Commit c22a3fa0 authored by Rémy Coutable's avatar Rémy Coutable

Merge branch 'blackst0ne-replace-spinach-project-source-markdown-render.feature' into 'master'

Replace the `project/source/markdown_render.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog

See merge request gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!18525
parents 8d74af10 4155df1c
title: Replace the `project/source/markdown_render.feature` spinach test with an rspec analog
merge_request: 18525
author: "@blackst0ne"
type: other
Feature: Project Source Markdown Render
Given I sign in as a user
And I own project "Delta"
And I visit markdown branch
Scenario: Tree view should have correct links in README
Given I go directory which contains README file
And I click on a relative link in README
Then I should see the correct markdown
Scenario: I browse files from markdown branch
Then I should see files from repository in markdown
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Gitlab API in README
Then I should see correct document rendered
Scenario: I view README in markdown branch
Then I should see files from repository in markdown
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Rake tasks in README
Then I should see correct directory rendered
Scenario: I view README in markdown branch to see reference links to directory
Then I should see files from repository in markdown
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on GitLab API doc directory in README
Then I should see correct doc/api directory rendered
Scenario: I view README in markdown branch to see reference links to file
Then I should see files from repository in markdown
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Maintenance in README
Then I should see correct maintenance file rendered
Scenario: README headers should have header links
Then I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And Header "Application details" should have correct id and link
# Blob
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view documentation in markdown
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered
And I click on users in doc/api/README
Then I should see the correct document file
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view user doc in markdown
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered
And I click on raketasks in doc/api/README
Then I should see correct directory rendered
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view user doc in markdown
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And Header "GitLab API" should have correct id and link
# Markdown branch
Scenario: I browse files from markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
Then I should see files from repository in markdown branch
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Gitlab API in README
Then I should see correct document rendered for markdown branch
Scenario: I browse directory from markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
Then I should see files from repository in markdown branch
And I should see rendered README which contains correct links
And I click on Rake tasks in README
Then I should see correct directory rendered for markdown branch
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view documentation in markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered in markdown branch
And I click on users in doc/api/README
Then I should see the users document file in markdown branch
Scenario: I navigate to doc directory to view user doc in markdown branch
When I visit markdown branch
And I navigate to the doc/api/README
And I see correct file rendered in markdown branch
And I click on raketasks in doc/api/README
Then I should see correct directory rendered for markdown branch
Scenario: Tree markdown links view empty urls should have correct urls
When I visit markdown branch
Then The link with text "empty" should have url "tree/markdown"
When I visit markdown branch "" blob
Then The link with text "empty" should have url "blob/markdown/"
When I visit markdown branch "d" tree
Then The link with text "empty" should have url "tree/markdown/d"
When I visit markdown branch "d/" blob
Then The link with text "empty" should have url "blob/markdown/d/"
# "ID" means "#id" on the tests below, because we are unable to escape the hash sign.
# which Spinach interprets as the start of a comment.
Scenario: All markdown links with ids should have correct urls
When I visit markdown branch
Then The link with text "ID" should have url "tree/markdownID"
Then The link with text "/ID" should have url "tree/markdownID"
Then The link with text "README.mdID" should have url "blob/markdown/README.mdID"
Then The link with text "d/README.mdID" should have url "blob/markdown/d/README.mdID"
When I visit markdown branch "" blob
Then The link with text "ID" should have url "blob/markdown/README.mdID"
Then The link with text "/ID" should have url "blob/markdown/README.mdID"
Then The link with text "README.mdID" should have url "blob/markdown/README.mdID"
Then The link with text "d/README.mdID" should have url "blob/markdown/d/README.mdID"
# Wiki
Scenario: I create a wiki page with different links
Given I go to wiki page
And I add various links to the wiki page
Then Wiki page should have added links
And I click on test link
Then I see new wiki page named test
When I go back to wiki page home
And I click on GitLab API doc link
Then I see Gitlab API document
When I go back to wiki page home
And I click on Rake tasks link
Then I see Rake tasks directory
Scenario: Wiki headers should have should have ids generated for them.
