Commit b30b6f5e authored by Evan Read's avatar Evan Read

Merge branch 'docs-update-vale-add-template' into 'master'

Update vale and start using output template

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab!47487
parents aa9dbddc ff3777c4
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ docs-lint markdown:
- .default-retry
- .docs:rules:docs-lint
image: ""
image: ""
stage: test
needs: []
{{- /* Modify Vale's output */ -}}
{{- /* Keep track of our various counts */ -}}
{{- $e := 0 -}}
{{- $w := 0 -}}
{{- $s := 0 -}}
{{- $f := 0 -}}
{{- /* Range over the linted files */ -}}
{{- range .Files}}
{{- $f = add1 $f -}}
{{- $path := .Path | underline -}}
{{- /* Range over the file's alerts */ -}}
{{- range .Alerts -}}
{{- $error := "" -}}
{{- if eq .Severity "error" -}}
{{- $error = .Severity | red -}}
{{- $e = add1 $e -}}
{{- else if eq .Severity "warning" -}}
{{- $error = .Severity | yellow -}}
{{- $w = add1 $w -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $error = .Severity | blue -}}
{{- $s = add1 $s -}}
{{- end}}
{{- /* Variables setup */ -}}
{{- $path = $path -}}
{{- $loc := printf "Line %d, position %d" .Line (index .Span 0) -}}
{{- $check := printf "%s" .Check -}}
{{- $message := printf "%s" .Message -}}
{{- $link := printf "%s" .Link -}}
{{- /* Output */ -}}
{{ $path }}:
{{ $loc }} (rule {{ $check }})
{{ $error }}: {{ $message }}
More information: {{ $link }}
{{end -}}
{{end -}}
{{- $e}} {{"errors" | red}}, {{$w}} {{"warnings" | yellow}}, and {{$s}} {{"suggestions" | blue}} found in {{$f}} {{$f | int | plural "file" "files"}}.
......@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@ Here you can access the complete documentation for GitLab, the single applicatio
No matter how you use GitLab, we have documentation for you.
| Essential documentation | Essential documentation |
| [**User documentation**](user/<br>Discover features and concepts for GitLab users. | [**Administrator documentation**](administration/<br/>Everything GitLab self-managed administrators need to know. |
| [**Contributing to GitLab**](#contributing-to-gitlab)<br/>At GitLab, everyone can contribute! | [**New to Git and GitLab?**](#new-to-git-and-gitlab)<br/>We have the resources to get you started. |
| [**Build an integration with GitLab**](#build-an-integration-with-gitlab)<br/>Consult our automation and integration documentation. | [**Coming to GitLab from another platform?**](#coming-to-gitlab-from-another-platform)<br/>Consult our handy guides. |
| [**Build an integration with GitLab**](#build-an-integration-with-gitlab)<br/>Consult our automation and integration documentation. | [**Coming to GitLab from another platform?**](#coming-to-gitlab-from-another-platform)<br/>Consult our guides. |
| [**Install GitLab**](<br/>Installation options for different platforms. | [**Customers**](subscriptions/<br/>Information for new and existing customers. |
| [**Update GitLab**](update/<br/>Update your GitLab self-managed instance to the latest version. | [**Reference Architectures**](administration/reference_architectures/<br/>GitLab's reference architectures |
| [**GitLab releases**](<br/>What's new in GitLab. | |
......@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ GitLab provides statistics and insights into ways you can maximize the value of
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Manage** stage:
| Manage topics | Description |
| [Authentication and<br/>Authorization](administration/auth/ **(CORE ONLY)** | Supported authentication and authorization providers. |
| [GitLab Value Stream Analytics](user/analytics/ | Measure the time it takes to go from an [idea to production]( for each project you have. |
| [Instance-level analytics](user/admin_area/analytics/ | Discover statistics on how many GitLab features you use and user activity. |
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ management tools.
