. From the
by choosing a role (Maintainers, Developers) and certain users. From the
dropdown menu select the role and/or the users you want to have merge or push
![Select roles and users](img/protected_branches_select_roles_and_users.png)
Click **Protect** and the branch will appear in the "Protected branch" list.
Click **Protect** and the branch displays in the **Protected branch** list.
![Roles and users list](img/protected_branches_select_roles_and_users_list.png)
## Wildcard protected branches
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 8.10.
You can specify a wildcard protected branch, which will protect all branches
You can specify a wildcard protected branch, which protects all branches
matching the wildcard. For example:
| Wildcard Protected Branch | Matching Branches |
......@@ -129,15 +123,15 @@ matching the wildcard. For example:
| `production/*` | `production/app-server`, `production/load-balancer` |
| `*gitlab*` | `gitlab`, `gitlab/staging`, `master/gitlab/production` |
Protected branch settings (like "Developers can push") apply to all matching
Protected branch settings, like **Developers can push**, apply to all matching
Two different wildcards can potentially match the same branch. For example,
`*-stable` and `production-*` would both match a `production-stable` branch.
In that case, if _any_ of these protected branches have a setting like
"Allowed to push", then `production-stable` will also inherit this setting.
"Allowed to push", then `production-stable` also inherit this setting.
If you click on a protected branch's name, you will be presented with a list of
If you click on a protected branch's name, GitLab displays a list of
all matching branches:
![Protected branch matches](img/protected_branches_matches.png)
......@@ -151,41 +145,36 @@ When a protected branch or wildcard protected branches are set to
Developers (and users with higher [permission levels](../ are
allowed to create a new protected branch as long as they are
[**Allowed to merge**](#using-the-allowed-to-merge-and-allowed-to-push-settings).
This can only be done via the UI or through the API (to avoid creating protected
branches accidentally from the command line or from a Git client application).
This can only be done by using the UI or through the API, to avoid creating protected
branches accidentally from the command line or from a Git client application.
To create a new branch through the user interface:
1. Visit **Repository > Branches**.
1. Go to **Repository > Branches**.
1. Click on **New branch**.
1. Fill in the branch name and select an existing branch, tag, or commit that
the new branch will be based off. Only existing protected branches and commits
that are already in protected branches will be accepted.
1. Fill in the branch name and select an existing branch, tag, or commit to
base the new branch on. Only existing protected branches and commits
that are already in protected branches are accepted.
## Deleting a protected branch
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 9.3.
From time to time, it may be required to delete or clean up branches that are
From time to time, you may need to delete or clean up protected branches.
User with [Maintainer permissions](../ and greater can manually delete protected
branches by using the GitLab web interface:
User with [Maintainer permissions](../ and up can manually delete protected
branches via the GitLab web interface:
1. Visit **Repository > Branches**
1. Click on the delete icon next to the branch you wish to delete
1. In order to prevent accidental deletion, an additional confirmation is
1. Go to **Repository > Branches**.
1. Click on the delete icon next to the branch you wish to delete.
1. To prevent accidental deletion, an additional confirmation is required.
![Delete protected branches](img/protected_branches_delete.png)
Deleting a protected branch is only allowed via the web interface, not via Git.
Deleting a protected branch is allowed only by using the web interface; not from Git.
This means that you can't accidentally delete a protected branch from your
command line or a Git client application.
## Protected Branches approval by Code Owners **(PREMIUM)**
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 12.4.
> [Introduced]( in GitLab Premium 12.4.
It is possible to require at least one approval by a
[Code Owner]( to a file changed by the
......@@ -208,7 +197,7 @@ To enable Code Owner's approval to branches already protected:
![Code Owners approval - branch already protected](img/code_owners_approval_protected_branch_v12_4.png)
When enabled, all merge requests targeting these branches will require approval
When enabled, all merge requests targeting these branches require approval
by a Code Owner per matched rule before they can be merged.
Additionally, direct pushes to the protected branch are denied if a rule is matched.
......@@ -224,26 +213,9 @@ for details about the pipelines security model.
## Changelog
- [Allow Deploy keys to push to protected branches once more](
- [Allow protected branches to be created]( by Developers (and users with higher permission levels) through the API and the user interface.
- Allow deletion of protected branches via the web interface ([issue #21393](
- Allow creating protected branches that can't be pushed to ([merge request !5081](
- Allow developers without push access to merge into a protected branch ([merge request !4892](
- Allow specifying protected branches using wildcards ([merge request !4665](
- **13.5**: [Allow Deploy keys to push to protected branches once more](
- **11.9**: [Allow protected branches to be created](
by Developers (and users with higher permission levels) through the API and the user interface.