Given I go to wiki page
And I add a header to the wiki page
Then Wiki header should have correct id and link
# If you need to modify the existing seed repository for your tests,
# it is recommended that you make the changes on the `markdown` branch of the seed project repository,
# which should only be used by tests in this file. See `/spec/factories.rb#project` for more info.
class Spinach::Features::ProjectSourceMarkdownRender < Spinach::FeatureSteps
include SharedAuthentication
include SharedPaths
include SharedMarkdown
include WaitForRequests
step 'I own project "Delta"' do
@project = ::Project.find_by(name: "Delta")
@project ||= create(:project, :repository, name: "Delta", namespace: @user.namespace)
step 'I should see files from repository in markdown' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_tree_path(@project, "markdown")
expect(page).to have_content ""
expect(page).to have_content "CHANGELOG"
step 'I should see rendered README which contains correct links' do
expect(page).to have_content "Welcome to GitLab GitLab is a free project and repository management application"
expect(page).to have_link "GitLab API doc"
expect(page).to have_link "GitLab API website"
expect(page).to have_link "Rake tasks"
expect(page).to have_link "backup and restore procedure"
expect(page).to have_link "GitLab API doc directory"
expect(page).to have_link "Maintenance"
step 'I click on Gitlab API in README' do
click_link "GitLab API doc"
step 'I should see correct document rendered' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
expect(page).to have_content "All API requests require authentication"
step 'I click on Rake tasks in README' do
click_link "Rake tasks"
step 'I should see correct directory rendered' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/doc/raketasks")
expect(page).to have_content ""
expect(page).to have_content ""
step 'I click on GitLab API doc directory in README' do
click_link "GitLab API doc directory"
step 'I should see correct doc/api directory rendered' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api")
expect(page).to have_content ""
expect(page).to have_content ""
step 'I click on Maintenance in README' do
click_link "Maintenance"
step 'I should see correct maintenance file rendered' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/raketasks/")
expect(page).to have_content "bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production"
step 'I click on link "empty" in the README' do
page.within('.readme-holder') do
click_link "empty"
step 'I click on link "id" in the README' do
page.within('.readme-holder') do
click_link "#id"
step 'I navigate to the doc/api/README' do
page.within '.tree-table' do
click_link "doc"
page.within '.tree-table' do
click_link "api"
page.within '.tree-table' do
click_link ""
step 'I see correct file rendered' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
expect(page).to have_content "Contents"
expect(page).to have_link "Users"
expect(page).to have_link "Rake tasks"
step 'I click on users in doc/api/README' do
click_link "Users"
step 'I should see the correct document file' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
expect(page).to have_content "Get a list of users."
step 'I click on raketasks in doc/api/README' do
click_link "Rake tasks"
# Markdown branch
When 'I visit markdown branch' do
visit project_tree_path(@project, "markdown")
When 'I visit markdown branch "" blob' do
visit project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/")
When 'I visit markdown branch "d" tree' do
visit project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/d")
When 'I visit markdown branch "d/" blob' do
visit project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/d/")
step 'I should see files from repository in markdown branch' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_tree_path(@project, "markdown")
expect(page).to have_content ""
expect(page).to have_content "CHANGELOG"
step 'I see correct file rendered in markdown branch' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
expect(page).to have_content "Contents"
expect(page).to have_link "Users"
expect(page).to have_link "Rake tasks"
step 'I should see correct document rendered for markdown branch' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
expect(page).to have_content "All API requests require authentication"
step 'I should see correct directory rendered for markdown branch' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/doc/raketasks")
expect(page).to have_content ""
expect(page).to have_content ""
step 'I should see the users document file in markdown branch' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
expect(page).to have_content "Get a list of users."