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Plan** stage:
| Plan topics | Description |
| [Burndown charts](user/project/milestones/ **(STARTER)** | Watch your project's progress throughout a specific milestone. |
| [Discussions](user/discussions/ | Threads, comments, and resolvable threads in issues, commits, and merge requests. |
| [Due dates](user/project/issues/ | Keep track of issue deadlines. |
......@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Create** stage:
#### Projects and groups
| Create topics - Projects and Groups | Description |
| [Advanced search](user/search/ **(STARTER)** | Leverage Elasticsearch for faster, more advanced code search across your entire GitLab instance. |
| [Advanced syntax search](user/search/ **(STARTER)** | Use advanced queries for more targeted search results. |
| [Contribution analytics](user/group/contribution_analytics/ **(STARTER)** | See detailed statistics of group contributors. |
......@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Create** stage:
#### Repositories
| Create topics - Repositories | Description |
| [Branches](user/project/repository/branches/ and the [default branch](user/project/repository/branches/ | How to use branches in GitLab. |
| [Commits](user/project/repository/ and [signing commits](user/project/repository/gpg_signed_commits/ | Work with commits, and use GPG to sign your commits. |
| [Create branches](user/project/repository/, [create](user/project/repository/<br/>and [upload](user/project/repository/ files, and [create directories](user/project/repository/ | Create branches, create and upload files, and create directories within GitLab. |
......@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Create** stage:
#### Merge requests
| Create topics - Merge Requests | Description |
| [Checking out merge requests locally](user/project/merge_requests/ | Tips for working with merge requests locally. |
| [Cherry-picking](user/project/merge_requests/ | Use GitLab for cherry-picking changes. |
| [Merge request thread resolution](user/discussions/ | Resolve threads, move threads in a merge request to an issue, and only allow merge requests to be merged if all threads are resolved. |
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Create** stage:
#### Integration and Automation
| Create topics - Integration and Automation | Description |
| [GitLab REST API](api/ | Integrate with GitLab using our REST API. |
| [GitLab GraphQL API](api/graphql/ | Integrate with GitLab using our GraphQL API. |
| [GitLab integrations](integration/ | Integrate with multiple third-party services with GitLab to allow external issue trackers and external authentication. |
......@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ scales to run your tests faster.
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Verify** stage:
| Verify topics | Description |
| [Code Quality reports](user/project/merge_requests/ | Analyze source code quality. |
| [GitLab CI/CD](ci/ | Explore the features and capabilities of Continuous Integration with GitLab. |
| [Unit test reports](ci/ | Display Unit test reports on merge requests. |
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ packages, which can be consumed as a dependency in downstream projects.
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Package** stage:
| Package topics | Description |
| [Container Registry](user/packages/container_registry/ | The GitLab Container Registry enables every project in GitLab to have its own space to store [Docker]( images. |
| [Dependency Proxy](user/packages/dependency_proxy/ | The GitLab Dependency Proxy sets up a local proxy for frequently used upstream images/packages. |
| [Package Registry](user/packages/package_registry/ | Use GitLab as a private or public registry for a variety of common package managers, including [NPM](user/packages/npm_registry/, [Maven](user/packages/maven_repository/, [PyPI](user/packages/pypi_repository/, and others. You can also store generic files. |
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ remediation processes when needed.
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Secure** stage:
| Secure topics | Description |
| [Compliance Dashboard](user/compliance/compliance_dashboard/ **(ULTIMATE)** | View the most recent Merge Request activity in a group. |
| [Container Scanning](user/application_security/container_scanning/ **(ULTIMATE)** | Use Clair to scan Docker images for known vulnerabilities. |
| [Dependency List](user/application_security/dependency_list/ **(ULTIMATE)** | View your project's dependencies and their known vulnerabilities. |
......@@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ confidently and securely with GitLab’s built-in Continuous Delivery and Deploy
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Release** stage:
| Release topics | Description |
| [Auto Deploy](topics/autodevops/ | Configure GitLab for the deployment of your application. |
| [Canary Deployments](user/project/ **(PREMIUM)** | Employ a popular CI strategy where a small portion of the fleet is updated to the new version first. |
| [Deploy Boards](user/project/ **(PREMIUM)** | View the current health and status of each CI environment running on Kubernetes, displaying the status of the pods in the deployment. |
......@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ configuration. Then customize everything from buildpacks to CI/CD.
