*DEPRECATED* We recommend to [switch to the Omnibus package and repository server](https://about.gitlab.com/update/) instead of using this script.
Although deprecated, if someone wants to make this script into a gem or otherwise improve it merge requests are welcome.
*Make sure you view this [upgrade guide from the 'master' branch](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/update/upgrader.md) for the most up to date instructions.*
GitLab Upgrader - a ruby script that allows you easily upgrade GitLab to latest minor version.
For example it can update your application from 6.4 to latest GitLab 6 version (like 6.6.1).
You still need to create a backup and manually restart GitLab after running the script but all other operations are done by this upgrade script.
If you have local changes to your GitLab repository the script will stash them and you need to use `git stash pop` after running the script.
**GitLab Upgrader is available only for GitLab version 6.4.2 or higher.**
**This script does NOT update gitlab-shell, it needs manual update. See step 5 below.**
Please replace X.X.X with the [latest GitLab release](https://packages.gitlab.com/gitlab/gitlab-ce).
GitLab 7.9 adds `nodejs` as a dependency. GitLab 7.6 adds `libkrb5-dev` as a dependency (installed by default on Ubuntu and OSX). GitLab 7.2 adds `pkg-config` and `cmake` as dependency. Please check the dependencies in the [installation guide.](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/blob/master/doc/install/installation.md#1-packages-dependencies)