# Expected link contents
step 'The link with text "empty" should have url "tree/markdown"' do
find('a', text: /^empty$/)['href'] == current_host + project_tree_path(@project, "markdown")
step 'The link with text "empty" should have url "blob/markdown/"' do
find('a', text: /^empty$/)['href'] == current_host + project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/")
step 'The link with text "empty" should have url "tree/markdown/d"' do
find('a', text: /^empty$/)['href'] == current_host + project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/d")
step 'The link with text "empty" should have '\
'url "blob/markdown/d/"' do
find('a', text: /^empty$/)['href'] == current_host + project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/d/")
step 'The link with text "ID" should have url "tree/markdownID"' do
find('a', text: /^#id$/)['href'] == current_host + project_tree_path(@project, "markdown") + '#id'
step 'The link with text "/ID" should have url "tree/markdownID"' do
find('a', text: %r{^/#id$})['href'] == current_host + project_tree_path(@project, "markdown") + '#id'
step 'The link with text "README.mdID" '\
'should have url "blob/markdown/README.mdID"' do
find('a', text: /^$/)['href'] == current_host + project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/") + '#id'
step 'The link with text "d/README.mdID" should have '\
'url "blob/markdown/d/README.mdID"' do
find('a', text: %r{^d/$})['href'] == current_host + project_blob_path(@project, "d/markdown/") + '#id'
step 'The link with text "ID" should have url "blob/markdown/README.mdID"' do
find('a', text: /^#id$/)['href'] == current_host + project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/") + '#id'
step 'The link with text "/ID" should have url "blob/markdown/README.mdID"' do
find('a', text: %r{^/#id$})['href'] == current_host + project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/") + '#id'
# Wiki
step 'I go to wiki page' do
first(:link, "Wiki").click
expect(current_path).to eq project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
step 'I add various links to the wiki page' do
fill_in "wiki[content]", with: "[test](test)\n[GitLab API doc](api)\n[Rake tasks](raketasks)\n"
fill_in "wiki[message]", with: "Adding links to wiki"
page.within '.wiki-form' do
click_button "Create page"
step 'Wiki page should have added links' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
expect(page).to have_content "test GitLab API doc Rake tasks"
step 'I add a header to the wiki page' do
fill_in "wiki[content]", with: "# Wiki header\n"
fill_in "wiki[message]", with: "Add header to wiki"
page.within '.wiki-form' do
click_button "Create page"
step 'Wiki header should have correct id and link' do
header_should_have_correct_id_and_link(1, 'Wiki header', 'wiki-header')
step 'I click on test link' do
click_link "test"
step 'I see new wiki page named test' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_wiki_path(@project, "test")
page.within(:css, ".nav-text") do
expect(page).to have_content "Test"
expect(page).to have_content "Create Page"
When 'I go back to wiki page home' do
visit project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
expect(current_path).to eq project_wiki_path(@project, "home")
step 'I click on GitLab API doc link' do
click_link "GitLab API"
step 'I see Gitlab API document' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_wiki_path(@project, "api")
page.within(:css, ".nav-text") do
expect(page).to have_content "Create"
expect(page).to have_content "Api"
step 'I click on Rake tasks link' do
click_link "Rake tasks"
step 'I see Rake tasks directory' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_wiki_path(@project, "raketasks")
page.within(:css, ".nav-text") do
expect(page).to have_content "Create"
expect(page).to have_content "Rake"
step 'I go directory which contains README file' do
visit project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api")
expect(current_path).to eq project_tree_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api")
step 'I click on a relative link in README' do
click_link "Users"
step 'I should see the correct markdown' do
expect(current_path).to eq project_blob_path(@project, "markdown/doc/api/")
expect(page).to have_content "List users"
step 'Header "Application details" should have correct id and link' do
header_should_have_correct_id_and_link(2, 'Application details', 'application-details')
step 'Header "GitLab API" should have correct id and link' do
header_should_have_correct_id_and_link(1, 'GitLab API', 'gitlab-api')
module SharedMarkdown module SharedMarkdown
include Spinach::DSL include Spinach::DSL
def header_should_have_correct_id_and_link(level, text, id, parent = ".wiki")
node = find("#{parent} h#{level} a#user-content-#{id}")
expect(node[:href]).to end_with "##{id}"
# Work around a weird Capybara behavior where calling `parent` on a node
# returns the whole document, not the node's actual parent element
expect(find(:xpath, "#{node.path}/..").text).to eq text
step 'I should not see the Markdown preview' do step 'I should not see the Markdown preview' do
expect(find('.gfm-form .js-md-preview')).not_to be_visible expect(find('.gfm-form .js-md-preview')).not_to be_visible
end end
require 'spec_helper' require "spec_helper"
describe 'Projects > Files > User browses files' do describe "User browses files" do
let(:fork_message) do let(:fork_message) do
"You're not allowed to make changes to this project directly. "\ "You're not allowed to make changes to this project directly. "\
"A fork of this project has been created that you can make changes in, so you can submit a merge request." "A fork of this project has been created that you can make changes in, so you can submit a merge request."