<!-- ## Troubleshooting
......@@ -15,11 +15,13 @@ This feature evolved out of [protected branches](
## Overview
Protected tags will prevent anyone from updating or deleting the tag, and will prevent creation of matching tags based on the permissions you have selected. By default, anyone without Maintainer permission will be prevented from creating tags.
Protected tags prevent anyone from updating or deleting the tag, and prevent
creation of matching tags based on the permissions you have selected. By default,
anyone without Maintainer [permissions](../ is prevented from creating tags.
## Configuring protected tags
To protect a tag, you need to have at least Maintainer permission level.
To protect a tag, you need to have at least Maintainer [permissions](../
1. Navigate to the project's **Settings > Repository**:
......@@ -29,17 +31,18 @@ To protect a tag, you need to have at least Maintainer permission level.
![Protected tags page](img/protected_tags_page_v12_3.png)
1. From the **Allowed to create** dropdown, select who will have permission to create matching tags and then click **Protect**:
1. From the **Allowed to create** dropdown, select users with permission to create
matching tags, and click **Protect**:
![Allowed to create tags dropdown](img/protected_tags_permissions_dropdown_v12_3.png)
1. Once done, the protected tag will appear in the **Protected tags** list:
1. After done, the protected tag displays in the **Protected tags** list:
![Protected tags list](img/protected_tags_list_v12_3.png)
## Wildcard protected tags
You can specify a wildcard protected tag, which will protect all tags
You can specify a wildcard protected tag, which protects all tags
matching the wildcard. For example:
| Wildcard Protected Tag | Matching Tags |
......@@ -52,9 +55,9 @@ matching the wildcard. For example:
Two different wildcards can potentially match the same tag. For example,
`*-stable` and `production-*` would both match a `production-stable` tag.
In that case, if _any_ of these protected tags have a setting like
**Allowed to create**, then `production-stable` will also inherit this setting.
**Allowed to create**, then `production-stable` also inherit this setting.
If you click on a protected tag's name, you will be presented with a list of
If you click on a protected tag's name, GitLab displays a list of
all matching tags:
![Protected tag matches](img/protected_tag_matches.png)
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ type: reference, howto
# Project access tokens
Project access tokens are supported for self-managed instances on Core and above. They are also supported on Bronze and above (excluding [trial licenses](
Project access tokens are supported for self-managed instances on Free and above. They are also supported on GitLab SaaS Premium and above (excluding [trial licenses](
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.0.
> - [Became available on]( in GitLab 13.5 for paid groups only.
import Vue from 'vue';
import mountComponent from 'helpers/vue_mount_component_helper';
import { GlLoadingIcon } from '@gitlab/ui';
import { shallowMount, mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import mrStatusIcon from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_status_icon.vue';
describe('MR widget status icon component', () => {
let vm;
let Component;
let wrapper;
beforeEach(() => {
Component = Vue.extend(mrStatusIcon);
const findLoadingIcon = () => wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon);
const findDisabledMergeButton = () => wrapper.find('[data-testid="disabled-merge-button"]');
const createWrapper = (props, mountFn = shallowMount) => {
wrapper = mountFn(mrStatusIcon, {
propsData: {
afterEach(() => {
describe('while loading', () => {
it('renders loading icon', () => {
vm = mountComponent(Component, { status: 'loading' });
createWrapper({ status: 'loading' });
expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.mr-widget-icon span').classList).toContain('gl-spinner');
describe('with status icon', () => {
it('renders ci status icon', () => {
vm = mountComponent(Component, { status: 'failed' });
it('renders success status icon', () => {
createWrapper({ status: 'success' }, mount);
it('renders failed status icon', () => {
createWrapper({ status: 'failed' }, mount);
describe('with disabled button', () => {
it('renders a disabled button', () => {
vm = mountComponent(Component, { status: 'failed', showDisabledButton: true });
createWrapper({ status: 'failed', showDisabledButton: true });
describe('without disabled button', () => {
it('does not render a disabled button', () => {
vm = mountComponent(Component, { status: 'failed' });
createWrapper({ status: 'failed' });
......@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@ describe('MRWidgetFailedToMerge', () => {
describe('while it is not regresing', () => {
it('renders warning icon and disabled merge button', () => {
it('renders given error', () => {
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