=link_toreset_access_group_ldap_path(@group),class: 'btn btn-grouped',data: {confirm: "Reset the access level of all other LDAP group team members to '#{@group.human_ldap_access}'?"},method: :putdo
=link_toreset_access_group_ldap_path(@group),class: 'btn btn-grouped',data: {confirm: "Reset the access level of all other LDAP group team members to '#{@group.human_ldap_access}'?"},method: :putdo
access. Because LDAP permissions in GitLab get updated one user at a time and because GitLab caches LDAP check results, changes on your LDAP server or in this group's LDAP sync settings may take up to #{Gitlab.config.ldap['sync_time']}s to show in the list below.