end end
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, name: 'Shop') } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, name: "Shop") }
let(:project2) { create(:project, :repository, name: 'Another Project', path: 'another-project') } let(:project2) { create(:project, :repository, name: "Another Project", path: "another-project") }
let(:project2_tree_path_root_ref) { project_tree_path(project2, project2.repository.root_ref) }
let(:tree_path_ref_6d39438) { project_tree_path(project, '6d39438') }
let(:tree_path_root_ref) { project_tree_path(project, project.repository.root_ref) } let(:tree_path_root_ref) { project_tree_path(project, project.repository.root_ref) }
let(:user) { project.owner } let(:user) { project.owner }
...@@ -16,57 +14,55 @@ describe 'Projects > Files > User browses files' do ...@@ -16,57 +14,55 @@ describe 'Projects > Files > User browses files' do
sign_in(user) sign_in(user)
end end
it 'shows last commit for current directory' do it "shows last commit for current directory" do
visit(tree_path_root_ref) visit(tree_path_root_ref)
click_link 'files' click_link("files")
last_commit = project.repository.last_commit_for_path(project.default_branch, 'files') last_commit = project.repository.last_commit_for_path(project.default_branch, "files")
page.within('.blob-commit-info') do
expect(page).to have_content last_commit.short_id page.within(".blob-commit-info") do
expect(page).to have_content last_commit.author_name expect(page).to have_content(last_commit.short_id).and have_content(last_commit.author_name)
end end
end end
context 'when browsing the master branch' do context "when browsing the master branch" do
before do before do
visit(tree_path_root_ref) visit(tree_path_root_ref)
end end
it 'shows files from a repository' do it "shows files from a repository" do
expect(page).to have_content('VERSION') expect(page).to have_content("VERSION")
expect(page).to have_content('.gitignore') .and have_content(".gitignore")
expect(page).to have_content('LICENSE') .and have_content("LICENSE")
end end
it 'shows the "Browse Directory" link' do it "shows the `Browse Directory` link" do
click_link('files') click_link("files")
click_link('History') click_link("History")
expect(page).to have_link('Browse Directory') expect(page).to have_link("Browse Directory").and have_no_link("Browse Code")
expect(page).not_to have_link('Browse Code')
end end
it 'shows the "Browse File" link' do it "shows the `Browse File` link" do
page.within('.tree-table') do page.within(".tree-table") do
click_link('') click_link("")
end end
expect(page).to have_link('Browse File') click_link("History")
expect(page).not_to have_link('Browse Files')
expect(page).to have_link("Browse File").and have_no_link("Browse Files")
end end
it 'shows the "Browse Files" link' do it "shows the `Browse Files` link" do
click_link('History') click_link("History")
expect(page).to have_link('Browse Files') expect(page).to have_link("Browse Files").and have_no_link("Browse Directory")
expect(page).not_to have_link('Browse Directory')
end end
it 'redirects to the permalink URL' do it "redirects to the permalink URL" do
click_link('.gitignore') click_link(".gitignore")
click_link('Permalink') click_link("Permalink")
permalink_path = project_blob_path(project, "#{project.repository.commit.sha}/.gitignore") permalink_path = project_blob_path(project, "#{project.repository.commit.sha}/.gitignore")
...@@ -74,80 +70,180 @@ describe 'Projects > Files > User browses files' do ...@@ -74,80 +70,180 @@ describe 'Projects > Files > User browses files' do
end end
end end
context 'when browsing a specific ref' do context "when browsing the `markdown` branch", :js do
context "when browsing the root" do
before do before do
visit(tree_path_ref_6d39438) visit(project_tree_path(project, "markdown"))