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Configure** stage:
| Configure topics | Description |
| [Auto DevOps](topics/autodevops/ | Automatically employ a complete DevOps lifecycle. |
| [Create Kubernetes clusters](user/project/clusters/ | Use Kubernetes and GitLab. |
| [Executable Runbooks](user/project/clusters/runbooks/ | Documented procedures that explain how to carry out particular processes. |
......@@ -392,10 +392,10 @@ your applications that are deployed in production.
The following documentation relates to the DevOps **Defend** stage:
| Defend topics | Description |
| [Web Application Firewall with ModSecurity](user/compliance/compliance_dashboard/ | Filter, monitor, and block HTTP traffic to and from a web application. |
| [Container host security](user/clusters/ | Detect and respond to security threats at the Kubernetes, network, and host level. |
| [Container network security](user/clusters/ | Detect and block unauthorized network traffic between pods and to/from the internet.|
| [Container network security](user/clusters/ | Detect and block unauthorized network traffic between pods and to/from the internet. |
## New to Git and GitLab?
......@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ Working with new systems can be daunting.
We have the following documentation to rapidly uplift your GitLab knowledge:
| Topic | Description |
| [GitLab basics guides](gitlab-basics/ | Start working on the command line and with GitLab. |
| [GitLab workflow overview]( | Enhance your workflow with the best of GitLab Workflow. |
| [Get started with GitLab CI/CD](ci/quick_start/ | Quickly implement GitLab CI/CD. |
......@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ Learn more about GitLab account management:
Learn more about using Git, and using Git with GitLab:
| Topic | Description |
| [Git](topics/git/ | Getting started with Git, branching strategies, Git LFS, and advanced use. |
| [Git cheat sheet]( | Download a PDF describing the most used Git operations. |
| [GitLab Flow](topics/ | Explore the best of Git with the GitLab Flow strategy. |
......@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ Learn more about using Git, and using Git with GitLab:
If you are coming to GitLab from another platform, the following information is useful:
| Topic | Description |
| [Importing to GitLab](user/project/import/ | Import your projects from GitHub, Bitbucket,, FogBugz, and SVN into GitLab. |
| [Migrating from SVN](user/project/import/ | Convert a SVN repository to Git and GitLab. |
......@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ If you are coming to GitLab from another platform, the following information is
There are many ways to integrate with GitLab, including:
| Topic | Description |
| [GitLab REST API](api/ | Integrate with GitLab using our REST API. |
| [GitLab GraphQL API](api/graphql/ | Integrate with GitLab using our GraphQL API. |
| [Integrations and automation](#integration-and-automation) | All GitLab integration and automation options. |
......@@ -75,14 +75,13 @@ fi
function run_locally_or_in_docker() {
local cmd=$1
local args=$2
local pipe_cmd=$3
if hash ${cmd} 2>/dev/null
$cmd $args | $pipe_cmd
$cmd $args
elif hash docker 2>/dev/null
docker run -t -v ${PWD}:/gitlab -w /gitlab --rm ${cmd} ${args} | $pipe_cmd
docker run -t -v ${PWD}:/gitlab -w /gitlab --rm ${cmd} ${args}
echo " ✖ ERROR: '${cmd}' not found. Install '${cmd}' or Docker to proceed." >&2
......@@ -109,7 +108,7 @@ else
echo '=> Linting prose...'
run_locally_or_in_docker 'vale' "--minAlertLevel error --output=JSON ${MD_DOC_PATH}" "ruby scripts/vale.rb"
run_locally_or_in_docker 'vale' "--minAlertLevel error --output=doc/.vale/vale.tmpl ${MD_DOC_PATH}"
if [ $ERRORCODE -ne 0 ]
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Get the JSON output from Vale and format it in a nicer way
# See
# Usage:
# vale --output=JSON | ruby vale.rb
require 'json'
input =
data = JSON.parse(input)
data.each_pair do |source, alerts|
alerts.each do |alert|
puts "#{source}:"
puts " Line #{alert['Line']}, position #{alert['Span'][0]} (rule #{alert['Check']})"
puts " #{alert['Severity']}: #{alert['Message']}"
puts " More information: #{alert['Link']}"
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