it "shows correct files and links" do
# rubocop:disable Lint/Void
# Test the full URLs of links instead of relative paths by `have_link(text: "...", href: "...")`.
find("a", text: /^empty$/)["href"] == project_tree_url(project, "markdown")
find("a", text: /^#id$/)["href"] == project_tree_url(project, "markdown", anchor: "#id")
find("a", text: %r{^/#id$})["href"] == project_tree_url(project, "markdown", anchor: "#id")
find("a", text: /^$/)["href"] == project_blob_url(project, "markdown/", anchor: "#id")
find("a", text: %r{^d/$})["href"] == project_blob_url(project, "d/markdown/", anchor: "#id")
# rubocop:enable Lint/Void
expect(current_path).to eq(project_tree_path(project, "markdown"))
expect(page).to have_content("")
.and have_content("CHANGELOG")
.and have_content("Welcome to GitLab GitLab is a free project and repository management application")
.and have_link("GitLab API doc")
.and have_link("GitLab API website")
.and have_link("Rake tasks")
.and have_link("backup and restore procedure")
.and have_link("GitLab API doc directory")
.and have_link("Maintenance")
.and have_header_with_correct_id_and_link(2, "Application details", "application-details")
it "shows correct content of file" do
click_link("GitLab API doc")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_blob_path(project, "markdown/doc/api/"))
expect(page).to have_content("All API requests require authentication")
.and have_content("Contents")
.and have_link("Users")
.and have_link("Rake tasks")
.and have_header_with_correct_id_and_link(1, "GitLab API", "gitlab-api")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_blob_path(project, "markdown/doc/api/"))
expect(page).to have_content("Get a list of users.")
click_link("Rake tasks")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_tree_path(project, "markdown/doc/raketasks"))
expect(page).to have_content("").and have_content("")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_blob_path(project, "markdown/doc/raketasks/"))
expect(page).to have_content("bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production")
page.within(".tree-table") do
end end
it 'shows files from a repository for "6d39438"' do page.go_back
expect(current_path).to eq(tree_path_ref_6d39438)
expect(page).to have_content('.gitignore') page.within(".tree-table") do
expect(page).to have_content('LICENSE') click_link("d")
end end
it 'shows files from a repository with apostroph in its name', :js do # rubocop:disable Lint/Void
first('.js-project-refs-dropdown').click # Test the full URLs of links instead of relative paths by `have_link(text: "...", href: "...")`.
find("a", text: /^empty$/)["href"] == project_tree_url(project, "markdown/d")
# rubocop:enable Lint/Void
page.within(".tree-table") do
page.within('.project-refs-form') do # rubocop:disable Lint/Void
# Test the full URLs of links instead of relative paths by `have_link(text: "...", href: "...")`.
find("a", text: /^empty$/)["href"] == project_blob_url(project, "markdown/d/")
# rubocop:enable Lint/Void
it "shows correct content of directory" do
click_link("GitLab API doc directory")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_tree_path(project, "markdown/doc/api"))
expect(page).to have_content("").and have_content("")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_blob_path(project, "markdown/doc/api/"))
expect(page).to have_content("List users").and have_content("Get a list of users.")
context "when browsing a specific ref" do
let(:ref) { project_tree_path(project, "6d39438") }
before do
it "shows files from a repository for `6d39438`" do
expect(current_path).to eq(ref)
expect(page).to have_content(".gitignore").and have_content("LICENSE")
it "shows files from a repository with apostroph in its name", :js do
page.within(".project-refs-form") do
click_link("'test'") click_link("'test'")
end end
expect(page).to have_selector('.dropdown-toggle-text', text: "'test'") expect(page).to have_selector(".dropdown-toggle-text", text: "'test'")
visit(project_tree_path(project, "'test'")) visit(project_tree_path(project, "'test'"))
expect(page).to have_css('.tree-commit-link', visible: true) expect(page).to have_css(".tree-commit-link").and have_no_content("Loading commit data...")
expect(page).not_to have_content('Loading commit data...')
end end
it 'shows the code with a leading dot in the directory', :js do it "shows the code with a leading dot in the directory", :js do
first('.js-project-refs-dropdown').click first(".js-project-refs-dropdown").click
page.within('.project-refs-form') do page.within(".project-refs-form") do
click_link('fix') click_link("fix")
end end
visit(project_tree_path(project, 'fix/.testdir')) visit(project_tree_path(project, "fix/.testdir"))
expect(page).to have_css('.tree-commit-link', visible: true) expect(page).to have_css(".tree-commit-link").and have_no_content("Loading commit data...")
expect(page).not_to have_content('Loading commit data...')
end end
it 'does not show the permalink link' do it "does not show the permalink link" do
click_link('.gitignore') click_link(".gitignore")
expect(page).not_to have_link('permalink') expect(page).not_to have_link("permalink")
end end
end end
context 'when browsing a file content' do context "when browsing a file content" do
before do before do
visit(tree_path_root_ref) visit(tree_path_root_ref)
end end
it 'shows a file content', :js do it "shows a file content", :js do
wait_for_requests expect(page).to have_content("*.rbc")
expect(page).to have_content('*.rbc')
end end
it 'is possible to blame' do it "is possible to blame" do
click_link 'Blame' click_link("Blame")
expect(page).to have_content "*.rb" expect(page).to have_content("*.rb")
expect(page).to have_content "Dmitriy Zaporozhets" .and have_content("Dmitriy Zaporozhets")
expect(page).to have_content "Initial commit" .and have_content("Initial commit")
end end
end end
context 'when browsing a raw file' do context "when browsing a raw file" do
before do before do
visit(project_blob_path(project, File.join(, RepoHelpers.sample_blob.path))) path = File.join(, RepoHelpers.sample_blob.path)
visit(project_blob_path(project, path))
end end
it 'shows a raw file content' do it "shows a raw file content" do
click_link('Open raw') click_link("Open raw")
expect(source).to eq('') # Body is filled in by gitlab-workhorse
expect(source).to eq("") # Body is filled in by gitlab-workhorse
end end
end end
end end
require 'spec_helper' require "spec_helper"
describe 'User creates wiki page' do describe "User creates wiki page" do
let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:user) { create(:user) }
before do before do
...@@ -10,67 +10,104 @@ describe 'User creates wiki page' do ...@@ -10,67 +10,104 @@ describe 'User creates wiki page' do
visit(project_wikis_path(project)) visit(project_wikis_path(project))
end end
context 'when wiki is empty' do context "when wiki is empty" do
context 'in a user namespace' do context "in a user namespace" do
let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) }
it 'shows validation error message' do it "shows validation error message" do
page.within('.wiki-form') do page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: '') fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "")
click_on('Create page')
click_on("Create page")
end end
expect(page).to have_content('The form contains the following error:') expect(page).to have_content("The form contains the following error:").and have_content("Content can't be blank")
expect(page).to have_content("Content can't be blank")
page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "[link test](test)")
page.within('.wiki-form') do click_on("Create page")
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: '[link test](test)')
click_on('Create page')
end end
expect(page).to have_content('Home') expect(page).to have_content("Home").and have_content("link test")
expect(page).to have_content('link test')
click_link('link test') click_link("link test")
expect(page).to have_content('Create Page') expect(page).to have_content("Create Page")
end end
it 'shows non-escaped link in the pages list', :js do it "shows non-escaped link in the pages list", :js do
click_link('New page') click_link("New page")
page.within('#modal-new-wiki') do page.within("#modal-new-wiki") do
fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: 'one/two/three-test') fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: "one/two/three-test")
click_on('Create page')
click_on("Create page")
end end
page.within('.wiki-form') do page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'wiki content') fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "wiki content")
click_on('Create page')
click_on("Create page")
end end
expect(current_path).to include('one/two/three-test') expect(current_path).to include("one/two/three-test")
expect(page).to have_xpath("//a[@href='/#{project.full_path}/wikis/one/two/three-test']") expect(page).to have_xpath("//a[@href='/#{project.full_path}/wikis/one/two/three-test']")
end end
it 'has "Create home" as a commit message' do it "has `Create home` as a commit message" do
expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Create home') expect(page).to have_field("wiki[message]", with: "Create home")
it "creates a page from the home page" do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "[test](test)\n[GitLab API doc](api)\n[Rake tasks](raketasks)\n# Wiki header\n")
fill_in(:wiki_message, with: "Adding links to wiki")
page.within(".wiki-form") do
click_button("Create page")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, "home"))
expect(page).to have_content("test GitLab API doc Rake tasks Wiki header")
.and have_content("Home")
.and have_content("Last edited by #{}")
.and have_header_with_correct_id_and_link(1, "Wiki header", "wiki-header")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, "test"))
page.within(:css, ".nav-text") do
expect(page).to have_content("Test").and have_content("Create Page")
end end
it 'creates a page from the home page' do click_link("Home")
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!')
page.within('.wiki-form') do expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, "home"))
click_button('Create page')
click_link("GitLab API")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, "api"))
page.within(:css, ".nav-text") do
expect(page).to have_content("Create").and have_content("Api")
end end
expect(page).to have_content('Home') click_link("Home")
expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}")
expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, "home"))
click_link("Rake tasks")
expect(current_path).to eq(project_wiki_path(project, "raketasks"))
page.within(:css, ".nav-text") do
expect(page).to have_content("Create").and have_content("Rake")
end end
it 'creates ASCII wiki with LaTeX blocks', :js do it "creates ASCII wiki with LaTeX blocks", :js do
stub_application_setting(plantuml_url: 'http://localhost', plantuml_enabled: true) stub_application_setting(plantuml_url: "http://localhost", plantuml_enabled: true)
ascii_content = <<~MD ascii_content = <<~MD
:stem: latexmath :stem: latexmath
...@@ -90,153 +127,164 @@ describe 'User creates wiki page' do ...@@ -90,153 +127,164 @@ describe 'User creates wiki page' do
stem:[2+2] is 4 stem:[2+2] is 4
find('#wiki_format option[value=asciidoc]').select_option find("#wiki_format option[value=asciidoc]").select_option
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: ascii_content) fill_in(:wiki_content, with: ascii_content)
page.within('.wiki-form') do page.within(".wiki-form") do
click_button('Create page') click_button("Create page")
end end
page.within '.wiki' do page.within ".wiki" do
expect(page).to have_selector('.katex', count: 3) expect(page).to have_selector(".katex", count: 3).and have_content("2+2 is 4")
expect(page).to have_content('2+2 is 4')
end end
end end
end end
context 'in a group namespace', :js do context "in a group namespace", :js do
let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: create(:group, :public)) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: create(:group, :public)) }
it 'has "Create home" as a commit message' do it "has `Create home` as a commit message" do
expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Create home') expect(page).to have_field("wiki[message]", with: "Create home")
end end
it 'creates a page from from the home page' do it "creates a page from from the home page" do
page.within('.wiki-form') do page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!') fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "My awesome wiki!")
click_button('Create page')
click_button("Create page")
end end
expect(page).to have_content('Home') expect(page).to have_content("Home")
expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}") .and have_content("Last edited by #{}")
expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') .and have_content("My awesome wiki!")
end end
end end
end end
context 'when wiki is not empty', :js do context "when wiki is not empty", :js do
before do before do
create(:wiki_page, wiki: create(:project, namespace: user.namespace).wiki, attrs: { title: 'home', content: 'Home page' }) create(:wiki_page, wiki: create(:project, namespace: user.namespace).wiki, attrs: { title: "home", content: "Home page" })
end end
context 'in a user namespace' do context "in a user namespace" do
let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: user.namespace) }
context 'via the "new wiki page" page' do context "via the `new wiki page` page" do
it 'creates a page with a single word' do it "creates a page with a single word" do
click_link('New page') click_link("New page")
page.within('#modal-new-wiki') do page.within("#modal-new-wiki") do
fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: 'foo') fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: "foo")
click_button('Create page')
click_button("Create page")
end end
# Commit message field should have correct value. # Commit message field should have correct value.
expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Create foo') expect(page).to have_field("wiki[message]", with: "Create foo")
page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "My awesome wiki!")
page.within('.wiki-form') do click_button("Create page")
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!')
click_button('Create page')
end end
expect(page).to have_content('Foo') expect(page).to have_content("Foo")
expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}") .and have_content("Last edited by #{}")
expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') .and have_content("My awesome wiki!")
end end
it 'creates a page with spaces in the name' do it "creates a page with spaces in the name" do
click_link('New page') click_link("New page")
page.within('#modal-new-wiki') do page.within("#modal-new-wiki") do
fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: 'Spaces in the name') fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: "Spaces in the name")
click_button('Create page')
click_button("Create page")
end end
# Commit message field should have correct value. # Commit message field should have correct value.
expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Create spaces in the name') expect(page).to have_field("wiki[message]", with: "Create spaces in the name")
page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "My awesome wiki!")
page.within('.wiki-form') do click_button("Create page")
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!')
click_button('Create page')
end end
expect(page).to have_content('Spaces in the name') expect(page).to have_content("Spaces in the name")
expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}") .and have_content("Last edited by #{}")
expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') .and have_content("My awesome wiki!")
end end
it 'creates a page with hyphens in the name' do it "creates a page with hyphens in the name" do
click_link('New page') click_link("New page")
page.within('#modal-new-wiki') do page.within("#modal-new-wiki") do
fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: 'hyphens-in-the-name') fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: "hyphens-in-the-name")
click_button('Create page')
click_button("Create page")
end end
# Commit message field should have correct value. # Commit message field should have correct value.
expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Create hyphens in the name') expect(page).to have_field("wiki[message]", with: "Create hyphens in the name")
page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "My awesome wiki!")
page.within('.wiki-form') do click_button("Create page")
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!')
click_button('Create page')
end end
expect(page).to have_content('Hyphens in the name') expect(page).to have_content("Hyphens in the name")
expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}") .and have_content("Last edited by #{}")
expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') .and have_content("My awesome wiki!")
end end
end end
it 'shows the autocompletion dropdown' do it "shows the autocompletion dropdown" do
click_link('New page') click_link("New page")
page.within('#modal-new-wiki') do page.within("#modal-new-wiki") do
fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: 'test-autocomplete') fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: "test-autocomplete")
click_button('Create page')
click_button("Create page")
end end
page.within('.wiki-form') do page.within(".wiki-form") do
find('#wiki_content').native.send_keys('') find("#wiki_content").native.send_keys("")
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: '@')
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "@")
end end
expect(page).to have_selector('.atwho-view') expect(page).to have_selector(".atwho-view")
end end
end end
context 'in a group namespace' do context "in a group namespace" do
let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: create(:group, :public)) } let(:project) { create(:project, namespace: create(:group, :public)) }
context 'via the "new wiki page" page' do context "via the `new wiki page` page" do
it 'creates a page' do it "creates a page" do
click_link('New page') click_link("New page")
page.within('#modal-new-wiki') do page.within("#modal-new-wiki") do
fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: 'foo') fill_in(:new_wiki_path, with: "foo")
click_button('Create page')
click_button("Create page")
end end
# Commit message field should have correct value. # Commit message field should have correct value.
expect(page).to have_field('wiki[message]', with: 'Create foo') expect(page).to have_field("wiki[message]", with: "Create foo")
page.within(".wiki-form") do
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: "My awesome wiki!")
page.within('.wiki-form') do click_button("Create page")
fill_in(:wiki_content, with: 'My awesome wiki!')
click_button('Create page')
end end
expect(page).to have_content('Foo') expect(page).to have_content("Foo")
expect(page).to have_content("Last edited by #{}") .and have_content("Last edited by #{}")
expect(page).to have_content('My awesome wiki!') .and have_content("My awesome wiki!")
end end
end end
end end
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